I could punch a wall I'm so mad. The couple I previously talked about getting bfp first month after an ecto yet the boyfriend had been vagina jumping for 10 years previously? The girlfriend is about 5-6 months and yet is looking to be a bicycle. Talk about selfish! Last thing she needs is to go on a bike, lose balance on it, possibly land stomach first and there goes the baby. Selfish cow. Same thing happens when I rage because I live in front of the main bike path of the city and I'll sometimes see women about to go into labour any week doing rollerblading. Ugh again...selfish cows.
Your post literally made my day I thought I was the only one to refer to careless prego women as selfish cows

this girl I know who is 10 weeks prego & she's super overweight (nothing against bein bigger but when u do nothing to help it its irritating)doesn't eat healthy at all would smokes cigs & would drink all the time soo mad how & why the eff is someone soo careless prego...kinda funny cuz when I saw her pray for me & the baby post on fb I yelled shut the f*** up u stupid cow :/