Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

Nazz- I have said the same exact thing. I run an employment office and the young people that come in think they are entitled to everything. Didn't graduate high school, no GED, no work experience yet they think they should be making $12+/hr. I normally say to them I'm sorry but you're being unrealistic.
My DH is the same way. He says he is into it but he does not care when my AF is. He assumes anytime we fight that it is because of AF. He is also a smoker and says he is trying to quit but makes no sign of letting up. Have fertility appt on the 6th and he has agreed to getting tested but he is scared that we are not going to get pregnant because of him. I think it is probably me. I have groin/pelvic pain that is present a lot of the time mostly on my right side that has not been diagnosed as anything. Hoping if there is something wrong that it is an easy fix. FX that we get some answers on Thursday. My mom also had a couple of miscarriages.

I am having a lap done tomorrow because I have the same thing. As soon as I went off Bc I started getting an annoying and sometimes painful stabbing sensation mostly around (what feels like) my right ovary 90% of the time. Once and awhile my left ovary will jump in on the fun too. If they do find anything during my lap (which I'm thinking would be endo), I will let you know..... if you want to know? :flower:

Hi ladies just came across this thread such great posts!... I have also started to get painful stabbing pains in my ovaries which seems most of the month. Since getting off BC in March 2012 my period are few and far between. And the pain in my ovaries is soooo concerning!? I don't think i'm even ovulating. My Gyno has done some basic tests and just chalk it up to nothing. She says gain 5lbs but i'm not even under weight and just tells me to wait a few more months whenever I call with a concern. If i don't get some answers soon I'm switching docs. Having the pains in your ovaries for more than just ovulation time is not normal!!!:growlmad: How long did you have the pains before you doc started to take some action?

Have had this pain for several years, finally seeing the fertility doctor tomorrow and hoping he will do something.
My vent is that some people see there child as a fashion accessorie, doing there hair and make up then sitting taking pics in the mirror of them and there child! dressing there child in £70 outfits of male dresses and male tights, having a £950 pram bloody bragging about it when they don't work and are on benefits?!! makes them look stupid.

I have just been diagnosed with pcos and im sick of waiting for the letter of referral to my gyno'! stupid NHS! can't wait to be given some meds to help me ovulate, trying to conceive when i haven't had a period in months is hard and seems pointless :(

Hugs to everyone venting, its so annoying when you can't have something you want more than anything in the world xx
Christmas is in 20 days.. please please pleeeeeeeeeeeease let there be a miracle! After 3 years of TTC and one M/C I would be so greatful to not receive a single present or dollar from anyone if it means getting a BFP. Date of testing this month is the 23rd.

lots of :dust::dust: hope you get your Christmas miracle!
Flagirlie7 The crazy thing is, the people who have good jobs and need the fertility treatments will go broke if they keep having to pay 100% out of pocket. Then by the time they have a baby all of their savings is depleted because they spent it on five rounds of IVF. So its like why make these good, responsible people go broke trying to conceive? then they wont have any money left for when the baby is born and might have to go on welfare after the fact! It makes no sense.

Hi I am also an Army wife TTC makes it extra hard lately because my husband is out of state training and only see him once maybe twice a month. Just wanted to say hi to a fellow Army Wife :hugs:

Hi hun :hugs: I've barely seen my hubby for the past year that we've been married. Hes new to the army so he went from bootcamp, to AIT, then to Germany where he's been since JULY :wacko: Our one year anniversary is this month and it doesn't even feel like i've been married all this time! Hopefully i will finally get to germany this month :) Our anniversary is two days after christmas so i would love to be able to spend both of those days with him. But we'll see..
I can't even imagine being away from my husband for so long! You ladies are so strong.

My vent for today is...CRAMPS! Why??? So I'm not pregnant AND I get to suffer through another period??? Lucky me!

I know the feeling! My in the first year we were married he was gone more than he was here it is really hard! Good thing is when you see eachother your still in 'honeymoon' stage!! :)

My vent for the day my doc finally called me back and all she said is if i don't get my period this week to call and make an appointment! ughhhh! Everytime I call with a concern its always "oh just wait" i'm SICK of waiting been off BCP for 9 months now should be having more normal periods by now! Sick of her just brushing if off and she knows i'm TTC. Having only one normal period since March is not okay, and with cramps and pains in my ovaries... i know that and i'm not even a medical doc. !
Aah, Facebook, how I love thee... :wacko:

This is what a friend posted this evening:

There comes a point in life when fun no longer means clubbing, drinking or being out til 4am, or thinking about yourself! Fun means Disney movies, family dinners, bedtime stories, long cuddles, a messy house, sleeping by 10pm and hearing little voices say 'I love you'. Becoming a parent doesn't change you, it makes you realise that the little people that YOU created deserve the very best of your time. Repost if you get it. I hope I see this on the wall of every Mother and Father I know!

Is it an over-the-top reaction when I say that this makes me want to stick pins in my eyes!!! (And kick her, and everyone else who posts this, up the backside too!)

I especially love the 'thinking about yourself' bit - as if the people she knows who don't have kids are the most selfish feckers on the planet!! Grrr! :growlmad:

Little does she know that I already have a messy house (my husband & I are great at messing it up ourselves) and that we both get up at 5.30am for work, so we're always in bed by 10pm too! It seems that we have more in common than she realises! :winkwink: Sadly though, I will no longer be able to read her pearls of wisdom as I have hidden her from my facebook feed. :haha:
Aah, Facebook, how I love thee... :wacko:

This is what a friend posted this evening:

There comes a point in life when fun no longer means clubbing, drinking or being out til 4am, or thinking about yourself! Fun means Disney movies, family dinners, bedtime stories, long cuddles, a messy house, sleeping by 10pm and hearing little voices say 'I love you'. Becoming a parent doesn't change you, it makes you realise that the little people that YOU created deserve the very best of your time. Repost if you get it. I hope I see this on the wall of every Mother and Father I know!

Is it an over-the-top reaction when I say that this makes me want to stick pins in my eyes!!! (And kick her, and everyone else who posts this, up the backside too!)

I especially love the 'thinking about yourself' bit - as if the people she knows who don't have kids are the most selfish feckers on the planet!! Grrr! :growlmad:

Little does she know that I already have a messy house (my husband & I are great at messing it up ourselves) and that we both get up at 5.30am for work, so we're always in bed by 10pm too! It seems that we have more in common than she realises! :winkwink: Sadly though, I will no longer be able to read her pearls of wisdom as I have hidden her from my facebook feed. :haha:

That is really annoying... Those things have been my idea of fun for a long time, even though we don't have a kid. We drink MAYBE once a month if that, and even then it's not like we're out clubbing getting hammered, we're just relaxing. IMO it's selfish to automatically think people without a kid are selfish! Funny how that works...
My vent for today is that I have to wait a very long time just for the initial consults with the specialists we need to see.
8 to 10 month wait for the urologist.
7 to 8 month wait for the fertility specialist.

I am grateful for public healthcare, but at this moment, I wouldn't mind paying up if I could get in much sooner. I am going to be ripping my hair out for the next almost-year!
My vent for today is that I have to wait a very long time just for the initial consults with the specialists we need to see.
8 to 10 month wait for the urologist.
7 to 8 month wait for the fertility specialist.

I am grateful for public healthcare, but at this moment, I wouldn't mind paying up if I could get in much sooner. I am going to be ripping my hair out for the next almost-year!

:xmas22: I had no idea it takes that long!
Mimzy3 Omg I cant wait! I've spent so much money buying lingerie for our "Honeymoon" I have every kind you can imagine!! I'm trying to make TTC as fun as possible too, so I have a few other tricks up my sleeve as well.. Btw, i'm dying from horny-ness lol I have the female version of blue balls :haha: haha is there a scientific name for that???

m4e Thanks! I admire your strength as well and wish you the best in your journey :flower::hugs:
I can't even imagine being away from my husband for so long! You ladies are so strong.

My vent for today is...CRAMPS! Why??? So I'm not pregnant AND I get to suffer through another period??? Lucky me!

Hugs to you. Woke with cramps myself and I just knew that it was AF on her way. Now on to another fun filled game of trying again.:haha:
Christmas is in 20 days.. please please pleeeeeeeeeeeease let there be a miracle! After 3 years of TTC and one M/C I would be so greatful to not receive a single present or dollar from anyone if it means getting a BFP. Date of testing this month is the 23rd.

lots of :dust::dust: hope you get your Christmas miracle!

you too and everyone in this thread/website! :hugs:
Aah, Facebook, how I love thee... :wacko:

This is what a friend posted this evening:

There comes a point in life when fun no longer means clubbing, drinking or being out til 4am, or thinking about yourself! Fun means Disney movies, family dinners, bedtime stories, long cuddles, a messy house, sleeping by 10pm and hearing little voices say 'I love you'. Becoming a parent doesn't change you, it makes you realise that the little people that YOU created deserve the very best of your time. Repost if you get it. I hope I see this on the wall of every Mother and Father I know!

Is it an over-the-top reaction when I say that this makes me want to stick pins in my eyes!!! (And kick her, and everyone else who posts this, up the backside too!)

I especially love the 'thinking about yourself' bit - as if the people she knows who don't have kids are the most selfish feckers on the planet!! Grrr! :growlmad:

Little does she know that I already have a messy house (my husband & I are great at messing it up ourselves) and that we both get up at 5.30am for work, so we're always in bed by 10pm too! It seems that we have more in common than she realises! :winkwink: Sadly though, I will no longer be able to read her pearls of wisdom as I have hidden her from my facebook feed. :haha:

Or the "Share this picture if you love your son or daughter" blah.. I know we're all TTC trying to get to know the feeling of loving a child, but those are so obnoxious.
Hi all,Just need a little help!?,if someone can!..

So i was due to come on my period on 12th dec.. but was stunned when i found blood on my underwear on the 1st dec.. Now my periods are always 10days LATE!.. ive never ever been early !.. Me & my other half are ttc... been trying for months now!... Nothing seems to be happening much... so as ive started bleeding early i was wondering what it was??? im not thinking about it,so that couldnt of triggered my AF to come,(if it is AF,that is)

Someone please help!... Thank You !
Hi all,Just need a little help!?,if someone can!..

So i was due to come on my period on 12th dec.. but was stunned when i found blood on my underwear on the 1st dec.. Now my periods are always 10days LATE!.. ive never ever been early !.. Me & my other half are ttc... been trying for months now!... Nothing seems to be happening much... so as ive started bleeding early i was wondering what it was??? im not thinking about it,so that couldnt of triggered my AF to come,(if it is AF,that is)

Someone please help!... Thank You !

How close to the bleeding did you dtd? It could be many things...the top 2 common ones are implantation, a small tear from dtd (TMI: had my first one since I started dtd with my DH even before we started to TTC from not using enough lub). Some women also start spotting pre- AF during 2ww. Good luck getting the answer :hugs:
Hi all,Just need a little help!?,if someone can!..

So i was due to come on my period on 12th dec.. but was stunned when i found blood on my underwear on the 1st dec.. Now my periods are always 10days LATE!.. ive never ever been early !.. Me & my other half are ttc... been trying for months now!... Nothing seems to be happening much... so as ive started bleeding early i was wondering what it was??? im not thinking about it,so that couldnt of triggered my AF to come,(if it is AF,that is)

Someone please help!... Thank You !

How heavy is the bleeding and has it continued up until now? My first thought was that it could be breakthrough bleeding, as this happens sometimes,but you said you had been TTC for months. If you have been off the pill and your cycles have been regular (even though you report them being 10 days late), then I am not sure what it could be. If the bleeding has gotten heavier and has continued until now, it might not be implantation bleeding. Hope you find your answers too!
Mimzy3: It sounds like you need a new doctor. I hate when people push off your concerns. You and/or your insurance is paying them good money for their services, but they don't step up to the role they put themselves in!!

ChartsNHearts: I have seen that same posting about being a parent on my Facebook. The very people who share that are the same women who want to pass their kids off on others, complain about not having a life when not on Facebook, and try to make you feel bad for enjoying life!! WEll, guess what? You can have fun if you want to, but some women choose not to because they think their personal fun should end with motherhood, so they stay in, don't really socialize with anyone else but mothers (I have been made to feel isolated with some of my so called friends because I don't have kids), and then have a mid life crisis. The reason I would not really care about clubbing all that much is because I did so much partying in my 20s. If I never danced in a club again I wouldn't be devastated.

Pink Petals: That wait sucks. It makes me think what universal health care would look like in the United States.

babybemine: Sorry the freaking witch got you. Hopefully she is gone sooner than later!!!

To everyone: I hope the day finds you well. 2013 will hopefully be it for us.
:dust: to all.
MamaTex yes this is the last chance i'm giving her is she doesn't help me this time I'm switching docs. I've already starting looking around for a diff one.

And sooo true your comment about that is what universal health care would look like!! Scary to think about. But we would ALL have super long waits.

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