This is my first time to post but Im thankful that I have a place to vent. I've been TTC for the past 5 months and nothing. I track my ovulation and even got a conception pillow but nothing has worked yet. My husband doesn't understand why I'm getting frustrated. All the ladies around me have gotten prgnt on the 1st try or only after a few months. I'm starting to feel like something is wrong with me. I know stressing about this isn't helping but I don't know what to do. I'm 31 and so is my husband. I was on both control for about 10 years but got off 8 months ago. I was told that being on birth control wouldn't make a difference on when I was able to conceive. However I get so disappointed when AF arrives.
What is B6? At what point should my husband be tested? Any advice?
I wish you all little baby miracles this month.
Like someone else said, most healthy couples can take up to a year before conceiving. And I know it seems like everyone gets preggo first try, but it's not really true. It just seems that way because you are TTC. Lots of people struggle secretly and just don't say anything. But there are people who have oops babies or do get preggo without much effort. It's just a dice roll.
Actually, I had a friend who claimed she had gotten pregnant first try, but then confessed that it had actually taken two years for her to conceive, she was just ashamed of the struggle and wanted to keep it under wraps.
Anyway, I should also point out that although they say that getting off BC won't have an effect on TTC, it can actually take up to around 6 months for your body to re-regulate and get back on track. So it's possible that you haven't been able to conceive yet because of that.
It's always frustrating and you want answers NOW when you first start out...and 6 months is always the point where ladies start questioning if there's something going on/if something is wrong, but try not to worry too much.
As for advice, I would start talking to the doctor around 10-11 months of trying. That way you're close to a year of trying, so they'll be more receptive to your concerns. When you go in, ask for a sperm analysis for your DH and the Day 21 bloods for you. Make sure you know when you ovulate and how long your cycles are by then, so they can take the blood on the right day.
Take Folic acid daily and a good multivitamin. Have your DH take multi-vitmains too and make sure they include Selenium. Do you track your cycles? Like with opks or temping? This goes toward the knowing your cycles bit. The more you know, the better you can pinpoint when to BD to optimize your chances.
Sorry for the long ramble. Good luck!