My first vent post.
I am so so so soooo frustrated right now! Just got off the phone awhile ago with my mom, who does not know DH and I are TTC (although being we've been together 10 years and married 5, she probably suspects. I know she hopes!). Her, my dad, and my siblings are on a little mini trip, youngest brother just turned 21 a few weeks ago. She broke the news to me that before they left, said little brother told her about the situation with his girlfriend of about 3 weeks.....yep. Supposedly she's pregnant. Meanwhile we're here still trying (only 5 cycles, so I know it's nothing compared to what so many have already been living with...but I've been waiting for DH to get on board for about 2 years. So I feel like it's been longer. I don't know). But what really gets me, is apparently this chick (18 years old) told my brother that she can't get pregnant, that she has maybe a 10% chance

, but she's on birth control anyways. And they used a condom. But it broke. I just want to scream. Or throw something. Ugh. Maybe it's awful of me to think, but I really feel like she saw a good opportunity to trap a guy who makes good money as he just finished school this spring and got a great paying job right away. A couple of weeks ago he gave me the low-down of her entire sob story life, and I do believe he's pretty empathetic like me, so he probably felt compelled to be extra good to her...or something. I know her older half sister. We went to high school together. She dropped out and proceeded to have 3 kids from 3 different men. All I can wonder is what on earth was my brother thinking. I'm worried for him. I'm mad at them both. And I just plain hate that I'm still waiting and trying. Petty, I'm sure, but it's how I'm feeling. Won't be talking to him until I've figured out how to control my emotions about all this (especially since our mom swore me and my sister to secrecy for now lol).