After TTC for 5 months with only 2 ovulation periods, I started Clomid a few weeks ago to help make things a bit more predictable. I have the good fortune of already being in with a fertility doctor because of my endomitriosis (stage 1, no biggie)
I've been taking progesterone suppositories for 10 days. I'm miserable! My husband says I'm mean, and I believe it! I am so moody and anxious that I'm loosing sleep...which just adds fuel to the fire. This is not me!
What makes me even more upset is knowing if we weren't successful, I just have do go on it again in two weeks or so. I wish there was another way. I think the emotional toll is that it might be for nothing this cycle. I did have a pin-prick of pink blood on my toilet tissue on day 5 after the trigger shot.
My doctor wants to test me tomorrow, but I'm going away, so I have to wait until Thursday. I'm OK with a BFN, because we can try again, but I don't want three or four more days of emotional hell! I did give myself a test today (which is silly, the doctor refused to test me today for a reason) and think I saw a shadow line. My husband didn't see it, so it might be in my head LoL
Just a vent about the necessary evil of progesterone. I actually woke up screaming one night, without knowing why.

This is bizzare. I'm finding it touch because without the progesterone, I'd completely say these new mood swings were a good sign... but with all of the new hormones I've medically introduced myself to this cycle, who knows.

I just want my happy self back again.