Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

13 Months in to TTC for me. I'm just so sick and tired of seeing BFNs and staring so hard at tests that I feel like I'm trying to will a line there. Everyone around me is pregnant, or just had a baby - my SIL is pregnant with her second oopsie - baby number 4, my friends are pregnant with their first oopsie - baby number 2, my other SIL's baby is now 6 weeks old and we both started trying for a baby at the same time. Its just so depressing. I just want this to all be over and on our way to having our own lo. My heart goes out to the women who have been trying for 2+ years and never got a BFP.
I'm right there with you Abe. It is mentally and emotionally exhausting.

The good news is that IVF Sucess rates are so high, and that is promising. If I could I would jump right to IVF and skip the IUIs, since the Sucess rate isn't high at all.

There's nothing really anyone can say to make anyone trying to conceive feel better, It just sucks-all of it. But you aren't alone. For me it has become a battle every single day. I wake up with it and go to bed with it. Hang in there.
You shall triumph by his GRACE. I have been married for 3years and we have been leisurely trying until last year. Finally, we decided to see the doctor. Then came the test et al. My wife had fibroid operation and everything went well. I did a test and all was great except for morphology which was less than 4%. By the way, the andrologist said 4% is the acceptable threshold. However, when he learnt I had abstained for almost 7 to 10days before the test, he advised I redo the test again because, as he said, abstinence affects morphology. I will test in July. Meanwhile, we are trying by all means, after all low morphology sperm can still fertilize. This much he said... Good luck guys.. Am fresh herein
Love this idea for a thread! I've been needing to vent!! This whole process has been the most frustrating!! Had a CP our first month trying. I tried to stay positive 'Oh that means we can get pregnant, that just wasn't the right time." It's only been 6 months but now my cycle is all over the place. I'm having multiple episodes of EWCM because every month there's something going on like traveling or I get sick right around my window. I'm already at that point where I want to just say eff it and throw all the tracking out the window. But then I feel like I can't yet because I need to know what's going on at all times with my body. Not saying I really know what's going on anymore. I wish I knew how frustrating and devastating this would be!
Good Morning Everyone,

I am so new to this but I figured joining a group and asking questions would be so much helpful then getting those that I know all in my business.

I have been trying to conceive for the 2nd time for going on 7 months now but I haven't been blessed with that opportunity again. I was on the Nexplanon Implant birth control from Dec 13-Nov 15. I came on timely until the month of April. I was 12 days late, and when I finally came on I was bleeding so heavy and in the worst pain. The next month I came on but I was 9 days late. . So here it is June and I am expected to come on at the end of the month (well next week) & I am worried, concerned and nervous.

My question is: Is this normal for post that are on here and able to respond back? Is there a possibility I cant have any more kids?

P.S. even if I was to get pregnant I wouldn't know the signs because with my first child I didn't have any symptoms at all. It was as if I wasn't pregnant.
Good Morning Everyone,

I am so new to this but I figured joining a group and asking questions would be so much helpful then getting those that I know all in my business.

I have been trying to conceive for the 2nd time for going on 7 months now but I haven't been blessed with that opportunity again. I was on the Nexplanon Implant birth control from Dec 13-Nov 15. I came on timely until the month of April. I was 12 days late, and when I finally came on I was bleeding so heavy and in the worst pain. The next month I came on but I was 9 days late. . So here it is June and I am expected to come on at the end of the month (well next week) & I am worried, concerned and nervous.

My question is: Is this normal for post that are on here and able to respond back? Is there a possibility I cant have any more kids?

P.S. even if I was to get pregnant I wouldn't know the signs because with my first child I didn't have any symptoms at all. It was as if I wasn't pregnant.

I see you've also posted this elsewhere. Please be respectful of the fact that this particular board/thread is for ladies who are trying to conceive their first child, some have been struggling to become mothers without success for years. Hope you can find the support you need in the other areas of this forum. Good luck with your journey
Just today found out my brother and his girlfriend are pregnant.

No married, not engaged, not even living together. Although that's their plan. And "accidentally" got pregnant although I still don't really believe that's possible. We all know how babies are made so if you're not preventing, you know what can happen!

This did it for me. I am so fucking done trying to build myself up every month emotionally just to be torn down again. My sister is due in August, my brothers girlfriend due in February. I will love my nieces and/or nephews more than anything but this is a vent thread, so I vented. I hate to feel so mad, but I am.
Just found out my SIL is pregnant. That makes three oopsie babies announced in three months. The only people who haven't announced a pregnancy in the past year is my MIL (who is a widow and menopausal) and DH and I. I feel like breaking down and screaming and crying. It just isn't fair....
I get where you guys are coming from! One of my cousins just had twins (two weeks before the date I would have been due, had my twins - first and only pregnancy - not miscarried at 9 wks - that hurts), one other cousin just announced, plus my future sister-in-law. People walking down the road with strollers and toddlers. Everyone is so fertile! I am happy to have my facebook filled with babies, but it's a bit bittersweet wondering when it will be my turn. Period was a WEEK late and then started yesterday, crushing my slightly risen hopes. Time to start testing for ovulation for me instead of just using a tracker.
Becca hun sending you hugs xxx. I lost my first at 8 weeks and I am now trying to prepare my heart for my nephew who is due in July. I started a thread for those of us still ttc#1 after a loss. Ttc after my MMC was a whole new minefield of grief and pain and hope. It's been a great little support group through the ups and downs. You are welcome to join any time if you think it will help. Much love and here's hoping we get our rainbows soon <3
Thx Les, it's great to find a place where people understand! I only registered after I saw this thread and just related so much to the feelings everyone was posting. I just saw your thread and I appreciate the invite - will stop over there next :)
Hi everyone. This is my first post on the vent thread (awesome idea btw) I come on here to tell/vent about my try #2 going to waste.

My SO and I did the BD last month for the first time on the 8th but it wasn't till half way through the month I found out about FF. I thought my O was going to be on the 9-10 (assuming that ovulation happened on CD 14-15) of course that thinking of mine lead me to a BFN. Shortly after that I was informed by many woman on here to do OPKs.

A little background on me. I'm 31, never have had a baby, fellow brain tumor survivor of almost 21 years. I also have been told I have PCOS.

Anyway, I started using the strips around CD 11. Got a +OPK CD 17-19 and had the darkest test line on CD 19. I was overjoyed and feeling good be a use my SO and I did the baby dance CD 17-19. My SO is a truck driver and is gone 2weeks at a time and then only has 2 days off (Saturday and Sunday) to TTC is not easy because of his schedule.
I have been having sore nipples, and cramping for the most part since O.
Yesterday afternoon I got a sudden cramp that just hit me hard. Ran to the bath, had diarrhea. After cleaning up I saw that I had some pink "spoofing" thinking to myself because of when FF saying AF is due, this could be IB!!! I woke up to and the spotting is still hear. And the past 2 days have been lower than the previous temp. This morning was barley above coverline. I have three apps with 3 different dates that are predicting my AF. The app, Period Tracker, have been on track 99.9% of the time says that I'm due June 22, OVIA says June 24, and FF says June 29. I have been using Period Tracker for years and it's always with a day give or take.

I looked at last months chart and noticed something for the first time, it seems that my luteal phases are really short. Last month was only 6 days long, and if AF really did show up yesterday that's another one that only lasted 6 days.

My periods are very weird. They start out really light for 4-5 days and then turn in gushers for another 4-5 days. So around the time woman may experience IB, I can't tell if it's IB or the beginning of a new cycle. I'm so frustrated and I want to cry...wait, too late.
If your temp has dropped chances are it's AF. You may want to talk to a doctor, as a short Luteal phase could suggest a progesterone deficiency. I'm sorry last cycle was so tough for you, but you did O! Many women with PCOS don't, or it takes them considerably longer to.

AFM- well, turns out SIL was NTNP for number three, and BIL's heart broke when he found out because he knows we've been trying for almost 14 months now... This was their first cycle NTNP. I'm just so envious... How do they do it? How can someone who can't even look after the two she has get pregnant again??
Hi ladies, we have been ttc for 4 years, i literally had a massive rant on my journal the other day how it wasn't working. We started last month for blood tests etc to see what was going on. Yesterday ....BFP!
I am not here to rub anyone's faces in it but i want to tell you there's hope and it can happen at the most unlikely of times. Dont give up and speak to your doctor when you feel ready to take the next steps. Its such a stressful and difficult journey but it will be all worth it in the end. I am very very early days so i don't believe it at all but as my pic says 'JUST KEEP SWIMMING!':dust::dust::dust:
Jelly! Congratulations!!!!

Was there anything that you were doing differently? I imagine after 4 years you have probably tried every trick out there to TTC.
21, sorry about your experience. It&#8217;s so hard when our cycles are strange and unpredictable, especially when DH is not around for part of the time. Things are hard, but there is always hope and please keep us updated. I&#8217;m rooting for you!

JF - Congrats!!! Your message definitely did the opposite of rub my face in it but shows there&#8217;s always hope! So happy for you! I&#8217;m going to be checking out your journal asap :) Can&#8217;t wait to keep up with your journey!
Hi ladies, we have been ttc for 4 years, i literally had a massive rant on my journal the other day how it wasn't working. We started last month for blood tests etc to see what was going on. Yesterday ....BFP!
I am not here to rub anyone's faces in it but i want to tell you there's hope and it can happen at the most unlikely of times. Dont give up and speak to your doctor when you feel ready to take the next steps. Its such a stressful and difficult journey but it will be all worth it in the end. I am very very early days so i don't believe it at all but as my pic says 'JUST KEEP SWIMMING!':dust::dust::dust:

OMG after four years?! That's wonderful, I am so happy for you!
13 Months in to TTC for me. I'm just so sick and tired of seeing BFNs and staring so hard at tests that I feel like I'm trying to will a line there. Everyone around me is pregnant, or just had a baby - my SIL is pregnant with her second oopsie - baby number 4, my friends are pregnant with their first oopsie - baby number 2, my other SIL's baby is now 6 weeks old and we both started trying for a baby at the same time. Its just so depressing. I just want this to all be over and on our way to having our own lo. My heart goes out to the women who have been trying for 2+ years and never got a BFP.

You and I both started trying at the same time. I shudder to think how many pregnancy tests and OPKs I have used since last May. What I didn't know last year is almost laughable now. My bstep brother and his wife are newlyweds and shopping for a "family car", I know what that means. At this point I will truly feel lucky to have just one baby let alone 4!
Hi...My period was three days late, the first day was spotting, the second day was dark red, only when i wipe, on the third day through the 5th day I would wake up and spotting bright red. Today is the 5th day only pink when I wipe. I do have a history of miscarriages. A week before my period was due, i was cramping and had morning sickness every day. Today i have no pains, slight morning sickness and just only the spotting when I wipe. I just needed to kind of see if anyone been through this, thanks! Oh and also my breast are still swollen. And i have finally joined a forum lol

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