Aah, Facebook, how I love thee...
This is what a friend posted this evening:
There comes a point in life when fun no longer means clubbing, drinking or being out til 4am, or thinking about yourself! Fun means Disney movies, family dinners, bedtime stories, long cuddles, a messy house, sleeping by 10pm and hearing little voices say 'I love you'. Becoming a parent doesn't change you, it makes you realise that the little people that YOU created deserve the very best of your time. Repost if you get it. I hope I see this on the wall of every Mother and Father I know!
Is it an over-the-top reaction when I say that this makes me want to stick pins in my eyes!!! (And kick her, and everyone else who posts this, up the backside too!)
I especially love the 'thinking about yourself' bit - as if the people she knows who don't have kids are the most selfish feckers on the planet!! Grrr!
Little does she know that I already have a messy house (my husband & I are great at messing it up ourselves) and that we both get up at 5.30am for work, so we're always in bed by 10pm too! It seems that we have more in common than she realises!

Sadly though, I will no longer be able to read her pearls of wisdom as I have hidden her from my facebook feed.