I've been stalking these ttc threads since March. I always said to myself that I'd post as soon as I got my (grr starting to hate this term) BFP so I could reassure everyone else that 'it will eventually happen'. Ah how the universe loves to hear our plans...
I know that compared to many women I haven't been trying that long. I do. But I just don't see, after nine consecutive months, how next time is going to be any different. Surely if it was going to happen and it could happen it would have one of the nine times we tried already? Why
wouldn't it have happened if it could?
My OH is pretty useless on this stuff too. He doesn't like being 'pressured' so if we get to BD once after the OPK turns positive, it's a good cycle. He also flat out refuses to consider having a sperm test to check if everything's ok as 'it's just not possible that it's not okay'. Seriously.
I. Just. Hate. My. Body. I can ovulate anywhere between day 15 and 20, so go through packs of ovulation sticks and I spot for days before AF ('maybe it's implantation bleeding this time and not normal spotting! Oh my temperature's really high! Oh how exciting! Oh...wait...no...never mind'). I have had every 'symptom' known to man - from the most obvious - ovary twinges, cramps, sore breasts - to the most ridiculous such as dry lips or tingling teeth (little experiment for anyone who's not tried this - think of any physical ailment, no matter how obscure, and type it into Google followed by 'pregnancy symptom'. I guarantee that you will find multiple threads on sites like this with women swearing that they had this symptom in their BFP month).
This month I did everything I could to thin out my CM before ov as I never get EWCM and I'm a bit worried about it. I drank my weight in water, took lots of Evening Primrose Oil and that Mucinex stuff the TTCers on the American boards are always talking about. And still, up until 24 hours before ovulation I was dry and sticky. Then on what I now know was the day OF ovulation, I had a sudden gush of watery fertile CM that lasted about 3-4 hours while I was at work. But it was gone by the time I got home and OH wasn't up for it anyway because we'd done it the night before and he was feeling the 'pressure'. Seriously. I get 4 hours max of ferile CM in an entire month? How exactly am I supposed to work with that? How much more effort can I make? I am trying EVERYTHING.
Sigh. I hate my body and I hate this process. I hate it. It's making me really unhappy.