Hello - I'm new here. I've been really discouraged lately and this weekend just topped it off. I just googled "TTC Vent Forum" and this was the first one that came up so here I am. My husband and I have been TTC for almost 3 years (I've been off the pill since then anyways). I'm getting so sick of everyone asking me when I'm going to have kids. My boss used to tell me everyday I needed to hurry up and get pregnant - until I had a little melt down at work and told her how much it bothered me!
Last night, I went to a neighborhood girl's night and once again, I'm the only one in a group of women that doesn't have a kid. And once again, the conversation ALWAYS ends up about kids and there I am just sitting there thinking "well, I have a dog - does that count???"
Last month, my temperature spiked and I had a positive ov test, so I told my dh that we have to do the deed that night. (not very romantic - but hey, neither is taking my temp and peeing on a stick several times a month). His reply to me was "Well, that's not going to work - you make it seem like a chore" WTF?!?! I realize that but why does it always have to be all pleasure for the guys and the women have to do all the work?? Am I the only one that has a husband that just doesn't get it?? All of my friends have kids so no one in my life really "gets it" - thanks for letting me vent!
Oh my god, I need to see a counselor so bad... I'm just sinking deeper and deeper into depression. And its starting to spread into other areas of my life, where before I was just depressed about TTC. Even here I feel so lonely sometimes, because I know that if I stick around I will eventually see all of you ladies get pregnant and leave, and I'll be the crazy lady who's been here for 15 years. I'm so heartbroken that the only way I'll ever have a child is if I leave my husband. That is one of the most painful parts, knowing that I could have children and heal my pain, but only by causing him more pain. I wish it was me sometimes, not him, because then I would hate myself instead of always wondering how I ended up where I am. My nasty MIL one time told me that she "needs a grandbaby". I just about strangled her. SHE "needs" a grandbaby. I finally yelled at her to never say that again because what she's feeling can't even compare to what I'm feeling. People are so insensitive and cruel.
Oh my god, I need to see a counselor so bad... I'm just sinking deeper and deeper into depression. And its starting to spread into other areas of my life, where before I was just depressed about TTC. Even here I feel so lonely sometimes, because I know that if I stick around I will eventually see all of you ladies get pregnant and leave, and I'll be the crazy lady who's been here for 15 years. I'm so heartbroken that the only way I'll ever have a child is if I leave my husband. That is one of the most painful parts, knowing that I could have children and heal my pain, but only by causing him more pain. I wish it was me sometimes, not him, because then I would hate myself instead of always wondering how I ended up where I am. My nasty MIL one time told me that she "needs a grandbaby". I just about strangled her. SHE "needs" a grandbaby. I finally yelled at her to never say that again because what she's feeling can't even compare to what I'm feeling. People are so insensitive and cruel.
Hello - I'm new here. I've been really discouraged lately and this weekend just topped it off. I just googled "TTC Vent Forum" and this was the first one that came up so here I am. My husband and I have been TTC for almost 3 years (I've been off the pill since then anyways). I'm getting so sick of everyone asking me when I'm going to have kids. My boss used to tell me everyday I needed to hurry up and get pregnant - until I had a little melt down at work and told her how much it bothered me!
Last night, I went to a neighborhood girl's night and once again, I'm the only one in a group of women that doesn't have a kid. And once again, the conversation ALWAYS ends up about kids and there I am just sitting there thinking "well, I have a dog - does that count???"
Last month, my temperature spiked and I had a positive ov test, so I told my dh that we have to do the deed that night. (not very romantic - but hey, neither is taking my temp and peeing on a stick several times a month). His reply to me was "Well, that's not going to work - you make it seem like a chore" WTF?!?! I realize that but why does it always have to be all pleasure for the guys and the women have to do all the work?? Am I the only one that has a husband that just doesn't get it?? All of my friends have kids so no one in my life really "gets it" - thanks for letting me vent!
I'm with you Bex434. *hugs* I'm on my way to losing my best friend over it I think. Dont want to, but she is not doing anything to stop it. Too wrapped up in her 15 year old daughter's unplanned, unexpected and totally unwise pregnancy.
Oh my god, I need to see a counselor so bad... I'm just sinking deeper and deeper into depression. And its starting to spread into other areas of my life, where before I was just depressed about TTC. Even here I feel so lonely sometimes, because I know that if I stick around I will eventually see all of you ladies get pregnant and leave, and I'll be the crazy lady who's been here for 15 years. I'm so heartbroken that the only way I'll ever have a child is if I leave my husband. That is one of the most painful parts, knowing that I could have children and heal my pain, but only by causing him more pain. I wish it was me sometimes, not him, because then I would hate myself instead of always wondering how I ended up where I am. My nasty MIL one time told me that she "needs a grandbaby". I just about strangled her. SHE "needs" a grandbaby. I finally yelled at her to never say that again because what she's feeling can't even compare to what I'm feeling. People are so insensitive and cruel.
My vent of the day is I'm tired of seeing women who already have children on TTC#1 threads!
Oh my god, I need to see a counselor so bad... I'm just sinking deeper and deeper into depression. And its starting to spread into other areas of my life, where before I was just depressed about TTC. Even here I feel so lonely sometimes, because I know that if I stick around I will eventually see all of you ladies get pregnant and leave, and I'll be the crazy lady who's been here for 15 years. I'm so heartbroken that the only way I'll ever have a child is if I leave my husband. That is one of the most painful parts, knowing that I could have children and heal my pain, but only by causing him more pain. I wish it was me sometimes, not him, because then I would hate myself instead of always wondering how I ended up where I am. My nasty MIL one time told me that she "needs a grandbaby". I just about strangled her. SHE "needs" a grandbaby. I finally yelled at her to never say that again because what she's feeling can't even compare to what I'm feeling. People are so insensitive and cruel.
People can be so insensitive!
Have you and DH pursued any fertility treatment options yet?
My vent of the day is I'm tired of seeing women who already have children on TTC#1 threads!
Maybe couple's therapy? Does he express to you how this makes him feel at all? I can't imagine it feels good knowing he can't give you the one thing you want so bad. Sometimes guy's are better at masking their feelings than we are. Hope this doesn't upset you I am only suggesting.![]()