Well this was a surprise. My BBT had dropped even more this morning and so I was more sure than ever that my period would arrive soon. It came today
That was only a 27 day cycle, which is extremely rare for me!
I'm also incredibly confused by the ovulation tests. According to my BBT chart I ovulated on day 16, yet I had a "low" result on days 15, 16 and 17! I didn't get the first "high" until day 18, and continued to get high even yesterday! This makes no sense to me!
I'm almost certain this is my period as it's heavier than spotting, although it's still (thankfully) light right now, though knowing me that'll change later. It's also brown which is usual for the start of my period ...
D is currently in the attic putting away all the Christmas decorations
so I haven't told him yet (my period only just started, otherwise I'd have told him earlier this morning). I've no idea
how I'm going to tell him. First I need a good cry and probably to eat my weight in chocolate! And somehow we have to tell my parents ...
This was our last cycle to try. Our last chance. Although I know he'll say this isn't the case, I feel like I've really let D down. It sounds crazy but I feel like someone just died. We've been through feelings of grief during this journey but this just feels unbearable. I'm sorry to sound so dramatic. I'm feeling really sorry for myself right now!
My gp rang this morning about something completely unrelated but has said although I have no symptoms he wants to explore the possibility of Endometriosis, to see if that might be causing the problem with getting pregnant. But I think I'll wait a bit before speaking to him again. I need some time to process this long journey, as does D.
If things weren't so chaotic right now we'd probably go away for a few days but we can't.
I don't know how to end this post today ... I'll update soon when we make some more decisions about what we do next but for now D and I need some time to process all of this.