I was about to say go to your gyno, but you already are! This happened to me this summer, and I eventually got AF... that was the only time AF was ever late. Now I'm a few days late and I'm scared it's going to happen to me again

. I haven't tested yet because I'm too scared to see the BFN.
Did you have the watery cm and cramps too? When did your AF finally come? Do you know why it was so late? Sorry for all the questions!
I honestly don't remember too much, I think I tried to block that whole thing out of my mind because it was so upsetting. I think I had some cramping, but not too much, I don't remember my cm though. I had gone to my gyno, they gave me a quantitative blood test and it was negative so they told me just to wait until I got my period because I'm not pregnant, and if I didn't get it within a couple weeks or something they were going to do an U/S. I think AF was about 3 weeks late or so. I didn't believe them that I wasn't pregnant, I kept thinking "no I'm just one of those people that never gets a positive test their whole pregnancy" (because that DOES happen to some people btw). Then I thought maybe I had a MC because my HCG and prog levels were too low to hold the baby... I guess I will never truly know. This time I have been having cramps, and I have watery/sticky cm. The other morning I had one cramp that was so bad I had to squat on the ground and hold myself. I'm probably going to test on Friday, if no AF but I'm scared this is all just going to happen again so I'm really hoping for 2 lines this time to avoid pulling all my hair out. Let me know how things go for you, I'm really curious! Good luck!