I can relate to the PP who mentioned wanting to be pregnant on Mother's Day.
But really, it doesn't matter what holiday it is, I build up some fantasy in my mind -- "Wouldn't it be great to be able to tell DH that he's going to be a dad on Father's Day?" "Wouldn't it be awesome to tell my mom that she's going to be a grandmother on her birthday?" I play the whole thing out in my mind, down to how I would surprise people and how I hope they would react.
I'm starting to feel like there's something wrong with my body. I keep on trying to remind myself that that's an irrational thought because we've only been trying for 5 months, but this month we DTD almost EVERY DAY for like 10 days (took off a day in the beginning and end of the fertile week).
I'm 11 DPO today. I am so antsy, I've taken 3 pregnancy tests since I started my 2WW. The one I took today was a lower sensitivity (25miu), so I guess maybe there's still a possibility I could be pregnant...but I doubt it. I'm just starting to lose hope and I feel like something's wrong.
It might be the fact that I'm due to start my period in 3 days, but I've been feeling emotional about this all day, and I just want to burst out crying right now but I'm holding myself together.
DH and I just put an offer in on a house and we heard a little while ago that it was accepted. I feel like I'm not even that excited because I'm so bummed about wanting to be pregnant....I guess I have become one of those baby-crazy people! ugh..