Every night I worry about infertility, and paying for tests. And debate to myself whether I should just throw my financials to the wind and go have some tests done on credit since having a baby is probably going to require a lot of debt anyway, what difference does it make? And then I think, well in 4 months I can have my credit card paid off and start over with a clean slate when I see the dr. But 4 months seems like eternity from this standpoint, and like I said what does it really matter? Debt today or 4 months from now is still debt....
I'm 27 and right now 30 feels so close. Testing, treatments, and paying for it may take years before I have a baby why waste time starting?
Normal people don't worry about this I suppose, but for me it's an every night occurance. At my age I should be worrying about starting saving for the kid's college, or maybe buying a newer car, or something like that, not the idea of a thousand tests, drugs, and surgeries, and the possibility that they could never work and I might never have a baby. I feel like a cancer patient. Tests, drugs, surgeries, side effects, missed work/income when you need it most, money to finance it all, and you don't even know when or IF it will ever pay off!!!