Trying To Conceive #1+ Vent Thread

Oh my gosh I'm so over seeing people post stuff about baby making on social media. When they see a cute couple "you need to make babies now!!" Well maybe they've been trying and it's none of your business!

Even in our family we are being pressured for the next one, and they know about our miscarriahe! People should keep their noses out!
Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting. I have been ttc for 4yrs now and just needed somewhere to vent. I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago. I had an hsg in November and according to the doctor my tubes were clear. On this last round of treatment I have been taking 1700mg Glucophage for 2 months then i started provera. My last pill was on January 2nd and still no sign of a cycle. Usually my cycle starts within 3 - 5 days of my last pill. Has anyone had similar results on this med?
Ok. Here's my vent(s). Yes I realize it's irrational and ridiculous. But that's why I'm here on the vent thread.

I can't stand to see women who have been TTC for 1 cycle or 2 cycles or even 3 cycles saying they are "so stressed out" or "depressed" or saying "why isn't it happening?!" Or "this isn't fair" or anything along those lines. Please!! Have some respect! Try for over a year (or 3 years in my case) and then tell me about feeling depressed, stressed, angry and worthless.

Here's another one. When people start new threads to post their BFPs or when women post an OBVIOUS BFP and say "Is this a positive hpt?" on the TTC forums. Yes you should be excited and want the whole world to know! But again, have some respect!

And another.... When you are part of a thread for support for the month (I love those threads!) and someone posts their BFP pic everyday to show the faint line darkening day by day....WE GET IT!!! THERE'S A LINE!! YOU'RE PREGNANT! NOW STOP POSTING IT!!!!!

I'm having a bad day if you can't tell.... Thanks for listening
Argh... I know my body is showing signs of being very fertile now and I've done the deed but it's gonna result in no bfp due to not having swimmers... This just plain sucks. If sex won't bring me a bfp, what is the point of having it then if I can't reproduce? But it feels so damn good. Argh.
Hey guys, so i always always have sore boobs after ovulation and before my period. I'm supposed to start next week and they aren't sore at all! Have you all ever heard anything on this?
Hey guys, so i always always have sore boobs after ovulation and before my period. I'm supposed to start next week and they aren't sore at all! Have you all ever heard anything on this?
Oh my gosh I'm so over seeing people post stuff about baby making on social media. When they see a cute couple "you need to make babies now!!" Well maybe they've been trying and it's none of your business!

Even in our family we are being pressured for the next one, and they know about our miscarriahe! People should keep their noses out!

I agree, I know how frustrating it can be with all the pressure now-a-days.
Thank you facebook... As if I needed another pregnancy announcement... :thumbup: Like 1 last Saturday didn't meet my weekly quota, you had to give me another one?!

Oh yeah, in addition to that- there was a birthing announcement and d/c or natural mc announcement, and choosing between vbac vs repeat c sec? Like that wasn't enough of a reminder - that you couldn't just stop there? Right?
Deafgal that's part of the reason why I deactivated Facebook ☺️ Now I don't have to see it 24/7.
I'm laying in bed crying because once again it's negative. I just want to punch myself in the ovaries. I'm dead serious I feel so worthless. I'm sick to death of it being negative. y did it take the 1st go to get pf the 1st baby n now I'm struggling. I got period pains n im emotional n I hate myself. I don't want sympathy I want to punch myself in the stomach
Eggy or Clear ?
I'm trying to get a personal survey because I read articles and some say CLEAR CM is a sign of Ovulation and some say EGGY CM is a sign of I'm asking anyone who is pregnant now or recently had a child ...if you rememeber exactly the consistency of your CM of the cycle day when you became pregnant ! Please let me know thank you !

I'm 25 yrs and I been married for 5 yrs. my hb and I want to start trying for a baby. I'm so excited !!!! We been TTC since November but unfortunately I haven't gotten pregnant yet :(. I have a VERY un regular period, my cycles can last from 36 days to 48 days. Surprisingly I got my period on November and December which is a miracle !! Today I was supposed to get my period but nothing. Last week I had cramps and back pain but then on Thursday I got really gassy and burping a lot. So I thought maybe I'm pregnant !!! Nope I got a pregnancy test today and nothing. I'm surprised to see how other women can find out when their 2 to 3 weeks pregnant. Maybe I took the test to early. Well as you can see I'm in desperation to have a baby and pour my unconditional love and just become the best I can be as a mom.
Wow, a venting page - exactly what I need!!!

So this month is month 8 of trying for baby number 3! I feel like im slowly going insane!
I've just had blood work done and get the results back next week - I've also had an internal scan to see if there was any problems but all seemed good. My bf said I should be happy the scan came back clear but I almost wanted them to find a problem so then it could be fixed and I could go back to being the super fertile person I once way - like come on, who else falls pregnant on the pill and then second time fall pregnant on the coil!! Why am I now broken?

My best friend just found out shes pregnant, its her first and I should be happy for her but im struggling. I don't want to be a bad friend but people just don't understand how much of a failure you feel when you cant get it right!

I'm sorry to say that now I've found this page I shall probably be venting a lot! I feel like if I vent anymore to my bf that he will move out haha x
We are in our 3rd month of TTC and nothing. I attempted using OPK's last month but never saw a spike. I'm using Vitex this month to see if it helps. I'm always regular but haven't noticed ovulation pains like I used to. It's my first and I didn't think TTC would be so stressful as it is! Why is that people can look at a guy and get preggo but when I'm in a loving relationship and is financially stable but can't get preggo? I know it can take up to a year but I feel like failure when I see so many people get their BFP in the first month. Please Mr. Stork give me a baby :-(
It seems people I admire and I have friends are blissfully pregnant. One of my favourite singers recently posted photos of herself and she has a lovely bump. One of my close friends told me before any of her other friends that she was pregnant and she is really pressing for me to get pregnant.

One of my old high school friends is about to enter her second trimester.

While here I am about to turn 31 and never been pregnant. My OH and I have been together for over a decade and have been trying for a year and a half to get pregnant.

It is so hard. Recently saw an ad for a garage sale and got excited till I saw the person was selling all newborn/baby items. I want to get them but what is the point when there is no baby.

I am sick of buying pricey pregnancy tests to all come out BFN and I don't have the money to buy OPKs.

Why does pregnancy come easy for others and harder for the rest? Who knows but if I don't get a positive this month I will be going to see my doctor.
my partner and i have been ttc for 8 months now and i just feel like everyone around me is having a baby but is. I want to be happy for them and i am but also just wanting to run into another room and cry. I feel like ita never going to happen for me :( my thoughts and love go out to women who have been trying for longer than i have.
You can't help but feel disappointed in yourself. Its definitely taking its toll on me....
Saw an acquaintance today whose son is younger than my dd and she is preggo with her 2nd already. Like 4 months. And she seems like such an uptight jerk. Why do jerks get babies!? Blah!!
we had our first appointment yesterday for an consultation for a ivf. we (me and my fiancee) left with me in tears. $10,000. 10 freaking K. wow. we both are in school and we are barely paying off the student loans as is. I guess that's what frustrates me the most. Its the money it takes to get pregnant. The money we don't have. We tried the affordable stuff first of course. At home insemination kits. eating healthier. vitamins, prayer. we were together from 2001 to 2008. Tried to get pregnant for two yrs and it tore us apart. Broke up. I got pregnant two months later, he got married. lol. But we couldn't deny that we are soul mates. back together for two yrs now, we are giving it another go. Any suggestions on affordable options would be appreciated. going to start my morning off with my friend google and try to not cry while looking over these ridiculous prices. He is at the point where he is just gonna take out a loan. its crazy we need a loan to have a baby. HELP


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