I am about 3DPO and last night we were at a Birthday Party....all the women there had multiple kids and two girl were very pregnant. At a certain point, both pregnant girls were standing on each side of me. Last month, I would have been upset. But this month is different.
I have had every pg symptom during my ttw's and never ever gotten a BFP. So this month, I am no longer paying attention to any symptoms. My symptoms can take a hike. I am actually going to think I WILL get a BFN. Just for this month. And instead, I am going to focus on why it's good to not have kids just yet. Sleeping in. Travelling. Money to spend on date nights, clothes, a new washer and dryer we need, perhaps a new house. No commitment. No crying in our house. No temper tantrums.
Don't get me wrong. I want a baby. I want to be pregnant. I hate that everyone and their dog gets pregnant in 1-2 times and then tells me to just check my CM to see if it looks like eggwhites or that I need to relax. But just for this month, I choose to try to be happy that I am not a mom just yet.
At the party, all the moms were saying how hard it was and that they sometimes lock themselves in the bathroom and eat while the kids run rampant. How their 2 year olds slap them in the face or bite them. How their mothersday was ruined because the kids were horrible and their husbands didn't care.
Maybe all of us, for 1 month, can focus on the good of our current situation. We will have our babies, I know so. But maybe...just maybe...we can roll over tomorrow morning in bed at 8:30AM and sleep for another hour and then go for a leisurely breakfast with our DH and celebrate a child free weekend while we still can.
It took me while to get there and I get it if you can't. And I'll probably be testing in 7 days and getting my hopes up. But for now...I choose to be happy with where I am. Expecting a BFN. And that is ok. Next month I can stress and obsess again. I'm just sick of it for now after a few months of nothing but symptoms and BFN's.
So...maybe we can take the pressure off for just 1 cycle and be grateful we are not being slapped in the face, yelled at, have temper tantrums in the house, have a dining room covered in food, having to wake up 5 times a night and feeling like a zombie, crying in a locked bathroom because we can't stand it anymore. (we do enough of that last bit!

Hugs to all you wonderful ladies! X