Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Yea the strange suture bumps seem strange to me too. Thankfully I have an appointment next week. I don't really have any of the symptoms Saga mentioned. I am moody tho...hum. Haha.
My cycles are regular but longer...30-35 days. This cycle may be even longer tho. I just want to know what's going on.

HAVE YOU taken an HPT?
Here's pictures of my U/S today at 9 weeks and 1 day: weeks and 1 day/100_1270.jpg weeks and 1 day/100_1263.jpg
The heartbeat was 194. I go back April 1st for my next appt.

TTC: Wow! what a miracle:hugs: It's AMAZING how at just 9 weeks, that little one looks like a tiny's amazing how quickly they grow:) so very happy for you!!!
Dash - Yeah I've taken an HPT every morning with negatives every time. If you look at my chart my new dpo says I'm now on day 3. I don't know what to think I'm just going to wait and see what happens each day. I do have pain in my right side that hasn't gone away. It's there but when I push on the area that I think hurts it doesn't make it worse. I think that maybe it's either digestion or some kind of pulled muscle. It's been there for a long time though. I remember mamma saying that she gets pain on her right side after Oing and it last for a while but this doesn't feel like that kind of pain. If it were a tubal I would get a +hpt right? Because I feel all back to normal, as if I never had the surgery. The sutures that poke out are annoying though and this pain is new. It started about two weeks ago.
Wow I had to do alot of reading to catch up. TTC you lil one is so cute. I love the U/S pics. Are you planning on finding out what it is?
Ready I see you have flat temps I would give it a few more days. Hopefully you will see a good sized jump.
Saga I hope AF stays away and you get a BFP. That would be awesome.!!!! You have had a stress free month and that usually helps.. :)
Tater glad you got some rest yesterday.
Dash with all that bding I hope you get it. Although the fun part of TTC is trying..LOL..
I saw a new girl, but I forgot her name. Must be in a fog still from the pain meds. But I am glad to see our group is growing.
For anyone I left out I hope you all have a great day. :)
As for me. I get to shower today... THANK GOD... I think this is a record for me without a shower. I am feeling better haven't had any pain meds since about 10pm last night. I am still sleeping in the recliner with pillows for my back. But I am feeling much better. I didn't realize until last night that they also cut where my c-section and tr was done. Which would explain why I am sore down there all over again. And they also made a cut by my belly button. Emtionally I am doing much better.
My husband talked to several attorneys yesterday. We are meeting with one this coming week. They all said we have a case against the hospital and the doctor I was seeing. They said we might not get alot of money (which isn't why we would do this anyway) but that it would get the word out that it is eceptted.. So this attorney is ordering all of my medical records from the hospital and my doctors office. Meanwhile I got an email from the doctors office telling me that I missed my blood draw on Friday. But anyway.
Have a great day ladies. :)
Good morning girls! Hope you all have a lovely weekend- I had to wake up early this AM just to have some down time before the craziness sets in.

Last night we went out to Chinese, and we all opened our fortunes and mine said "Good news of a long awaited event will arrive soon". My husband saved it, then later used it as an excuse as to why I should let him go to sleep and not BD sine its obviously already in the cards! Haha. Poor guy is all work out...
TTC awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yyaayy:yipee: !!!! I LOVE it!!!! You are such THE inspiration to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it I love it!!!!:wohoo:
I'M TAKING MY VOTE~~It's :pink: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you remember what your boys heartbeats were!!??!?!?!?
Awwwwww yay!!!!!
*I* am SUUUUUPER tired today, thanks for asking. I CANNOT stay awake...and it sucks..I got up this morning only to fall back asleep at 8:30 on the eyes were burning out of my head while i was TRYING To watch Tate play a game, and I didn't get up til like 12:00 to take us all to nap..:haha: and then we didn't get up til like 3 and then I fell back asleep and just got up....That's a dangerous habit...
\See you are still feeling sick :thumbup:

I can't actully rember what the heart rate was on the the boys. I have it wrote down in their baby books. I'll have to check it out later. :hugs:
Wow I had to do alot of reading to catch up. TTC you lil one is so cute. I love the U/S pics. Are you planning on finding out what it is?
Ready I see you have flat temps I would give it a few more days. Hopefully you will see a good sized jump.
Saga I hope AF stays away and you get a BFP. That would be awesome.!!!! You have had a stress free month and that usually helps.. :)
Tater glad you got some rest yesterday.
Dash with all that bding I hope you get it. Although the fun part of TTC is trying..LOL..
I saw a new girl, but I forgot her name. Must be in a fog still from the pain meds. But I am glad to see our group is growing.
For anyone I left out I hope you all have a great day. :)
As for me. I get to shower today... THANK GOD... I think this is a record for me without a shower. I am feeling better haven't had any pain meds since about 10pm last night. I am still sleeping in the recliner with pillows for my back. But I am feeling much better. I didn't realize until last night that they also cut where my c-section and tr was done. Which would explain why I am sore down there all over again. And they also made a cut by my belly button. Emtionally I am doing much better.
My husband talked to several attorneys yesterday. We are meeting with one this coming week. They all said we have a case against the hospital and the doctor I was seeing. They said we might not get alot of money (which isn't why we would do this anyway) but that it would get the word out that it is eceptted.. So this attorney is ordering all of my medical records from the hospital and my doctors office. Meanwhile I got an email from the doctors office telling me that I missed my blood draw on Friday. But anyway.
Have a great day ladies. :)

I'm happy to hear that you are emtoinally feeling better. I hope you can get something done with that other OB doc. Its just not right what he let you go through. I think will find out what the gender is so we can get things in blue or pink. If its a boy we have a few things from when the boys were small,but there is still something we'll have to get. If its a girl than we'll have a little bit more to get since we don't hardly have any girl things. :hugs:
Good Morning girls!!!!
phew, I JUST woke's 10:30am here...I DO NOT know why I can't wake up...sheesh...I haven't slept that much in the last day and a half since....???

Nice fortune dash....something worth reading~ I always get one that says, learn to say FISH in Chinese...haha...
ohhhh boy

love ya girls...have a happy weekend....I have a party tonight I have NOT prepared for :blush: and need to ....Need to leave in 5hours...SEEMS like a long time, but really isn't for all the stuff I need to do...
:dust: :dust: and MORE :dust:
Good Morning girls!!!!
phew, I JUST woke's 10:30am here...I DO NOT know why I can't wake up...sheesh...I haven't slept that much in the last day and a half since....???

Nice fortune dash....something worth reading~ I always get one that says, learn to say FISH in Chinese...haha...
ohhhh boy

love ya girls...have a happy weekend....I have a party tonight I have NOT prepared for :blush: and need to ....Need to leave in 5hours...SEEMS like a long time, but really isn't for all the stuff I need to do...
:dust: :dust: and MORE :dust:

Have fun at the party!!
Lias- I'm happy you will be able to shower. That always make me feel better after a surgery to take a shower. If you were my neighbor I would make you an easy heat up dinner and desert. So heres my helpful vibes.
There is alot I have to read to catch up but I wanted to say TTC I love your lil bean pic what a miracle :) So I went out last night I only had 3 beers but they kicked my butt I have been so tired all day, On a good note im suppose to be Oing on monday or around monday and we bd today and thursday and hopefully we get some more in lol I will try to read the last few pages so I can catch up if not tomorrow def. monday. Hope you all are having a great weekend :)
Girls...what is CREAMY cm??
I mean, I know that's stupid..but I'm real confused...I mean, when I check internally, it's like sporadic white not too little and not too much, but when I rub it together, it's doesn't seem sticky, but not watery....but CREAMY to me is like MAYO...and it's NOT like mayo...
BUT i have LOTS of streaks on my skibbies ~so If it was sticky, would it come out on my underoos? but if it's CREAMY why wouldn't it be creamy when I check internally?
I just don't know what it is for sure to mark on my chart....???
Girls...what is CREAMY cm??
I mean, I know that's stupid..but I'm real confused...I mean, when I check internally, it's like sporadic white not too little and not too much, but when I rub it together, it's doesn't seem sticky, but not watery....but CREAMY to me is like MAYO...and it's NOT like mayo...
BUT i have LOTS of streaks on my skibbies ~so If it was sticky, would it come out on my underoos? but if it's CREAMY why wouldn't it be creamy when I check internally?
I just don't know what it is for sure to mark on my chart....???

Tater: wish I could help you out with that question, but I'm in the dark on this as well:shrug:..what you're describing sounds so "in between" :wacko: FF says to use the "most fertile" of the 2 you're in between. I realize that you're technically not in your fertile time, so don't know how you would apply this:shrug:...quite frankly, I'm trying to figure out what "dry" means...I mean really.... DRY? I thought that area would always have to be moist...never experienced "dry"....hmmm, so 10dpo:hugs: your days a'comin:happydance:

Hope you're having a relaxing Sunday:thumbup:
...I have no idea. Your 10 DPO, so if it was a few days before O I would say normal. But creamy at 10 DPO I have no idea.

I O'ed literally RIGHT on time this month, for the first time since surgery. I'm really happy with it, and feel like my cycle is finally normal again. I had a hunch and used a Wondfo OPK yesterday AM and got a very obvious positive. So I either O'ed twice this month, or in fact had crappy OPK's earlier last week.

Hope all you girls are having an awesome weekend!
Yeah, IDK...and WHY does FF say use most fertile...wouldn't you just USE what it truly is...mine changes through out the day day it was sticky for sure ALL day, then late at night I had a BM and it totally wasn't sticky would FF REALLY want me to CHANGE what it was ALL day to something it was only for a little while..?!
I guess I'll put creamy b/c it's coming out...I don't think it would do that if it were sticky..?
Thanks for trying to help girls..appreciate it :)

Faith, it IS a great Sunday, thanks :friends:

Dash :yipee: for a REGULAR NORMAL cycle!!!!
Can we O twice?!?!?!
...I have no idea. Your 10 DPO, so if it was a few days before O I would say normal. But creamy at 10 DPO I have no idea.

I O'ed literally RIGHT on time this month, for the first time since surgery. I'm really happy with it, and feel like my cycle is finally normal again. I had a hunch and used a Wondfo OPK yesterday AM and got a very obvious positive. So I either O'ed twice this month, or in fact had crappy OPK's earlier last week.

Hope all you girls are having an awesome weekend!

:happydance: yea! for O'ing on time:thumbup: I too use the Wondfo OPKs and have found them to always be accurate (check them with smiley digis)...I shouldn't be too far behind you. I'm having fertile CM..started noticing it yesterday..also feeling a pain off and on on left side for the past 2 days. I'm wondering if I'll O sooner than the last 2 cycles (cycle #2 O CD19, cycle #3 O CD18)!? Opks are showing faint, but progressive is CD14. This is the ONE month I would actually like to O late. We're at a show this weekend..arrived Fri..returning to the condo on Mon...staying in a hotel room with our 3 kids:haha: we used to bd once the kids were asleep, but now that we have older's too risky. I think our older 2 would be permanently scarred if they hear mom & dad gettin' on:haha: I considered a quicky in the bathroom, but figured all the goods would be "out" before I made it back to the bed:haha:...okay enough with the gross visuals. I guess we'll see what this cycle brings:winkwink: my original plan was to bd 4 days before o and 4 days after...:dohh:
That's basically what we have done- we have BD for...every day this month so far? :winkwink: If we didn't catch the egg, something is definitely up! My vagina is done worn out. Lol. Have you thought about Instead cups? They should help keep the, er, good stuff in place after a bathroom quickie :thumbup: (which I have totally done when sharing hotels with kids, so don't feel bad haha) :blush:

Tate- We can O twice in a month. I'm not sure I did, but I wouldn't say I didn't either.
Girls...what is CREAMY cm??
I mean, I know that's stupid..but I'm real confused...I mean, when I check internally, it's like sporadic white not too little and not too much, but when I rub it together, it's doesn't seem sticky, but not watery....but CREAMY to me is like MAYO...and it's NOT like mayo...
BUT i have LOTS of streaks on my skibbies ~so If it was sticky, would it come out on my underoos? but if it's CREAMY why wouldn't it be creamy when I check internally?
I just don't know what it is for sure to mark on my chart....???

Creamy is just white not sticky. Or strchy. That is how my TR doc explained it to me.
Good morning ladies :) I hope you all had a great weekend. I sat in the chair and relaxed as much as possible. I am feeling better and looking toward the future. I plan on starting to temp maybe Friday. And start OPK's on Sunday just to see if everything is working right now. I started thinking over the weekend. i think I only O on my left side. Becuase my other doc had been U/S every month and every month there were eggs on my left and he never said anything about my right. So I will be talking to my new doc about that and see if he can get my records so we can go over everything. I was thinking I might get an HSG done soon on my right to make sure that it is open before we even try to get pregnant becuase if we did catch it again. i would be a nervous wreck about another tubal. But we shall see if he will do that. I wonder if i would get it 1/2 price seems I only have 1 tube...LOL.. :)

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