Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

Hi Ladies!

Just found this blog yesterday, and it's so refreshing to know that I'm not the only one who is going through this. You hear about other women having fertility trouble, but when you see all of your Facebook friends getting pregnant each day, it seems like they didn't have any trouble (even though you never know who had trouble)...and I'm left here feeling like a broken woman.

I'm 28, DH is 29, and we've been TTC for 1 year now. 1 can't even believe this is my life. My husband and I are young and healthy, take no meds, eat organic, don't use plastic, take supplements, exercise, get adjusted, and yet we're having trouble conceiving. (He got tested this past January btw and was completely fine) I don't even know what's wrong at this point, other than it's me. I feel like even more of a failure and an idiot that we're both doctors that can't get pregnant. I also have a short luteal phase, 9-12 days, which I have been told by my OB-GYN isn't impeding me getting pregnant (not sure I believe that though).

I take my BBT, check my CM & CP, elevate my pelvis after BD, was taking Vitex for 6 months to extend my LP with no change, have tried eating pineapple core after ovulation, and tried acupuncture for 3 months. I recently ordered Red Raspberry Leaf tea and Black Cohosh to start next cycle if I'm not pregnant this cycle. I'm currently 7dpo and GOING CRAZY!!!! I am over-analyzing all of my symptoms and don't know how I'm going to make it another 4 days till I'm supposed to get AF. Every month I convince myself that I'm pregnant, and every month I get crushed.

It feels like I have no one to talk to about it other than my DH, who is super supportive, but my mom and friends just don't get it so I usually keep quiet. They'd be shocked to know what I am going through because I keep it hidden 99% of the time.

I guess if this black cohosh and RRL tea doesn't help me in the new 2 months or so, I'm going to have to go back to the OB-GYN or go see a RE and get some testing done. I can't take another year of this.

If anyone actually read all this, thank you. I know you feel my pain. Prayers and baby dust for all of you!!!

Welcome to the blog! I had a very short LP as well. Spotting starting at 8dpo, sometimes sooner. I took BBT so I was able to acknowledge the issue. I started taking a b6 vitamin everyday along with my doctor prescribed prenatals. I also switched up the BD from the SMEP to just every other day, no consecutive days. I use Preseed as a lubricant because it helps your environment to allow sperm to live longer. I also completely took out caffeine from my diet. Yes, that means no coffee at all. Instead, I drank a non-caffeinated tea. I had been trying to get pregnant for a few months already, but as soon as I made these changes, I got pregnant immediately. My biggest advice would be the b6 vitamin and preseed. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.

Thanks for the encouragement! I am currently 8dpo and have been reading a lot about B6 extending the LP, so I plan on picking some up today! I have used preseed on/off through the past year...hard to say if it helped at all since I never got a bfp, and I don't drink coffee so that one is an easy one for me to avoid.

Here's to hoping this is the month!
Hi Ladies!

Just found this blog yesterday, and it's so refreshing to know that I'm not the only one who is going through this. You hear about other women having fertility trouble, but when you see all of your Facebook friends getting pregnant each day, it seems like they didn't have any trouble (even though you never know who had trouble)...and I'm left here feeling like a broken woman.

I'm 28, DH is 29, and we've been TTC for 1 year now. 1 can't even believe this is my life. My husband and I are young and healthy, take no meds, eat organic, don't use plastic, take supplements, exercise, get adjusted, and yet we're having trouble conceiving. (He got tested this past January btw and was completely fine) I don't even know what's wrong at this point, other than it's me. I feel like even more of a failure and an idiot that we're both doctors that can't get pregnant. I also have a short luteal phase, 9-12 days, which I have been told by my OB-GYN isn't impeding me getting pregnant (not sure I believe that though).

I take my BBT, check my CM & CP, elevate my pelvis after BD, was taking Vitex for 6 months to extend my LP with no change, have tried eating pineapple core after ovulation, and tried acupuncture for 3 months. I recently ordered Red Raspberry Leaf tea and Black Cohosh to start next cycle if I'm not pregnant this cycle. I'm currently 7dpo and GOING CRAZY!!!! I am over-analyzing all of my symptoms and don't know how I'm going to make it another 4 days till I'm supposed to get AF. Every month I convince myself that I'm pregnant, and every month I get crushed.

It feels like I have no one to talk to about it other than my DH, who is super supportive, but my mom and friends just don't get it so I usually keep quiet. They'd be shocked to know what I am going through because I keep it hidden 99% of the time.

I guess if this black cohosh and RRL tea doesn't help me in the new 2 months or so, I'm going to have to go back to the OB-GYN or go see a RE and get some testing done. I can't take another year of this.

If anyone actually read all this, thank you. I know you feel my pain. Prayers and baby dust for all of you!!!

Welcome to the blog! I had a very short LP as well. Spotting starting at 8dpo, sometimes sooner. I took BBT so I was able to acknowledge the issue. I started taking a b6 vitamin everyday along with my doctor prescribed prenatals. I also switched up the BD from the SMEP to just every other day, no consecutive days. I use Preseed as a lubricant because it helps your environment to allow sperm to live longer. I also completely took out caffeine from my diet. Yes, that means no coffee at all. Instead, I drank a non-caffeinated tea. I had been trying to get pregnant for a few months already, but as soon as I made these changes, I got pregnant immediately. My biggest advice would be the b6 vitamin and preseed. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.

Thanks for the encouragement! I am currently 8dpo and have been reading a lot about B6 extending the LP, so I plan on picking some up today! I have used preseed on/off through the past year...hard to say if it helped at all since I never got a bfp, and I don't drink coffee so that one is an easy one for me to avoid.

Here's to hoping this is the month!

If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always msg me. Good luck with the b6, it did the trick for me, maybe it will do the trick for you too!
My DH and I have been TTC for a total of 8 cycles now. I use OPKs, preseed, we BD like crazy around ovulation time, and starting this cycle I am going to start temping. Today is CD1 for me, AF played a trick on me this month and came 3 days late. I had myself convinced I was pregnant, so I am feeling pretty down right now. This month we are trying SMEP, temping, preseed, and OPKs! Fingers crossed and lucky baby dust for all of us!!!
My DH and I have been TTC for a total of 8 cycles now. I use OPKs, preseed, we BD like crazy around ovulation time, and starting this cycle I am going to start temping. Today is CD1 for me, AF played a trick on me this month and came 3 days late. I had myself convinced I was pregnant, so I am feeling pretty down right now. This month we are trying SMEP, temping, preseed, and OPKs! Fingers crossed and lucky baby dust for all of us!!!

Temping will be the best step for you. By temping, I found out that my luteal phase was way too short. I would start spotting by 7-8dpo. A healthy LP should be around 12 days long. With a 7-8 day LP, it doesn't give the egg enough time to implant itself. So from this, I found that taking a b6 vitamin will increase the length of the LP. I got pregnant the first month taking this vitamin. The other good thing about the temping is that you can confirm ovulation. OPK's can predict ovulation but can not confirm if and when it did. You will find that temping will help. Good luck!
My DH and I have been TTC for a total of 8 cycles now. I use OPKs, preseed, we BD like crazy around ovulation time, and starting this cycle I am going to start temping. Today is CD1 for me, AF played a trick on me this month and came 3 days late. I had myself convinced I was pregnant, so I am feeling pretty down right now. This month we are trying SMEP, temping, preseed, and OPKs! Fingers crossed and lucky baby dust for all of us!!!

Definitely know what you're going through. I've been TTC for 12 cycles and on cycle 7 AF was 5 days late, so I also had myself convinced I was pregnant since I've never been late more than day my entire life. It's crushing when you see AF every month but especially when she's late. I agree that temping is the best way to determine what's going on with your cycle, and when you finally get your BFP it will give you a more accurate due date since you'll know when you actually ovulated instead of assuming you're the standard day 14. Good luck and baby dust to you!
Hi Ladies!

Just found this blog yesterday, and it's so refreshing to know that I'm not the only one who is going through this. You hear about other women having fertility trouble, but when you see all of your Facebook friends getting pregnant each day, it seems like they didn't have any trouble (even though you never know who had trouble)...and I'm left here feeling like a broken woman.

I'm 28, DH is 29, and we've been TTC for 1 year now. 1 can't even believe this is my life. My husband and I are young and healthy, take no meds, eat organic, don't use plastic, take supplements, exercise, get adjusted, and yet we're having trouble conceiving. (He got tested this past January btw and was completely fine) I don't even know what's wrong at this point, other than it's me. I feel like even more of a failure and an idiot that we're both doctors that can't get pregnant. I also have a short luteal phase, 9-12 days, which I have been told by my OB-GYN isn't impeding me getting pregnant (not sure I believe that though).

I take my BBT, check my CM & CP, elevate my pelvis after BD, was taking Vitex for 6 months to extend my LP with no change, have tried eating pineapple core after ovulation, and tried acupuncture for 3 months. I recently ordered Red Raspberry Leaf tea and Black Cohosh to start next cycle if I'm not pregnant this cycle. I'm currently 7dpo and GOING CRAZY!!!! I am over-analyzing all of my symptoms and don't know how I'm going to make it another 4 days till I'm supposed to get AF. Every month I convince myself that I'm pregnant, and every month I get crushed.

It feels like I have no one to talk to about it other than my DH, who is super supportive, but my mom and friends just don't get it so I usually keep quiet. They'd be shocked to know what I am going through because I keep it hidden 99% of the time.

I guess if this black cohosh and RRL tea doesn't help me in the new 2 months or so, I'm going to have to go back to the OB-GYN or go see a RE and get some testing done. I can't take another year of this.

If anyone actually read all this, thank you. I know you feel my pain. Prayers and baby dust for all of you!!!

Welcome to the blog! I had a very short LP as well. Spotting starting at 8dpo, sometimes sooner. I took BBT so I was able to acknowledge the issue. I started taking a b6 vitamin everyday along with my doctor prescribed prenatals. I also switched up the BD from the SMEP to just every other day, no consecutive days. I use Preseed as a lubricant because it helps your environment to allow sperm to live longer. I also completely took out caffeine from my diet. Yes, that means no coffee at all. Instead, I drank a non-caffeinated tea. I had been trying to get pregnant for a few months already, but as soon as I made these changes, I got pregnant immediately. My biggest advice would be the b6 vitamin and preseed. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.

Thanks for the encouragement! I am currently 8dpo and have been reading a lot about B6 extending the LP, so I plan on picking some up today! I have used preseed on/off through the past year...hard to say if it helped at all since I never got a bfp, and I don't drink coffee so that one is an easy one for me to avoid.

Here's to hoping this is the month!

If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always msg me. Good luck with the b6, it did the trick for me, maybe it will do the trick for you too!

Thank you! I'm on day 3 of another cycle, so hopefully with the new supplements, including the b6, this will be the month! I haven't lost hope yet.
Hi Ladies!

Just found this blog yesterday, and it's so refreshing to know that I'm not the only one who is going through this. You hear about other women having fertility trouble, but when you see all of your Facebook friends getting pregnant each day, it seems like they didn't have any trouble (even though you never know who had trouble)...and I'm left here feeling like a broken woman.

I'm 28, DH is 29, and we've been TTC for 1 year now. 1 can't even believe this is my life. My husband and I are young and healthy, take no meds, eat organic, don't use plastic, take supplements, exercise, get adjusted, and yet we're having trouble conceiving. (He got tested this past January btw and was completely fine) I don't even know what's wrong at this point, other than it's me. I feel like even more of a failure and an idiot that we're both doctors that can't get pregnant. I also have a short luteal phase, 9-12 days, which I have been told by my OB-GYN isn't impeding me getting pregnant (not sure I believe that though).

I take my BBT, check my CM & CP, elevate my pelvis after BD, was taking Vitex for 6 months to extend my LP with no change, have tried eating pineapple core after ovulation, and tried acupuncture for 3 months. I recently ordered Red Raspberry Leaf tea and Black Cohosh to start next cycle if I'm not pregnant this cycle. I'm currently 7dpo and GOING CRAZY!!!! I am over-analyzing all of my symptoms and don't know how I'm going to make it another 4 days till I'm supposed to get AF. Every month I convince myself that I'm pregnant, and every month I get crushed.

It feels like I have no one to talk to about it other than my DH, who is super supportive, but my mom and friends just don't get it so I usually keep quiet. They'd be shocked to know what I am going through because I keep it hidden 99% of the time.

I guess if this black cohosh and RRL tea doesn't help me in the new 2 months or so, I'm going to have to go back to the OB-GYN or go see a RE and get some testing done. I can't take another year of this.

If anyone actually read all this, thank you. I know you feel my pain. Prayers and baby dust for all of you!!!

I feel you. We're in a similar boat but we're on cycle 7. Going to reach out to a fertility clinic soon. I want to deal with this as soon as I can. =(
Hi Ladies!

Just found this blog yesterday, and it's so refreshing to know that I'm not the only one who is going through this. You hear about other women having fertility trouble, but when you see all of your Facebook friends getting pregnant each day, it seems like they didn't have any trouble (even though you never know who had trouble)...and I'm left here feeling like a broken woman.

I'm 28, DH is 29, and we've been TTC for 1 year now. 1 can't even believe this is my life. My husband and I are young and healthy, take no meds, eat organic, don't use plastic, take supplements, exercise, get adjusted, and yet we're having trouble conceiving. (He got tested this past January btw and was completely fine) I don't even know what's wrong at this point, other than it's me. I feel like even more of a failure and an idiot that we're both doctors that can't get pregnant. I also have a short luteal phase, 9-12 days, which I have been told by my OB-GYN isn't impeding me getting pregnant (not sure I believe that though).

I take my BBT, check my CM & CP, elevate my pelvis after BD, was taking Vitex for 6 months to extend my LP with no change, have tried eating pineapple core after ovulation, and tried acupuncture for 3 months. I recently ordered Red Raspberry Leaf tea and Black Cohosh to start next cycle if I'm not pregnant this cycle. I'm currently 7dpo and GOING CRAZY!!!! I am over-analyzing all of my symptoms and don't know how I'm going to make it another 4 days till I'm supposed to get AF. Every month I convince myself that I'm pregnant, and every month I get crushed.

It feels like I have no one to talk to about it other than my DH, who is super supportive, but my mom and friends just don't get it so I usually keep quiet. They'd be shocked to know what I am going through because I keep it hidden 99% of the time.

I guess if this black cohosh and RRL tea doesn't help me in the new 2 months or so, I'm going to have to go back to the OB-GYN or go see a RE and get some testing done. I can't take another year of this.

If anyone actually read all this, thank you. I know you feel my pain. Prayers and baby dust for all of you!!!

Welcome to the blog! I had a very short LP as well. Spotting starting at 8dpo, sometimes sooner. I took BBT so I was able to acknowledge the issue. I started taking a b6 vitamin everyday along with my doctor prescribed prenatals. I also switched up the BD from the SMEP to just every other day, no consecutive days. I use Preseed as a lubricant because it helps your environment to allow sperm to live longer. I also completely took out caffeine from my diet. Yes, that means no coffee at all. Instead, I drank a non-caffeinated tea. I had been trying to get pregnant for a few months already, but as soon as I made these changes, I got pregnant immediately. My biggest advice would be the b6 vitamin and preseed. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.

Thanks for the encouragement! I am currently 8dpo and have been reading a lot about B6 extending the LP, so I plan on picking some up today! I have used preseed on/off through the past year...hard to say if it helped at all since I never got a bfp, and I don't drink coffee so that one is an easy one for me to avoid.

Here's to hoping this is the month!

If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always msg me. Good luck with the b6, it did the trick for me, maybe it will do the trick for you too!

Thank you! I'm on day 3 of another cycle, so hopefully with the new supplements, including the b6, this will be the month! I haven't lost hope yet.

My DH and I also BD like crazy around OD and I always thought that I had such a good shot. The month I got pregnant, we strictly BD every other day. That was the only month I didn't do it consecutively. Just a thought to try :) Good Luck!
My DH and I also BD like crazy around OD and I always thought that I had such a good shot. The month I got pregnant, we strictly BD every other day. That was the only month I didn't do it consecutively. Just a thought to try :) Good Luck!
We do usually end up missing at least 1 day around ovulation because my OD jumps around so much between day 16-19, but it's so hard for me to plan on going every other because I don't want to risk missing the right day! Btw, did the b6 help extend your LP by pushing back your period or moving up your OD?
My DH and I also BD like crazy around OD and I always thought that I had such a good shot. The month I got pregnant, we strictly BD every other day. That was the only month I didn't do it consecutively. Just a thought to try :) Good Luck!
We do usually end up missing at least 1 day around ovulation because my OD jumps around so much between day 16-19, but it's so hard for me to plan on going every other because I don't want to risk missing the right day! Btw, did the b6 help extend your LP by pushing back your period or moving up your OD?

Don't worry about missing the right day because the sperm will live in your uterus for many days. The better the environment, the more days it will live. By using preseed, you're making the environment better. Continue to BD, even after your temp has risen because that just means that the egg was released, but it is available for 12-24 hours after being released. Also, the sperm have a better quality if you allow time to regenerate. So BD'ing every night may not have the best quality, meaning they may not have good motility to be able to get to the egg and get through the egg or live long in your uterus. By BD'ing every 48 hours, you're getting a better quality of sperm that have more stamina to get inside of an egg and that can live longer in your uterus. I'm not sure if the b6 moved up my OD because that was irregular. One month was cd19, then cd29, then cd18. The constant for each cycle was that my LP was so short and I would start spotting on 7-8dpo. The month I got pregnant, I spotted on 10-11dpo, but that was implantation bleeding.
Hello ladies, I just want to get something off my chest. I wish i could sue every provider that ever prescribed me depo shot. That stupid shot is ruining my life and crushing my hopes of ever concieving. I kind of wanna smack my father for suggesting that horrid shot to me in the first place. I never knew it took the stupid thing took up to 2 years to get of your system. I never knew that it would throw my body so out of whack that i begin pondering if I will ever be able to hae a child. I want a child so badly. Baby fever is like the biggest understatement of what i have been going through i think its better described as baby mania. I just don't know what to do. My periods have become so sporadic since discontinuing the depo that i don't even know when to expect them anymore. Since getting off the depo i have had a 29day cycle, a 120 day cycle, and im currently on cd45 as i type. I have taken more hpts then i can count and everytime i see the :bfn: my heart breaks a little more and i start to feel like this GOD FORESAKEN shot has made me permenantely infertile. I could just break down and cry from the frustration sometimes. I just want a child, and i have no idea how long it will be until i can have one or if having one is even possible now. Well thanks for letting me get that out of my system. Best of luck to you all.
Hi Ladies!

Just found this blog yesterday, and it's so refreshing to know that I'm not the only one who is going through this. You hear about other women having fertility trouble, but when you see all of your Facebook friends getting pregnant each day, it seems like they didn't have any trouble (even though you never know who had trouble)...and I'm left here feeling like a broken woman.

I'm 28, DH is 29, and we've been TTC for 1 year now. 1 can't even believe this is my life. My husband and I are young and healthy, take no meds, eat organic, don't use plastic, take supplements, exercise, get adjusted, and yet we're having trouble conceiving. (He got tested this past January btw and was completely fine) I don't even know what's wrong at this point, other than it's me. I feel like even more of a failure and an idiot that we're both doctors that can't get pregnant. I also have a short luteal phase, 9-12 days, which I have been told by my OB-GYN isn't impeding me getting pregnant (not sure I believe that though).

I take my BBT, check my CM & CP, elevate my pelvis after BD, was taking Vitex for 6 months to extend my LP with no change, have tried eating pineapple core after ovulation, and tried acupuncture for 3 months. I recently ordered Red Raspberry Leaf tea and Black Cohosh to start next cycle if I'm not pregnant this cycle. I'm currently 7dpo and GOING CRAZY!!!! I am over-analyzing all of my symptoms and don't know how I'm going to make it another 4 days till I'm supposed to get AF. Every month I convince myself that I'm pregnant, and every month I get crushed.

It feels like I have no one to talk to about it other than my DH, who is super supportive, but my mom and friends just don't get it so I usually keep quiet. They'd be shocked to know what I am going through because I keep it hidden 99% of the time.

I guess if this black cohosh and RRL tea doesn't help me in the new 2 months or so, I'm going to have to go back to the OB-GYN or go see a RE and get some testing done. I can't take another year of this.

If anyone actually read all this, thank you. I know you feel my pain. Prayers and baby dust for all of you!!!

Welcome to the blog! I had a very short LP as well. Spotting starting at 8dpo, sometimes sooner. I took BBT so I was able to acknowledge the issue. I started taking a b6 vitamin everyday along with my doctor prescribed prenatals. I also switched up the BD from the SMEP to just every other day, no consecutive days. I use Preseed as a lubricant because it helps your environment to allow sperm to live longer. I also completely took out caffeine from my diet. Yes, that means no coffee at all. Instead, I drank a non-caffeinated tea. I had been trying to get pregnant for a few months already, but as soon as I made these changes, I got pregnant immediately. My biggest advice would be the b6 vitamin and preseed. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.

Thanks for the encouragement! I am currently 8dpo and have been reading a lot about B6 extending the LP, so I plan on picking some up today! I have used preseed on/off through the past year...hard to say if it helped at all since I never got a bfp, and I don't drink coffee so that one is an easy one for me to avoid.

Here's to hoping this is the month!

Hi, new to the forum. Any updates on your situation? This is similar to me...Trying for 10-11 months, we are both 32 and healthy without any excessive behaviors (caffeine, alcohol, etc)...and nothing. I've had my ultrasound and blood tests, and seem to be fine and ovulate regularly. Husband hasn't been tested yet but I suppose that's next. I have 1 caffeine drink per day, but perhaps I should cut that out? And add B6? I do take a multi (pre-natal actually), but perhaps that's not enough?
I also get sore bbs immediately after ovulation until my period, which from everything I've read, is a sign of 'estrogen dominance,' so I ordered some natural progesterone cream to possibly help balance that out. Anyone had experience with that?
Hey mrssawa, no definitive update on whether the B6 is helping for me or not. Last month was my first month on it taking 100 mg, and I didn't notice anything different. This month however, I'm currently 1 day late and very hopeful. I'm having some cramping and very light intermittent spotting though, so I'm not sure. I'm using the b6 to extend my luteal phase though, so if you're not having a short LP then you might not need to supplement with that. Plus the pre-natal you're taking probably has B vitamins, so make sure you check the dosage in that before you add in any others.

I am taking chaste tree (vitex agnus-castus) to help naturally raise my progesterone levels if they're low so you could look into that. I don't have any experience with the progesterone cream...personally I wanted to have my blood levels checked before I started using any actual progesterone.

As for the caffeine, I would try to avoid having that everyday. I have also heard that the caffeine can cause the breast tenderness between ovulation and AF. Good luck to you and keep us posted! I definitely know how hard this is!
mrssawa - in order to add B6 and it be effective you have to be taking a b-complex vitamin. I started taking lots of extra vitamins (B6, B12, C, D and a prenatal) my doctor recommended last cycle and it did give me EWCM for the firs time but my Cycles are only 26 days long LP 10-11 days and didn't see any improvement with that using the vitamins.

I'm getting my progesterone tested (along with the other hormonal labs) on day 21 of this cycle hoping this sheds some light. Because I'm at my wits end. 2 years of not using protection and 13 cycles of actively trying :growlmad: and no luck. Finally started temping even though I work swing shifts so at least I know I ovulated last month but still its just so frustrating! Getting my DH's SA results back in the next few days fingers crossed!
hi gals
i am 7DPO my symptoms are
-lower abdomen sweet pain after 4dpo
-no CM
- tip of pencil size light red spot in tissue (sorry for description :P)
- sever pain in legs and hand @ night

dont have symptoms like
- tender BB

i am waiting for BFP
this is my 1st baby trying since 4yrs

God bless us all
Baby Dust !
Those sounds like good symptoms Ana1984! Keep us posted!

Going through this is the hardest thing and definitely tests the faith. I hope this is your miracle month!!!
Hi ladies - I found this forum a couple weeks ago and it has been very helpful! I am 26, DH is 26 as well, we have been together almost six years and married for 2.5. We always knew we wanted children, but decided to wait until we owned our own home and were a little more settled. At the beginning of March, we decided it was the perfect time, so I went off bcp, and honestly expected to get pregnant right away. We did two months of not trying/not preventing, and finally in June (this month), I buckled down and started tracking ovulation. Well I'm due to start AF any day and I feel awful - how can all these women get pregnant at the drop of a hat, or accidentally, but yet it is seeming to take forever for us? I know a few months isn't long at all, compared to how long some of you ladies have been trying, but dang it sucks when you have baby on the brain! I just ordered some red raspberry leaf tea, and hopefully July will be our month.
Mininun1, there are barely any words to explain the true pain when AF shows up month after month. So sorry to hear that you're going through this too...I don't wish this on anyone. Somehow though, we're able to pull ourselves back up and try again the next month. Keep hopeful and keep praying. I wish I had better advice but after 14 months of actively trying, I've realized there's nothing anyone can say to make it better. Your time will come though. We will all eventually be holding our babies, even if takes longer than we ever imagined it would. When I'm feeling down about it, I like to read the BFP announcements. I get so happy for the women and get such a sense of encouragement that I end up crying happy tears for them lol.

Good luck with the raspberry tea! I should start drinking mine again.
mininun1 - try not to be to discouraged hopefully with actively trying you get better luck! before I started temping I thought I ovulated on CD 13 i don't its not usually until CD15 or 16 so I was missing it a lot.

Well i got crappy news today. husbands SA came back with all 3 issues low sperm count, bad swimmers and bad morphology .... his doctor is working on a referral for us now but we got into a big fight about it today. He says he refuses to use a donor and he is done with doctors. That if I want kids I should just leave him and be with someone else. I know he's just upset about the results but it hurt me a lot that he would think I would leave him for it .... idk any advise on what to say or do?
Those sounds like good symptoms Ana1984! Keep us posted!

Going through this is the hardest thing and definitely tests the faith. I hope this is your miracle month!!!

Thanks a looooooooooot dear

best wishes needed badly

all d best to you toooooo
baby dust to all!!

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