So today is my birthday, I m to start on Tuesday. This is the official one year mark of trying, or so I think. We were NTNP till November so some might count that. I ended up two weeks late in Feb/March and had to take medicine to kick start my cycle again and it jacked me all up. Was only having two week cycles, I am finally at 25 day cycles now. I was really hoping this was it but today, once again on my birthday, went to the bathroom and spotting, so I am starting on my birthday. Mother nature had to send a gift. I have been very positive this whole year, my hubs and I have kept things lite and stress free. I want my baby, I really don't want to go to the doctor and take meds so I am looking into some more natural ways. Maybe this is implantation? I really hope so, I had great feelings this cycle but no there is some spotting. Not the gift I wanted.
I just.... I just want what everyone on here wants. I want my little miracle, my bundle of joy. Tired of seeing people become parents who shouldn't be. I work at a Children's Hospital, I see so much good and bad those who should never be near children. Yet I see so many people who should be parents and can't or get them taken away from them. I just don't understand.
My vent.