Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

For me, under 18 months sounds like nothing. And I'm sure there are people out there who think my 3 years is nothing. I try to remember that TTC can be stressful regardless of how long you've been trying, but it can be frustrating. I just feel like saying, "Sorry, but that's nothin', honey." Honestly though, my advice to them would be LET IT BE FUN. After such a short period of time you most likely have no reason to believe something is wrong. Leave the worrying and stress for the slight possibility that you're still TTC in a year or 18 months or 3 years. After that long it's almost impossible to let it be fun, so relax and have normal sex with your patner.
My Christmas wish is that all you ladies I have come across on this website gets what they deserve. :hugs: Being on here has opened my eyes to the real struggles of women everywhere. Society wants to help the single young mother and give her everything (This is how it seems to be in the States. Not sure what goes on across the pond). The same support is not there for women who have issues with conceiving or women with losses. It's like we are forgotten. If I am ever blessed to carry a baby to term, I won't forget the road I traveled with other women.

You are absolutely right about that! There are so many programs and assistance type things out there for teen moms and single moms or low income families. And those things are all fine. It just doesn't make sense to have damn near free healthcare for irresponsible girls and women who will keep popping out kids at the taxpayers expense just to keep getting welfare but most insurance companies still wont pay for IUI or IVF, for people who have jobs and can actually take care of the kids they are trying to conceive. It just seems so backwards!

And THANK YOU to all the ladies who responded to my previous post! :flower: I love you all! :dust: for everybody lol

cntrygrl i DO NOT plan on going home during the deployment! And i don't want my mom coming to my house. But i know she probably will and i'll just have to suffer through that :dohh::growlmad:
m4e: I agree, at 18 months TTC, things are not as fun anymore... people always think it's fun no matter when/what, but not here...

and AlyCon: so TRUE! even though i have a great insurance, it does cost a lot and does not cover IF procedures... i have a great job, graduate education, above average income, but no...
Flagirlie7 The crazy thing is, the people who have good jobs and need the fertility treatments will go broke if they keep having to pay 100% out of pocket. Then by the time they have a baby all of their savings is depleted because they spent it on five rounds of IVF. So its like why make these good, responsible people go broke trying to conceive? then they wont have any money left for when the baby is born and might have to go on welfare after the fact! It makes no sense.
My DH is the same way. He says he is into it but he does not care when my AF is. He assumes anytime we fight that it is because of AF. He is also a smoker and says he is trying to quit but makes no sign of letting up. Have fertility appt on the 6th and he has agreed to getting tested but he is scared that we are not going to get pregnant because of him. I think it is probably me. I have groin/pelvic pain that is present a lot of the time mostly on my right side that has not been diagnosed as anything. Hoping if there is something wrong that it is an easy fix. FX that we get some answers on Thursday. My mom also had a couple of miscarriages.

I am having a lap done tomorrow because I have the same thing. As soon as I went off Bc I started getting an annoying and sometimes painful stabbing sensation mostly around (what feels like) my right ovary 90% of the time. Once and awhile my left ovary will jump in on the fun too. If they do find anything during my lap (which I'm thinking would be endo), I will let you know..... if you want to know? :flower:

Hi ladies just came across this thread such great posts!... I have also started to get painful stabbing pains in my ovaries which seems most of the month. Since getting off BC in March 2012 my period are few and far between. And the pain in my ovaries is soooo concerning!? I don't think i'm even ovulating. My Gyno has done some basic tests and just chalk it up to nothing. She says gain 5lbs but i'm not even under weight and just tells me to wait a few more months whenever I call with a concern. If i don't get some answers soon I'm switching docs. Having the pains in your ovaries for more than just ovulation time is not normal!!!:growlmad: How long did you have the pains before you doc started to take some action?
Flagirlie7 The crazy thing is, the people who have good jobs and need the fertility treatments will go broke if they keep having to pay 100% out of pocket. Then by the time they have a baby all of their savings is depleted because they spent it on five rounds of IVF. So its like why make these good, responsible people go broke trying to conceive? then they wont have any money left for when the baby is born and might have to go on welfare after the fact! It makes no sense.

Hi I am also an Army wife TTC makes it extra hard lately because my husband is out of state training and only see him once maybe twice a month. Just wanted to say hi to a fellow Army Wife :hugs:
My DH is the same way. He says he is into it but he does not care when my AF is. He assumes anytime we fight that it is because of AF. He is also a smoker and says he is trying to quit but makes no sign of letting up. Have fertility appt on the 6th and he has agreed to getting tested but he is scared that we are not going to get pregnant because of him. I think it is probably me. I have groin/pelvic pain that is present a lot of the time mostly on my right side that has not been diagnosed as anything. Hoping if there is something wrong that it is an easy fix. FX that we get some answers on Thursday. My mom also had a couple of miscarriages.

I am having a lap done tomorrow because I have the same thing. As soon as I went off Bc I started getting an annoying and sometimes painful stabbing sensation mostly around (what feels like) my right ovary 90% of the time. Once and awhile my left ovary will jump in on the fun too. If they do find anything during my lap (which I'm thinking would be endo), I will let you know..... if you want to know? :flower:

Hi ladies just came across this thread such great posts!... I have also started to get painful stabbing pains in my ovaries which seems most of the month. Since getting off BC in March 2012 my period are few and far between. And the pain in my ovaries is soooo concerning!? I don't think i'm even ovulating. My Gyno has done some basic tests and just chalk it up to nothing. She says gain 5lbs but i'm not even under weight and just tells me to wait a few more months whenever I call with a concern. If i don't get some answers soon I'm switching docs. Having the pains in your ovaries for more than just ovulation time is not normal!!!:growlmad: How long did you have the pains before you doc started to take some action?

I was actually seeing a fertility specialist (after about ttc for 1 year). My gyno told me maybe the pains will go away after I get pregnant.... then I started seeing the fertility specialist ( who is a whole seperate VENT) and he completely ignored my complaints of pain and suggested we continue to try clomid w/trigger and then move on to IUI and possibly IVF. I decided he was more interested in our money than helping us :cry: So I am at 20mo. ttc now and going for a lap tomorrow. Went back to original gyno. and she told me it could be endo.... so she ordered the lap for me after all this time. I probably should have seen the red flags when I looked up my specialist who is from Romania and has NEVER taken up a perament hospital, only temp. license.
My DH is the same way. He says he is into it but he does not care when my AF is. He assumes anytime we fight that it is because of AF. He is also a smoker and says he is trying to quit but makes no sign of letting up. Have fertility appt on the 6th and he has agreed to getting tested but he is scared that we are not going to get pregnant because of him. I think it is probably me. I have groin/pelvic pain that is present a lot of the time mostly on my right side that has not been diagnosed as anything. Hoping if there is something wrong that it is an easy fix. FX that we get some answers on Thursday. My mom also had a couple of miscarriages.

I am having a lap done tomorrow because I have the same thing. As soon as I went off Bc I started getting an annoying and sometimes painful stabbing sensation mostly around (what feels like) my right ovary 90% of the time. Once and awhile my left ovary will jump in on the fun too. If they do find anything during my lap (which I'm thinking would be endo), I will let you know..... if you want to know? :flower:

Hi ladies just came across this thread such great posts!... I have also started to get painful stabbing pains in my ovaries which seems most of the month. Since getting off BC in March 2012 my period are few and far between. And the pain in my ovaries is soooo concerning!? I don't think i'm even ovulating. My Gyno has done some basic tests and just chalk it up to nothing. She says gain 5lbs but i'm not even under weight and just tells me to wait a few more months whenever I call with a concern. If i don't get some answers soon I'm switching docs. Having the pains in your ovaries for more than just ovulation time is not normal!!!:growlmad: How long did you have the pains before you doc started to take some action?

I was actually seeing a fertility specialist (after about ttc for 1 year). My gyno told me maybe the pains will go away after I get pregnant.... then I started seeing the fertility specialist ( who is a whole seperate VENT) and he completely ignored my complaints of pain and suggested we continue to try clomid w/trigger and then move on to IUI and possibly IVF. I decided he was more interested in our money than helping us :cry: So I am at 20mo. ttc now and going for a lap tomorrow. Went back to original gyno. and she told me it could be endo.... so she ordered the lap for me after all this time. I probably should have seen the red flags when I looked up my specialist who is from Romania and has NEVER taken up a perament hospital, only temp. license.

Ekkk I sure hope he didn't take a lot of your time and money!! Hopefully the lap will give you some long awaited answers! Seems like they should of x-out the possibility of endo long ago. I hate when docs just brush off our concerns!:hissy:
My DH is the same way. He says he is into it but he does not care when my AF is. He assumes anytime we fight that it is because of AF. He is also a smoker and says he is trying to quit but makes no sign of letting up. Have fertility appt on the 6th and he has agreed to getting tested but he is scared that we are not going to get pregnant because of him. I think it is probably me. I have groin/pelvic pain that is present a lot of the time mostly on my right side that has not been diagnosed as anything. Hoping if there is something wrong that it is an easy fix. FX that we get some answers on Thursday. My mom also had a couple of miscarriages.

I am having a lap done tomorrow because I have the same thing. As soon as I went off Bc I started getting an annoying and sometimes painful stabbing sensation mostly around (what feels like) my right ovary 90% of the time. Once and awhile my left ovary will jump in on the fun too. If they do find anything during my lap (which I'm thinking would be endo), I will let you know..... if you want to know? :flower:

Hi ladies just came across this thread such great posts!... I have also started to get painful stabbing pains in my ovaries which seems most of the month. Since getting off BC in March 2012 my period are few and far between. And the pain in my ovaries is soooo concerning!? I don't think i'm even ovulating. My Gyno has done some basic tests and just chalk it up to nothing. She says gain 5lbs but i'm not even under weight and just tells me to wait a few more months whenever I call with a concern. If i don't get some answers soon I'm switching docs. Having the pains in your ovaries for more than just ovulation time is not normal!!!:growlmad: How long did you have the pains before you doc started to take some action?

I just started getting this pulling type pain in my inguinal ligament the past few days... I've been hoping it's an early preg sign from my insides stretching lol... but now idk...
My DH is the same way. He says he is into it but he does not care when my AF is. He assumes anytime we fight that it is because of AF. He is also a smoker and says he is trying to quit but makes no sign of letting up. Have fertility appt on the 6th and he has agreed to getting tested but he is scared that we are not going to get pregnant because of him. I think it is probably me. I have groin/pelvic pain that is present a lot of the time mostly on my right side that has not been diagnosed as anything. Hoping if there is something wrong that it is an easy fix. FX that we get some answers on Thursday. My mom also had a couple of miscarriages.

I am having a lap done tomorrow because I have the same thing. As soon as I went off Bc I started getting an annoying and sometimes painful stabbing sensation mostly around (what feels like) my right ovary 90% of the time. Once and awhile my left ovary will jump in on the fun too. If they do find anything during my lap (which I'm thinking would be endo), I will let you know..... if you want to know? :flower:

Hi ladies just came across this thread such great posts!... I have also started to get painful stabbing pains in my ovaries which seems most of the month. Since getting off BC in March 2012 my period are few and far between. And the pain in my ovaries is soooo concerning!? I don't think i'm even ovulating. My Gyno has done some basic tests and just chalk it up to nothing. She says gain 5lbs but i'm not even under weight and just tells me to wait a few more months whenever I call with a concern. If i don't get some answers soon I'm switching docs. Having the pains in your ovaries for more than just ovulation time is not normal!!!:growlmad: How long did you have the pains before you doc started to take some action?

I just started getting this pulling type pain in my inguinal ligament the past few days... I've been hoping it's an early preg sign from my insides stretching lol... but now idk...

LOL yeah i was hoping the same thing the pain kind of shot down my left leg last night. But, I'm doubtful today that I'm actually preg. and starting to wonder if i even ovulated this month. When are you testing?
Nazz oh sorry just looked at you chart you tested today like I did and got a BFN :( who knows maybe there is still hope for us my chart looks similar to yours with my temps not really following any pattern or showing a for sure ovulation.
Nazz oh sorry just looked at you chart you tested today like I did and got a BFN :( who knows maybe there is still hope for us my chart looks similar to yours with my temps not really following any pattern or showing a for sure ovulation.

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm only 6 dpo, because of my crazy chart like you said, I thought I was farther like 10 dpo... If I had thought I was only 6 I wouldn't have tested lol. That said, I'm not testing again until next week if AF doesn't show. I was pretty upset though, I wasn't even going to test today anyways.... but I had a dream I took a test and it was positive so I thought maybe it was a good omen. I was wrong lol, but I haven't given up yet! I've had all kinds of symptoms and I'm hoping they mean something.
Nazz oh sorry just looked at you chart you tested today like I did and got a BFN :( who knows maybe there is still hope for us my chart looks similar to yours with my temps not really following any pattern or showing a for sure ovulation.

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm only 6 dpo, because of my crazy chart like you said, I thought I was farther like 10 dpo... If I had thought I was only 6 I wouldn't have tested lol. That said, I'm not testing again until next week if AF doesn't show. I was pretty upset though, I wasn't even going to test today anyways.... but I had a dream I took a test and it was positive so I thought maybe it was a good omen. I was wrong lol, but I haven't given up yet! I've had all kinds of symptoms and I'm hoping they mean something.

OMG I also had a dream that i took one and it was positive last night! I also took one this am knowing it was too soon lol! I am not testing again this cycle and just going to wait for AF to show its ugly face! lot of :dust::dust::dust: to you!!
Nazz oh sorry just looked at you chart you tested today like I did and got a BFN :( who knows maybe there is still hope for us my chart looks similar to yours with my temps not really following any pattern or showing a for sure ovulation.

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm only 6 dpo, because of my crazy chart like you said, I thought I was farther like 10 dpo... If I had thought I was only 6 I wouldn't have tested lol. That said, I'm not testing again until next week if AF doesn't show. I was pretty upset though, I wasn't even going to test today anyways.... but I had a dream I took a test and it was positive so I thought maybe it was a good omen. I was wrong lol, but I haven't given up yet! I've had all kinds of symptoms and I'm hoping they mean something.

OMG I also had a dream that i took one and it was positive last night! I also took one this am knowing it was too soon lol! I am not testing again this cycle and just going to wait for AF to show its ugly face! lot of :dust::dust::dust: to you!!

haha so funny, I've been having all kinda baby dreams lately, but that was the first one about a test.
Lots of :dust::dust::dust: to you too!
Let me know if you get the bfp or witch this cycle!
If I Had a dollar for every teen still in high school that I've taught or that goes to the school I used to teach at....(and I'm only 39, and have only been teaching for 4 years). I don't even know how to finish that statement but holy crap it is too unfair!! Yes, please teen mom without a degree income or sense of mind, please go on a raise that infant you conceived with your one night stand as your "accessory". Go ahead and show him off in Facebook and Instagram as you teach him to flip off the camera and say curse words. America's brightest future awaits. :(

Do y'all have any idea the effects of the increase of teen pregnancy on our country socially, economically and culturally??? Not looking good my friends, save one or two "stand outs" that prove statistics wrong.

Just a much needed vent. Can't say it elsewhere and I'm usually not that harsh but sometimes, it's good to be honest.
If I see Kate Middleton on my news feed one more time I'm gonna explode. It was easy hiding all of my pregnant friends or those obsessed with posting pictures 24/7 of their kids but now everyone else is spamming with the Kate situation? Social media is my worst nightmare right now. When is it my turn? Why does someone who has everything in the world get it so easy? :cry:
If I Had a dollar for every teen still in high school that I've taught or that goes to the school I used to teach at....(and I'm only 39, and have only been teaching for 4 years). I don't even know how to finish that statement but holy crap it is too unfair!! Yes, please teen mom without a degree income or sense of mind, please go on a raise that infant you conceived with your one night stand as your "accessory". Go ahead and show him off in Facebook and Instagram as you teach him to flip off the camera and say curse words. America's brightest future awaits. :(

Do y'all have any idea the effects of the increase of teen pregnancy on our country socially, economically and culturally??? Not looking good my friends, save one or two "stand outs" that prove statistics wrong.

Just a much needed vent. Can't say it elsewhere and I'm usually not that harsh but sometimes, it's good to be honest.

^This is why I don't think abortion should be illegal... I think it's acceptable in a few situations (not trying to start an argument here I know it's a touchy subject, I'm just saying). One of my friends said she wished there was a test people had to pass before being allowed to have kids lol, if only.
Christmas is in 20 days.. please please pleeeeeeeeeeeease let there be a miracle! After 3 years of TTC and one M/C I would be so greatful to not receive a single present or dollar from anyone if it means getting a BFP. Date of testing this month is the 23rd.
If I see Kate Middleton on my news feed one more time I'm gonna explode. It was easy hiding all of my pregnant friends or those obsessed with posting pictures 24/7 of their kids but now everyone else is spamming with the Kate situation? Social media is my worst nightmare right now. When is it my turn? Why does someone who has everything in the world get it so easy? :cry:


Oh, and she's 8 weeks gone? Exactly what I would be had I not miscarried? How marvelous.
My Christmas wish is that all you ladies I have come across on this website gets what they deserve. :hugs: Being on here has opened my eyes to the real struggles of women everywhere. Society wants to help the single young mother and give her everything (This is how it seems to be in the States. Not sure what goes on across the pond). The same support is not there for women who have issues with conceiving or women with losses. It's like we are forgotten. If I am ever blessed to carry a baby to term, I won't forget the road I traveled with other women.

You are absolutely right about that! There are so many programs and assistance type things out there for teen moms and single moms or low income families. And those things are all fine. It just doesn't make sense to have damn near free healthcare for irresponsible girls and women who will keep popping out kids at the taxpayers expense just to keep getting welfare but most insurance companies still wont pay for IUI or IVF, for people who have jobs and can actually take care of the kids they are trying to conceive. It just seems so backwards!

And THANK YOU to all the ladies who responded to my previous post! :flower: I love you all! :dust: for everybody lol

cntrygrl i DO NOT plan on going home during the deployment! And i don't want my mom coming to my house. But i know she probably will and i'll just have to suffer through that :dohh::growlmad:

Lol, Oh No I saw from your posts how your mom is. I didn't mean for you to be with your mom at all. She certainly doesn't seem supportive at all.

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