@Han: Welcome! You've definitely come to the right place if you're looking for support, the ladies here are wonderful! The most irritating thing about someone saying "it'll happen when it happens" is they mean well, but they have no clue how much it hurts to hear that.
I really, really, really wish my body would make up it's mind. Got a bfp/evap line early last week and all bfn's since then. Now, this morning, my body is pretending AF is knocking on the door, and I think I may have ovulated 3 weeks ago. When I was a teen, and in college, I never thought I would wish for AF to come regularly. It was so nice only having to deal with all that once every few months. Now I'm almost as frustrated with no AF as I am with no bfp! It's not too much to ask to have one or the other, is it?
I really, really, really wish my body would make up it's mind. Got a bfp/evap line early last week and all bfn's since then. Now, this morning, my body is pretending AF is knocking on the door, and I think I may have ovulated 3 weeks ago. When I was a teen, and in college, I never thought I would wish for AF to come regularly. It was so nice only having to deal with all that once every few months. Now I'm almost as frustrated with no AF as I am with no bfp! It's not too much to ask to have one or the other, is it?