Another rant I'd like to get off my chest:
AF sure has a sick sense of humor when it comes to me! Recently, I've gotten my period on Mother's Day (I wanted to die) and the next month, it was the day of my good friend's baby shower! (Who started trying about 2 months after us, btw). So flippin frustrating!!!!
I just joined this forum today. I'm not sure how this works so I may not have posted right. My purpose for joining...feeling completely alone. I am 28. My husband is 30. We have been married for 5 years and started trying approximately 6 months ago. I thought it would happen so quickly. Not only because I am young and healthy, but also because every person around me has gotten pregnant within their first or second try. I am the last man standing. I've had friends in the last 6 months who weren't even trying get pregnant on accident. Just yesterday, my very best friend who already has one child told me she was pregnant and she has only been trying for a month. I just don't get it. What am I doing wrong? Is there something wrong with me? I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and she basically handed me a pamphlet on infertility and sent me home. I'm currently looking for a new doctor, by the way. I've always had regular periods. I stopped taking birth control in December. The only abnormal thing about my cycle is that I have been spotting before I start my period, sometimes for a day, sometimes for several. It's brown spotting and there isn't much. Has anyone every experience that before? I also bought the ClearBlue Ovulation Predictor Kit. It told me that my "peak fertility" was basically 7-8 days before I was scheduled to start my period. If it takes 7-8 days for an egg to be implanted, that just doesn't make sense. I did some research and found that there is something called a luteal phase deficiency. When I asked my doctor, she acted as though that was not even possible. I'm at such a loss. Has anyone experience that type of spotting? Has anyone heard or experienced that type of deficiency. It's so disappointing to get my period every single month, even when I try not to get my hopes up. Add to that, at least one friend a month telling me they're pregnant and that they only tried for a month or two. Yea I'm an emotional wreck.
UGGH! hate seeing AF, 6th cycle about to end and now I dont even tell DH when i take pregnancy tests because I hate to see him upset (if it was up to him we would have had our first years ago even though we were just dating lol). Have tried ovulation app, ive tracked CM, using ClearBlue OPK, and I'll be trying preseed for the first time this upcoming cycle....30 years old just got married but have been with DH for 8 years :-/ Sometimes I just cry thinking about wanting a baby so bad :-/...who knew it doesnt just happen that easily!
I know how you feel. I try to hide the fact that I'm testing from DH every month because I know the negatives break his heart just as much as it breaks mine.
No one told me that it would be so hard to conceive. And they certainly didn't say how heartbreaking it would be to see negatives month after month. They make it sound so easy in school. "It just takes one time!" they say. time...after 3 years and 40 cycles, that saying just agitates me.
Oh my! What has the doctor recommended or have done to help you out? What have you been trying aside from BDing around ovulation? Stalked your page by the way, your temps are all over :-/
So, after two years (where my GP was incredibly unhelpful), I was referred to a fertility clinic at my local hospital. I had the standard testing done (blood tests, SA for hubby, HSG) and was diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Doc recommended IUI. So we did that and I got my second BFP since we started trying, but just like the first, I had an early m/c. We started thinking about saving up for the next IUI and then I fell pregnant naturally about 3 months after the m/c, only to have another early m/c.
So we just started recurrent m/c testing and we're still waiting for the results of our blood tests (karyotyping, thyroid, auto-immunes, etc) and I just had a hysteroscopy today (all-clear).
As for other things, I'm doing honey and cinnamon before ovulation, B-complex throughout the cycle, omega-3, and baby aspirin in case of clotting disorder at the moment.
My temps are pretty random, but predictable. I know what I'm looking for and when and so I have a pretty good handle on what's going on during my cycles...most of the time, at least. I've had plenty of time to figure things out, I guess.
So I suppose it hasn't been a complete bust these last 40 cycles, but it has been a hard road to travel.
this is my rant:
I'm TTC #1 and am very frustrated with the ones who are posting on other TTC threads (*not the success threads, where they are supposed to) their BFP's.I know they just want to share their good news. I know they want to give the rest of us hope but it's really killing me knowing they get what they want after their first cycle of trying and I'm on there to get support from those who are also struggling. If I want to see the success stories I will go to those threads, I don't want to see the double-line pictures as I scroll through a thread of 'did I really ovulate?'
Honestly, I love that they get what they want but find myself hating me for not being able to have what I desire most. I just had a really bad day and didn't know where else to put this.![]()