TTC #1 11dpo would like a buddy??

It's so nice to hear you say that...its exactly how I feel!
Today at work, I started day dreaming day.... I'll come to a baby group like this and it'll be with MY baby!!
That one day seems so far away!!

Gee I sound like a proper little depressive! hahaha!!

My friend who knows we are trying to conceive... she can't wait for me to be pregnant so she can plan and organise my baby shower!!!

She is great at designing things... she has literally just sent me some links with pics of baby shower things!! cute!!!

:) Here's a few of my favs: you dont sound depressive! youre just broody! its the way we girls are! ;) i think it would be much harder if you worked around kids all the time too. you are amazing for keeping it together! i would be asking the mommies if they just wanted to give their kiddo to me ;)

that is so cool that your friend is all excited to throw you a shower :) my best friend just got engaged and i am the i am all excited about doing her bridal shower. the decorations, cards, and cupcakes that your friend found are AWESOME! im going to tell andrea (the friend getting married) that she better get preggo soon because i want to throw her a baby shower too! :) hehe.

thats exciting that the people around you who know youre ttc are excited. when i was pregnant i was still in college and most of my friends werent even married, much less thinking about kids. so nobody was overly excited about it like your friend is. i mean, andrea was excited for me, but in a way i think she was kind of sad that we wouldnt be able to go out and have a few drinks and such. and now she lives in london, so were like whole worlds apart.
Wow! what a distance apart!!!
How old are you if you don't mind me asking?

A lot of my friends aren't thinking about marriage either. So I'm the only one really, but then what with moving around a lot I have so many friends in so many places but no 'close' friends near by!
There is just my friend (the one who is doing me a baby shower) Lisa her name is, she is my mums cousins, daughter....... our mums are cousins.

She was born in the UK but then moved to South Africa when she was 4 and hadnt seen her since and havent spoken to her since then, but when she and her boyfriend came back to the UK (he is in his 1st year of doing a new course in Uni). Since she has been back, it's almost like she has never been away and we get on like a house on fire. tell each other everything. But the down side to all this is that she will most definitely be going back to south africa once studies have finished in about 3 years!

So we are going to become closer and it's going to hurt when she goes! The other sad thing is, is that I have noo one else. No friends here where we live. My best friend lives 3 hours away and my other best friend lives 4/5 hours away!! hmph :(

Today I was sitting next to one mum and her little boy who is 9 months old, he was playing up so i started talking to him (we know each other) She said to her son, here why don't you go home with Naomi !!...... I felt like saying, Don't get me started, I'll be out of this door before you know it!! ha!

today I've had some real sharp pains in my lower abdomen. like pinching or like a stitch! can't really describe it very well but it hurts every now and then.
It sometimes goes down my sides and makes me flinch.
My SIL says she had something very similar when she thought she was going through implantation! I don't want to get my hopes up or think about it too much!
I've had some really painful cramps in my right ovary, only a few that lasted no longer than about 5 seconds and only happened maybe 3/4 times.

Hubby touched my belly and it felt really tender.

This could be anything though right?!

My boobs feel like they are burning inside, really hot!
agghhhh!!!! I feel like a mad woman!
;) All this stress of TTC.... I wish I never knew we were ttc, if that makes sense...?
i am 25. i was in a 7 year doctoral program though...which is why i just graduated uni last may. i am the same way with my friends. i grew up in wyoming and immediately left for hawaii after graduation from high school. naturally, my friends all went their ways too and i lost touch with most of them. some i still talk to, but they are far away. then i made a bunch of friends in uni, but because i was in a 7 year program and most of them were in 4 year ones, they all graduated and moved away. so my best friend was in the same 7 year program, but she moved to london with her now fiance last may when we graduated. so here i am all alone. i have tried to make more friends but the miltary is a funny thing...kind of like a clique. and since im a "newbie" having only been married to my husband for a little over 2 years, its been hard to break into the military wives circle. its kind of lonely a lot of the time, its strange not having that close friend to tell everything to and gossip with and go out to dinner with and such.

its awesome that you have your friend lisa there! it is kind of a sad thing that she will be leaving in a couple years, but at least she will be there to support you through your TTC journey, pregnancy, first bit of you LOs life... :)

that is too funny about the mom at the group telling her little boy to go home with you! i would have been like "okay, sounds like a plan...wheres his bag?" hehe. its funny because a lot of moms forget what it is like to want a mom, so they might complain about their LOs, and it can kind of hurt those still TTC who would give anything for a baby of their own. i remember when we were NTNP for Audrey i was sat in this military wives group thing chatting and they were all talking about how it was crap when their kid did this or how they wish they could just get away or any number of things complaining about their kids. i was dont know how lucky you are! all i want is a baby and i just keep getting BFN after BFN! i try to never complain about motherhood no matter how fussy audrey gets or how tired i am, because i remember listening to those ladies and seeing how much they take that gift for granted.

the pain thing sounds strange, but maybe promissing! especially if your SIL had the same sort of thing! i know that before pregnancy i got something similar to what youre saying, but it was always around the time i figured i i always thought it was associated with that. then i got similar pains around 3-4 months pregnant. so maybe it is a good sign...seems like i always got them when something was hopefully something is happening for you! :D

my boobs never got hot, just sore. i would flinch at even the slightest pressure. and the sides of the boobs, like almost around to my back...that got really crampy. i would lightly rub the area and it just felt like a lot of pressure or something there. but everyone has different symptoms. i cant wait to find out if youre growing a little bean in there already!

i know what you mean about wishing you didnt would be nice to not have to think and obsess about it and just wake up one day and find out youre having a baby :)
For some strange reason I thought you were older. I'm 22 (23 on the 3rd march).
I know how that one feels to struggle to 'fit in' to groups already formed. I 2006 I went to university to study childrens nursing. In 2008, in my 2nd year, I became ill which I had to then take a year out of uni because of all the time I had to take off.
I came back home to dorset to stay with my parents. In Jan 2009 I went back to uni, back into my 2nd year, I had to fit in to a whole new group of people and new group of friends!
This was really difficult. I did know a girl who was in my group the first time round and then left to have her son. She was in my new group so I was looking forward to knowing someone- well.... she started a semester before me and by the time I went back she had already formed her new group! So I tried to fit in, people were friendly in that group but I didn't feel as though I belonged there!
I began feeling really home sick and didn't feel as though I was enjoying the course anymore so left after I completed my 2nd year! shame that people are like that.

I hope that when I get pregnant I can meet some new people in anti natal groups and then on the ward and become friends (that's my plan anyway). I don't think it'll be as easy as that but it would be nice to, like you say, have some one to gossip with, to have coffee with (not that I drink with) and to go for walks with our babies and get to be able to tell each other everything! maybe one day!

If only we weren't so far away hey!! 2 lonely ttc mummies!! haha!!

It really winds me up when I see mums that 'moan' about their child and how they won't do this and wont do that.... It can be very disheartening if I hear people say things like that, I am like you.
I am still having a few twinges - mainly when Ive been sitting down and go to straighten up to stand, it hurts. I flinched and hubby saw me... said the usual aww, hope you're ok kinda thing, then went on to say that if I was pregnant then if I was complaining about feeling sick etc, he wold be there for me and support me but wouldn't give sympathy!! :)
He said that I would have wanted all this so I must get on with it.... I know that sounds harsh but I see where e is coming from and to be honest, I wouldn't want sympathy, he's right in saying that I would have wanted all this. All these symptoms etc come with the package of having a baby!

I wouldn't like to complain, as I would feel as though I didn't appreciate it enough. I want a baby more than anything. So am willing to go through anything for one! :)

This morning when I went to the toilet, I noticed as I wiped it felt quite wet, looking at it, it was very stringy but a light yellow tinge.

when people keep saying about that snot CM they get, I never knew what they really meant, but now I'm wondering whether that was it. It could have been mistaken for snot. Like when you're just coming out of a cold and it is slightly yellowy (sorry I know that must sound disgusting) !!

Did your tummy feel hard when you were preg with Audrey, like very early on?
Mine seems to be quite hard but I don't know whether that's normal or not.

nope, just 25...though i feel older somedays! lol. something about juggling work and family makes you grow up so fast. sometimes i just look at myself and think " a proper adult now" hehe. ii went through a big "lets just be crazy and party" phase from about 21-23 i think thats why it shocks me sometimes. at about 22 i was saying i was so happy being single, that i would never marry, and didnt want any kids. hahaha! how quickly things change! lol

thats too bad about your experience at uni. i know that i had a hard time my first couple of years too and from then on, whenever i would see an obviously lonely, freshman or transfer, i would try to go out of my way to talk to them and make them feel welcome. its so hard because its often the first time youre on your own and then to not have a network of friends to support you makes it even harder. hopefully it will go much better for you when you have you LO and you can meet someone with a baby around the same age. i wanted to do the same thing, but it just didnt happen. although, during my maternity leave, i was able to have a lot of quality time with my LO since there wasnt anyone else to distract me! lol

i know! we could definitely be friends, taking the kiddos to the park and grabbing a quick cup of tea or something...any plans to move to hawaii anytime soon!? ;)

dh was the same way with me...he wouldnt give me any sympathy. he was really supportive of everything and understanding of when i didnt feel well and such, but never any sympathy. not that i really wanted matter how rough it got, it was bad in a good way. somehow its not so bad when you look at it like "this is what i have to do to have my LO" dh did get more sympathetic at the end. i worked until 2 days before i was induced. i was dead on my feet and could hardly walk. i gained 40lbs (ooops!) and it was all sticking straight out in front and killed my back. i tried never to complain, but at 10 days overdue he was feeling pretty sorry for me. lol. the last week before she came was pretty much the only time where i was like "i cant do this...its too much" lol. it really is all worth it

oh my gosh...the things that will happen to your body when youre pregnant...its insane. i had the big things of CM in the beginning too. i dont remember it being tinged yellow at all...more like a creamy colour. it would periodically happen throughout the whole pregnancy too...maybe like once a month or so. then, at the end, your mucous plug goes....oh it about makes you gag. its similar to what i got in the beginning, except it was about 3x the size and tinged pink (i guess its blood from it breaking away)i thought i was dying at the time...nobody told me that would happen! lol. oh the crazy things we go through for out LOs! ;)

i dont remember my tummy feeling hard at all in the very beginning...i remember it feeling very bloated though. then it got like rock hard at about 8-10 weeks along though, before i started storing up all the fat i gained! ;)
I've never felt the urge to go live the party life at all! I feel I've always been quite down to earth, always wanted to be married one day and always wanted to have children. a lot of my old school friends went on the whole travelling thing- never wanted to do that! I knew I wanted to settle down and start a family - it's like my aim in life!

I have eaten like a PIG today!! I have eaten so much it's unbelievable! Can;t stop it though :( always feel hungry!

I've heard a lot of people say that when you get twinges in your boobs at the top it normally means that you havent produced enough...whatever... and it normally means af will come whenever!

I have felt twinges on the top and then also the last day or 2 I'm getting twinges in my nipples. I really don't want to take what people say seriously but I can't help but wonder whether its not my month.

I don't know whats going on but I'm acting as though i'm pregnant, like being more careful.... I don't know what pregnant feels like but i feel different. I don't want to get my hopes up as it could very well be my body playing horrid tricks on me again! :(

Testing day seems a long way off!

I'm feeling so bloated like you wouldn't believe!! I look pregnant now!! haha!!

See, everything you tell me about your pregnancy, I'm not put off by it in any way! It actually really fascinates me! i would love to be a midwife one day! my dream job! I always said though after leaving uni, If I was to go back into studying as mad as it sounds to some people, I want to have my LO first then go back and then try for more after. I want to be able to have my experiences when I become a midwife, I feel it will help me be better at what I do.

Hubby would like to move to the states one day - he feels there is more opportunity there. I would also love to move there too one day but feel I would miss my family too much... I would love the support from my family with my kids and would feel bad that they live away from grandparents etc and not get to see them too often.

this doesn't really bother hubby too much as he doesnt really have a 'close' relationship with his family. Him and his mum can go weeks with out phoning one another, where as me and my mum talk at least every other day and see each other quite often.

I know that with becoming a midwife, you get the 'points' to be able to have a visa to move there, the same as Oz and NZ. So I know it wouldn't be a problem to get out there if we ever did decide to go!

How are you getting on anyway?
I went through a partying stage. I think it was mostly because I had a great relationship during high school and then things ended very badly. Before that I had wanted to get married and have kids. But the bad breakup made me kinda jaded for awhile. So I had few non-serious relationships and they were really into drinking and having fun and I kinda got pulled into it. And then I went on a bunch of travels as well and just didnt have the need or want to settle down. But then I met my husband and he had this beautiful little boy (~7months at the time) and I fell in love. So I left all of that behind me and knew then that I wanted a family and that these were the right conditions for it. :)

Thats awesome that youve always been family/children oriented. Thats how my mom was. She always says that her dream in life was to have a bunch of kids and be a SAHM and be the Room Mother at school and organize the extracurricular activities and such. She ended up having 4 misscarriages though and nearly died with the last one at about 30 weeks along. My dad actually had to choose if they were to save the baby or my mom, cause they couldnt do both. It was tough for them and they ended up adopting my brother, he was 22 months at the time. Then, 8 years later, they adopted me. I was 2 weeks old and tiny...very premature. So says now that she knows it was meant to be. She got her little girl and her little boy, she got a toddler and an infant. Plus, I got the greatest parents ever, who had the ability and drive to care for me and raise me :)

Im not sure about the twinges thing. I knew that something was different because I have never had anything go on with my boobs before, even right before AF. So the fact that they were sore was a huge clue. I got really hungry the first couple of months too...well actually it has lasted up until the present day! lol...makes my losing weight goal so much harder! I think it was maybe around 2 or 3 months along I started getting really protective of my belly. In the beginning it was just tender, so if someone bumped it or something I would grab it because it hurt. But a couple months along I would reach in front of it kind of unconsciously if there was any sort of "perceived danger" iykwim.

I dont think its crazy to go back to uni after having a baby. Honestly, you can do anything you put your mind to. When I was pregnant I was talking 19 credit hours (4 classes), writing my doctoral thesis, working 35hrs/wk and being a wife and a stepmom to a 3 year old (ie. cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and anything else to do with keeping the house together)...that all on top of all the symptoms of pregnancy. So, it can be done! :) If its your should go for it! :)

I know what you mean about being so far away. Before I had Audrey it was like I missed my family at times, but mostly I was content talking to them on the phone and such (I talk to my mom pretty much everyday) But since Audrey has come along I just want to be closer. I want them to be able to see her and hold least once a month or something. DH is a lot like your hubby..he loves his family, but they actually seem to do better when there is a bit of distance separating them! lol. It would be great to have the option as a midwife though...i know that in certain career fields it can be VERY difficult to get a Visa. But, with a desireable career like that, you at least always have the option, should it become a desire for you guys!

I have been pretty good. It is the start of training season for DH and he is getting ready for the summer o' triathalons. He does two workouts a day (about 2.5hrs of exercise a day) and so hes been exhausted. I love that he has that passion, but it also means that hes so exhausted at nights that we havent been able to DTD as much the past couple of week. So...who knows if I even have a shot this month! So I have taken up cycling so as not to feel so lazy in comparison (and to shed the extra baby weight that has been sticking around) and I try to ride twice a day (a short spin in the morning and a longer one after work). So far its been great and I feel like I'm finally gonna get rid of the extra weight Ive got leftover from pregnancy! yay! :D
I got a dip in my temp today!!! i really hope it's implantation!!
I woke up this morning with the worst back ache (lower). Still feeling bloated today and eating like a piggy!!

That's really great that you bike ride... my bike is STILL in the shed! I haven't used it very often at all. I would like to use it more, I would probably use it if I had a 'normal' job and that was near (ish) by to me, but I work about 13 miles away which take me about 20 minutes on a day with absolutely no traffic!! But then I have no other reason to ride my bike. And not in this weather any way! :)

Do you know when you ov etc? and what cycle day are you on now?

That's amazing about your mum and dad adopting you and your brother!! It's really sad your mum wasn't able to carry but then I bet she wouldn't have changed the decisions she made for the world having you two!! :) How premature were you?

Wow! you really did have a lot to do didnt you! I guess you don't really understand it until you've been there and do it! So in my case now, I feel like that would be such a massive thing to have to do, I would worry about not getting enough sleep etc. I'm sure though that when i have a child then all of those worries wouldn't matter any more!!

When I left uni and said that one day I really want to go back to uni to become a midwife, people don't believe that I will do it, people such as my mum and my grandparents. They think I will have kids and never go back! I really want to prove them wrong! I WILL go back even if I'm 40 when I do!! When i was doing my children's nursing training, there were people in my group who were in there 40's someone was in there 50's!! So it just goes to show!

Ooooh... Ill keep my fingers crossed for you that thats what the drop means! :) I think, if my cycles are back to what they were before pregnancy I would be on CD 22 and 7 DPO, but it is hard to say since my first light bleed after pregnancy and my second little heavier bleed were 8 weeks apart. Since I'm not temping or anything I am not sure if I am back to a 28 day cycle or not.. I think the bloated feeling is a good sign though. For me, looking back, sore boobs and super-bloatedness were the two main symptoms I got. :)

The biking is great and the thing I like about it is that I live on a military base. Here in Hawaii there arent many bike paths and drivers arent especially curtious when it comes to it can be dangerous in general. But, on base, its much safer and the drivers are better. :) I would like to bike to work eventually. Its about 15 miles away and would take a bit, but probably would be faster than my bus ride (which takes nearly an hour!) Plus, we nearly always have good weather, so I am lucky in that regard. You wouldnt find me on a bike right now if we lived somewhere that had a proper winter! lol

Yea my parents are pretty great and, while their story is similar to many many people out there, its really great to think about it as the adopted child. My birth mother was very young and not capable of taking care of me. In this pro-choice world, its sobering to think that I just as easily could have been terminated. So it makes you happy that she wanted me to go to a family that could take better care of me and that couldnt have a child of their own. I was a little over 2 months premature. I was icky looking as a eyebrows or eyelashes. And my skin was very translucent-you could see all the veins in my body. My brother took one look at me and asked my mom if they could send me back. At that time they didnt make clothes for premies and so they had to dress me in cabbage patch doll clothes :)

I think that the body is a capable of a lot more than we think it is. A lot of times we think "oh, i cant do that" but then you try and find out that you can! For me, taking a semester off of school wasnt an option, and neither was not working, and someone had to take care of the house, and i needed my family time too for my own sanity/hapiness...and somehow I just figured out how to juggle it all! :D I definitely think you can do your training whenever you decide to, no matter how many kids you have! There was a man in the same doctorate program that was 75 years old! Others that were in their 40s and 50s too. Nothing is impossible! :D
absolutely nothing is impossible!!! :)

That's a shame about your biological mum but then you wouldn't have the family you have today! And that is great! I think that's a really story to be able to tell your grandchildren about their great grandparents! :) Not that long ago I wanted to go into fostering but then we decided to go all out with ttc and then got the letter about having to move house and we thought it wasn't such a great time!! Maybe one day, but I think that people who adopt and foster are really really special people! :)

That's really cute what your brother said!

You wouldn't want to be here in the winter!!!!!! Right now its really windy!!!! It's really noisey and blowing things over outside!!! I'm so happy i'm inside, nice and warm! :)

FF seems to think I ov'd on the 25th jan so that would been I'm 10dpo and due my period in 4 days! but I though I was due AF on thursday which would be 6 days away! Now I'm confused!! hmmm
i have thought about the fostering thing too, but now with one 24/7 and the other halftime, i dont think we can really afford it. a friend of mine from high school has done it though and is now in the process of trying to adopt the little girl. her mum was into drugs and got sent to jail, and my friend and her husband have had the little girl pretty much full time since she was born about 4 years ago. :) i agree that the people who want to adopt and foster are very special. some people dont even love their biological kids properly, so it is really something to love unconditionally a child who doesnt share your genetics at all :)

my brother hated me for awhile because he was very into the tv show where the main character had a trans am car. my parents had been on the list for another baby for 8 years and were literally two weekends away from their appointment to take their name off the list. at that time it was hard to adopt more than one child and they thought it wasnt going to happen after all that time. they were going to take their name off and buy a trans am. then they got the call about me. needless to say, with a new infant, they couldnt afford the trans am. my mom asked my brother "what do you want most in the world?" and he said "you got a trans am!?" and she said "okay...second most?" and he said "you got me a puppy!!!?" and then she finally just told him they were bringing him a sister home. he was less than enthused. then he saw me, with my no eyebrows and my transparent skin, and he wanted to send me back right away! lol.

i dont envy you at all! i grew up in wyoming and the winters there are horrible with lots of snow and wind. and its cold from about early october to about april. i dont miss the cold. sometimes i do miss having a fireplace to snuggle up around though. :) when we move it will most likely to be to someplace quite a bit colder than here. gonna have to buy a whole new wardrobe...i dont even have a winter jacket anymore! lol

i have heard that FF can be somewhat inaccurate in the beginning and the longer you chart the more it gets to understand your cycle. maybe thats why the numbers seem a little off from what youre expecting? since this is your first month charting... im not sure though. are you going to test earlier than you had originally planned then?
Look at that dip!! :)
I'm getting some really weird feelings in my left nipple today!!! And some mean ass cramps. Along with lower back ache again!! :)

That is a really sweet story about your brother! Bless him!! Did he ever get the trans am? You have some amazing memories to share! :)

It's so windy here today (i was yesterday too) It's so bad, when the wind blows it feels like its going to blow the window/back door down!! It's howling through our single glazed windows!!!! I am very glad I am inside and don't have to go out anywhere today!

I AM going to get some packing done today!! I feel a bit under pressure now that I havent done any for ages and we have 6 days left to pack the rest of the house!! A lot of packing!

I am still going to wait it out I think, I really dont want a BFN! I might (if it comes to it) get a cheap test from the shop during the week and test quietly (shhh) Hubby doesn't want me to waste tests, so I have agreed with him that the last pg test I have waiting for me, I'm not going to use until AF is late! I think I will wait until thursday to see what my temp does and if it goes down I'll wait, if it stays up then I might be tempted. I am still feeling hopeful.

I still worry about the move and not knowing if I'm preg or not, so this is why I'd prob go and test earlier than agreed with hubby! But only if I was still hopeful as I would hate to be lifting boxes and putting myself at risk! Just being cautious! :)

I think there should be something that triggers in your brain that tells you that your pregnant as soon as implantation happens! :) If only...

ahhh...sorry i was completely mia for the weekend. things always get busy around here on the weekeneds and it seems like we go non-stop from friday night to sunday night every week. any more symptoms over the weekend? it seems like you are really getting a lot! i definitely agree about sneaking a test in a little early just to be sure before the big move. like you said, you dont want to be doing a lot of strenuous work if you are pregnant. like you said, since youre temping you can get a pretty good idea of whether or not you need to test by if it dips or not. even if you test and dont get a BFP though, you should probably take the moving a bit easy just because sometimes it takes a bit for the test to read positive. with audrey i tested at 5 days late and it barely was enough to produce a positive result. everyone creates the hormone at different levels/rates.

so were you able to get any packing done!? hopefully...the day is drawing near! :)

my tummy was really tender this weekend and so i kept thinking "maybe, just maybe..." then DH was holding audrey and i was laying on the floor doing situps and he came and plunked her down on my tummy. he did it harder than he meant to and i was like "oooofff...audrey you just jumped on your baby brother or sister!" DH about fell over! he was like "really? are you?!" and i was like "no...i dunno" but you could see in his eyes he got really excited for a minute there. he wont admit it, but i think he wants another just as badly as me. he more says we are NTNP for me, but i know the truth ;)

i think youre right...there should just be some concrete symbol or pregnancy. none of these strange symptoms that could or couldnt be...and keep us guessing all month. we need something like a little light on out tummys that go green when pregnant and red when not ;)

oh...and my brother finally got himself a trans am when he was like 28 or 29. but it only lasted a couple years...those sports cars and cold, rough wyoming winters dont mix very well. ;) speaking of winters...hope you are keeping youself warm in that wind and cold!
Hi, I know how it is with being busy over the weekend, especially with little ones. We had a really busy weekend packing, I was just beginning to get withdrawal symptoms so had to keep coming back for a sneak!! I dont know how im going to manage next week when we have no internet!!! aagggghhh!!

Aww that's really sweet about your DH!! My hubby keeps asking me... "do you feel pregnant yet?" I don't like to say "yeah, actually i do". Even though I don't know what that feels like, I'm just worried it might be me feeling a little too hopeful! I do feel 'different', something I can't describe!

Last night I was super super restless, took me ages to get to sleep and just couldnt get comfy!! Even now, writing this message, I'm getting restless. Don't know what it is, but feel uncomfortable all the time. I also had pains in my uterus last night in bed and today. Had some dull cramps today. To be honest it felt like AF was coming. My boobs are very tender tonight, never had pain like it in my boobs!!

Also I have a cold coming on.... now i know this could be just a cold, plain old cold!! nothing more, nothing less!!
But I can't help but think about all those times when I've seen women comment about runny noses and like a full blown cold coming on and then getting their BFP's!
Trying not to get my hopes up!! we shall see!!

Keeping warm!! moving friday!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeek!! I will definitely be taking care on friday even if I do get a bfo and no af! don't want to risk anything

When are you testing?? I'm excited for you!! :)
p.s. glad your brother got his trans am!!! ;)
Hi, I know how it is with being busy over the weekend, especially with little ones. We had a really busy weekend packing, I was just beginning to get withdrawal symptoms so had to keep coming back for a sneak!! I dont know how im going to manage next week when we have no internet!!! aagggghhh!!

Aww that's really sweet about your DH!! My hubby keeps asking me... "do you feel pregnant yet?" I don't like to say "yeah, actually i do". Even though I don't know what that feels like, I'm just worried it might be me feeling a little too hopeful! I do feel 'different', something I can't describe!

Last night I was super super restless, took me ages to get to sleep and just couldnt get comfy!! Even now, writing this message, I'm getting restless. Don't know what it is, but feel uncomfortable all the time. I also had pains in my uterus last night in bed and today. Had some dull cramps today. To be honest it felt like AF was coming. My boobs are very tender tonight, never had pain like it in my boobs!!

Also I have a cold coming on.... now i know this could be just a cold, plain old cold!! nothing more, nothing less!!
But I can't help but think about all those times when I've seen women comment about runny noses and like a full blown cold coming on and then getting their BFP's!
Trying not to get my hopes up!! we shall see!!

Keeping warm!! moving friday!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeek!! I will definitely be taking care on friday even if I do get a bfo and no af! don't want to risk anything

When are you testing?? I'm excited for you!! :)
p.s. glad your brother got his trans am!!! ;)
oh my gosh...i dont know what i would do with no internet! are you just without it until you can get someone to come hook it up? i feel like i am so dependent on the internet these days...i have forgotten how to do things the old fashioned way. litterally last week i couldnt find the phone number of a place online and had to use the phone took me forever and i was getting frustrated because i had forgotten how it was organized and such. lol

aww. i really hope that your "different" feeling is a little bean growing in there! what a great housewarming present that would be! :D its cute that your DH is all excited too, asking how you feel and such. i bet he is excited for testing day too :)

i got sharp pains in my uterus for the first trimester with audrey. i dont really know what it was...growing pains or something. it was painful though and it would come on, last maybe 3 or 4 minutes and then pass. that would happen a few times a day. i was so sure that something was wrong and that i was misscarrying. i guess i didnt realized how much your uterus grows in pregnancy...and how it can hurt!

ive never heard the cold thing. i got a cold right before audrey was due, but other than that i was like super immune woman my whole pregnancy. dylan and DH kept getting sick and i was so scared id get it each time, but i never did...not until the very end at least. but i hope that your cold is a good sign and not just a plain, ordinary cold. cause those are no fun!

i think i will test next monday if nothing is going on as far as AF. its hard to tell because, if im back on my regular schedule, AF would be due this thursday. but, i really dont know if i am or not. i think ill test then to see. and then if its a BFN and still no AF, ill just test every two weeks until she shows again. i always want to test because i want to know, but at the same time...those tests are so expensive! lol

youll have to let me know if you decide to sneak a test a little early! :D :D
We are due the same day! :) Hopefully she stays away for us both, I sure dont want to see her again for a LONG time!! I will test on friday if no show and then if she still hasnt turned up by monday I will test again on monday!

I did test this morning again but only cos I had this weird dream that I can't remember anything about exept being on a bus and feeling a massive pressure in my uterus!! I have no idea if this was real or not but it sure did feel as though I felt it! Was the weirdest thing! Can't describe it! And when I woke up I just had this 'feeling'!! I hope I'm right!!

That would be the most amazing house warming gift if I was growing a little one right now!! hubby would be over the moon!!! And so would I, I really do feel like there couldn't be any reason for a negative test and this is the month but I could be completely wrong!! Something inside is saying that I'm out!

As far as the internet goes, it's being reconnected at our new house on the 18th so we will be without internet for 6/7 days!!!!!!! and tv!!!! I get internet at work tho so I'm hoping i'll be able to get on there! Going to get withdrawal symptoms!!
i agree! i would LOVE it if she doesnt show her face for, oh say...another 10 months! ;) but i am a little crampy this morning and sort of thinking she might show up...booo. if she does, i cant say ill be surprised. we didnt get the chance to DTD as much as i had hoped this month because of DHs triathalon training. he is dead tired most of the time and so we arent getting as much baby making done! lol

i had the strangest dreams when i was pregnant. i never remember my dreams and for the longest time was convinced i didnt dream, but when i was pregnant i remembered them all and they were so real and was strange for me. and since ive had audrey its gone back to not being able to remember them. so maybe your weird dream is a good sign!

hopefully nothing happens by thursday and you get to test friday! so excited for you. and then, if nothing has happened for either of us by monday...woot woot for POAS! ;) though...i hope you have youre BFP by friday and dont have to wait the weekend. then you can "supervise" the moving while your DH fawns over his expecting wife ;)

whoa! thats a long time without internet! the tv thing shouldnt be so bad, but maybe thats because we dont have tv at our house. we watch some shows on the internet, but for the most part we just dont watch tv. the kids use the tv to watch movies more than we do. lol. but at least youll be able to fuel your B&B addiction a little bit at work! :D
Every cycle around this time (2ww) I always seem to have really vivid dreams about babies and breastfeeding etc I always seem to remember then when i wake up feeling really disappointed that is wasnt true!! This cycle in the 2ww, I have had NO dreams what so ever. Well I say no dreams i've probably had them but cant remember having them. That's something I find a bit weird!!

I can't help but feel all these symptoms that I've never had before, They HAVE to mean something!! dont they!!!! I'm dreading them being down to my body playing tricks.

That sounds quite promising though that the symptoms that i have been having, some of them, you have had too!! ;) I really hope that's a good thing.

Ive had cramps and a bad back all this evening, but the cramps are sending pains around my hips, i just feel uncomfortable. The cramps are quite sharp, not dull like the AF cramps.

How's the cycling going?

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