Hi Jenn- first of all, I'm new to this particular thread. You'll find me on the TTC #1 Buddies thread asking questions and sharing new experiences, usually new bodily functions lol, but I digress. I was reading your last post, and though I haven't been ttc as long as you have (only 5 months) I think that I understand but in a slightly different way.
Two of my best friends got pregnant on accident, unmarried and unplanned and they are both very understanding when I discuss my issues about ttc, but I find myself thinking. "No, you DON'T understand anything. I AM married. You don't know what it's like to know that you're ready, to know that it's time for this to happen to you and not have any control over something you want so badly" It makes me want to talk to someone else about these things. They may have had it forced upon them unexpectedly and had to struggle to get ready and be single moms now, but THEY GET TO BE MOMS. In a way I feel alienated too...but I feel like I alienate myself sometimes. I love them both and one of them, I'm the Godmother to her daughter now and I love my Goddaughter to pieces, but sometimes it's hard to listen to them talk about their babies. Sometimes I get so angry at the situation, not them, that I distance myself so they won't think that I AM angry at them. I know that it must have really hurt when you realized your best friend couldn't share something so important....but bottom line is it's such a touchy situation and as women we know how emotional we can get it about it and I'm sure she just didn't want to rub it in your face.
With me and my best friend of 11 years (my goddaughter's mother) this is the first thing I've felt uncomfortable talking about to her and its because its THAT important. Its THAT big of a deal and your friend just knows that. You're not a bad friend and you didn't do anything wrong to make your friend distance herself. I hope you were able to talk it out and maybe get on the same page about things.
I worry that if I continue to have troubles it could become too painful to be around some of my closest friends, watching them raise their babies and have 2nd babies, and it kills me that I feel that way.