Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

Been a rough week. My sister, who was due first week of May came down with pre-enclampsia suddenly and ended up with a C-section and a preemie little boy. All went well given the circumstances - she's doing well and he came out crying and breathing on his own. No real problems, except only weighing 3lbs 15oz. He's gonna be in the nicu for up to 3 weeks, she can go home tomorrow if she wants or Monday, since the insurance will pay for till then anyway. I lost a lot of sleep staying at the hospital with her, and genrally feel blah right now despite sleeping well last night. The only problem with showing off pix of your nephew is the dreaded "so when are you having one???" Questions!!! I reeeeally wanted to scream at the first one who asked, partly because of lack of sleep at the time, but you guys know how it is being LTTTC! Meh! Lots of emotions, happy for her and that the baby is doing so well, but the usual jealousy and frustration as well.

I don't blame you for wanting to scream at someone. People don't seem to realise that comments like that can bring on unnecessary pressure and annoyance, as if we're only worth people's time if we manage to have a child. Good on you for being a supportive sister and I hope your nephew is fighting fit and ready to go home soon. Lots of baby dust for you too.
Been a rough week. My sister, who was due first week of May came down with pre-enclampsia suddenly and ended up with a C-section and a preemie little boy. All went well given the circumstances - she's doing well and he came out crying and breathing on his own. No real problems, except only weighing 3lbs 15oz. He's gonna be in the nicu for up to 3 weeks, she can go home tomorrow if she wants or Monday, since the insurance will pay for till then anyway. I lost a lot of sleep staying at the hospital with her, and genrally feel blah right now despite sleeping well last night. The only problem with showing off pix of your nephew is the dreaded "so when are you having one???" Questions!!! I reeeeally wanted to scream at the first one who asked, partly because of lack of sleep at the time, but you guys know how it is being LTTTC! Meh! Lots of emotions, happy for her and that the baby is doing so well, but the usual jealousy and frustration as well.

Sending your sister my best wishes to her and the baby but I totally understand. People really need to stay out of other peoples uterusus' I mean, just because someone gave birth does not mean it's fair game to ask everyone when theirs is. It's not just with those ttc, it's also a very frustrating position for people who chose the childfree lifestyle and people act like childfree doesn't exist.
Oh for gods sake (I know I shouldn't commit blasphemy on a holy day but still!!!) why oh why is there another pregnancy announcement on Facebook!!!!! Especially today as AF conveniently arrived!!!!
Easter morning and pictures of LO's with their chocolate and what have you all over facebook. Think this calls for a break from the computer or at least social media for the day, I can't take it. Not especially since I see everyone with their LO while my due date was supposed to be in a week or two give or take. :cry:
Well it seems everyone around me is getting pregnant lately. Not only is my husbands ex girlfriend bragging about how she got pregnant after 1 attempt but we found out last night that his sister is currently expecting baby number 2. It was one thing when DH ex announced her pregnancy because I could ignore that. But now his sister has announced she is pregnant and we see and talk to her often. We're very family orientated so we see his family a lot. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for them, but I don't want to have to force a happy smile onto my face whenever I'm around her when deep down i'm crushed its not happened to me. When will it be our turn?!

Today I have amazingly bad lower back pain.
Trying so hard not to read into it.
And because of husband's comment the other day and how things have been, I decided to buy a load of ovulation tests and pregnancy tests online (for the price of 5 ovulation tests I got 25 ovulation tests and 5 pregnancy tests.)
OMFG! A friend of mine just put a status on fb saying that her and her partner were expecting a baby. Of course everyone is congratulating them. I however was skeptical because its April 1st in Australia. She then comments saying 'she doesnt even like babies because they cant even play fetch. How awkward. Why did I think this was a good idea'. I think she's playing an April Fools joke but I am absolutely disgusted by it. Of course she has no idea DH and I are TTC#1 and recently suffered a m/c but still its a bit low to joke about something like that and then make the comments she is. This has pissed me right off.

Oh and to top it off (sorry, I'm on venting roll today) I watch a show called Castle. For a while I was so happy that it was showing signs of one of the characters was starting to have doubts of infertility issues. I was so happy that finally a show is going to shine light on it.

Wtf happens last episode? The Character goes for a SA and when he returns home, the wife says "honey I got some news" the character thinks that's it, he's got low sperm count and what not..turns out they didn't need the test results because she was bfp. Way to effing go, once again infertility shoved under the rug. Shame on you the writers of Castle! I had high hopes yet you portray as a "it will happen when you least expect it" stereotype once again for the millionth time in the media.
OMFG! A friend of mine just put a status on fb saying that her and her partner were expecting a baby. Of course everyone is congratulating them. I however was skeptical because its April 1st in Australia. She then comments saying 'she doesnt even like babies because they cant even play fetch. How awkward. Why did I think this was a good idea'. I think she's playing an April Fools joke but I am absolutely disgusted by it. Of course she has no idea DH and I are TTC#1 and recently suffered a m/c but still its a bit low to joke about something like that and then make the comments she is. This has pissed me right off.

That's not comical at all...
Well, I am sick and tired of trying. MIL keeps hinting at grand children even though at the moment I have not had af since january. DH is trying to get a new job, my job is overworking me to the point that I work 9 days before I have a day off,I seem to have gained more weight even though I am moving around constantly, i am on CD 78.... and I have not had a weekend off in 2 months, my friend that had her baby a few days ago(mind you he wasn't breathing when he was born) is pissed bc the hospital has him in ICU still and will not release him to go home. Im sorry but you are an idiot to be upset that they won't release him. Ugh I need to shut myself off from the rest of the world.... RANT OVER!
Was really annoyed earlier when I saw a status on FB about how women should claim they're pregnant as part of April Fool's Day to scare their partners, but then my cousin surprised me by putting up one of those pictures with words printed over it saying how people should consider those struggling to get pregnant or who have lost a child and not be so disrespectful (she doesn't know we're TTC as we've never talked much). It shouldn't be something that has to be requested, but it was nice knowing some people care, even those who are fortunate enough to already have children.

What happened to the days of just leaving a whoopee cushion on someone's chair?
The only good thing about today anyone who posts they're preg on fb it's most likely a "joke" soo I won't have to feel bad about myself more so then I do now... But how sucky would it be to find out you really are preg on April fool's and no one believes you :/ ugg I swear imma slap dh if he pulls anything today idk about anyone else but not in the joking mood (:
well my allergies are in full swing i cant breathe, i feel like shit. and all ive seen all day is babies tons of them and everyone on my fb with their pregnancy week counters. i cant stop crying which makes it impossible to breathe. and my fucking ******** husband drank too much at the bar and end up puking and wont brush his teeth and fell asleep. this so fucking bull. we havent done it in over a week he has no interest and comes home from work to tell how all of the women at his work hit on him and grab his ass. i am beyond pissed off. we are trying to get pregnant you never want to have sex and think its totally cool to flirt with every vagina at your work. no cool man. i honestly think hes cheating. i cant deal with this crap
well my allergies are in full swing i cant breathe, i feel like shit. and all ive seen all day is babies tons of them and everyone on my fb with their pregnancy week counters. i cant stop crying which makes it impossible to breathe. and my fucking ******** husband drank too much at the bar and end up puking and wont brush his teeth and fell asleep. this so fucking bull. we havent done it in over a week he has no interest and comes home from work to tell how all of the women at his work hit on him and grab his ass. i am beyond pissed off. we are trying to get pregnant you never want to have sex and think its totally cool to flirt with every vagina at your work. no cool man. i honestly think hes cheating. i cant deal with this crap

It's not for me to really say anything because I don't know you or your husband, but he sounds like he's being really ignorant of what you're going through and basically a pig. I would honestly suggest having a proper talk (not an argument if you can avoid it!) to him so you can figure out in your head what's going on and what you want.
Lots of luck hun. :hugs:
Was really annoyed earlier when I saw a status on FB about how women should claim they're pregnant as part of April Fool's Day to scare their partners, but then my cousin surprised me by putting up one of those pictures with words printed over it saying how people should consider those struggling to get pregnant or who have lost a child and not be so disrespectful (she doesn't know we're TTC as we've never talked much). It shouldn't be something that has to be requested, but it was nice knowing some people care, even those who are fortunate enough to already have children.

What happened to the days of just leaving a whoopee cushion on someone's chair?

I had to google this after you mentioned it, found it all over tumblr. Saved the pic and shared it on facebook. Brought me a bit of tears that people care. Thanks for bringing it to light! ps to those wondering what it is, it's this:
Originally Posted by trying2beamom View Post
well my allergies are in full swing i cant breathe, i feel like shit. and all ive seen all day is babies tons of them and everyone on my fb with their pregnancy week counters. i cant stop crying which makes it impossible to breathe. and my fucking ******** husband drank too much at the bar and end up puking and wont brush his teeth and fell asleep. this so fucking bull. we havent done it in over a week he has no interest and comes home from work to tell how all of the women at his work hit on him and grab his ass. i am beyond pissed off. we are trying to get pregnant you never want to have sex and think its totally cool to flirt with every vagina at your work. no cool man. i honestly think hes cheating. i cant deal with this crap
It's not for me to really say anything because I don't know you or your husband, but he sounds like he's being really ignorant of what you're going through and basically a pig. I would honestly suggest having a proper talk (not an argument if you can avoid it!) to him so you can figure out in your head what's going on and what you want.
Lots of luck hun.

thanks limm. well i woke him up this morning for work and he was like why do you sound upset i explained what an ass he was last night and he was like oh sorry completely insincere. mind you my allergies are so bad right now i cant breathe threw my nose and my throat/lungs arent working well. from being upset with him last night i developed a headache, fever, and vomiting, and emotional wreck. so told him i think this might be are month and he didnt even look a little happy (makes me think hes been sabotaging our efforts) and then i said or its going to be the worst period ive had in a while and he looked happier. seriously and me being sick he could've taken the dogs out and let them go potty and feed them but no i had to that before i could go to bed again
Originally Posted by trying2beamom View Post
well my allergies are in full swing i cant breathe, i feel like shit. and all ive seen all day is babies tons of them and everyone on my fb with their pregnancy week counters. i cant stop crying which makes it impossible to breathe. and my fucking ******** husband drank too much at the bar and end up puking and wont brush his teeth and fell asleep. this so fucking bull. we havent done it in over a week he has no interest and comes home from work to tell how all of the women at his work hit on him and grab his ass. i am beyond pissed off. we are trying to get pregnant you never want to have sex and think its totally cool to flirt with every vagina at your work. no cool man. i honestly think hes cheating. i cant deal with this crap
It's not for me to really say anything because I don't know you or your husband, but he sounds like he's being really ignorant of what you're going through and basically a pig. I would honestly suggest having a proper talk (not an argument if you can avoid it!) to him so you can figure out in your head what's going on and what you want.
Lots of luck hun.

thanks limm. well i woke him up this morning for work and he was like why do you sound upset i explained what an ass he was last night and he was like oh sorry completely insincere. mind you my allergies are so bad right now i cant breathe threw my nose and my throat/lungs arent working well. from being upset with him last night i developed a headache, fever, and vomiting, and emotional wreck. so told him i think this might be are month and he didnt even look a little happy (makes me think hes been sabotaging our efforts) and then i said or its going to be the worst period ive had in a while and he looked happier. seriously and me being sick he could've taken the dogs out and let them go potty and feed them but no i had to that before i could go to bed again

My DH and I have been having problems as well.... All he has been doing lately is sitting around watching TV and playing video games and drinking.... He doesn't help take care of our cats nor does he clean up around the home. I have been getting more hours than him a week... Then while I am cleaning house he has the audacity to tell me I don't do anything....... Then when I start to get upset and show it he tells me I need to quit bitching... Well, screw you!!! I can't go out and do anything because I am constantly caring for you... We haven't had sex in 2 weeks.... But then when I start crying he wants to give me pity sex.... Which does not consist of any affection or sincerity. Basically I could have better sex with a vibrator..... Excuse my language... I am just over whelmed and sick of men.
Hi Ladies,

Im new to this...
Firstly a little background, early last year I had an ectopic pregnancy put a horrible strain on mine and partners relationship and over a year later we decided we would ttc.
I came off of the pill 2nd March... ive had no withdrawal bleed at all.
So I have absolutley nothing to base ov on... me and partner bd'd 14th March and 17th March. from the 17th I then started getting cramping non stop for near on a week... sharp pains and sometimes lighter.
around 22nd-24th felt nauseas but that went also during that time around 4.30 every day I couldnt keep my eyes open.
25th March i had some browny cm (sorry tmi) and then again 27th March when i wiped in the morning.
now over the last couple of days ive cramped and felt really bloated.
and from 28th March my nipples are so sore.
Ive been testing on and off for two weeks but all BFN.
Im just so worried that its ectopic again and my HCG isnt high enough to detect.
I just want to be pregnant sooo much.

Please any help would be so appreciative.

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