TTC #1 11dpo would like a buddy??

i sure hope that they mean something! its so hard to know since everyone has different symptoms and our minds are so powerful. its like we can almost fabricate symptoms because we are thinking we are having them, then we really will. but i really hope that its not just a trick, but that you really are going through them because your body is supporting a little guy/gal in there! :)

oh my gosh the cycling was so hard to wake up for this morning, but dh went for his workout and helped me wake up. audrey ended up waking up at 445 too when we were just getting around. usually she sleeps until i wake her at 615 to go to daycare. so i sat her in her bouncer and she watched mommy cycle. she thought it was pretty funny and chuckled at me the whole time. the wheels make a funny sound when they spin on the trainer and i think she thought it funny. then she hung out in the bathroom while i showered and she always likes that because it gets all warm in there. so it was a pretty good morning and i felt a lot better that i did wake up and do it. havent stepped on the scale yet though...i think im only going to weigh once a week, everyday could be too disheartening lol.
My temp spiked this morning!!! I don't really know what happened.... same time, same bed, same pj's.... I hope that's a good sign though, it just seems quite high!!

Well as far as AF goes, I really don't know what will happen tomorrow. I have no feeling that she will come. none of the usual af symptoms. I mean I have them but the ones I have at the mo are different. I have really bad bad low down, I normally get bad back but only the night before or morning of and it's really deep, the one I have at the mo is more on the muscle and its been with me practically since I OV'd. My boobs normally hurt at the top but I only have pains on the sides and at the front (behind my nipples) and also hurts when pushed or lent on by little children!! ouch!! They normally feel quite lumpy on the top too.... no sign of that!!
Also no cramps today, just sharp pains every now and again down my sides, just above my hip bones or behind my hip bones. So things feel different but whether these are 'something special' or not I guess only time will tell.

When I used to weigh myself, it used to be every few days until I went to weight watchers to lose that crucial inch off my body to fit into my gorgeous wedding dress. I used to go once a week (every friday) same time and I also wore the same thing (something light). I found this so much better to only weigh myself once a week as it was more accurate. The body can fluctuate in weight through out the week anyway so to get a true reading it's best to weigh only once a week at the same time trying to weigh in the same clothing (or not at all) ;)

How are you doing today?? any signs AF might be showing her face tomorrow??
ooh i have heard that a spike is good! or at least for your temp to stay high during the 2ww. hopefully it does mean good news for you! and the pain in the sides of your boobs youre describing...that is exactly how mine was! you really are having a lot of different feelings...if you dont get a BFP i will be really surprised. i cant imagine why you would have so many different symptoms if you arent pg. i really hope you are!! :)

i dont really think this is going to be my month. i dont really feel like AF will show tomorrow, but at the same time i dont really feel PG at all. so im just hanging out at the moment and waiting. oooh the waiting far the hardest part about TTC! lol

hehe! i like weighing naked because i trick myself into thinking im a couple pound lighter! :) i think i am going to go for the once a week weigh in...i had heard it suggested before and now youre confirming that other places do that too. just seems like a good idea.

so our daycare provider might be flaking on us and ive been in a chaotic mess all day trying to figure out what we will do. a couple of weeks ago she sais she was going to look for a job because her husband wanted her to make more money. then the interviews didnt go to well, so i thought we were sweet. then, yesterday when DH picked audrey up, the provider started saying how it was a rough day and how audrey stresses her out and all of this. i personally think thats pretty unprofessional to say to the parent of a kid you care for, but whatever. then, apparently right after dh left her house to come get me, she calls me and says "another military provider has an opening for an infant, i will forward her info" so im thinking that she has another interview or is still looking for jobs or something. so dh picks me up and tells me what she said and that he saw a new little girl in her care today and the enrollment papers on the table when he was picking audrey up. so, apparently she just wants to get rid of audrey and is still taking on other kids. so i get the email from her and the other provider lives like 30 miles away and theres no way we can swing that so i emailed her back saying it wouldnt work and that dh mentioned what she had said and that i had no idea our daughter was such a problem and that we would look for alternatives. she wrote back saying that it was okay for the first two weeks but since then not so much. shes been in daycare for 9 weeks and youre jsut mentioning it! it makes me kind of sick that weve been sending her to someone who hasnt wanted her there for nearly 2 months. so now i think i might have to quit because there are no military providers with opening for her age and the daycare on the outside costs about $1200-1500/month, which is most of my wages. so im thinking i might become a provider instead, and that way i can be home but also make a little money to help out. ahhh...sorry that was long, but kind of needed to vent! lol

hope you are well and cant wait to hear how tomorrow goes for you! :)
No sign of a BFP. Far from it. No AF either!! :(
Don't think it's my turn
no AF for me, but that doesnt mean much really. could just be that this will be another 60 day cycle...booo! but i did test this morning just cause i couldnt help myself. and i got a big old "not pregnant" to start out my day.

are your cycles usually regular? hey...if the witch hasnt shown up yet you are definitely still in the game this month!! :D
The move went well! We are all in now just the unpacking to do which is the best bit.
So I took a test this morning - bfn. :(
Was feeling wet all day. Went to the toilet earlier and there wad a spot of blood. So I thought maybe it was some late spotting as it was fresh red blood. The wettness got worse through the day, the next time I went to the toilet there she was :(
No warning!!! No cramps, no nothing.

Luckily my hubby and my mum was still at the house with me so I was able to have a good old cry with them. :(. So upset.

Having a Chinese takeaway at my mum and dads and then will be going back to our new home to drown my sorrows with a rather large glass of wine!!

How was your day? Any news for you?
well im glad you got moved in and all! i bet that is a big relief to have that behind you. now just for the unpacking...but not until some chinese food and some wine! you deserve it lady! so sorry that the witch got you! what a sneaky biatch she was...not giving you any signals or anything. :( maybe its best that you can get all settled in and get your house in order then you can get to baby making in the new house! :D plus, if you catch an egg this month your baby will be an early christmas present! :)

i know its hard and i know its the last thing you want to hear, but try to stay positive about it all. theres always this month coming. and im in it with you all the way. still no AF for me, but after the BFN this morning I am thinking that maybe my cycle is still off and i might not get her for another month still. its hard when youre BFing to guess what will happen with your body.

go and have a good cuddle and a nice glass of wine with your hubby and enjoy your new house! pretty soon it will be the place that you got your BFP, where your belly grows big with a baby inside, and where you decorate a nursery!!! :D
That's a really sweet message. That has made me feel better :)
Just a bit down at the mo. I'm going to take it really easy this next month. We are still going to try. But I'm not going to temp I don't think this month. I don't think I want to.

I just really hope we can have a baby before Christmas. That would be the most amazing Christmas!! And the best present we could ever be blessed with!!!!
You are so very very lucky you have Audrey. :)

Thank you for being so supportive. I look forward to sharing a BFP with you one day. :)

Will be on again soon. Just going to chill out a little and sort my head out. :)
Probably be on tomorrow :) can't keep away x
awww i hope you feel better soon hun! i do really know how it feels and i know what its like to get down and think that it seems like it will never happen, but it definitely will. i went through a mini-depression the few day after AF would show up every month while we TTC Audrey, but then the BFP finally came. And it will for you too! :D

if you need to talk or just need to vent your frustrations...this is the place to do it and i will always be here! :) feel better and do try to enjoy your weekend with your hubby in your new house!! :D
I am so sorry I havent been in touch on here! Its been a bit manic recently. Been unpacking all our boxes and we are still a little disorganised but getting there. I have also been taking things a little more relaxed this cycle. I am trying to not think about anything to do with trying for a baby apart from actually doing the deed!! :)

To be honest I don't know what cycle day i'm on if you asked me and i'm not totally sure when I am going to be ovulating. I think its on sunday i ovulate but cant be certain. Hubby and I are just plodding along, bding and making sure we cover all areas but there isn't a thermometer in site and I am waaaayyy chilled!

I hope this is the month!!!

The only thing I've noticed this month is I am getting the usual amounts of CM again which I didn't have last month, so I'm hoping this is a good sign for OVing. Who knows!

We are going on holiday to a place called centre parcs on monday. It's such a nice place. Its a whole holiday village but based in the woods! It's awesome. It's very outdoorsy and trees and squirrels everywhere. They have a swimming pool that goes outside but mega heated so there is steam coming off it. It's almost likes springs. So that will be week 1 of the so called 2ww which is good cos i will be distracted from it and i wont need to symptom spot, which i am NOT going to be doing this month! Just need to find something to do for the second week now!

So how's things with you? Any BFP's for you?

Sorry I havent been in touch!
no problem at all! things have been craziness here too. we had had a mold issue in our house about a month ago and it had supposedly been fixed, but then out of nowhere EVERYTHING got mold on it. so we were able to convinve base housing to give us a new house, but we had to move short notice. so we got the new place monday before last and had to be out and have the old one cleaned by last week friday. it was pure craziness but we got it done and have finally gotten everything unpacked and such and are settled in. it was insanity though, as it was so busy at work too and i couldnt get off. we were doing a lot of moving in our little cars in the evenings. bleh!

im glad everything is more relaxed for you this month! hopefully youre less stressed by it all. its important to try to stay relaxed as possible over the whole thing. your holiday sounds awesome and like a perfect distraction for the first part of the 2ww! i bet you will so enjoy yourself there. i cannot wait for the middle of march when audrey and i go on vacation to see family. sometimes it is so nice to just have a change of scenery. :)

nothing much more than that going on here. i still havent gotten AF, but i also havent tested since i last did on the 11th. i dont think i am pregnant..i dont really feel that way. i think that my cycles are still just messed up from bfing. maybe if i dont get AF in a couple more weeks ill test again.

i am so glad to hear that youre doing better now..i know you were pretty upset after last month. hopefully your BFP just sneaks up on you this month!! :D
I hope it sneaks up on me too, I also hope a BFP sneaks up on you too!! :)
It really hit me like a tone of bricks did AF!! I couldn't quite believe it, but I am now well in to the next cycle and things are good, going well! :)

That's amazing that you have moved and unpacked already! That's what I am doing this weekend, unpacking more, I want to be sorted now. We are having a housewarming/birthday get together tomorrow evening so I want everything unpacked. It's my birthday on thursday so I thought because we are going away on monday for the week we could get together with some family and friends before we went.

Hope you have settled in well in your new house!
i took another test this weekend because DH forced me, as ive been nauseated all week. BFN...i had hope that a BFP was the reason, but not so. who knows whats the matter with my tummy...i wish it would stop though. still no AF and im pretty convinced now that im not ovulating :(

i hope that you got all of your unpacking and arranging done, and that you had a great get together with friends and family over the weekend! do enjoy your holiday! not sure if youll be on BnB at all, but if not ill chat atcha when you get back!! :)

have fun!!
How's that BFP coming along??!!

My little break away was amazing! I am sad its all over! We had a fantastic time and I had probably the best birthday ever!! :) Shame my testing day didn't fall on my birthday day and it showed a bfp! I wish!

I am feeling 'things' not getting my hopes up, just being all relaxed this month. the only things i'm feeling is very sore boobs and more frequent bathroom trips. Not too sure how many dpo i am! I know I am in the 2ww though! I either Ov'd on friday or sunday of last week. I'm getting twinges etc in my lower tummy and sides but I'm taking them all with a pinch of salt as I had mega twinges last month and it didn't work out. Who knows! I'm just waiting for the day AF is due and if she doesnt show then I'm testing on the 12th.

How's things going?
hey! so glad to hear that you had a great holiday! i bet that a week away was awesome...i am so looking forward to audrey and i going on holiday starting next sunday! i am nervous about flying with her alone and airport security and all, but very excited about seeing my family :)

i know what you mean about not getting hopes up...i am trying to do the same thing! AF still hasnt shown but i did have some light brown spotting for about a day and a half last week. so immediately i thought "implantation bleeding" and i was exhausted, had headaches, and was nauseated all week too. but im trying not to read into it and just wait until two weeks from the spotting before i test, if AF doesnt show by then. im thinking though that im not ovulating. i cant imagine that, if i were, my cyles would be this messed up. i hope that your symptoms turn out with a BFP at the end though! only a few more days until testing :) fingers crossed that the witch stays away!!
I completely forgot you were going away on your holidays :) I hope you have a fantastic time!! And I hope you remembered everything you needed!!

Well, I'm late!! AF didn't show up on thursday. I took a test on friday with a strip and there was a faint line, took a test yesterday with a cheap supermarket test and there was nothing.

So I'm going to test again tomorrow and I hope I get a BFP. :) will keep you informed! :)

I have blue veins on my nipples though, that's a good sign right?

Enjoy your holiday
Oh! Fingers crossed for you that you get a BFP! I can't wait to hear what your update is! How totally exciting :) The veins on the nipples happened to me when I got my BFP with Audrey.

We just got to Las Vegas this morning! The trip went amazingly well. We luckily had an empty seat beside us in both flights and so we were able to spread out a bit. She slept the whole way on both flights. The second was a little delayed but she was so good the whole time. So now we I'll be in vegas for a week and then to Colorado and Wyoming. Its exciting to see all the family. 3 hours here and she's already being ridiculously spoiled :)

Can't wait to hear about your BFP!!! :D
Another BFN,.... :( It's really annoying, I just want to know!!
Going to buy another test but a descent one this time. And hopefully I will get a bfp. I really want to know.
I can't see how my period would be late if I wasn't pregnant. I hope it's not playing tricks on me. and hopefully its just cos im using cheap tests.

I look forward to hearing more about your holiday! So glad to hear you got there ok and that Audrey was really good!! :) Makes the journey so much easier I bet!!

Make sure you have stacks of fun!! Las Vegas... wow!! I loved it! :)
Another BFN,.... :( It's really annoying, I just want to know!!
Going to buy another test but a descent one this time. And hopefully I will get a bfp. I really want to know.
I can't see how my period would be late if I wasn't pregnant. I hope it's not playing tricks on me. and hopefully its just cos im using cheap tests.

I look forward to hearing more about your holiday! So glad to hear you got there ok and that Audrey was really good!! :) Makes the journey so much easier I bet!!

Make sure you have stacks of fun!! Las Vegas... wow!! I loved it! :)

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