Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

I know right very! but the one I watched was actually really good it was called My baby is missing & a lady from an adoption agency stole a womans baby for money it was insane/ It had a really good intense story line & actually had a good ending most life time movies i hate lol
you won't hurt my feelings...
i just want to rant.


it's my dream to know i'm pregnant on mother's day.
argh! i feel like screaming.
i've been so impatient with my man lately. i'm afraid because of my selfish wants i'm going to hurt his feelings. idk... that goes into a whole different thing too.

kinda freaking out. i don't think i'm pregnant right now. that's all i want in life at the moment.

just sad, angry, and guilty.
Normally I love every lifetime movie I watch :) but since I was diagnosed with pcos and started TTC now certain ones piss me off. Life is funny like that.. Something you enjoy one day is the same thing that will make you angry/sad the next day.

And yes, a Mother's Day BFP would rock my world :) :) :)
Yah mothers day BFP would be spectacular :D As the months go by with every holiday I'm just like val day bfp, st.pattys bfp, next it's going to be 4th of july christmas so on and so forth >.<
I have ONE fallopian tube. I never know when I ovulate. I have about a 2 percent chance of conceiving, and I pretty much feel like giving up at this point. Some days I even try to convince myself that I don't want kids. That I want the career, and I need to focus more on that....... I just don't know anymore.
Well, Sunday morning and now 8-9 days late. I keep on getting cramps and then they dissappear. C'mon body, give me full AF or nothing at all!!! Really starting to wonder if DH and I didn't dtd in our sleep. (has happened before with me with my ex very oddly enough. true story)
I can relate to the PP who mentioned wanting to be pregnant on Mother's Day.

But really, it doesn't matter what holiday it is, I build up some fantasy in my mind -- "Wouldn't it be great to be able to tell DH that he's going to be a dad on Father's Day?" "Wouldn't it be awesome to tell my mom that she's going to be a grandmother on her birthday?" I play the whole thing out in my mind, down to how I would surprise people and how I hope they would react.

I'm starting to feel like there's something wrong with my body. I keep on trying to remind myself that that's an irrational thought because we've only been trying for 5 months, but this month we DTD almost EVERY DAY for like 10 days (took off a day in the beginning and end of the fertile week).

I'm 11 DPO today. I am so antsy, I've taken 3 pregnancy tests since I started my 2WW. The one I took today was a lower sensitivity (25miu), so I guess maybe there's still a possibility I could be pregnant...but I doubt it. I'm just starting to lose hope and I feel like something's wrong.

It might be the fact that I'm due to start my period in 3 days, but I've been feeling emotional about this all day, and I just want to burst out crying right now but I'm holding myself together. :(

DH and I just put an offer in on a house and we heard a little while ago that it was accepted. I feel like I'm not even that excited because I'm so bummed about wanting to be pregnant....I guess I have become one of those baby-crazy people! ugh..
beebs, I'm the same... I'm always thinking about different times of the year and special occasions I'd want to announce! I was really hoping for Christmas... at this rate it'll be next christmas (or the next!)

You may be having too much sex, your DH needs time for sperm to build up... I would try BD'ing every other day :thumbup:
I can relate to the PP who mentioned wanting to be pregnant on Mother's Day.

But really, it doesn't matter what holiday it is, I build up some fantasy in my mind -- "Wouldn't it be great to be able to tell DH that he's going to be a dad on Father's Day?" "Wouldn't it be awesome to tell my mom that she's going to be a grandmother on her birthday?" I play the whole thing out in my mind, down to how I would surprise people and how I hope they would react.

I'm starting to feel like there's something wrong with my body. I keep on trying to remind myself that that's an irrational thought because we've only been trying for 5 months, but this month we DTD almost EVERY DAY for like 10 days (took off a day in the beginning and end of the fertile week).

I'm 11 DPO today. I am so antsy, I've taken 3 pregnancy tests since I started my 2WW. The one I took today was a lower sensitivity (25miu), so I guess maybe there's still a possibility I could be pregnant...but I doubt it. I'm just starting to lose hope and I feel like something's wrong.

It might be the fact that I'm due to start my period in 3 days, but I've been feeling emotional about this all day, and I just want to burst out crying right now but I'm holding myself together. :(

DH and I just put an offer in on a house and we heard a little while ago that it was accepted. I feel like I'm not even that excited because I'm so bummed about wanting to be pregnant....I guess I have become one of those baby-crazy people! ugh..

I know exactly how you feel. I've had the 'guess what? I'm pregnant!' conversation in my head about 800 times already, and I've only been trying for 3 months! Every new month I keep thinking I didn't get pregnant last time because it was meant to be, so I could tell my mum on her birthday this month for example, or whichever important date happens to fall in that month, but no joy, it never happens the way I want it to. All I can say, it's not over til af comes, so until then I'm thinking of you and sending you all my best wishes that you get your bfp in three days! Xxx
I am so sick of all these crap parents getting pregnant. I'm not being overly judgmental but when your oldest has school attendance levels in the low 50's and your youngest who should have started nursery in September still hasn't seen the inside of a classroom why are you pregnant again? Your other 5 kids have been taken away because you are an alcoholic why (and how) are you pregnant again? You have beautiful kids who see their grandparents more than you because you need to find a man/spend time with your man/go to that club. I on the other hand am in a happy marriage have a decent job, hardly drink and never do drugs, am already over the whole clubbing every weekend thing, do more with your child than you do (ditto for DH) and I am still not pregnant a year on. I am convinced that if something went horribly wrong and I became wholly unsuitable to be a parent I would be pregnant in a week GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
And breath
I am so sick of all these crap parents getting pregnant. I'm not being overly judgmental but when your oldest has school attendance levels in the low 50's and your youngest who should have started nursery in September still hasn't seen the inside of a classroom why are you pregnant again? Your other 5 kids have been taken away because you are an alcoholic why (and how) are you pregnant again? You have beautiful kids who see their grandparents more than you because you need to find a man/spend time with your man/go to that club. I on the other hand am in a happy marriage have a decent job, hardly drink and never do drugs, am already over the whole clubbing every weekend thing, do more with your child than you do (ditto for DH) and I am still not pregnant a year on. I am convinced that if something went horribly wrong and I became wholly unsuitable to be a parent I would be pregnant in a week GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
And breath

This is pretty true. I once worked with someone who had 5 kids while we were working together and basically got pregnant every time she sneezed. BUT, she never figured out that she was pregnant until she was about to pop the baby out (she was very overweight, so she hid her pregnancy well). You would think that if you've been pregnant a gajillion times you'd know when it's happening but apparently not...To complicate matters, she was a drinker and a smoker, so during all of those pregnancies she was going out and having a good ole' time.

There are so many people who want to be parents so badly (and have thought and planned about the future of their family!) yet they cannot conceive. Unfortunately there are also people out there who continue to reproduce although they have more kids than they can feasibly provide for, and have to rely on other people or other agencies support them. :wacko:
Gaaaah a friend of mine who doesn't even take care of the child she has. Had the nerve to come to me to tell me she thinks she's pregnant dear God noo... Pretty sure she's doing it taunt me & pretty sure she isn't but gosh it ticks me off to nooo end
If you are a good parent have as many as you like (jealous as I'll be) but when you can't look after the ones you have STOP! It seems so unfair and I know that I sound like a spoilt child but it does. I have to watch unfit parents left right and center and I can't have a baby of my own. It's bad enough when great parents get pregnant that's just a selfish jealousy and actually I am pleased for them just feel bad for myself. But the bad ones make me want to shout!
Officially first month using opks. I know it's silly, but part of me feels I've 'failed' because I tried to get pregnant 'naturally' (although I was charting) and couldn't, whilst others just have to THINK about sex and they're pregnant! Will take a bfp anyway it comes though, so need to put these negative feelings aside I suppose...
I wouldn't worry hoping girl, using OPKs is still natural, because you're still just having sex. You're just getting a little indicator of when the right time is.
I know I'm young but I'm seriously sick of being told I'm not ready to be a mom especially by a girl who doesn't take care of her kid just because ur a crappy mom doesn't mean I'm going to be
I just found out that a friend of mine got BFP on their first month off BC. She is not a healthy person, considerably over weight and has other health problems to boot. Not to mention that her primary food groups are Carbs and Cheese. I have been trying to 6 months and I am healthy weight and eat a healthy diet. Why does she deserve to get it in her first month and I am forced to go through month after month of mental anguish from one BFN to the next. I just can't help but feel resentful right now. UGH!! I want to cry.
That's kind of harsh. Just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to have kids. That is kind of what it sounds like you're saying. There's more that goes into it besides your weight. :/
I think she just meant the woman is unhealthy in comparison to herself, yet she got pregnant right away. It is fact that it is generally harder for overweight and unhealthy eaters to get pregnant. That is why if you go see a fertility doctor and you're overweight, they tell you to lose weight first before they will give you drugs or anything because it could very well be the thing that is holding back pregnancy. It IS frustrating when you've been trying for months...

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