Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

so just started ttc but i need to let this out! im tired of people telling me to wait or to hurry up eat this dont eat that drink this dont drink that! F**K leave me alone im 27yrs old i dont have all the money "i should" i dont have the "dream" job but what i do have is a wonderful husband that i love to the moon and back and thats enough for me cuz i feel like the pieces will fall into places and if they dont i will put them into place. What gives people the right to tell ME when im ready to have a baby. Also i cant "hurry up" and get prego wtf it will happen when it happens. just annoyed with all that

also confession....i've had mc and mc/abortion does this make me a horrible peron the first mc i was 19-20 partying all the time and i didn't know i was prego until it was to late by that meaning i went to pee and wiped and saw a fetus the size of a quarter is was horrible and traumatic and they way i got through it was by telling myself i was better off cuz my boyfriend at the time was a dick and i was to young and then i let myself forget about it second mc i had just met my future hubby been dating a few months a got prego i was on the fence about it and i was thinking maybe just an abortion because i wasn't ready to be a mom and here i am with this guy i barely knew i went in to planned parent hood to get checked and to weigh my options and we made the choice to have an abortion we talked to my baby and told it we were sorry that we just wouldn't be able to care for it the way we should. When i went back a week later for the abortion ready to tell them i changed my mind they did an ultrasound and i had lost the baby and needed to get the abortion anyway it was a horrible experience. maybe some would think that i got what i wanted and why should i be sad i wasn't going to keep it well if you have never had to make that choice u dont understand but then to actually feel guilty and change your mind and start to get excited for to just be taken away was hard i cried for months and me and the DH still pray for the baby. i just need to get that off my chest.

now its out there and i think i can let it go and actually relax during my tww

Hey ladies... I understand all of your fustration i been ttcing for 15 months. Im so confused and lost i feel like just giving up!!!! I tried everything from vitex, epo, soy iso, geritol, castor oil pks. and tthe list can go on. My doc only tells me to keep trying and because were a young couple she wont allow us to use any fertility meds!!!! My cycle seems to be getting irregular as the month go by as where before "trying" it was pretty NORMAL for me!!!!! Ugggh so irriating!!!! My doc is keep suggesting bc to regulate my cycle... BUT IM LIKE WAIT ISNT THAT THE OPPISITE EFFECT I WANT THATS LIKE PREVENTING...RIGHT???!!! Its really beginning to put strain on my relationship seriously... I dont know if its stress or my body is off balance somethings wrong. Then some months my mine and eyes play tricks on me, i believe im ovulating but i dont see no ewcm, then other months i see ewcm but no signs of ovulation. OH PLEASE BODY GIVE ME A BREAK BE EITHER GOOD OR BAD STOP DRIVING ME CRAZY... LOL had a moment there :). Now im on cd 3. gotta do this all over again so tiring and if no luck this month iits gonna make 16 months ttc... Yes ladies im counting all minutes, seconds, and days im getting obsessed... Please dont even let me get on the dumb opks i dont know positive for negatives there so unpredictable!!!! (swwwwwwh) ok. I can write a whole dictionary on my rant but let me stop here!!!!!!
Go ahead lining of my uterus.... Just go right on and shed again this month like you have the other 30 freaking cycles!

No need to worry about there being a bean implanted in there because i can't freaking get pregnant obviously even though nobody can find a freaking issue with us...

So go ahead
Okay never done this before and not sure how it works but I have lots of questions. I got pregnant with my first daughter a month after my husband and I were married (first time trying). This past month we tried to conceive based on when I should ov (actually we did it like everyday). According to charts implantation could occur yesterday or today and last night I experienced cramps with bleeding that seemed mucousy. This morning no cramping and light spotting...I wanted a baby so bad but whatever is happening to me makes me think I've missed my shot or failed. It is 6 days early for my period and I have no idea if I have implantation bleeding or period. SOS someone...I wasted tons of money last month on preggo tests and don't wanna do it again this month! anyone have advice? I didn't implantation bleed with my first but people tell me all pregnancies are diff...also women in my family have never had a hard time getting mom says if u look at one of us we get preggo. I also have taken naps everyday nothing seems to taste good and I have a horrible cold when I rarely get sick.
I am over this fucking ttc..... I hate the fact that I can`t fucking seem to get pregnant. CD 19 and I can`t get a positive fucking OPK. CD19! I just want to o so i can feel like i have some hope. I just keep getting almost positives. Looks like this next month will consist of dieting and excercising. Hopefully I can lose 100 pounds in a few months so i can ttc later this....
Go ahead lining of my uterus.... Just go right on and shed again this month like you have the other 30 freaking cycles!

No need to worry about there being a bean implanted in there because i can't freaking get pregnant obviously even though nobody can find a freaking issue with us...

So go ahead

Ahh Brittany! You sound like I feel! My sodding lining with shred too next week. Blah this is sooo rubbish ! Xx
I have been absent for a while because as we all know TTC can take it toll on us mentally and physically. My doctor told us to take the month of December off and change from Clomid to Lethrezole in January and do our 5th IUI. Well I can honestly say 4 days before my period I started to spot and my whole world fell apart. I was so upset and so moody and my husband finally confessed that he just can't handle any more IUI's right now and he needed to take a break from it all and just live our lives. So just when I thought our journey was over I waited the full two weeks and took a blood test to get a 71 Beta score. Now for the previous four IUI's my beta score was always told to me as "less than one" and when you say 71 out loud they are very similiar. I called the med lab 3 times to confirm it was the number 71 which occurs after 70. I was in total shock and I phoned 6 pl at midnight when I got the results and nobody would pick up. :-) We are just one month pregnant now so my husband, mom and BF know and that is enough for now until we get through the first trimester. 3 years, PCOS, 5 IUI's, 10 ultrasounds and tubes tests, 5 blood work up sheets, and 9 vitamins a day and I am finally pregnant!!
So this 17 year old girl I work with has a 3 year old. She is now 2.5 months pregnant with baby #2. Well was. She came to me a month ago bragging how she was pregnant knowing that my dh and i have been trying for 2 yrs to get prego. She told me she didn`t even want it. Well today she went to indy to get an abortion. am i awful for not even wanting to work with her? she works with me this weekend and i plan on not going that day. i cant stand to look at her. :( why is my luck so shitty? i am 23 and should not have all of these fucking issues. i dont think my husband and i will ever get the chance to have our little family.
ive been trying to conceive for 6 months now and recently found out my husband has 0% morphology and white blood cells in semen and thats the reason were not conceiving.. Dr. put him on Antibiotics for a month twice a day- is anyone else in the same boat as me??
I have been absent for a while because as we all know TTC can take it toll on us mentally and physically. My doctor told us to take the month of December off and change from Clomid to Lethrezole in January and do our 5th IUI. Well I can honestly say 4 days before my period I started to spot and my whole world fell apart. I was so upset and so moody and my husband finally confessed that he just can't handle any more IUI's right now and he needed to take a break from it all and just live our lives. So just when I thought our journey was over I waited the full two weeks and took a blood test to get a 71 Beta score. Now for the previous four IUI's my beta score was always told to me as "less than one" and when you say 71 out loud they are very similiar. I called the med lab 3 times to confirm it was the number 71 which occurs after 70. I was in total shock and I phoned 6 pl at midnight when I got the results and nobody would pick up. :-) We are just one month pregnant now so my husband, mom and BF know and that is enough for now until we get through the first trimester. 3 years, PCOS, 5 IUI's, 10 ultrasounds and tubes tests, 5 blood work up sheets, and 9 vitamins a day and I am finally pregnant!!

Congrats hunny! I have PCOS too do you have any tips? :baby::happydance::thumbup:
So royally ticked off right now. I was having a discussion with a friend on her post that she made about "What not to say to people who are grieving" and someone bumped in saying how people who've had miscarriages should be grateful because she had to give birth to a stillborn. So tired of this "you pain is invalid because mine was bigger" attitude recently. You can't compare the two because you're not in the person's shoes who m/c nor could I ever possibly comprehend how it feels to give birth to a stillborn. Try saying that to someone who'd be ttc for number of years that her m/c wasn't a big deal. My m/c put me through a 2 month full on depression before starting to see the light again and even then I still haven't fully recovered.

She suffered a loss so she of all people should have known not to belittle other people's losses no matter how "small".
Agggh. I really don't need this!!

Why does my partners ex think she has the right to tell my partner he shouldn't have anymore kids?

My partner has an amazing 12 year old son. We get him every other weekend, half of school holidays and any time she wants to go away with her wife as she needs a break.

My partner pays child support. He buy school books, uniforms and shoes. He also pays for half of sporting, extra activities and medical expensives.

She has ask my partner to go halves in an Ipad and partner has said no. I have already spent upwards of $700.00 for back to school. I can't afford it.

This was when she replied If you cant help with yopu sons necessities, You should have any more kids.

She knows we have been TTC. So I thought that comment was especially harsh.

When does it stop? When do we get to save (for probable IVF to have babies) or go on holidays?
I am so, so hurt right now. I have hit the ten month mark TTC, and just saw another person's pregnancy announcement on Facebook. I honestly felt like punching my computer screen. How much disappointment can a girl take? Why do they get to pregnant and I don't? What the hell have I done to the universe that we can't make a baby, but this one girl who bounces from relationship to relationship gets pregnant accidentally?

I know it sounds horrible, but I hate finding out when other people in my life are pregnant. It hurts my heart so badly. I just want to cry.

Hey girl! I feel you, I don't get on fb because of that reason, I however have a friend that does that same exact thing, had her first at age 17, then when she turned 20 had a relationship with a 16 yr old! and had a kid with him recently, got into a relationship with a another guy and just had her kid like 2 weeks ago, by 3 different guys by the age of 22! WTF! ughhh! I however, my dada left when I was a baby, God take most of my family away, my mom dies in 2011 when i was 18, recently my hair started falling off, I been having stupid drama with my bf dumb dramatic family ( his sister in law, nieces, and mother) I been through so much pain, I can't anymore. I feel like I have no reason to live:cry:
Waiting for AF to get me. It got me the other 30 th months or so. Why do I put myself through this waiting hell. Oh yeah... Because you just never know do you.
Why do I feel insane every month. I have all these symptoms. Crampy, dizzy, gassy, bloated, sleepless nights, hot flashes. Then it all comes down to a bfn.

I hate that I do this to myself.

How do you cope? Does anyone else feel crazy when they know for sure they're pregnant only to get a bfn?
Hi Ladies,

I think this is the only way I truly be me, and not sound anti Christian or like i'm envious of my friends and family that can have babies. I'm just fed up with the hopes of having my baby. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 22, since then I have 3 different partners, and i'v tried to have kids with them and nothing. I even went to an infertility clinic ran tests to get IUI started and boom, my husband at the time and I get separated, I was so close, 2 weeks close to have my dream come true. shattered, my heart my hopes everything I ever wanted even just one-gone. Since then I now have a bf that has 2 kids, he wants 2, great father, everything I can ask for, and I can't have my baby. I've done 10 cycles of clomid in the past, then got on the bc again, now got off last July and for the past 3 months I've been having my own period. the doc gave me 2000 of metformin and 100 of clomid, honestly I haven't take the metformin as indicated, only 1000, bad side effects, but it's been 3 cycles nothing, I don't even know if I am ovulating. I think i'm,done...I want to disappear, die somewhere where no one knows me and cries for me. I have asked God, cried, pleaded, everything you name it, and I guess i'm not worthy of it. everyone around me has their family, and I have to sit and smile and be a great supporting friend, and then cry behind close doors. I feel a stab everytime i'm asked when, when when? i'm 32 I don't have much time-after 35 they say all goes down hill, I read the BFP and think, why not me? what have I done? just one healthy baby. just one. I don't want anything anymore, no job no house no car no bf I don't even want to shower(tmi sorry). I want to go into a hole and die there. I hate my life, i'm sorry if i'm selfish, but dam wtf.

hope you guys have better luck. thanks.
Can't wait to get my bfp:) vitamin b6 has been increasing my luteal phase and been regulating my periods!:)

I hope to have a bfp before my 20th birthday in may
CD26 and 7dpo. Woke up from a nap and my panties had a bunch of pinky orange discharge on them. When i checked my cm it is creamy like with red blood. I am having some cramping on the right side. But other than that there is nothing else...

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