Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

Idk why I scroll through fb it only depresses me. A girl I know had her baby today & of course 100s of pics across my newsfeed :( ... ugg! I keep asking God what the hell I ever did to deserve this crap :(
Idk why I scroll through fb it only depresses me. A girl I know had her baby today & of course 100s of pics across my newsfeed :( ... ugg! I keep asking God what the hell I ever did to deserve this crap :(

Try having a friend sending you pictures of her ultrasound. :growlmad:
That's crappy wishing :( I have a sis constantly bragging about her pregnancy & waving around her ultrasounds :/....
Its horrible feeling. Even tough we feel the same way, at least your sister is excited. My friend isn't. Only about 10 or less than 10 know about her pregnancy. She's hiding her pregnancy.

Shit if I was pregnant I would wait until I'm 3 months & start telling the world! She knows I'm ttc and she's telling me its not worth it because she's always in pain.
I've gotten soo much pregnancy sucks these girls are going to be ashamed when I get pregnant. And there's no way I could hide my pregnancy my dh & I would be so over the moon. I hate that girls don't realize what a blessing they have. I would probably end up telling her off if I had a friend like that. Yah I have prego friends who complain but don't tell me it's not worth it. I've come close to bitching some ppl out for telling me how much pregnancy sucks. I know it won't be a walk in the park but I'd do anything to have what they have.
DH woke up from a dream about how I was pregnant and he saw the whole pregnancy through in it including us apparently having a baby girl, my mom was even there. Poor thing started crying after telling me the dream and meanwhile my bb's feel inflamed as they usually do before AF starts which is this weekend. I guess our hopes and goals in life are called dreams for a reason :/ some of them only exist when we sleep.
honestly im mad at myself. im sure i didnt conceive this month but i still cant shake that tiny bit of hope saying "but maybe!". i keep telling myself not to get my hopes up because its only going to crush me when AF shows up and as much as i try reasoning with myself i still cant shake it! :cry:
honestly im mad at myself. im sure i didnt conceive this month but i still cant shake that tiny bit of hope saying "but maybe!". i keep telling myself not to get my hopes up because its only going to crush me when AF shows up and as much as i try reasoning with myself i still cant shake it! :cry:

This is exactly how I feel today, too. I know AF is coming. But I can't shake the false hope. :(
MC'd 9/26 at 5weeks. had first period 10/27 and expecting next period next week. We
"Played" every other day last week which was my fertile window. Now I'm starting to have light cramps, heavy pressure in uterus and twinge like feelings in my ovaries!!! Anyone know what this means? Could it be PMS? Could I be pregnant? when should I test? I'm so nervous from the last time
Hello ladies. I need some help, if it's possible.

The witch came on the 14 and went away on the 17. Now on the 19 and today, the 20th, I've been seeing some brownish color mixed with cm. I only see it when I wipe. At times its red/pinkish.

Does anyone know what that is? I haven't BD in liike 3 days.
MC'd 9/26 at 5weeks. had first period 10/27 and expecting next period next week. We
"Played" every other day last week which was my fertile window. Now I'm starting to have light cramps, heavy pressure in uterus and twinge like feelings in my ovaries!!! Anyone know what this means? Could it be PMS? Could I be pregnant? when should I test? I'm so nervous from the last time

If you O'd around the 10th then you'd be about 10 dpo. I got my BFaintP at 9 dpo last month. Unfortunately, like you, I mc'd at 5 weeks as well. I'm at 8 dpo today, hoping for a BFP this week but not getting my hopes up.
Fx for you!! Good luck!
I'm supposed to be taking a friend of mines cat since she doesn't have time for it having 3 kids she then proceeded to say it's good I'm childless so I have time for a cat :( I know she has no idea about us ttc or anything & didn't mean anything by it but that reminder was a big blow. I hate when anyone points it out regardless of whether or not they know it's a stab in the heart.
I know how you feel Jett55. There's this one guy who lives across the street from me. I've known him since I was little. He would ask when I'm going to have a kid or if I'm pregnant because there is always one person on our street that we know is pregnant. Everyone is having a kid. A old friend, a friendship that she ruined by trying to ruin my relationship with my hubby and stealing my iPod, that I no longer care about is 3 weeks behind from the friend I've mentioned before of her being 4 months by now I believe.

It sucks ttc. I'm always staring at babies and toddlers when I'm on the train. I would imagine myself being the one traveling with a mini me or the husband, talking to him or her and see people awing my kid.

Lately my dreams have been all about getting pregnant, finding out I'm pregnant or me having my second one. I have also notice I would have a little boy name Lucas or Caleb. Why can't my dreams come true already?! But let my hubby be the daddy and not the guys I've been dreaming about, lol.
Okay, gonna give this venting thing a try. So we've been TTC#1 for 7 months with zero luck. I recently had an ultrasound which showed my right ovary enlarged with multiple cysts and my day 3 bloodwork came back with high estradiol and FSH levels - 88 and 8.4 respectively. Online, I'm reading that an estradiol level of under 50 is ideal and over 75 indicates low ovarian reserve - but I only just turned 30 years old!! CD21 test showed FSH higher than LH, which is also bad apparently.

My gyno's advice is to just keep trying for now, but I'm worried the cysts and blood tests indicate a problem. It's unclear what type of cysts I have - are they related to PCOS? I'm thin, but have other symptoms - bad hormonal acne and shedding hair. Or are those coincidences? Am I ovulating (I get positive OPK's most months) or are the cysts from eggs that aren't actually maturing?

I hate to keep waiting in case something's really wrong. Maybe a reproductive endocrinologist would actually take the time to confirm ovulation or lack thereof. But maybe they would think I'm crazy for coming in after just 7 months. I'm eating a super-clean diet, exercising, *trying* not to stress - but nothing's working and I don't know what to do next!

Sorry for the rant, but it feels good to get this stuff off my chest. :wacko:
Just when we start to think things are going in a positive direction.... BAM abnormal uterine cavity shown during my SIS. So now we won't be starting injectable meds til January. This month marks our 2 years of TTC.
I hate hate hate that the meetings I have to go to as mayor of my village on post (army wife) means I have to sit with four-six pregnant women then everyone else with their children they have already. Living on post pregnancy IS EVERYWHERE. Just leave me alone cruel fate ;(
Hey guys! I’m new to this site. I am 19 and me and my husband have been TTC for almost 2 years. I started having irregular cycles in February and didn’t have a period from April to august when my bc pill started making me. Even with the BC my periods were irregular. I got off after 3 periods. Which was in September. I didn’t have one in October but I Finally had a period this month! It was very exciting. I went and saw a third doctor today and this one actually is trying to help me. She ordered a full work up of all my hormones and referred me to an OB/GYN so I am very excited and thankful for her!

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