TTC #1 11dpo would like a buddy??

yes this is the approach I am going to be taking from now. RELAX!!!!
Not getting too excited about it. I really want to try and get him to relax a little! and enjoy it and not see it aas baby making but to see it as making love and lots of fun!
We'll see, He's very keen to try again tonight... ;)

That's a shame about what happened to your DH. I think it's tough when things like that happen as it'll always be at the back of their mind. My DH's parents split and his grandparents split, he seems to think its something that runs through the family. He knows we'll always be together but there is that little thing that'll always be there. It's a shame :(
yay! i love your positive attitude! and so glad that your DH isnt getting down about it all either. sounds like hes taken that "if at fist you dont succeed, try try again" mantra to heart! ;) and why shouldnt he? its not an awful thing to try at, it is? not like youre trying to get him to eat his veggies or nagging him to take out the trash...this is FUN! ;)

yea, porr dh had a short lived marriage #1 and then really soon after, the things with his son's, needless to say, he has some reservations when it comes to relationships! but i do my best to reassure him that im not planning on going anywhere. and since DD has come along, i think he really thinks of us more as a family rather than just "another wife who could leave him" sort of a thing. thats too bad about your DHs family too..just tell him that it seems that divorce is a general rule in his family, and that rules are made to be broken! ;) hehe
Great idea!!! Haha! It sure would make him think. Poor guy! Haha
Well we never got round to do the dead last night as we watched a film (dinner for schmucks) and it was quite late when it finished. So we went to bed but I set my alarm for 15 mins earlier hoping that I could wake him up nicely ;) but not even I could wake myself up enough for that!! Ugh! It sure is a good job I'm not in my fertile stage at the mo!! As of monday I am so, come the weekend- it's time to get serious! :)

I'm sure as your little family grows you DH will feel more and more settled and 'safe'. Its only natural to feel some reservations if he has been let down or hurt in the past, in time he'll get that it does work out for most people, just an unfortunate few who it doesn't. :(
Happy family growing :)
hehe...youve got a busy weekend ahead of you lady! i know what you mean about not being able to wake up though...i totally slept through my alarm this morning and nearly missed my bus to work. exhausted lately and it never seems like i get enough sleep even though audrey sleeps through the night only waking up to nurse maybe once, sometimes not even that. but getting both of us ready in the morning is hectic and im exhausted by the end of it.

i can tell DH feels safer and more comfortable all the time. weve had a lot of ups and downs in our marraige so far just because of insecurities, problems with his family, etc...but it really has made us a stronger couple :)
That's really great to hear about you and you DH!!! :) I hope it continues to get better for you!
Are you back at work already? what do you do? Did you get maternity leave. (1 million and 1 questions) :)
I could have so easily gone back to sleep accidently this morning.... lethal! Ive done that before and was so lucky! I hate mornings! hmph!
I get a little bit of a lie-in tomorrow but I have lots of packing of boxes to do! i hate moving house! :(
when they say "the first year is the hardest" i always thought they were crazy, but then i found out what they mean once i got married. lots of growing pains i guess...and we can both be stubborn and weve both been burned in the past, so it took a bit to get settled in comfortably. but now we are doing great and it gets better and better :)

i am back to work. i came back when my daughter was 12 weeks old (thats all the leave we are allowed by law to take and still get have our jobs waiting for us) technically here they arent required to pay you anything but luckily my job has temporary disabily insurance and they offer a small wage while youre out and i ended up getting about 60% of my wages while i was out. im an architect and so the job is really accomodating insofar as its an office and they are realy understanding about breastfeeding/pumping at work and they have an area to do that. also, my daughter has a clogged tear duct and had mild developmental hip displatia and had to be in a brace for 5 weeks. needless to say we have been to a lot of doctors appointments and specialists, and my work has been cool with me taking that time. i worked up until 2 days before i was induced though, so i suppose that i earned it in a way. hehe. so it really works out nicely :) what about yourself? do you work?

i hate mornings too! and audrey is on a "wake up at 5 am" schedule and she doesnt seem to understand the concept of a weekend or sleeping in...booo. so i am up early every single day of the week. bleh. and no matter how many times people say "sleep when the baby sleeps" that is so much easier said than done...her naps are when i get the house chores done! lol.

you guys are moving? i dont envy you there! its a lot of work, for sure...but its always exciting to get into a new house too and make it your own :) are you moving cities as well, or just into a new home? DH is in the air force here and so we move a lot (well technically we havent since weve been married...but we will) we have to move in november but luckily the air force hires people and they come pack all your stuff, ship it, and unpack it at the next location. im looking forward to that! itll be the easiest move EVER! :)

oh, and dont worry about the questions...ask away! :)
Yeah I can understand how the 'first year can be the hardest'. We have had lot of ups and downs (mainly ups thank goodness) but its great how we always come out the other side of it not matter what our struggles are!

Due to getting married on a tight budget we struggled with money for a while, then I had to change my name on documents etc which costs with certain places...booo! then my car died so had to get a new one. Then christmas came and buying gifts for people, so we still struggles. After christmas and the new year, we then, this month, have just about got back on track financially and then we get a letter from our landlady (who owns the house) telling us that she would like possession back of her house and we need to move out by the 4th march. (but we are moving out 11th feb) We are now back in the struggling stage.... but hubby and I always seem to manage some how and I think everytime we have this struggle we seem to be able to come out the other side stronger and able to deal with it better. Hopefully when we move, that will be the last for a while and we can get back on track and at least try and save a bit for a little addition ;)

In the UK we get 9 months maternity leave and you get 90% in the first 6 weeks and then there after it goes down slightly. You have to have been in the current job you're in for 26 weeks plus to be entitled to maternity pay! I am a nanny working for 2 families. (mon, tues and wed with one family and thurs with the other family)
I have been working with the main job since april last year so am already over my 26 weeks and with the thursday one I started that beginning of dec so by the time I need to take the time off I will be entitled to it. sorted! :)

That sounds like a fab way to move!!! Send them my way :) Luckily we are only moving form one street to the one across the road from us. Not far at all, You can actually walk there in 20 seconds :)

Well hubby and i were a success this morning :D we made it work. I havent really spoke to him any of the baby stuff since the other day, I think I'll cool down about it to him now cos if he is feeling the pressure, well I dont want him to feel pressured! So I will be on here alot!! :)

How are you getting on now? what day are you on now etc? :)
oh the dreaded financial issues! we have had our fair share of those too. it always seems like something comes up that is unexpected...which i see youve experienced too with the car and the house and the hoildays (well those arent really unexpected, but they always seem to catch me unprepared nonetheless!) when DH and i got married i was still in school working on my doctorate. i had to do a couple of unpaid internships and so we only had his income, and it was rough. plus he has a son and has to pay out $500/mo in support to his mum even though we have him at our house half the time... then i was writing my thesis, taking 21 graduate level credit hours at university, and working 35/week and i was, needless to say, things got a bit tense around our house from time to time! hehe. and now DHs mom has moved out here. she is really something else and has been nothing but negative to me since we got married, saying some horrible things about how rude i am and such even though ive never done anything against her. her and DH dont get along super well and he gets so stressed out by her...which of course makes things tense from time to time. so i guess its true when they say marriage isnt easy...but even with all the struggles its still so worth it! :)

that sounds like you have an awesome job! and no wonder you are broody...i would be too with being around children all the time. well i suppose it could go either way depending on how well behaved the kids are...either id really want one of my own or i wouldnt ever want one of my own! hehe. thats awesome that youre already entitled to your maternity. i think yall have the greatest setup for maternity benefits...i remember reading about them from other women on here when i was PG and being so jealous. some women on here would complain that they only get 9 months or that it should be full pay or whatever the case...and i was just sat here thinking "you dont know how good youve got it" my friend who works with DH had her baby 3 weeks before me and she only got 6 weeks off and no pay for that whole time... :(

hooray for success! :) i think its good to keep the baby chat to on here for the most part...boys are silly sometimes and in my experience they really dont respond well to pressure. so we will chat about babies as much as you want and your DH doesnt have to feel pressured at all :D

oh your move is coming up soon! at least its not too far away at all. when we move it will probably be washington dc (though we wont know until june or so where he will be stationed next, but dc seems the most likely right now) its going to be a shock...hawaii and dc are polar opposites...different climate, different lifestyle, different...everything! lol. should really be interesting

i think, as far as i can tell, i am on CD9 but i really dont know how long my cycle is since its still just coming back after labour. it was 55 days between the first light bleed i had and this last one...i really hope that im not gonna have a 55 day cycle from now about making it hard to TTC!
I'm so sorry I've not been in touch!
How have you been? How's Audrey?
I'm now in my 2ww!!!! eeeek! I started my temping and found it very useful. I think I found the dip when I ov'd after I had days worth of cramps.
So i'm now 4dpo. So all I can do is sit and wait!!
Have you Ov'd yet?
oh no worries...i understand completely...things get busy! lol. i have been pretty good, busy but good. audrey keeps us busy, and adding in my 4 year old stepson whom we have half the surprised that i even make it up out of bed most days! lol. audrey is getting bigger everyday. its amazing to watch her grow and develop. she started her newest silly trick over the weekend...she blows spit bubbles. she thinks its hilarious. she will do it and then laugh at her self so hard. then when she calms down she blows another and the process repeats. this is how she entertains herself these days. lol. silly girl.

ahhh the dreaded 2ww! congrats on the temping! i have heard that it can help you really get to know your cycle. im not exactly sure if im ovulating, but if i am, judging by CM, i think that i ovulated on saturday. no telling really though. if my cycle has returned to a normal 28 day cycle like it was before pregnancy i would be due AF on 10 february. so if it doesnt show by then, i think i will test on the 13th or the 14th.

the waiting is the hardest part...but luckily there is this great forum where we can come and occupy our minds while we wait! hehe. and soon enough your 2ww will end and hopefully youll be staring at 2 little pink lines in no time! :D
I sure do hope so about those pink lines!!!!

Thats' pretty much the same as me then.... I think i ov'd on wednesday last week so on 5dpo today, due on on the 11th feb apparently so will also be testing on the 14th feb after we finalise everything with the move! I think it would be an amazing valentines day gift for us dont you think??

I am still feeling hopeful this month but.... we shall see!

I havent really felt many symptoms.... normally felt more by now but I'm trying to be chilled about it and trying to not think about it too much! hard though!
I've had a lot of boob twinges today. Also because I've been quite dry this month not much happening in the way of CM but today when I went to the toilet and wiped there was a really big pool of eggwhite,sticky/stringy, smelly (sorry) CM! very strange!!

I really hope we both get our BFP's this month!! :)
ahhh...were so close on our testing dates! it would be an awesome valentines day gift if we got to see pairs of pink lines. and it would be perfect for you...getting all settled into the new place. then you could start thinking right away about how it will be setup when the baby comes! ;) that is a really fun part about pregnancy...planning, decorating, preparing the nursery. we had to rearrange our whole house pretty much to make room for all the baby stuff. but it was fun bringing each new thing into the house and putting it in a spot of its own.

it is definitely hard not to symptom spot. i am the worst about it. everything seems so amplified when your cramps now seem so much worse than before, and you feel so much more tired than before. everything is just more than before. the CM thing could be a great sign though! i had the same thing when i fell pregnant. i thought something was wrong with me, as that had never happened before...but then i found out its quite common when pregnant. so maybe it will turn out for you this month! :) yay...exciting!
Amplified or what!!!! my goodness!!
Today has been one of those days where I've had so many little pains and twinges in my tummy!
I woke up with really bad pains that feel like trapped wind (there was nothing trapped though).
Then lots of little belly pains through out the day which was weird. But again could have been anything ;)
I've been very bloated today, quite uncomfortable actually!
Boobs feel like they are burning inside, nipples are getting quite sensitive but again could be anything!

I am so excited for the day to come when I find out that I'm preggers as I am loving all the baby stuff around at the minute! And my grandparents are going to the states in a few weeks...... (my gran is LOVES babies - like me) I'm sure when she find out that i'm pregnant it'll be her first great grandchild..... I can guarantee that our baby will be VERY spoilt by her!! We get spoilt so I am pretty certain a baby will!! :)
its so funny that when TTC the most annoying symptoms are the ones we actually look forward to and hope for. nausea is a good sign when TTC, and so is sore boobs...anything that we would normally complain about is good! lol. i remember my boobs were the first give away for me that i was PG. they hurt and got so tender...i just kept complaining to DH. but then one day, about 2 months along, they stopped. looking back, i think i just got used to the pain, but at the time i was so sure that i was losing the baby or something. i complained to DH about the last of boob pain and he was like "you are out of control! you complain when they hurt...then you complain when they dont! what do you want from them?" lol.

not to fuel your symptom spotting fire, but everything youre saying sounds like really good signs! maybe youll be getting to tell your granny that youre expecting sooner rather than later! :D that will be so cool when you do get to tell her the news...i bet she will be so excited. grandmas always are. my grandma has 13 great grandchildren now and 1 more on the way...and she gets so excited about each and every one. and they are all ridiculously spoiled. i guess thats the great thing about being a get to spoil the kiddos and then send them home to the parents in a suger-filled haze, bouncing off the walls, and generally acting crazy :)

so are you all nearly ready for the big move? only a bit more before you move and then right after that is testing day! :)
Yup, kinda nearly there with the move. We have done what we can do right now but all the rest needs to wait until nearer the time. A week on friday. Hubby is off next week so he'll be getting on with the rest of the packing! :) The house is looking bare now and cold which I HATE!! Really looking forward to the move and getting into a warmer house! :)

I really hope this is the month!!! When you had Audrey, were you TTC or was she out of the blue? So, were you really aware of your symptoms?
It's really nice to get some feedback from you, who has already had a baby so can give me advice and your experiences. :)

My sister-in-law is 10 weeks preg and she has just come out of the other end of symptoms. She said she thought something was wrong as she noticed she didn't have as many symptoms and it paniced her a little thinking she had lost the baby!
Luckily she had her midwives appointment the other day to reassure her that this was normal! I'm glad I know this as now I now what to expect!! :)
lucky that youre hubby is taking off the week to finish up the packing. youll soon be in a nice warm house that you can make all cozy. i am exactly the same as you about the cold...i hate being cold. DH is like his own little furnace though and is ALWAYS hot. we fight a lot over the thermostat. ;) luckily now i have audrey as my excuse...we cant have it too cold in the house because shes still too young to be any good at regulating her body temperature. so i usually win and get to turn the thermostat up a bit ;)

when i fell pregnant we were NTNP. i had gone off of BC the end of july and got the BFP the beginning of january. dh got a bit freaked out when i got too enthusiastic about TTC...i think it put too much pressure on him and he sort of pulled away from the idea for a short bit. so we just kind of went about our normal lives and let whatever happen just happen. i mean, secretly i was trying to guess when i was ovulating and make sure we were DTD around that time, but i didnt let on at all that it was anything more than just normal life. hehe. i was pretty aware of my symptoms. its funny though, because the month i got my BFP i actually was in denial about the whole thing during my 2ww. i had gotten 5 negative tests back and each one was sort of disheartening because i had sworn each time that i had so many symptoms and had been so sure it would be a BFP. so the month i got it, i was determined not to symptom spot or anything. it was actually DH who pointed out that i was wincing every time anything would come near my chest (ie, my stepson who regularly throws his body into your chest lol) and he was sure i was PG. i didnt want to test and get another BFN though...but after i was 4 days late he made me take on and we found out about audrey :)

oh its really scary when your symptoms kind of disappear! nobody really tells you that that happens, so it really seems like something must be wrong. its much easier when you have someone to talk to that has already gone through it, at least i think so. :)

thats awesome about your SIL! does she live near to you? that would be great if you got your BFP this month. then youre LO and hers could be really close in age, close friends, etc :)
Sounds just like us with the constant changing of the thermostat!! I have it on full at the min but i'm sure when hubby gets home from work soon it'll go down :(
I need an audrey for my heating excuse! ;)
SIL and BIL live about an hour away so not too far but I said to hubby if I got pregnant I'd like to make a thing of seeing them more and getting into the habit of spending more time with them so when the baby (ies) some we are seeing the often for the babies to know each other try to grow up kind of together.
I didn't get to grow up around any of my cousins. It was very broken as we kept moving around so spent a year around one cousin and then moved and now we are back living in the same area as my cousin (who we made our bridesmaid) but we hardly speak to each other.
I would love our kids to have a cousin to grow up with and my SIL and BIL are the only ones that it can happen with for a long while as.... hubby has 2 brothers, one is the soon to be daddy and the other already has a 5 year old daughter but he's weird! and then my brother.... is still at uni but hasnt even got a girlfriend yet bless him so it'll be a while before he has any kids unless any surprises pop up!!

I think it would be lovely for me a SIL to experience some of our pregnancy together. I always wanted to have someone close by to go through it too.
So please let this month be my BFP month!

I know that the last 2 months we have been TTC (and I've noticed all the usual symptoms) I have noticed that this month I don't seem to have as many yet...
We shall see.

hehe! shes a great battle winner! whenever i want something to go my way i just say "but i dont think audrey will like doing that" or "i think that if we have that for dinner, it might give audrey an upset tummy" hehe. its perfect! lol.

that will be very nice if you can see yout BIL and SIL more. an hour away is not so far at all, so you could definitely have the bab(ies) grow up together! we lived about 3 hours from my nearest cousins when i was growing up, but we would visit about once a month or so. i always loved going there and we are still pretty good friends today. i had a ton of cousins though. since it seems that there might not be many around your future baby's age, you should definitely make the most of it with your SIL's LO. my brother has an 8 yo boy and a 2 yo girl. they are by different girls though and both relationships are off now. plus they live in wyoming and i only get to go back there 1-2 times a year. its kind of sad that, with the circumstances, our kids wont know their cousins very well. DH has a brother too, but he is 5 years younger and in college as well. maybe he will have kids one day, but doesnt seem too interested in them at the moment. plus he lives in michigan. we dont have any family here so its strange bringing up kids...having a family makes you want to be near the rest of them somehow. i hope, when we move in november, that we will be closer to all of them :) ( that you call your BIL weird! mine is a little

going through pregnancy with someone close to you would be great as well! in my experience DH got a bit tired of the baby stuff and most of my friends dont have kids and werent really interested in the baby stuff either. someone who is pregnant though is guaranteed to want to go shopping with you, look at all the little outfits and such, and be just as excited as you are! ;)

keeping my FXed for you!! :D :dust:
Imagining myself being pregnant and then having a baby gives me excitement tingles in my tummy! I so want to be a mummy!

I always thought I was the only one that wanted a baby so much - I imagine myself, when I have a LO, that I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off him/her. The love I feel thinking about the one day that I am able to become a mummy, is so overwhelming.

But coming on to BnB, I was proven wrong.... It's really nice to see so many people just like me, so much love to give! :)
And I can't wait to give it!
oh you are definitely not alone! before we decided to NTNP for Audrey, i was getting desperate for a baby. i had heard people say that once you get married and settled you will go through that "i want a baby" phase, but i really thought i would want to wait until i was in my 30s. but they were right! it got to the point where i started getting jealous of the ladies i would see around with their babies or pregnant...and we live on a military base, there are a LOT of babies and pregnant women around! lol.

it really is the most amazing thing, being a mom. hopefully youll be having that same life altering experience in about 10 months! :) though, its not just when the baby arrives...the whole pregnancy experience is just amazing. something about carrying your child around and protecting him/her while they feel so important and necessary, like that is the purpose of life. and thats how taking care of the LO is too. at least thats how i feel about it. i love it :D

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