Hi ladies,
This is my 1st time posting in any forum EVER. Am really grateful to come across this one as it allows me to do exactly what I need to do now - vent.
My husband n I have been ttc for about 2 years now. We've done at least 5 rounds of iui (SO-IUI & natural). I've been on clomid, husband has gone for varicocele surgery about 6 months ago and his counts have improved since. Visit after visit to the doctors. ... still no good news. It's frustrating yet reassuring at the same time that we seem to be quite "fine" medically. But things are just not happening for us... It doesn't help either that my husband works 4 days a week in a neighbouring country (1 hr flight away) so sometimes in order to try to meet my potential ovulation dates, I would have to fly to him. Thankfully my job has flexible hours (i'm a private tutor so I will try to reschedule). Then of course, everyone close to me starts getting pregnant. Apart from a number of my girlfriends (at least 5 of them), my best friend got pregnant the 2nd time without even knowing how (they weren't trying to conceive- they were trying to space out the 1st child from the 2nd. In fact they were AVOIDING trying to get pregnant). My close cousin (he's like a brother to me) got his wife pregnant just 1 month after they got married even though they weren't trying. I am now the God mother of their children. Yes i'm of course happy for them. And i feel as guilty as hell whenever a tinge of envy comes on... but it hurts. It hurts sooooo bad. And they know that we're trying. I still confide in my best friend but sometimes it's hard being around her when she complains of pregnancy issues. How I wish I can just experience being pregnant. To have a life inside of me. Will it ever happen?
Right now I feel like crying so badly but I can't coz i'm in public
I'm sure there are many of you here who can relate to this sense of hopelessness I feel. I keep telling myself to count my blessings. That I have a husband who is supportive throughout this journey. That he is able to finance all the costly visits to fertility clinics. That my mum is very supportive too and my in laws aren't pressurizing us to have babies.
Then comes the next step - IVF. Well, I'm Catholic (husband's a free thinker) & so... I'm struggling with the decision to attempt ivf which is against the Christian beliefs or to still go ahead with it
I'm soooo lost. I really hope we don't have to go through ivf... I'm not afraid of the pain that comes with it but i'm definitely not comfortable with going against my faith
My apologies for the long post but I really appreciate being able to have an outlet to vent out. Thank you for reading this, whoever you are and I hope that this will soon just be a passing phase for all of us and we will all get to be parents soon
let's continue to keep the faith and pray for the strength to get through this journey 
This is my 1st time posting in any forum EVER. Am really grateful to come across this one as it allows me to do exactly what I need to do now - vent.
My husband n I have been ttc for about 2 years now. We've done at least 5 rounds of iui (SO-IUI & natural). I've been on clomid, husband has gone for varicocele surgery about 6 months ago and his counts have improved since. Visit after visit to the doctors. ... still no good news. It's frustrating yet reassuring at the same time that we seem to be quite "fine" medically. But things are just not happening for us... It doesn't help either that my husband works 4 days a week in a neighbouring country (1 hr flight away) so sometimes in order to try to meet my potential ovulation dates, I would have to fly to him. Thankfully my job has flexible hours (i'm a private tutor so I will try to reschedule). Then of course, everyone close to me starts getting pregnant. Apart from a number of my girlfriends (at least 5 of them), my best friend got pregnant the 2nd time without even knowing how (they weren't trying to conceive- they were trying to space out the 1st child from the 2nd. In fact they were AVOIDING trying to get pregnant). My close cousin (he's like a brother to me) got his wife pregnant just 1 month after they got married even though they weren't trying. I am now the God mother of their children. Yes i'm of course happy for them. And i feel as guilty as hell whenever a tinge of envy comes on... but it hurts. It hurts sooooo bad. And they know that we're trying. I still confide in my best friend but sometimes it's hard being around her when she complains of pregnancy issues. How I wish I can just experience being pregnant. To have a life inside of me. Will it ever happen?
Right now I feel like crying so badly but I can't coz i'm in public

I'm sure there are many of you here who can relate to this sense of hopelessness I feel. I keep telling myself to count my blessings. That I have a husband who is supportive throughout this journey. That he is able to finance all the costly visits to fertility clinics. That my mum is very supportive too and my in laws aren't pressurizing us to have babies.
Then comes the next step - IVF. Well, I'm Catholic (husband's a free thinker) & so... I'm struggling with the decision to attempt ivf which is against the Christian beliefs or to still go ahead with it

My apologies for the long post but I really appreciate being able to have an outlet to vent out. Thank you for reading this, whoever you are and I hope that this will soon just be a passing phase for all of us and we will all get to be parents soon