Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

My period is supposed too come.on March 2nd but it never came than on March 3rd wen I went to the bathroom there was white mucas && wen I wiped there was blood I could tell it wasn't my period because it was pink && red than on the 4th I wen I went too the bathroom I noticed the sane thing so I put on a pant liner and it took a whole day too fill the whole thing && now today is the 5th and its only wen I wipe has this ever happened too anyone my periods are regular && im going crazy because idk wats going on could sumbody help. ??? I have been having unprotected sex with my sons father hoping for another :)

This is the vent thread for people TTC their first you may want to try the other vent thread.
22 days late today. Really bums me out if this is a thing of my period being off again. I had really irregular periods from age 18 up until April of last year. I stopped having them after I had surgery in May. I found out I had a 5 pound cyst on one of my Fallopian tubes. After they removed it (they took a small portion of the top of my tube but didn't mention if that would cause me problems with conceiving) my periods were like clock work again! Until now...

I have to wait until my appointment date to see the doctor. I haven't done any tests in over a week. I don't feel like I have any real symptoms anymore to even flirt with the idea of being pregnant. The only thing I can see that's happening is my nipples are sore and I have to take a nap every day. I just get really tired. But is that really even enough to get my hopes up?

I don't know what to do until I have this appointment. I don't know if I should test again.
So for some reason I haven't really noticed the vent thread, but this is definitely something I could use, a good vent.

About 7 months ago I was diagnosed with HPV, much to my surprise, considering I had no idea I had it or how I had contracted it. My doctor informed me on the risk of cervical cancer and possible ovarian cysts. This really worried me because there's a small chance of infertility. Shortly after that, per my decision, I decided to get off the pill and start NTNP. This was in August of 2012. With 6 months of no pregnancies, the DF and I finally decided to start tracking my O using OPK's. My first month using them, I got a positive on 2/23 and 2/24. DF and I managed to BD on 2/22 and 2/24. Not sure whether that's enough, but I try to remain hopeful. With 6 months of nothing, I started to find myself getting depressed and re-thinking how my doctor mentioned a possibility of infertility. I try to talk to my DF about it, but all he really does is listen, he never really talks back to me about it. I'm sure he just doesn't quite understand where I'm coming from. This month I've felt fairly hopeful. Having good signs and symptoms so far and actually tracking O. I've been trying to keep the symptoms to myself because I feel like constantly telling DF my symptoms can be driving him nuts. Plus every single time I notice something new...AF shows up right on time. Tonight, upon noticing that I've been experiencing a different pinching/pulling ache in my left side that has lasted for 2 days and an increased new to pee..that maybe this is a good thing. So I mentioned it to my DF and his response was "maybe you're getting a urinary tract infection" this really hurt my feelings. I had hope...I told him I feel like he doesn't understand like I do..and every month AF arrives breaks my heart. He always says "it'll happen one day, I know that, right now I'm just happy I have you". He's very right, I love him more than anything, but sometimes I feel so alone in my emotions. Really hoping it happens this month, if it doesn't, I will probably take a break for awhile. I'm due to test Monday, but might try on Friday.

Thanks for allowing me to vent..I really needed it.

Hmmm... That sounds like a weird symptom, I don't even know what that could be?! Are you constipated? Lol's funny how we all become amateur medical professionals isn't it? :-P

I believe I am 12-13 DPO today (my digital OPK test broke this month, so that's a guesstimate). I've been having a lot of white watery CM, which is weird considering AF is due tomorrow. I don't have a lot of hope for this cycle but I am holding on to the possibility that the tests that I used were too low sensitivity to pick up my hcg level.... If I am pg, that is!

Calling today to schedule with my primary care doctor. I'm kind of not looking forward to it. I worked in a hospital for a long time and I actually met my doctor while I was working in the hospital. He's a medical genius. But I'm predicting that it might be a little hard to talk to him about baby making when I have an extensive professional relationship with him too....awwwkwarrrrdddd.... Lol
Well I'm either crazy, pregnant or pms-ing. Currently leaving the drugstore with a box of HPTs and a king size chocolate bar...
Here's my chart

My Ovulation Chart

You have too many temps taken at different times so if you did ovulate there's no way of telling.

Thanks for looking! :thumbup::thumbup: but the temps are pretty much the same time (within the half hour). The circles are for interrupted sleep I think. I take my temp between 6:45 and 7:15 everyday. I have an alarm the goes off at 7:10. Sometimes I wake up a bit early so I take it then. I've been mildly sick or just feeling under the weather the past week so I'm wondering if that's enough to mess things up? It hasn't affected my temps in the past but never know I guess?
I've been reading these blogs off and on for a couple of months but never decided to post anything. But hey, here to vent! We have been TTC for a little over 2 years now. I had my 2nd IUI on February 20. As I'm sure you know, the TWW is awful! So of course I tested. First too early and got a faint positive. I knew it was the trigger. Well, I tested this morning(day13piui) and still got BFN. I have an overwhelming sense the bw will be BFN as well.. It may just be me putting up a wall to protect myself.. But who knows!!
a close friend of mine thinks she might be pregnant again. same dad but she is a few years younger than me and she said she doesnt think she can be a single mom of two. i already told her i would take the baby if she was. im so evil for hoping she is so i can have a baby.
Wow I got married today but guess what my sister announced her pregnancy tonight soooooooooo pissed beyond belief way to ruin MY DAY fkkkin biotch
My vents:

*AF being randomly late and getting my hopes up
*Waking up to a new baby, pregnancy, ultrasound, etc from friends on FB (Literally every day)
*Having done the "responsible" things: married for almost 5 years, finished college, we are doing well financially, and not getting pregnant but watching every irresponsible person doing it by accident
*My friend who's much younger thinks its a big joke to tell me she's pregnant then saying "Happy early April Fools Day" (which is even worse because that's my anniversary!)
*Our best friends not ready to start trying with us, but after 5 months of us struggling, they got pregnant after one month of NTNP
*People asking me how the baby-making is coming
*The platitudes!!!
*Knowing that when AF comes you have to start ALL OVER.
*Not having anyone really to talk to because I'm not telling many, or they won't understand anyhow.

Ugh. Sorry, I'm just in a crappy mood. Woke up to AF and CD1, Cycle's getting mentally exhausting.
My vents:

*AF being randomly late and getting my hopes up
*Waking up to a new baby, pregnancy, ultrasound, etc from friends on FB (Literally every day)
*Having done the "responsible" things: married for almost 5 years, finished college, we are doing well financially, and not getting pregnant but watching every irresponsible person doing it by accident
*My friend who's much younger thinks its a big joke to tell me she's pregnant then saying "Happy early April Fools Day" (which is even worse because that's my anniversary!)
*Our best friends not ready to start trying with us, but after 5 months of us struggling, they got pregnant after one month of NTNP
*People asking me how the baby-making is coming
*The platitudes!!!
*Knowing that when AF comes you have to start ALL OVER.
*Not having anyone really to talk to because I'm not telling many, or they won't understand anyhow.

Ugh. Sorry, I'm just in a crappy mood. Woke up to AF and CD1, Cycle's getting mentally exhausting.

Could have been me writing this I feel your pain :hugs: cycle 7 for me and I am taking a step back from bnb this cycle I need to regain my strength :hugs:
Looks like I'm not the only one with unexplained late AF this month judging by a few vents. Hope we all get our answers soon!
Wow I got married today but guess what my sister announced her pregnancy tonight soooooooooo pissed beyond belief way to ruin MY DAY fkkkin biotch

Wow right on your wedding day? Way to kick you in the stomach. Regardless if a person is TTC or not, it is always seriously rude for anyone to steal the lime light from the bride and groom :growlmad:
Arrgh!!! Mother's day is driving me a bit nuts!!!!!!!!!! We're all going out with ofr lunch with my husband's family - which is perfectly ok with me - but since it's my sister in law's first mother's day as an actual mother (she had her baby last July), everyone is fawning over her!!! Made MUCH worse by the fact she just announced she's expecting her second - after only ONE month of NTNP!!! And here I am, trying so hard and nothing.

To top this off, as a present to my mother in law, my two sisters in law decided we would all chip in for a spa day. Sounded great so of course went along with it, but now my sister in law is pregnant, all they can talk about is which areas of the spa she's allowed to go into and which ones she has to miss out because of the baby! They all know I've been trying to conceive too, so it makes it harder to hear them discussing things non stop (at least if they didn't know I could always think they're not being insensitive, they just don't know I'm having a bit more trouble getting pregnant). Sour grapes, I know, but it's sooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And my other sister in law gave her sister a book called 'from baby to birth). She very kindly and thoughtfully bought me a copy too as she didn't want me to feel excluded and as she said 'it's only a matter of time now' til I need it. I think it's sweet but what if it isn't a matter of time now??? What if I can't get pregnant? Or what if it takes me years??? I can feel the book taunting me from the bookshelf! She said she gave it to me as well because it has a section on conception but I checked, it's only a couple of pages. The rest is all about how your body changes during pregnancy...

So yeah, it feels like this baby business is all around me. And if you add fb onto that, I'm being constantly slapped around the face with pregnant ladies and their symptoms!!!!!!!!!!!

I WANT TO CRY!!!!!!!!!!
Hi I dnt no wat to do I'm driving myself crazy, I had a really odd period on 18 feb and it finished 20th feb which was light and unusual as I'm I'm normally 5-7 days and quite heavy, before That me and my OH had sex on 11th feb so could this of been implantation bleeding rather than my period coz it also came 2days early??? Now I'm having times that I'm so tired and have no energy, small cramp, now and then achy breasts and a lot of CM. any1 think I'm Prego or crazy?? I dnt wana test as I'm afraid of another bfn it breaks my heart. I'm also due to go on holiday on 12th march to a resort that's all inclusive so my OH might think its wired not having a drink coz I'm not just incase. Wat do I do
Hi I dnt no wat to do I'm driving myself crazy, I had a really odd period on 18 feb and it finished 20th feb which was light and unusual as I'm I'm normally 5-7 days and quite heavy, before That me and my OH had sex on 11th feb so could this of been implantation bleeding rather than my period coz it also came 2days early??? Now I'm having times that I'm so tired and have no energy, small cramp, now and then achy breasts and a lot of CM. any1 think I'm Prego or crazy?? I dnt wana test as I'm afraid of another bfn it breaks my heart. I'm also due to go on holiday on 12th march to a resort that's all inclusive so my OH might think its wired not having a drink coz I'm not just incase. Wat do I do


I don't think any of us can tell you whether you're pregnant or not, but I can definitely tell you you're not crazy! You're the one who knows your body the best so if you say it feels strange, then it feels strange. You never know, that bleeding you experiences might have been implantation bleeding, although it seems to long for that. And also, it's rare but some women actually bleed during the first months of their pregnancy (my sister did with her two). It's not a 'period' as such but looks and feels like one. So who knows?

In summary, the only way you're going to know if you're pregnant or not is by taking a test. I know it's heartbreaking but it sounds like the doubts you are having right now are even worse! At least that way you'll know. I don't know, that's what I would do at least!

Best of luck to you, I'm keeping fingers crossed you get good news! xx
Hi I dnt no wat to do I'm driving myself crazy, I had a really odd period on 18 feb and it finished 20th feb which was light and unusual as I'm I'm normally 5-7 days and quite heavy, before That me and my OH had sex on 11th feb so could this of been implantation bleeding rather than my period coz it also came 2days early??? Now I'm having times that I'm so tired and have no energy, small cramp, now and then achy breasts and a lot of CM. any1 think I'm Prego or crazy?? I dnt wana test as I'm afraid of another bfn it breaks my heart. I'm also due to go on holiday on 12th march to a resort that's all inclusive so my OH might think its wired not having a drink coz I'm not just incase. Wat do I do


I don't think any of us can tell you whether you're pregnant or not, but I can definitely tell you you're not crazy! You're the one who knows your body the best so if you say it feels strange, then it feels strange. You never know, that bleeding you experiences might have been implantation bleeding, although it seems to long for that. And also, it's rare but some women actually bleed during the first months of their pregnancy (my sister did with her two). It's not a 'period' as such but looks and feels like one. So who knows?

In summary, the only way you're going to know if you're pregnant or not is by taking a test. I know it's heartbreaking but it sounds like the doubts you are having right now are even worse! At least that way you'll know. I don't know, that's what I would do at least!

Best of luck to you, I'm keeping fingers crossed you get good news! xx

Thanku for your words I just think its all in my head as keep getting bfn at the slightest symptoms as just wana have a baby so much and doesn't seem to want to happen I just had that some ppl who aren't really trying fall pregnant at the drop of a hat and me and my OH that have been trying the last 6 months it just doesn't seem to wana happen am I trying to b told something do you think?
Hi I dnt no wat to do I'm driving myself crazy, I had a really odd period on 18 feb and it finished 20th feb which was light and unusual as I'm I'm normally 5-7 days and quite heavy, before That me and my OH had sex on 11th feb so could this of been implantation bleeding rather than my period coz it also came 2days early??? Now I'm having times that I'm so tired and have no energy, small cramp, now and then achy breasts and a lot of CM. any1 think I'm Prego or crazy?? I dnt wana test as I'm afraid of another bfn it breaks my heart. I'm also due to go on holiday on 12th march to a resort that's all inclusive so my OH might think its wired not having a drink coz I'm not just incase. Wat do I do


I don't think any of us can tell you whether you're pregnant or not, but I can definitely tell you you're not crazy! You're the one who knows your body the best so if you say it feels strange, then it feels strange. You never know, that bleeding you experiences might have been implantation bleeding, although it seems to long for that. And also, it's rare but some women actually bleed during the first months of their pregnancy (my sister did with her two). It's not a 'period' as such but looks and feels like one. So who knows?

In summary, the only way you're going to know if you're pregnant or not is by taking a test. I know it's heartbreaking but it sounds like the doubts you are having right now are even worse! At least that way you'll know. I don't know, that's what I would do at least!

Best of luck to you, I'm keeping fingers crossed you get good news! xx

Thanku for your words I just think its all in my head as keep getting bfn at the slightest symptoms as just wana have a baby so much and doesn't seem to want to happen I just had that some ppl who aren't really trying fall pregnant at the drop of a hat and me and my OH that have been trying the last 6 months it just doesn't seem to wana happen am I trying to b told something do you think?

I know how you feel, believe me. You just start doubting everything and you convince yourself you are one of those who can't get pregnant. I go through that as well. But as an objective person (in your case) then no, I don't think 'fate' or whatever is trying to tell you you can't or shouldn't have a baby. Now, I'll hate myself for giving you all the phrases people tell me (which make me want to hurl something at them!) but unfortunately for some people - like us - getting pregnant will just have to take a little bit longer. I just try to get through by thinking how immensely happy I'll be when it eventually happens! And at that point the wait will have been worth it :) So as hard as it is, get your answer by taking a test, and chin upward and forward if it turns out to be a negative...

Now if I could only follow my own advise, I'm sure I'd be much calmer too! :wacko:

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