Hello ladies, I am new to forums.
I am having one of those days and I just want to get all this frustration out and what better way to do it than chat to ladies who are in the similar circumstance.
My DH and I are heading into 5th year of marriage & 3 yr, 2mo of TTC #1. The first year & a half of TTC was great fun but now it is just stressful and everything feels timed. 1yr after TTC we saw our Dr. who said we are still young (29 at the time) and not to worry about it too much. 1yr, 6mo we went back to the doctor and I insisted on some form of tests. Dr claimed that my DH had to be checked first before I was sent for testing. DH was tested and informed that he had 8% swimmers
new diet and bad habits had to change. 3mo later DH went back to Dr for re-rest and then everything seemed good as 80% swimmers. We were both extremely pleased and started having fun again knowing what the problem might have been. 2yrs, 2mo later I have severe abdominal cramping and nausea with another trip to my Dr. My Dr. does a pregnancy test thinking it could be an ectopic pregnancy and test result is negative. I insist that something is not right and the Dr. does not seem to care instead cracks his stupid jokes. Every month after that I had severe premenstrual cramps including nausea. I decided that I was tired of my male Dr. and time for a change.
5 months after the severe pain started, I found a lovely female Dr. who took time to listen and immediately referred me to my Obgyn. The lovely Dr. told me it might be a long wait to see the Obgyn but I was lucky enough to get an appointment the next month. The obgyn did the necessary internals and blood tests with great results but I insisted something was not right as I am pretty in tune with my body and ovulation days due to charting all this time. Early in my 20s I was diagnosed with endometriosis and had a laparoscopy, with this information the Dr. felt that this would be a good reason for surgery. He was basically going in blind so booked my procedure as laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, hydrotubation, environmental biopsy possible salpingostomy remove or cauterize endometriosis or ovarian cyst and possible laporotamy 9 months after the first complaint to my male Dr. about the severe pain, was I finally taken seriously and the surgery happened.
The final procedure was a laporsocopy as I had a 6inch ovarian cyst which had ruptured, bilateral salpingostomy, hysteroscopy hydrotubation to open fallopian tubes as they were very narrow and removal of fibroid. The endometrial biopsy came back with wonderful results  My Dr. was very pleased that I insisted something was not right as both my tubes were narrow and my right ovary was not working with the ruptured cyst. Dr. believes that we will receive our BFP in the next 6 months
.3 months have passed and nothing yet HOPEFUL  DH will be going back to Dr. on February 15th for another sperm analysis and praying for the best 
Ladies, you know your body so if you feel something is not right please keep insisting for the Dr. to look into it further.
This is the first time I have put this in writing and it feels good.
Thank you