Not sure you know, but sometimes they used Clomid for guys with sperm issues and testosterone, as it does not cause infertility, like test therapies.
Nazz4, I totally get, saying you care is one thing, but you need to walk the walk too! My DH acts like that too. I will do this and that, we are in it together, but sometimes I feel all alone...
m4e, I am not in the same situation, but we have been 3 years NTNP, followed by 1.5 years TTC, it gets really frustrating NEVER having BFP!! My DH will get tested soon. But I suspect it's been me all along. My mum had 3 MCs, but she got pregnant a few times on her own (trying a while), once with meds. Weboth have PCOS. I am after 3 rounds of Clomid w/TI. More tests now, went through bloodwork, seems pretty ok, and saline sono, which was great (results). Ughh. Once my DH manages to get his test done (and he had been suffering from low drive, I want him to get tested for testosterone), ugh, just to get that man to the doctor... Next, my HSG. Then IUI w/Letrozole in February, hoping. If all pans out.