BFN. Third IUI failed. Good thing my insesitive pregnant friend is nagging me to get together. Listening to her go on and on about her pregnancy (where she conceived FIRST TRY) and her two year old son should make me feel better, right?
Seriously, how can I politely tell her to bugger off without ruining the friendship?
I was meant to finish work last week for my maternity leave, but obviously that didn't happen so instead I bought cake for everyone at work. My friend who knows all about my ttc journey, knows why I bought the cake and is 4 months pregnant herself told me she wouldn't have any cake as she "had a wedding at the weekend and can't fit in any of my dresses for it". With a smile on my face I told her to f-off. She thought I was joking and walked away laughing! This is the same girl who slapped her scan picture in front of me 6 days after 2nd mc and said 'check this out!!!'
Insensitive. Much.