This isn't TTC related, well kind of but not really. Anywho I used to have an eating disorder and sometimes I still battle those thoughts and feelings plus depression (which I now know EDs, depression and/or bipolar symptoms are linked to pcos) so I joined an online support community for people struggling with various EDs. And some of the girls there, especially the mods/ admins are such knowitall bitches sometimes!! I posted today that I was starting a very strict diet that excludes or restricts quite a few food groups and I was going to keep up with my exercise but I did worry that I might get carried away. So one of the mods posts this bitchy reply saying that there's NO WAY I'll get proper nutrition on my "diet" and that I will get sick and mentally unstable from over exercising.
Umm first of all two hours a day is NOT over doing it, I would know because it's what I do now and I'm perfectly fine! Second I don't see how eliminating processed foods and having a low starch vegetarian (almost vegan but Im having eggs) diet is so super unhealthy! And what she DOESN'T know is that I have pcos so things like starch and dairy are actually BAD for me especially now that I'm on Metformin those foods give me diarrhea and other GI problems!! And last but not least these girls are fucking hypocrites! They make all these dramatic posts about how deep into their ED they are but then harass and bully other people about what they do or eat. Seriously I don't need a fucking anorexic giving me dieting advice! I've been recovered for a long ass time and I'll be damned if I take advice from some one still in the midst of their disorder! Like wtf you ate 200 calories today and wanna bitch at me for not eating meat and junk food?! Yeah fuck you bitch! Especially since this diet is actually going to help relieve my pcos symptoms and possibly help me get pregnant! Just one more way the world is so uneducated about infertility! We ARE NOT ALL CREATED EQUALLY!! I know this because there are pregnant anorexics and bulimics who post everyday about still engaging in those unhealthy behaviors while pregnant and here I am trying my best to stay healthy and still no baby! So they can all kiss my ass!!!