It's cycle day 24. According to my BBT chart I'm 5dpo, although one app says 11dpo although I'm not sure how they got that! Today my BBT dropped a LOT. It went from around 36.50°c (yesterday) to 36.15°c today. That's way below my cover line. Usually it only drops like that when my period comes, but it's too early for that. I did have some mild cramps yesterday which I thought could be a sign my period was coming but then I realised it was too early for my period.
It's still early in the morning so I guess there's still time if my period wants to show today but if it does then that would be an incredibly short cycle!
Usually I get a temp drop at 8dpo, which apparently a lot of women get, but I don't think it drops that much usually.
I did wake up originally at 1am and was quite hot so put a fan on before going back to sleep, however the fan wasn't blowing directly onto me and I wasn't feeling cold when I did wake up and take my BBT. I took it at the same time as always, but maybe the fan made a difference?
Maybe I ovulated earlier than I thought - either 1 or 2 days after the peak instead of 3. I only got the 3 days after from when my temperature went up, however it did rise very slightly just before that but wasn't that much and was a temperature I typically get before it rises anyway.
I'm so very confused! I guess I'll see what happens tomorrow unless of course my period shows up today ...