Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

Ugh! Second day of af an do feel more 'pregnant' than I've ever felt before. Feeling sick, extremely sensitive to smells, exhausted, sore boobs, the works. Oh, af, how cruel you can be!
Rant # 1: AF is 62 days late and counting. I have never had such a problem with my uterus before so why does this have to happen the moment we start actively trying?!
Rant #2: Why do they make semen specimen pots so narrow?! Judging from TV, in America they're wide enough to catch everything, but they're not over here in the UK and men have problems enough aiming at a toilet so why make the pot so much smaller?!
Rant #3: People out of nowhere have started to ask about babies, despite us not telling these people in paticular about TTC. Out of everything else in my life, why couldn't this one thing be simple enough to do?!
Rant #4: I'm sick of this taking over my life right now.
Rant #5: Why have the doctors seemingly given up on me?
Rant # 1: AF is 62 days late and counting. I have never had such a problem with my uterus before so why does this have to happen the moment we start actively trying?!
Rant #2: Why do they make semen specimen pots so narrow?! Judging from TV, in America they're wide enough to catch everything, but they're not over here in the UK and men have problems enough aiming at a toilet so why make the pot so much smaller?!
Rant #3: People out of nowhere have started to ask about babies, despite us not telling these people in paticular about TTC. Out of everything else in my life, why couldn't this one thing be simple enough to do?!
Rant #4: I'm sick of this taking over my life right now.
Rant #5: Why have the doctors seemingly given up on me?

The specimen container in Abu Dhabi is also way too narrow! Dh had the darndest time trying to get all the stuff in there. :( Poor guy.
A stray dog bit me on my4dpo and I had to get an anti rabies shot. So this month too lost for me. Heard it can cause decreased implantation. This month TTC all for nothing:-( Fed up :-( :-(
Hey All,

I found this web site because I searched depressed because I am not getting pregnant. I've been married for just about a year and we haven't used any protection since we got married. We have been trying since the wedding and so far nothing. I've gone so far as to buy fertility test strips, read books (The impatient's woman's guide to getting pregant) and have 4 period trackers on my phone. I thought it would be easy for me to get pregnant because I have a sister who has had 3 pregnancies all unplanned. I waited until I was married and had my own home and yet here I sit all these months later and nothing. Recently I have found out many of our friends who got married after us or shortly before are now pregnant with hardly any trying. I want to be happy for them but find myself hating myself because its still not happening. Im tired of hearing "it will happen when its supposed to happen" "relax and let nature take its course." etc etc etc.

I live in the US and the doctors here say I should be able to get pregnant within 6 -12 months. Anyone have any suggestions for feeling better about all this? I keep trying to say it will happen and don't worry but then I find out another person is pregnant and I get back into my dark place. I even went off of depression medications because I thought that it would help me get pregnant. My husband and I have been arguing and he keeps asking me what I want him to say and honestly I don't know. Any suggestions?
Men never understand it and how much it hurts us. My dh likes to tell me that I'm being a selfish bratty kid cuz I'm not getting what I want :/ *sigh* How am I not going to get upset when everyone & their dog is pregnant & I can't seem to get pregnant... Gah! it's irritating
Hey All,

I found this web site because I searched depressed because I am not getting pregnant. I've been married for just about a year and we haven't used any protection since we got married. We have been trying since the wedding and so far nothing. I've gone so far as to buy fertility test strips, read books (The impatient's woman's guide to getting pregant) and have 4 period trackers on my phone. I thought it would be easy for me to get pregnant because I have a sister who has had 3 pregnancies all unplanned. I waited until I was married and had my own home and yet here I sit all these months later and nothing. Recently I have found out many of our friends who got married after us or shortly before are now pregnant with hardly any trying. I want to be happy for them but find myself hating myself because its still not happening. Im tired of hearing "it will happen when its supposed to happen" "relax and let nature take its course." etc etc etc.

I live in the US and the doctors here say I should be able to get pregnant within 6 -12 months. Anyone have any suggestions for feeling better about all this? I keep trying to say it will happen and don't worry but then I find out another person is pregnant and I get back into my dark place. I even went off of depression medications because I thought that it would help me get pregnant. My husband and I have been arguing and he keeps asking me what I want him to say and honestly I don't know. Any suggestions?

Wow! Your situation sounds almost exactly like mine! We started trying the night we got married and I had gone off all medications a couple months before the wedding after being on anti depressants for over half my life. People always make it sound so easy to just get pregnant. And some things people say are just plain ignorant, rude, and hurtful. We are married with our own house and everything in place to start a family but it is not working. My 17 year old stepsister told us she was pregnant after we got back from our honeymoon and now she has a baby boy. What the hell? It just doesn't seem right sometimes. So I also found this page looking for support. Talking about it is helpful and you will feel less alone. I wish you lots of luck. Let me know if you need someone to talk to! Our stories are extremely similar and it would be great to have a ttc buddy!
Been having AF cramps for the passed 3 days and I'm 8 dpo. I literally feel like AF is about to hit without exageration. I keep on telling myself to not even bother with it that it's probably just my cycle being wonky. Can't help that no matter how much you tell yourself not to, you can't help but symptom spot. :dohh:

Knowing our TTC luck, noway would we be one of those rare precum pregnancies. Who am I kidding, I'm just AF bomb waiting to go off on its regular schedule who's letting their dreams build up my hopes as usual each month.
the past few days i have not been able to shake this heartburn to the point i keep throwing up in my mouth. if i did get pregnant by rare chance i actually ovulated id only be 1 week in since my period had to last 15 days. trying real hard not to get my hopes because its most likely just a hormone change
I'm starting to wonder if there's any point in continuing TTC at this time.
Also wondering if I made the right decision in getting married to a man who seems to not be bothered by my existence. I guess I just hoped he'd eventually grow out of it.
I'm starting to wonder if there's any point in continuing TTC at this time.
Also wondering if I made the right decision in getting married to a man who seems to not be bothered by my existence. I guess I just hoped he'd eventually grow out of it.

I'm feeling the same right now! Both about TTC and my marriage.. Its hard wanting to be mom so bad but questioning if I still want to be a wife at times :(
In the same with my OH sometimes but I think it's because us women are so focused on TTC it takes over us and everything else starts to irritate us including our OH's?
I'm starting to wonder if there's any point in continuing TTC at this time.
Also wondering if I made the right decision in getting married to a man who seems to not be bothered by my existence. I guess I just hoped he'd eventually grow out of it.

I'm feeling the same right now! Both about TTC and my marriage.. Its hard wanting to be mom so bad but questioning if I still want to be a wife at times :(

Same here my DH and I get into arguments sometimes and I question hether or not I want to keep chugging on through... My DH doesn't understand that ababy is something I want terribly.... He will get mad at me and here lately our sex life..... well point blank it sucks..... I don't know if it is all of the stress or what.
It isn't just the lack of interest in babies (although he was good enough to do a semen sample for the lab people).
He just never seems interested in me the way I want him to be. I would love to be getting attention off him like how Will Smith gives women attention in 'Fresh Prince'. Nearest thing I get to a compliment is "You look nice." and an awkward smile. This will normally be after I have spent over an hour preening myself. I always feel good afterwards, but the minute I get a reaction off him like that it makes me feel sad.
I get more attention off my mates (guys and girls). It's almost as if they don't feel shy about paying me huge compliments because it's harmless.
Why can't men understand that it helps to feel good about ourselves during this sort of thing?
My DH wants a baby probably more than I do but other than just saying it he doesn't really act like it much. He likes to go out drinking and to clubs and is always putting his friends before me. And besides that our marriage has had it's rough patches lately that also make me question things. My biggest issue with him is IF YOU WANT TO BE A DAD THEN ACT LIKE YOU ARE ONE ALREADY. Which means staying home more and being a family man. Cuz I'll be damned if I'm home up all night with the baby while he's partying at a club!!! And that's what I told him. I'm ready to be a mom but he has to step up and show me he's ready to be a dad.

LIMM, my husband only compliments me when he wants sex and even then it's not even romantic it's more vulgar than anything which is not attractive to me. Which is hard because TTC I need to have sex but not only am I not turned on but I'm actually completely TURNED OFF by him when he criticizes me and doesn't show me proper respect or appreciation.

There's a saying that women become mothers when they find out they're pregnant (or for us while TTC), but men become fathers when they hold their babies for the first time. I'm hoping that's true for my husband that once he holds our baby he will suddenly have this epiphany and decide to do better but that's a big risk to take!
I'm so upset about how hard it's been for me so far that I get really down logging into this forum. So many pregnant women. I feel like it will never be me.
AlyCon My DH wants a baby probably more than I do but other than just saying it he doesn't really act like it much. He likes to go out drinking and to clubs and is always putting his friends before me. And besides that our marriage has had it's rough patches lately that also make me question things. My biggest issue with him is IF YOU WANT TO BE A DAD THEN ACT LIKE YOU ARE ONE ALREADY. Which means staying home more and being a family man. Cuz I'll be damned if I'm home up all night with the baby while he's partying at a club!!! And that's what I told him. I'm ready to be a mom but he has to step up and show me he's ready to be a dad.

LIMM, my husband only compliments me when he wants sex and even then it's not even romantic it's more vulgar than anything which is not attractive to me. Which is hard because TTC I need to have sex but not only am I not turned on but I'm actually completely TURNED OFF by him when he criticizes me and doesn't show me proper respect or appreciation.

There's a saying that women become mothers when they find out they're pregnant (or for us while TTC), but men become fathers when they hold their babies for the first time. I'm hoping that's true for my husband that once he holds our baby he will suddenly have this epiphany and decide to do better but that's a big risk to take!

me too my husband thinks its okay to turn me off before sex by like complaining my hands are cold and stuff like that doesnt make me even want to have sex. then he'll well its not that hard to turn you on and then grope some part of me. he doesnt understand once you turn me off and im already close i have to go back to square one and try to get turned on again. its beyond frustrating. and he thinks its okay for me to just be up in our room by myself while hes downstairs with his friends playing video games. the only time i get with him is before we go to bed or if we go to the store just us. and if there is someone else with us most time he just ignores what i say it just makes me want to break down and cry and then he lies like oh i didnt here you there is no way you didnt here me when everyone else heard me. but then again he lies about everything which makes me think about leaving him so much but i know i cant do that til i can support myself and have college done. it makes me second guess if he did get his stuff tested or if he just lied and hes the reason. all i know is if something doesnt change soon idk this is just taking too much out of me mentally and physically im numb to everything and just cry all day.
Wow - I had no clue all of you were having same problems! It's horrible that this is happening but it's comforting knowing I'm not alone with it all.

I was looking forward to spending time with my husband and friends today as I have had a rough couple of days, but then out of nowhere he finally gets a job and has to work this evening. I am really happy and excited for him but obviously bummed. Then he starts talking about how he might not keep this job and keep looking elsewhere, despite us both being unemployed since the start of the year and our town just had another two shops close down (there are around twenty empty shops in the main shopping area now.) It drives me up the wall because we finally have a chance at moving into our own home and saving for a future child and he's yet again changing his thoughts last minute.

He said that if he gets paid next week that he'd treat us to a dinner somewhere, but it's not the kind of attention I want. It makes me feel bad when he thinks he needs to spend money to keep me happy.

The funny thing is I also got upset with him the other day when he said I shouldn't bother buying O tests and HPTs because we "can't afford it right now"... It would've cost us £7.49 ($11.38).
Been a rough week. My sister, who was due first week of May came down with pre-enclampsia suddenly and ended up with a C-section and a preemie little boy. All went well given the circumstances - she's doing well and he came out crying and breathing on his own. No real problems, except only weighing 3lbs 15oz. He's gonna be in the nicu for up to 3 weeks, she can go home tomorrow if she wants or Monday, since the insurance will pay for till then anyway. I lost a lot of sleep staying at the hospital with her, and genrally feel blah right now despite sleeping well last night. The only problem with showing off pix of your nephew is the dreaded "so when are you having one???" Questions!!! I reeeeally wanted to scream at the first one who asked, partly because of lack of sleep at the time, but you guys know how it is being LTTTC! Meh! Lots of emotions, happy for her and that the baby is doing so well, but the usual jealousy and frustration as well.
Oh, and I'm painting on my house to move in in a few weeks and had planned to spend Wednesday which was sunny painting the kitchen. Instead I was in the hospital with her, and the stuff I left on the porch Tuesday night got rained on today, and generally just icky weather so I can't catch up on my painting. Really, I would drop anything for my sister - we'v been best friends since forever ya know, but would be nice if I could catch up this weekend now that she's in the clear. Ugh! Frustrated about several things I guess you could say

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