Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

holy poop tart, is Facebook 10 times worse then mothers day was but for Fathers day? Holy would think Fathers gave birth or something. Not to say that Father's don't deserve respect. They really do but seems like everyone is going out of their way to make sure their love for their dad is known yet on mothers day it was "eh, happy mothers day..moving on" it's a little wtf......No one changed their profile picture for their moms, no one made long and show offy posts about their moms..feels like a slap in the face imo. Shrugs, maybe i'm just over reacting because once again.. AF is freaking late for no reason.
holy poop tart, is Facebook 10 times worse then mothers day was but for Fathers day? Holy would think Fathers gave birth or something. Not to say that Father's don't deserve respect. They really do but seems like everyone is going out of their way to make sure their love for their dad is known yet on mothers day it was "eh, happy mothers day..moving on" it's a little wtf......No one changed their profile picture for their moms, no one made long and show offy posts about their moms..feels like a slap in the face imo. Shrugs, maybe i'm just over reacting because once again.. AF is freaking late for no reason.

I definitely understand where you're coming from, but in this day and age of "deadbeat dads," the good ones don't get the recognition they deserve. Mothers usually always get all the glory, so I'm actually enjoying seeing the men out there get some love today! Also consider that a lot of the girls posting are referring to their husbands, and if its a first Father's Day it is understandable. :)

Keep your chin up, you will get your day! :flower:
holy poop tart, is Facebook 10 times worse then mothers day was but for Fathers day? Holy would think Fathers gave birth or something. Not to say that Father's don't deserve respect. They really do but seems like everyone is going out of their way to make sure their love for their dad is known yet on mothers day it was "eh, happy mothers day..moving on" it's a little wtf......No one changed their profile picture for their moms, no one made long and show offy posts about their moms..feels like a slap in the face imo. Shrugs, maybe i'm just over reacting because once again.. AF is freaking late for no reason.

I definitely understand where you're coming from, but in this day and age of "deadbeat dads," the good ones don't get the recognition they deserve. Mothers usually always get all the glory, so I'm actually enjoying seeing the men out there get some love today! Also consider that a lot of the girls posting are referring to their husbands, and if its a first Father's Day it is understandable. :)

Keep your chin up, you will get your day! :flower:

For me luckily none of them were first timers. None are referring to husbands either. Maybe it's just the people I have in my life but the ones I know took Mothers day with a grain of salt but Fathers day you'd think it's Christmas. On top of it I'm spending Father's day wondering when AF will show up. So annoyed that AF can not stay on track for more then a few months without going haywire again.

Almost 4 years of ttc is starting to take its toll. Also after thinking it over I think it's my subconcious making me the most cranky considering this was supposed to be the first fathers day yet my body had other places aka a m/c. Hope this day gets better. Luckily I got WWE Payback to look forward to tonight lol and CM Punks return tonight yessssssssssss! Sorry going off track now lol...
Why does my uterus have to be attached to my bladder and cause so much pain before, during, and after af?!
Ugg fathers day :( its so hard cuz I lost my dad at 7 years old but also I couldn't make dh a soon to be dad :( stupid af
Hi I'm new to this forum, just need somewhere to rant sometimes.

Been off bc since feb 2012 and actively trying for about a year. We are 20 and 22 so young which is why it's annoying me I can't conceive but wary of going to the docs as I just cant face them fobbing me off.

I have suspected pcos normal weight however I suffered severe hormonal acne throughout my teens which I was prescribed dianette for. I've had concerns about my fertility when I didn't get pregnant with an ex despite having unprotected sex often for several months.

Been with dp for 3 years, his sister is 6 months pregnant after immediately coming off the injection, her and her dp don't even have a very good relationship she says they have sex about 4 times a year. It's just not fair when me and dp have been dtd loads and still no pregnancy. I'm peed because I want to fall pregnant naturally the idea of ivf etc scares me.

I have periods every month cycle average is about 35 days but can be from 30-48 days. Don't think I've ever had a 28 day cycle but might have at one point.

Don't know if I'm ovulating but pretty sure I am. Just need some support its so hard, I'm pretty much the only girl my age left round here that hasn't a baby. Subsequently I have nothing in common with most women my age now and many friends have drifted away. I want 3/4 babies and feel I need to start now or il never get them. Hugs to all. Xxxx
holy poop tart, is Facebook 10 times worse then mothers day was but for Fathers day? Holy would think Fathers gave birth or something. Not to say that Father's don't deserve respect. They really do but seems like everyone is going out of their way to make sure their love for their dad is known yet on mothers day it was "eh, happy mothers day..moving on" it's a little wtf......No one changed their profile picture for their moms, no one made long and show offy posts about their moms..feels like a slap in the face imo. Shrugs, maybe i'm just over reacting because once again.. AF is freaking late for no reason.

Ya right. i observed the same thing.
Loads of fb messages and posts for Father's Day. Dad's eat free coupons were floating. :haha:
I turned 40 in October and have been TTC since September. I've wanted kids for a long time but was never with the right person. Then I met the right person but he already had 3 kids and did not want another. The issue almost ended our relationship. He still does not "want" another but is willing to "try" because he loves me and does not want to lose me. He has joint custody so his oldest is with us 5 days a week and the 2 younger ones 4 days a week. He is a great dad and the girls are great but I am not their mom and never will be. We get along well but they don't think of me like that. They were 9, 12 and 14 when I first met them. I have three younger sisters and all have children. I want a baby so bad. It's literally an obsession. I did get pregnant back in February but had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. I was told to wait at least 2 cycles to try again but read literature that it is ok to start trying after 1 so I did. I got my period last week so it did not work. I've been tracking my cycles but I don't really involve him with it because it's still not something he wants and when we discuss it he gets frustrated and irritated and angry and we usually end up fighting. So I just figure out when the good times are and initiate like it's natural. The whole time I am stressing out he won't want to. Ever since he first agreed to try we have had less sex than before. The month I got pregnant we had sex 3 times during my fertility window. Two of the three times he initiated which was great. This last cycle we also had sex three times, he initiated once. I usually have a 29 day cycle but can go anywhere from 28 - 32 in the time I have been tracking. My next period is due 6/17 but I don't plan to take a test until the end of the week if I don't get it just to be sure. I'm so stressed out with the waiting. I'm obsession over every little sign. I'm super anxious. I just want to see that positive test so badly. I'm going to be really upset if I'm not because he is going to see his parents for 2 weeks at the end of the month into July and his time away is when I will be fertile again so I will have to wait another 2 mo0nths just to try again and I just feel like at my age I am running out of time. He was fine when I told him I was pregnant the first time but not supportive when I had the miscarriage. I was upset when I got my period this past month and when he asked me why and I told him it ended up blowing up into this big fight. He just does not get it and wants me to get over it. I know part of it is him not liking that I am hurting and not being able to help and he is not someone who can easily show emotion so he tends to get angry and frustrated when things are not going well but even though I can understand that it is really hard to deal with when you can’t get support with the most difficult and painful thing in your life from the one person who is supposed to be there for you for everything. I know if I do get pregnant he will love the baby and be a great father but I also know he would rather not have another. It just sucks. I also have a cousin I am very close to who has two children ages 12 and 9 and recently found out she is expecting triplets! I am happy for her but at the same time I can’t help being jealous. She has 2 kids, was not trying and now get’s not just one more baby but three…. I have a friend at work who is 29 and just went off the pill. I’m going to be devastated if she gets pregnant before me. I know these thoughts and feelings are wrong and I would never vocalize them to my cousin / friend but I just feel like everywhere I turn I get to see people with babies and children and getting pregnant and I’m scared I am never going to have that and if I don’t how am I ever going to get over it? I’m sorry for going on for so long. I just don’t really have anyone else who understands or can relate and it’s usually just bottled up inside of me. Maybe this month will be positive…. Have to keep thinking it is still possible.

Okay but seriously, why are you trying to have a baby with someone who doesn't want to have a baby with you and has vocally, repeatedly told you this fact? If he sees another child as something he's doing for you, maybe you need to look into your other options. You should never compromise on what you want for anyone.

I love him. He loves me. I'm not compromising. He is because he knows it is a deal breaker for me. That being said, I don't really have any other options. I just got my period Sunday so it's not going to happen for several more months, if ever, anyway.
Totally had a breakdown today... Not only did I find out that this girl who was literally obsessed with my dh is pregnant but my sis got her pregnancy confirmed today... Literally to the point of what's the point of trying? And taking it out on other ppl cuz I'm soo heartbroken & angry & don't know how to express it anymore
I hate that I work in a child are center and parents that just had babies are now bfp again ugggghhhhhh. Not only that two parents on my class are pregnant with their second and when I congratulated them they acted as if they weren't even happy about it nonchalantly saying oh yeah thank you. In my heart I'm truly happy for them but at the same time can't even stand to look at them. I want to experience everything that comes with being pregnant and being a mommy. I hated seeing the kardashian episode where Kim was saying if labor was as bad as the pain she was having that she would slit her throat....... I just wanted to slap her over and over again.
Yaah :( & when ppl complain about how sucky pregnancy is I'm just like I'd give anything to have that. I know it's not going to be a bed of roses but I know having a Lo will be worth it. (: & the fact ppl complain about the fact they're pregnant grinds my gears to noo end.
Still no frustrated, even when we're not ttc AF still decides to screw with me. I almost feel like breaking down it's so frustrating. I'm so fed up..reaching 4 years my patience is running really thin almost borderline wanting to just throw in the towel.
OMG please can someone offer me some positive words! I have been TTC for over 15months and was reffered to an infertility clinic last month! All my blood works and scans have come back fine so the only thing left to do is an hsg scan. I was told o call the docs on the first day of my period to arrange an appointment which is today and they told me I now might have to wait until next month plus I won't be able to get an appointment with the specialist to discuss my results until October!! They say you are not supposed to stress TTC but this whole process is really stressing me out!! It's all taking so long!! I not sure how much longer I can go in feeling like this. Why is not happening?? I feel like I am never going to be a mum...everyone around me has a child! If I hear one more person tell me not to stress or worry I am going to scream!! Plus to top it all off my work are not understanding at all, which adds even more stress trying to organise appointments!! Please someone give me some positive advice....I really need it today!! Sorry for vent!! xx
Af showed day early. Ugh another month of emotional and physical pain.
OMG please can someone offer me some positive words! I have been TTC for over 15months and was reffered to an infertility clinic last month! All my blood works and scans have come back fine so the only thing left to do is an hsg scan. I was told o call the docs on the first day of my period to arrange an appointment which is today and they told me I now might have to wait until next month plus I won't be able to get an appointment with the specialist to discuss my results until October!! They say you are not supposed to stress TTC but this whole process is really stressing me out!! It's all taking so long!! I not sure how much longer I can go in feeling like this. Why is not happening?? I feel like I am never going to be a mum...everyone around me has a child! If I hear one more person tell me not to stress or worry I am going to scream!! Plus to top it all off my work are not understanding at all, which adds even more stress trying to organise appointments!! Please someone give me some positive advice....I really need it today!! Sorry for vent!! xx
Are you in the US?
They have successfully ruled that infertility is a disability and if your work screws with you because of infertility appointments you should be able to demand the time off under ADA, or complain of disability discrimination if they don't comply.

Maybe think about changing jobs? If yours is so disagreeable to a few doctor's visits, how do they react to actual pregnancy and maternity leave, and the following pediatician check-ups, or sick babies, etc. ?

Could you try another clinic? Even if it required some travel, maybe you could get the HSG done faster that way?
hey...thank God i found this forum...i have SOOOO much crap to vent out!! i am also 12 months plus in TTC and no results period is expected TOMORROW...and as always i am again keeping my fingers crossed...this month i didnt do it on all my "good days" but still hopeeeee.....i am an idiot...! since last 1 week i hve been totally cranky...crazy mood swings..secretly i keep fooling myself that maybe its because i am P but then i keep telling myself also not to have high hopes because it hurts i am feeling some tingling down there...i just hopeeeee its not what i think it is...urgh...hate this feeling...and just now this person keeps rubbing on my face how she has the cutest two year old and she is pregnant with second one and how busy she is with these...i felt sooo bad...i dont want to but i cant contrrol being like this
So I've known for a while that I've been depressed, but I am unsure of how to deal with it. I feel like I've failed my husband (my words - not his) by not giving him a child and I feel pretty worthless. I have wanted a baby since we got married 5 years ago, but we waited. Now I'm looking at infertility and seeing a specialist in August...I just feel angry, sad, and broken. Hopefully, I can get passed this and move on and start thinking positive. I'm just not there yet...all I wanted was a baby...

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