sorry MamaKris, that's not fair.
I really appreciate this thread. I should have peeked my head in here months ago.
My vent today is about people who think it's perfectly okay to inform me and my husband that they think we should have babies even though it's none of their business. The vent continues with my husband, who has decided that it's nobody else's business if we're TTC and doesn't want me to tell anybody. It's been OVER A YEAR (a year!) so at this point I have told a few people (because I need to talk about it to SOMEBODY), but it is so frustrating for people to be constantly coming up to me like, "hey, you guys have been together for like 13 years, isn't it time for you to have a baby yet?" or "it would be such a cute combination of you guys, why don't you do it?" or even worse, "if you don't start trying soon, you'll be too old." (i'm 33, he's 35). I've come up with an answer though.
I was at his office an hour ago and his secretary goes, "look at pictures of my baby! isn't he cute? isn't he the perfect mix of our skin tones? (like me and my husband, her and her husband are a mixed race couple - another annoying comment I constantly get from people is, 'don't you want to see what it would look like?' as if i'm color mixing with finger paints or something. anyway, she continues...) when are you guys going to have a baby? you've been talking about it forever, when are you going to try?"
and I answered, "Oh really? That's a great idea! Why don't we have sex one time, just push the baby button, and I'll pop out of baby. I hadn't thought of that."
lol at that point my husband stuck his head around the corner and I realized that I was standing in his waiting room full of patients, which probably didn't look too good. but HA! that's how I'm answering that question from now on. Every single time.