Trying To Conceive #1 Only Vent Thread

I'm out. Hooray to another month of self doubt and worry.
Sorry hb girl the :witch: got you :(

Vent: I swear if my mil tries to tell me about what bein pregnants like or anything about pregnancy I'm going to punch her. She's literally gettin on my nerves & can't stand to be around her :/
hbgirl, I'm with you. I'm CD 2 here. To be honest, I didn't really think it was going to happen but you can't help but hold on to that feeling! OH the disappointment. The planning how you'll tell your partner/husband/whomever... going to the doctor, telling the family. And then af comes and steals it away. I actually walked out of the grocery store today because I saw so many pregnant women. Just abandoned my cart. Couldn't do it. We'll try again this month, girl.
Finally got AF on my own for the first time in two years! That should be a good thing except CD1 was complete torture!! And of course it came on 4th of July so I ended up staying home instead of going to any of the parties I was invited to :/ also me and DH have been having so many problems I'm questioning if now is even the right time. And now for the big news, there's been a change of plans and now DH might be deploying next month! To be honest I feel we could use some time a part and a break from TTC but I'm still a little upset. But now that I got AF he's pressuring me to TTC this month to get me pregnant before he goes but that's not what I want! I mean I doubt it would even happen but knowing my luck it probably would happen the one month I don't want it to. Of course I would be over the moon if I got a BFP but it would be pretty sucky timing.

My life is a mess -_-
My want for a baby has had me dreaming of puppies these last three nights..., everynighti hve had a dream that i have had a puppy,, ergh the only reason why i sleep is to get away from my depressing life. Like the fact thati am only 22 and cant seem to have a norml cycle. Fml
Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!

The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)

Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?

I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.

If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!
Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!

The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)

Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?

I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.

If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!

Oh I get this too!!! I swear, every other day!!! Even from people who have asked before! My coworkers are the worst nosey bunch of people!

And if I say I don't have kids or I don't know when, then they get rude and say "Don't you LIKE kids???" Or "Don't you WANT kids?" I guess they'd think you'd grown two heads if you chose not to have kids. And the worst question, IMO, if I do admit to wanting or trying, then it's "When???" I dunno bitch, you tell me!! AAARRRGH!!

If I want you to know I'm pregnant, I'll tell you, and until then, quit asking!
People asked me am I having a boy since I am carrying low UGH! I have a joey pouch I am fat you assholes UGH! I mean really does everyone that has a bit of a belly have to be pregnant. I think it is obnoxious to ask that question I am trying so hard to have a baby! I am spending my DF and mom's money to get fertility treatments after the 29th. The next person that ask I will ask them to pay for my fertility treatment and then they will know when I am pregnant and won't have to ask.
Lol x

I feel like boring the offending person with my whole ttc story. Ha ha

Actually blah blah blah.
Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!

The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)

Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?

I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.

If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!

Oh I get this too!!! I swear, every other day!!! Even from people who have asked before! My coworkers are the worst nosey bunch of people!

And if I say I don't have kids or I don't know when, then they get rude and say "Don't you LIKE kids???" Or "Don't you WANT kids?" I guess they'd think you'd grown two heads if you chose not to have kids. And the worst question, IMO, if I do admit to wanting or trying, then it's "When???" I dunno bitch, you tell me!! AAARRRGH!!

If I want you to know I'm pregnant, I'll tell you, and until then, quit asking!
My DF is annoying right now! He keeps talking about when we have our daughter we are going to buy this for her and that for her and I know that he is just being hopeful but my goodness just let me see the fertility specialist before getting my hopes up :-)
Awkwardly standing there as your dh talks to his friend who's with his gf that's pregnant :( gaah felt so weird & she kept staring at me
Bracing myself! As of right now TWO of my friends will probably give birth this week! One boy and one girl. My heart is already broken..
Can I join u ladies ? We are NTNP for baby # 1 since January 2013. This is my 7th cycle. Another TWW starts from tomorrow. DH is not ready to TTC. But I so wanna have baby desperately. Don't know when we will be blessed. I am 29. My heart breaks every time I see AF. Everyone around me already has a baby and few are expecting. Sex life is not that great too. May be that's why NTNP is not working. But don't have any other option as DH doesn't want to TTC. I am frustrated.
Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!

The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)

Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?

I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.

If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!

Oh I get this too!!! I swear, every other day!!! Even from people who have asked before! My coworkers are the worst nosey bunch of people!

And if I say I don't have kids or I don't know when, then they get rude and say "Don't you LIKE kids???" Or "Don't you WANT kids?" I guess they'd think you'd grown two heads if you chose not to have kids. And the worst question, IMO, if I do admit to wanting or trying, then it's "When???" I dunno bitch, you tell me!! AAARRRGH!!

If I want you to know I'm pregnant, I'll tell you, and until then, quit asking!

I'm with you ladies, I get it all the time too! The DH and I have been trying to keep it quite that we are TTC...well I told my mother and sis. Just cause I couldn't totally keep it to myself :winkwink: Every time I get asked I wanna scream! I want to tell them that we are TTC and shut up, but frankly it is non of anyone's business. And that is what I tell people. ' Everyone knows we want kids and it'll happen in due time, don't you worry' and I walk away. I know its rude, but for Christ's sake leave us women alone.

I am officially 5 days late for AF and keep getting BFN's. WTH?? Ugh!! I just want an answer either way.
Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!

The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)

Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?

I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.

If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!

Oh I get this too!!! I swear, every other day!!! Even from people who have asked before! My coworkers are the worst nosey bunch of people!

And if I say I don't have kids or I don't know when, then they get rude and say "Don't you LIKE kids???" Or "Don't you WANT kids?" I guess they'd think you'd grown two heads if you chose not to have kids. And the worst question, IMO, if I do admit to wanting or trying, then it's "When???" I dunno bitch, you tell me!! AAARRRGH!!

If I want you to know I'm pregnant, I'll tell you, and until then, quit asking!

I'm with you ladies, I get it all the time too! The DH and I have been trying to keep it quite that we are TTC...well I told my mother and sis. Just cause I couldn't totally keep it to myself :winkwink: Every time I get asked I wanna scream! I want to tell them that we are TTC and shut up, but frankly it is non of anyone's business. And that is what I tell people. ' Everyone knows we want kids and it'll happen in due time, don't you worry' and I walk away. I know its rude, but for Christ's sake leave us women alone.

I am officially 5 days late for AF and keep getting BFN's. WTH?? Ugh!! I just want an answer either way.

Did you have a late ovulation?
Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!

The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)

Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?

I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.

If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!

Oh I get this too!!! I swear, every other day!!! Even from people who have asked before! My coworkers are the worst nosey bunch of people!

And if I say I don't have kids or I don't know when, then they get rude and say "Don't you LIKE kids???" Or "Don't you WANT kids?" I guess they'd think you'd grown two heads if you chose not to have kids. And the worst question, IMO, if I do admit to wanting or trying, then it's "When???" I dunno bitch, you tell me!! AAARRRGH!!

If I want you to know I'm pregnant, I'll tell you, and until then, quit asking!

I'm with you ladies, I get it all the time too! The DH and I have been trying to keep it quite that we are TTC...well I told my mother and sis. Just cause I couldn't totally keep it to myself :winkwink: Every time I get asked I wanna scream! I want to tell them that we are TTC and shut up, but frankly it is non of anyone's business. And that is what I tell people. ' Everyone knows we want kids and it'll happen in due time, don't you worry' and I walk away. I know its rude, but for Christ's sake leave us women alone.

I am officially 5 days late for AF and keep getting BFN's. WTH?? Ugh!! I just want an answer either way.

We get this occasionally. My standard reply is pretty much "not anytime in the next nine months." If they persist I tell them it is none of their business. My mother in law asked me one too many times over the Christmas Holiday two Christmases ago when we were going to have kids (mind you I was in the midst of writing a dissertation and applying for jobs all over the country so to say it wouldn't have been the best time is an understatement) and I snapped and told her it was none of her bleep bleep business. Her feelings were hurt, but I got the point across. Our sex life/desire to start a family is no one's business.

Country, I hope you get answers soon! Being late is the worst (when accompanied by BFNs)!
@ VP1228- No I don't. Thats the weird part, Im always very normal.

I hope if nothing serious and you get your BFP! I am trying to be hopeful that I still have a chance to have a baby. I am so afraid to be too hopeful and the fertility specialist take it away.:growlmad:
Hello everyone. I just joined! Here's my situation, I guess:

I waited until a month before I turned 25 to start trying with my husband, so...February of this year. We've been together for seven years, and we agreed years ago that we would wait until this time.

I had a change of heart and wanted to try when I was 23, but I thought 25 sounded like this magical in-between age where I would be young enough try, but old enough to have my head together, so I decided to be patient instead and we focused on buying a house so that we would have our own place to start our future family.

So, here we are in our new home and now we're trying. I wasn't worried when it didn't happen right away. I mean, it's only been a few months, and I read that sometimes it takes six months to a year. I was determined not to be "crazy" with the desire for a child because I read that stressing too much doesn't help the process.

It didn't even matter that everyone I knew with babies talked about how EASY it was for them--first try, accident, etc. I smiled and nodded at all the advice on the best positions,standing upside down on my head, etc. I didn't want to make an appointment with my husband or be weird about it. I wanted us to be just the way we were, but with the chance of having a baby. I blew it off when AF kept showing up...thinking: "That's okay! There's always next month!"

But, last month I had severe pain on my left side and found out it was due to a dermoid cyst which had grown too big and twisted my ovary. Within six hours of learning this, I had surgery to have my entire left ovary removed and was told they may need to take the right one as well. Thankfully, I still have my right one...for now. There IS a similar growth on my right ovary, but the doctor said they will leave it alone for now and monitor it. He doesn't want to risk damaging my remaining ovary by attempting to remove the cyst, and because of my age and the fact that I'm trying to have children, he wants to let my ovary "do its thing" for as long as it is able to before I will potentially need to have that ovary removed as well.

His words when I asked how long it would take for the other growth to get the same way: "It could be three months. It could be ten years. There's really no way for one to tell these things."

So, now I feel like I'm on a time crunch and I resent other people that aren't. It isn't their fault and I don't like feeling this way. All these people around me are talking about how easy it is for them to have babies and asking me when I'm going to have one myself. All these girls are complaining about how they're going to get fat or have stretchmarks and I want to just yell at them and tell them how freakin' lucky they are that they don't have any REAL problems. I wouldn't care if I had stretchmarks that made my belly look like a map of the United States or that I put on a few extra pounds if it meant that I wouldn't lose my chance at starting a family.

People ask me how many kids I want. I always wanted two, but at this point I'd be happy with just one. Just one! I feel like I tried to do everything right and people have children all the time that don't even WANT them. It feels so unfair! I know it's not over till it's over and I'm lucky that I still have my other ovary, still have a chance, etc, but I just want to cry.


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