Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

To my ex-"best friend" (aka, greedy, good for nothing half-wit selfish b***h)

You KNEW I had pcos and infertility for YEARS. When I explained we were finally seeking more invasive treatment, you decided you would come off the pill because you thought you were "ready" for #2. Your "husband" aka, deadbeat, told you that he was ready and so happy to be trying again.

Then, you came to MY house to use MY pregnancy test because you just "couldn't take it any longer." You didn't act like anything was on that test, and just threw it away. (Maybe you had a heart at that time?) Well, thank goodness it happened, because you told me your jerk of a pathetic pot head husband said he "didn't want to try after one month." that he requested to have you get your tubes tied. Ummmm...last I checked, this was America. I don't think anyone can tie anything without your consent. Ohhhh...but he had your consent. You have NO BACKBONE! Eww...just makes me sick.

Thank goodness you got your bfp three weeks after going off the pil...thats right, three WEEKS!!!! but sadly, you felt the need to tell me via a text. A standard picture of the pregnancy test that you sent to everyone at the same time. Wow. Not a phone call? Not a face to face with an infertile? Nah....just rub it in my face. The best part, we hadn't spoken for 10 days before you decided to be a big C word and crush me. Never to speak to me again.

I have heard through the grapevine it may be twins. Well, I hate you even more. I honestly wish you a healthy 9 months, but I hope you gain 500 pounds in your last trimester you hateful, spiteful wench.

Thanks ladies....that felt so good!
so my last p was aug 20-26

i ov sept 2-8

im cd44
15 days late
neg HPT and neg blood test too.

so annoying.
i have sooo many prego systpoms
could i still be prego???????:wacko:
so my last p was aug 20-26

i ov sept 2-8

im cd44
15 days late
neg HPT and neg blood test too.

so annoying.
i have sooo many prego systpoms
could i still be prego???????:wacko:

Are you sure you ov'd when you think you did? What do you to do track ov? Neg blood test does make it seem unlikely....but never say never.
ttc nr 1. we kind of tried few months ago for like 2 cycles, and now this is our 1st cycle trying.

7 dpo: unclear possible positive at 3-5 minutes on cb +- test. so i did a digital one.. BFN

13 dpo, a day before af. i am afraid to test, i dont want to be disappointed. im feeling very warm all the time, by basal temp is up still, i have some backpain but nothing really else, maybe increased appetite.

im soooooo impatient, i just want an answer but im afraid to check it!!! its so stupid, i know, but maybe after all saving a few bucks by waiting few days to see if af will arrive wouldnt be such a bad idea.

or should i run to the pharmacy and buy my self few tests... omg im sick!!
ttc nr 1. we kind of tried few months ago for like 2 cycles, and now this is our 1st cycle trying.

7 dpo: unclear possible positive at 3-5 minutes on cb +- test. so i did a digital one.. BFN

13 dpo, a day before af. i am afraid to test, i dont want to be disappointed. im feeling very warm all the time, by basal temp is up still, i have some backpain but nothing really else, maybe increased appetite.

im soooooo impatient, i just want an answer but im afraid to check it!!! its so stupid, i know, but maybe after all saving a few bucks by waiting few days to see if af will arrive wouldnt be such a bad idea.

or should i run to the pharmacy and buy my self few tests... omg im sick!!


If you got a faint + on 7dpo then your hcg levels would be at least 40miu by now which should show up on any HPT! FX... Update us!!! But :test: lol
ttc nr 1. we kind of tried few months ago for like 2 cycles, and now this is our 1st cycle trying.

7 dpo: unclear possible positive at 3-5 minutes on cb +- test. so i did a digital one.. BFN

13 dpo, a day before af. i am afraid to test, i dont want to be disappointed. im feeling very warm all the time, by basal temp is up still, i have some backpain but nothing really else, maybe increased appetite.

im soooooo impatient, i just want an answer but im afraid to check it!!! its so stupid, i know, but maybe after all saving a few bucks by waiting few days to see if af will arrive wouldnt be such a bad idea.

or should i run to the pharmacy and buy my self few tests... omg im sick!!


If you got a faint + on 7dpo then your hcg levels would be at least 40miu by now which should show up on any HPT! FX... Update us!!! But :test: lol

So i tested with some no name test yesterdau morning, bFN. Now i woke up and still no AF. So 100% late today because it's CD 29. And my cycle is btw 26-28 days maximum.
And today my temp is Still rising , it's 37.3. For from CD 25 it has been rising steadily from37.1-37.3
Hmmmm... How many dpo?

I'm supposed to be now 17 dpo, but I don't have my ovulation day pinpointed, just based on cm, so maybe i could be form 15 dpo-17 dpo.
Tested again this morning, still BfN.

I have one digital test that I will use in like 5 days. If still by then no a for no bfp, I'm going to my doctor

Although I have seen a lot of ladies getting bfp late, so I'm still hopeful:)
I love this vent thread.

I'm currently waiting to find out if I O'ed for the first time in... oh, 12-13 years?... because I definitely haven't in the year+ we've been TTC (confirmed with U/S throughout rounds of meds), and it's driving me crazy not knowing because I have tons of post-ovulation/PMS-like symptoms, but I know that it could all be from the progesterone supplements. It is so hard waiting, and everyone else is just like, "Oh, just be glad you finally had a viable follicle!" That's great and everything, but it'll be hard to feel like that egg was wasted if I haven't O'ed!
Hmmmm... How many dpo?

I'm supposed to be now 17 dpo, but I don't have my ovulation day pinpointed, just based on cm, so maybe i could be form 15 dpo-17 dpo.
Tested again this morning, still BfN.

I have one digital test that I will use in like 5 days. If still by then no a for no bfp, I'm going to my doctor

Although I have seen a lot of ladies getting bfp late, so I'm still hopeful:)

Sounds like what happened to me the first month BUT some ladies don't get their BFP for a couple weeks. Anyway I had loads of symptoms and AF was late - and she's *never* late - but I kept getting BFN. I called in to my doctor and they told me wait til CD 32 or 35 I think, which is about 3-6 days past my regular cycle length. I honestly don't remember which, but you might call your doc and see what they recommend. My doc said it was probably a chemical or something
Hmmmm... How many dpo?

I'm supposed to be now 17 dpo, but I don't have my ovulation day pinpointed, just based on cm, so maybe i could be form 15 dpo-17 dpo.
Tested again this morning, still BfN.

I have one digital test that I will use in like 5 days. If still by then no a for no bfp, I'm going to my doctor

Although I have seen a lot of ladies getting bfp late, so I'm still hopeful:)

Sounds like what happened to me the first month BUT some ladies don't get their BFP for a couple weeks. Anyway I had loads of symptoms and AF was late - and she's *never* late - but I kept getting BFN. I called in to my doctor and they told me wait til CD 32 or 35 I think, which is about 3-6 days past my regular cycle length. I honestly don't remember which, but you might call your doc and see what they recommend. My doc said it was probably a chemical or something

Oh so you know this situation all to well, its torture really. You are right, it could be something like that, or it could be an anovulatory cycle? but since i did have the EWCM around 16-18 days ago, i think i did ovulate. But im not expecting anything, but im still hoping and praying. But i am sure that most of us have had chemicals without ever knowing about it.

so when did u get your periods eventually? what cycle day?
Hmmmm... How many dpo?

I'm supposed to be now 17 dpo, but I don't have my ovulation day pinpointed, just based on cm, so maybe i could be form 15 dpo-17 dpo.
Tested again this morning, still BfN.

I have one digital test that I will use in like 5 days. If still by then no a for no bfp, I'm going to my doctor

Although I have seen a lot of ladies getting bfp late, so I'm still hopeful:)

Sounds like what happened to me the first month BUT some ladies don't get their BFP for a couple weeks. Anyway I had loads of symptoms and AF was late - and she's *never* late - but I kept getting BFN. I called in to my doctor and they told me wait til CD 32 or 35 I think, which is about 3-6 days past my regular cycle length. I honestly don't remember which, but you might call your doc and see what they recommend. My doc said it was probably a chemical or something

Oh so you know this situation all to well, its torture really. You are right, it could be something like that, or it could be an anovulatory cycle? but since i did have the EWCM around 16-18 days ago, i think i did ovulate. But im not expecting anything, but im still hoping and praying. But i am sure that most of us have had chemicals without ever knowing about it.

so when did u get your periods eventually? what cycle day?

Well my cycles are very very regular, so mine was only I think 32 days, which made me 3 days late. But that is basically an EON for me! FX for you :)
Hello, I'm a newbie on here so forgive me if I don't get the lingo right just yet!

I'm nearly 38 years old & I've been TTC for a year and a half. I've got a Clearblue fertility monitor which sometimes shows that I've ovulated & sometimes doesn't. This cycle it showed that I ovulated for 2 days in a row and I bled slightly during ovulation. I must have had a lot of hormones in my body this month! I am taking the pregnacare vitamins.

I have irregular cycles anything from 25-30 days but usually 26-27 days. Day 26 is today and no AF so far...

For the past week or so I've felt fairly consistent low level abdominal cramps. I have also had about 3-4 days of feeling ever so slightly nauseous (not sure if this is in my mind!). My CM after ovulation was initially very white and average thickness, however in the last 2-3 days it has become very watery and I feel like I need the toilet a lot more than I used to. My stomach is swollen and quite hard. I had swollen BB's about a week before AF for 2-3 days, then they went down a little and since yesterday they are slightly swollen again.

Every month I try to convince myself I'm not pregnant (but secretly believe that I am) to avoid disappointment. These symptoms are similar to what I normally get before AF but slightly different. I haven't noticed the persistent watery CM before or the increased frequency of needing to urinate. The nausea is more prominent than anything I've experienced before (I felt nauseousness for 1 day last month) and the cramps seem to have gone on more continuously than normal.
I am driving myself mad and have done pregnancy tests (BFN) even though I knew a BFP would be impossible since I tested too early. Any advice???
Here's my vent for today....I hope I'm not the only one feeling the need to vent over here. :)

Still TTC #1 while my sister in law is thinking about #2. I really hope she doesn't lap me. I don't think I could take hearing that she was pregnant again without being pregnant myself.
Well I had my P4 levels tested yesterday, and I have no timeline about finding out results. It's a rapid response lab, so technically they should *have* the results within an hour, but it's like they just take their sweet time about it all. It's driving me crazy because I don't even know what my levels are supposed to look like once they're posted in my record, considering this was a Femara cycle + Prometrium starting 2 days past the day the doctor *thinks* I O'ed. I know those can drastically raise P4 levels in some women and in others not make much difference. It's all so different from person to person. And so many women online warn others that progesterone supplements can keep you from ovulating if you haven't already, so I'm just a bundle of nerves, even though the doctor seemed pretty certain that my follicle was large enough that I would release it the next day, or even that night. This waiting game is absolutely terrible!
Here's my vent for today....I hope I'm not the only one feeling the need to vent over here. :)

Still TTC #1 while my sister in law is thinking about #2. I really hope she doesn't lap me. I don't think I could take hearing that she was pregnant again without being pregnant myself.

I definitely have these kind of fears with family/friends. I have a 'childfree by choice' best friend - I keep having nightmares that she gets pregnant by accident when I've been trying so hard!

A coworker's wife is pregnant with her fifth kid. We were planning to start trying (WTT) when they had their fourth kid.
I am so with you... It feels like every month I have a slim hope of getting a BFP, someone else does. I have only been actively trying (think that's what it is called) for 5 cycles, but I have been with my husband for 11.5 years and the majority of that was birth control free...My sister got married a few months ago and I swear that if she gets pregnant before I do I will have a melt down....People who get pregnant the first 3-6 months of TTC are overachievers. Sometimes it takes longer and I personally think that when people have been trying a while or together a while- with or without trying- it gets harder because of all the stuff that happens in life. When you TTC you have to plan sex, and who knew, but sometimes guys don't always want it so then it takes even longer.... I think I wish we would have started earlier.
I definitely wish we would have started earlier. In hindsight, we would have started TTC earlier and done all of this testing, gotten it all over with and then had at least one kid by now. I should have argued more with DH when he said he wasn't ready because I had a feeling it was going to take us a while. But, this is how it is, so now I've just got to how that we'll have success soon...

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