Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

I will start in August with taking prenatals. I had no luck this month. I think I know my ovulation day in August! Excited for that!
Almost 2 years trying (October makes 2). Nothing. Went to the doctor and found that I have no cysts, just my left tube which was damaged due to a cyst removal a few years ago. Do I just give up on hoping that this is going to naturally happen on it's own? I've started losing weight (down 20 pounds in about 2 months) in hopes that maybe that will help. I feel like it's my last chance before I have to start spending loads of money (no idea where that will even come from) on IVF.
I'm new to this forum and decided to join because I'm very frustrated and upset with myself that I have no one to share my frustration with but my DH. I don't want to upset him but I know that it breaks his heart to see how sad I am.

We are both 27 years old and healthy and have been TTC for the past month. We thought it would happen right away and I was convinced I was because 10DPO I became very bloated, had sensitivity to smells and had AF like cramping and extremely sensitive chest for 5 days non-stop. Unfortunately AF came in July ( 2 days early). I was completely heartbroken and had so much confidence that we would conceive right away.

My DH told me to speak to others in hopes that it would make me feel better but it hasn't. Everyone I have asked, including couples older than us told me they got pregnant within the first month of trying.

I ended up buying the Clearblue Fertility Monitor and have gotten high's every day since I started checking, days 6, 7, 8 so far. I'm thinking by day 10 I will probably hit a peak (fingers crossed). I know they say the chances of couples conceiving within a month is 20% but how come 10 people I have asked told me it took them one month, it seems everyone is getting pregnant faster than us and it's taking a toll on me because I'm worried something is not right.

We will continue trying this month. Very hopeful.We bought a house with 4 bedrooms because we wanted 3 kids and if we will not make that happen, it feels devastating to me.
I can understand how you feel. My husband and I are both 27 and all my friends told me it took them one cycle to conceive. We tried to BD every day last month because I was so on edge about not missing a day and unfortunately my period came two days early. Luckily it was even early because the agony was killing me.

I feel extremely sad and crying constantly because I am so worried that we will end up TTC for a long time. I think for men it's different and women take it very personally, it also takes a lot of will and determination to say that you are ready to become a mother and for that joy to be taken away from you, it's really heartbreaking.
AandV it made me feel a lot better checking all the statistics on countdown to pregnancy website; all about how it is normal to take up to a year to get pregnant, all that stuff. Getting pregnant in the first month is definitely in the minority, even though it doesn't seem like that when it is you!

I promise - try to distract yourself and just see how it goes for 6 months. Talk to a therapist if you find you are getting really distraught. Lots of people take even longer than a year to get pregnant and it is totally normal; find a way to deal that works for you!

so I wanted to start by saying thank you to everyone on Baby&Bump as for the last 3 months I have been stalking the site for answers to all my stresses without actually getting involved!

my partner and I have been TTC since April which is when I had my Mirena Coil removed, no joy so far :(.
last month and this month we have used OPK's and I am pretty much spot on with knowing when my O date is which has been backed up by the OPKs.

i'm now 11dpo period is due on 9th (27 day cycles religiously) I just really want this month to be the month! I feel like the more I hope the more fate steps in and says 'nah we're going to make you wait a little bit longer'.

so anyway, thanks for listening :) x
Almost 2 years trying (October makes 2). Nothing. Went to the doctor and found that I have no cysts, just my left tube which was damaged due to a cyst removal a few years ago. Do I just give up on hoping that this is going to naturally happen on it's own? I've started losing weight (down 20 pounds in about 2 months) in hopes that maybe that will help. I feel like it's my last chance before I have to start spending loads of money (no idea where that will even come from) on IVF.

Don't give up!

Losing weight, getting yourself healthy and working on you are all good things to do while you wait on your BFP.

Can you do IUI first instead of jumping straight to IVF?
Hi Ladies

Came across this post. Its really encouraging to read about success stories. I have PCOS and have been TTC for around 4 months now. This was the first cycle with Femara. Hoping it will be the one. I am on 5dpo now and have no symptoms as of now :( . Taking crinone 8% vaginally since 3dpo and I use conceive plus pre-filled applicator while BD. Hoping for the best else will gear up for some more BD in the next cycle :sex:

I am getting too anxious these days :dohh: I hope my wait will end soon.

I just joined this forum today and saw your post. I have the same purpose as you for joining… feeling completely alone. I am 28. My husband is 30. We have been married for 5 years and started trying approximately 6 months ago. I thought it would happen so quickly. Not only because I am young and healthy, but also because every person around me has gotten pregnant within their first or second try. I am the last man standing. I've had friends in the last 6 months who weren't even trying get pregnant on accident. Just yesterday, my very best friend who already has one child told me she was pregnant…and she has only been trying for a month. I just don't get it. What am I doing wrong? Is there something wrong with me? So…you're not alone. I wish you the very best of luck in this journey, and hopefully, this forum can provide some type of encouragement for the both of us.
I just joined this forum today. I'm not sure how this works so I may not have posted right. My purpose for joining...feeling completely alone. I am 28. My husband is 30. We have been married for 5 years and started trying approximately 6 months ago. I thought it would happen so quickly. Not only because I am young and healthy, but also because every person around me has gotten pregnant within their first or second try. I am the last man standing. I've had friends in the last 6 months who weren't even trying get pregnant on accident. Just yesterday, my very best friend who already has one child told me she was pregnant…and she has only been trying for a month. I just don't get it. What am I doing wrong? Is there something wrong with me? I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and she basically handed me a pamphlet on infertility and sent me home. I'm currently looking for a new doctor, by the way. I've always had regular periods. I stopped taking birth control in December. The only abnormal thing about my cycle is that I have been spotting before I start my period, sometimes for a day, sometimes for several. It's brown spotting and there isn't much. Has anyone every experience that before? I also bought the ClearBlue Ovulation Predictor Kit. It told me that my "peak fertility" was basically 7-8 days before I was scheduled to start my period. If it takes 7-8 days for an egg to be implanted, that just doesn't make sense. I did some research and found that there is something called a luteal phase deficiency. When I asked my doctor, she acted as though that was not even possible. I'm at such a loss. Has anyone experience that type of spotting? Has anyone heard or experienced that type of deficiency. It's so disappointing to get my period every single month, even when I try not to get my hopes up. Add to that, at least one friend a month telling me they're pregnant…and that they only tried for a month or two. Yea…I'm an emotional wreck.
Don't panic, and don't get too worried, but you NEED to get a second opinon from another doctor Punky!

I highly recommend you start diligently measuring your basal body temperature (read up about it in the book Taking Charge of your Fertility or on Fertility Friend's website or phone app) and paying attention to when your ovulation is and how long your luteal phase is. I have a short luteal phase that is about 11 days (so not a huge problem) but if yours is 8-9 days then that is luteal phase defect, and needs to be discussed with a doctor who knows about fertility.

You don't need to wait to get this information. You don't need to 'keep trying for a year, see what happens' when there is a specific, measurable issue that you have identified and want to discuss. You need to be your own advocate for your health!

Bah, doctors drive me crazy!
I can totally relate to what you and your husband are currently going through. I'm 27 and my husband is 28. I went off the pill last July (2013), but according to my OPKS, I didn't start ovulating normally till the end of October/beginning of November. I too have many friends who told me they are expecting over the last year, and most of them don't even seem to be trying. It's incredibly frustrating! A few weeks ago, I found out that my SIL got pregnant "by accident". Grrrr!! It must be nice! Its hard to be happy and supportive of her when its been such a long road for me and my husband. I also spot for a day or 2 before my regular period shows up, and its usually very light. One cycle, I spotted for 5 days before AF reared her ugly head!! Also, a few months ago, my Dr. tested my hormone levels on the 3rd day of my period to see if the levels were normal, and everything came back fine. We have literally tried everything that our friends have suggested, to no avail. "Just relax, itll happen" they say. Easier said than done! I've even tried to not chart my cycle and just have fun, but still nothing. If we don't conceive in the next couple of months, the next step is to test my husband, and I'm really scared. It's getting harder and harder each month, so I completely understand how you're feeling. When it comes to your Dr, I would def get a second opinion. Always here to listen. Thanks for listening to me rant about my story!
Don't panic, and don't get too worried, but you NEED to get a second opinon from another doctor Punky!

I highly recommend you start diligently measuring your basal body temperature (read up about it in the book Taking Charge of your Fertility or on Fertility Friend's website or phone app) and paying attention to when your ovulation is and how long your luteal phase is. I have a short luteal phase that is about 11 days (so not a huge problem) but if yours is 8-9 days then that is luteal phase defect, and needs to be discussed with a doctor who knows about fertility.

You don't need to wait to get this information. You don't need to 'keep trying for a year, see what happens' when there is a specific, measurable issue that you have identified and want to discuss. You need to be your own advocate for your health!

Bah, doctors drive me crazy!

You're absolutely right, Kellie. I need to get the second opinion. I've just been sitting back hoping and praying that it will happen. The truth is, it's easier to do that than face the reality that I might not hear everything I want to hear. What if they tell me there is something wrong and I won't be able to have my own child, ever? That thought is just scary. Then, I think, maybe it's too soon, I just should just keep waiting. Before I know it, it'll be a year, and I'm still just waiting. So, I am calling to make an appointment today. I am going to start tracking my basal body temperature, as well. Thank you so much for your advice. I've been extremely emotional today and am already feeling more positive and encouraged.
Way better to get help than not! I know how you feel about worrying about what they might find.

Just remember, the VAST majority of women get pregnant, with no problem, within a year, and a majority of the women who are left get pregnant in their second year (without fertility treatment).

Add on fertility treatment, and you have really very, very little to worry about. And since worrying doesn't help, better to know than not know, right?!
Exactly. Now, if I could just figure out how to navigate through this website. I have no idea how to private message, or if I'm even responding to these posts right. Lol. VERY new at this. :)

Also, how will I know if someone has responded to my post? Do I get a notification or do I just have to look up the same post every time I log in?
Exactly. Now, if I could just figure out how to navigate through this website. I have no idea how to private message, or if I'm even responding to these posts right. Lol. VERY new at this. :)

Also, how will I know if someone has responded to my post? Do I get a notification or do I just have to look up the same post every time I log in?

Check out the top toolbar where it says USER CP, FORUM JUMP, ETC.

You will want to go to USER CP to see where forums you posted on have been updated.

Go to Quick Links to jump to private messages, etc.
I've been referred to another OB/GYN who a friend of a friend used after she spent four years TTC and then got pregnant, but also have the option of a doctor at a fertility clinic who my mom knows through other people. What would you recommend?
I've been referred to another OB/GYN who a friend of a friend used after she spent four years TTC and then got pregnant, but also have the option of a doctor at a fertility clinic who my mom knows through other people. What would you recommend?

Come talk to me on my journal (link in my signature) so we can continue off of the vent thread :D

I would get a consultation with BOTH doctors, and go with who you are most comfortable with. Or, if that isn't possible, I'd find out who has the most experience and training, and go with that person.
I can totally relate to what you and your husband are currently going through. I'm 27 and my husband is 28. I went off the pill last July (2013), but according to my OPKS, I didn't start ovulating normally till the end of October/beginning of November. I too have many friends who told me they are expecting over the last year, and most of them don't even seem to be trying. It's incredibly frustrating! A few weeks ago, I found out that my SIL got pregnant "by accident". Grrrr!! It must be nice! Its hard to be happy and supportive of her when its been such a long road for me and my husband. I also spot for a day or 2 before my regular period shows up, and its usually very light. One cycle, I spotted for 5 days before AF reared her ugly head!! Also, a few months ago, my Dr. tested my hormone levels on the 3rd day of my period to see if the levels were normal, and everything came back fine. We have literally tried everything that our friends have suggested, to no avail. "Just relax, itll happen" they say. Easier said than done! I've even tried to not chart my cycle and just have fun, but still nothing. If we don't conceive in the next couple of months, the next step is to test my husband, and I'm really scared. It's getting harder and harder each month, so I completely understand how you're feeling. When it comes to your Dr, I would def get a second opinion. Always here to listen. Thanks for listening to me rant about my story!
One of the hardest parts for me has been trying to be happy for everyone else around me when they get pregnant. It's rough. I really am happy for them… But also, selfishly, jealous. I know it's a normal emotion and I'm sure my friends would understand if I were to express how I really felt, but I never want to take that joy away from them. I just want to know what it feels like to FINALLY see that faint line on a pregnancy test. I can't imagine the excitement that I will feel.

I'm a true believer that everything happens for a reason. There is a reason why I'm not pregnant yet. I don't know what it is, but I believe I will one day, with or without a baby.

I thought I was a patient person…until this. :)

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