Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!
The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)
Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?
I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.
If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!
:Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!
The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)
Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?
I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.
If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!
Oh I get this too!!! I swear, every other day!!! Even from people who have asked before! My coworkers are the worst nosey bunch of people!
And if I say I don't have kids or I don't know when, then they get rude and say "Don't you LIKE kids???" Or "Don't you WANT kids?" I guess they'd think you'd grown two heads if you chose not to have kids. And the worst question, IMO, if I do admit to wanting or trying, then it's "When???" I dunno bitch, you tell me!! AAARRRGH!!
If I want you to know I'm pregnant, I'll tell you, and until then, quit asking!
Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!
The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)
Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?
I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.
If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!
Oh I get this too!!! I swear, every other day!!! Even from people who have asked before! My coworkers are the worst nosey bunch of people!
And if I say I don't have kids or I don't know when, then they get rude and say "Don't you LIKE kids???" Or "Don't you WANT kids?" I guess they'd think you'd grown two heads if you chose not to have kids. And the worst question, IMO, if I do admit to wanting or trying, then it's "When???" I dunno bitch, you tell me!! AAARRRGH!!
If I want you to know I'm pregnant, I'll tell you, and until then, quit asking!
Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!
The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)
Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?
I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.
If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!
Oh I get this too!!! I swear, every other day!!! Even from people who have asked before! My coworkers are the worst nosey bunch of people!
And if I say I don't have kids or I don't know when, then they get rude and say "Don't you LIKE kids???" Or "Don't you WANT kids?" I guess they'd think you'd grown two heads if you chose not to have kids. And the worst question, IMO, if I do admit to wanting or trying, then it's "When???" I dunno bitch, you tell me!! AAARRRGH!!
If I want you to know I'm pregnant, I'll tell you, and until then, quit asking!
I'm with you ladies, I get it all the time too! The DH and I have been trying to keep it quite that we are TTC...well I told my mother and sis. Just cause I couldn't totally keep it to myselfEvery time I get asked I wanna scream! I want to tell them that we are TTC and shut up, but frankly it is non of anyone's business. And that is what I tell people. ' Everyone knows we want kids and it'll happen in due time, don't you worry' and I walk away. I know its rude, but for Christ's sake leave us women alone.
I am officially 5 days late for AF and keep getting BFN's. WTH?? Ugh!! I just want an answer either way.
Why do people keep asking me when I'm having kids? This must happen daily to me!
The past week- (maybe it's because I'm with my friends who have babies or because I work with children)
Do you want children? where's your little one today? When will you have kids?... You better getter a move on?.. Won't be long for you... When are you are having children? It will be you next?
I haven't really told any body about ttc apart from a couple of close friends. I can see my best friend tense up when they ask me. I never know what to say and usually mutter 'soon hopefully'.
If and when I get my bfp I have a lot if ringing around to do to let these people know my business!
Oh I get this too!!! I swear, every other day!!! Even from people who have asked before! My coworkers are the worst nosey bunch of people!
And if I say I don't have kids or I don't know when, then they get rude and say "Don't you LIKE kids???" Or "Don't you WANT kids?" I guess they'd think you'd grown two heads if you chose not to have kids. And the worst question, IMO, if I do admit to wanting or trying, then it's "When???" I dunno bitch, you tell me!! AAARRRGH!!
If I want you to know I'm pregnant, I'll tell you, and until then, quit asking!
I'm with you ladies, I get it all the time too! The DH and I have been trying to keep it quite that we are TTC...well I told my mother and sis. Just cause I couldn't totally keep it to myselfEvery time I get asked I wanna scream! I want to tell them that we are TTC and shut up, but frankly it is non of anyone's business. And that is what I tell people. ' Everyone knows we want kids and it'll happen in due time, don't you worry' and I walk away. I know its rude, but for Christ's sake leave us women alone.
I am officially 5 days late for AF and keep getting BFN's. WTH?? Ugh!! I just want an answer either way.
@ VP1228- No I don't. Thats the weird part, Im always very normal.