TTC #1, 35 year old, starting CD 1, 3rd cycle - Would love a buddy?


Mother of DD, Pregnant #2
Oct 16, 2010
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Would anyone like to be my buddy? I think I need some emotional support. Lots of women at work are my age and they all seem to be getting pregnant. I think we're going to have lots of maternity leaves at the same time, it's almost like an epidemic. I wish it was something in the water, then I'd just drink lots of water and be done with it. :winkwink:

So, holler back!!!
hey I can be your buddy ? I got a couple years on ya though... I am 40 1/2 ttc #1 was just married in June, have been only trying a couple months now.. first couple months not really trying, but not avoiding either...but last 2 months I have been really trying around ovulation, this was actually my 2nd cylce... in my 2ww period now..
Hey Girl,

Sure we can be buddies. Are you having any symptoms that you can tell? I'm on CD 3 and just waiting for my CBFM to tell me when I'm fertile. I also use "mymonthlycycles" as a gauge. Are you using any OPK's? I find them helpful, I wasn't sure when I ovulated, but so far it looks like I have the typical 28 day cycle, ovulating on CD 14/15.

So, if I don't get pregnant by February, me and the DH have to go in for some tests.

how are you holding up?
I actually started off with OPKs the digital ones with the : )....then I was concerned that maybe I was missing my LH surge...if I had too much water that day...or didnt use the correct "pee" so to speak... so I got a CBFM. I have been using that for 3 months now. It appears I have on average 26 day cycles. and get my peak (egg days) on like 13,14 or 14,15. I guess from reading these boards I have to actually start temping to figure out exactly what day I OV though? because right now I am not sure if it is my first peak day or second. I can tell you though I am still using OPK along with my CBFM, and it appears in the afternoon right before I get my first "peak/egg" day I get a positive OPK. Back in June I was at my Dr for my yearly check up and asked him to prescribe me the "fertility blood" tests and he according to all the preliminary blood work for testing fertility I am actually ok. ya know checking FSH/Lh Levels... progestrone levels etc.. I have no idea what my husbands "levels" are...its gonna take a miracle for him to actually go if/when the times comes...he hates dr's and certainly will not be happy going to one to talk about his "man hood" so I did tell him... hey then when I tell ya its time for us to start jumping in bed, you better be "on board" because we need to try for "free" now...because fertility specialist are not kind of a threat to him...but so far it has been working : ) and I dont have time to waste...BUT if we dont conceive soon.. I want us to see a doctor... I am hoping I am atleast pregnant by Christmas thats what I am hoping for.
So, this will be my second month using CBFM, when you used your CBFM for the second and third time, what day did it have you starting to test? I suspect it won't ask me to POAS till either CD 8 or 10. And did you use 10 sticks for each month?

I have a doctor's appointment on Friday, so maybe I'll ask her to do the same fertility blood tests for me. I don't have to go to a specialists for that, right?
my 2nd month on the CBFM started me testing on (I think) day 9... and no I didnt use 10 sticks... My 3rd Month (which is this month) it had me start on CD 8.

as for the blood work I asked for... It was just my regular doctor...dont need a fertility dr for this. I went for my yearly examine, and said I was getting married and want ttc soon afterwards and asked if I could have the fertility blood work prescribed to me. and he did. Went a blood lab who draws the blood and the results go to my dr and he gave me the results.

The test though (I see your in Canada me in US) I am assuming should be the same.. the tests he prescribed are the

1)3CD test.. meaning you go get your blood drawn on the 3rd day of your cycle and that would measure your
-FSH,LH,Estridol and Prolactin Levels

2) then you go for another blood draw on CD 21 of the same cycle (actually either CD21 or 7 days after OV)
-that would test your Progestrone (depending on this level it would tell you if you are actually ovulating)

the CBFM tells you when your LH levels rise, which means your about to OV but you really really dont know if you OVd unless you get your progestrone measured... or the girls that do temps say you can tell for sure if you O'd if your temp spikes...

sorry for all the info maybe too much ? Im rather chatty if you cant tell !! haha
ah crap, I guess I'll have to wait till next month to get the blood tests, as I'm on CD 3 right now. Ah well, thanks for the info, I really do appreciate it.

So, you've got 6 more days till you test, huh? I'm excited for you, I hope you get a BFP.

Have you told anyone that you're TTC? My whole family knows, but that's because they've known since I was 30 that I wanted to have kids right away.

I was engaged when I was 28 to a horrible man and we were suppose to get married when I was 30. I was telling my family that I wanted to start a family right away after we were married, but 2 months before we were married and after all the invitations were mailed, I found out that he had another girlfriend and she was pregnant. It was horrible, I just couldn't believe that he wasn't going to tell me anything and still going to marry me and keep the girlfriend with the baby. I found out cause I think the other girl put her friend to call me and leave me a message. So, I cancelled the wedding and went into a deep depression especially after the girl gave birth.

Anyhow, that was 5 years ago and I met my wonderful DH now that treats me like a princess. So, now I'm really happy that I never married that other horrible man and got pregnant cause that would have been even worse.

Lets hope that we're both blessed with a little bean before the end of this year!! :hugs:
all I can say is O.M.G !! WHAT A horrible horribl horrible person... 1st of all how dare him..2nd of all was he seriously still going to marry you and not tell you... you are SOOOOO lucky to not have ended up with him. I seriously got the chills reading that... uGHHH!!!

BUT... ON to happy thoughts we a great DH !!! good for you!!!

Everyone kinda "assumes" we are trying... since we just got married... and a lot of people ask... so whens the kids coming... others are like wow are you really gonna have kids, thought you didnt want them (though I didnt want them probally cause I dont have them yet!! and I am 40 (hes 38) kinda irrating to be honest with ya)

So thats fine, when you go to the Dr on Friday, ask them for the scripts for the blood tests, then you will be all set to go on your CD3 next month. I dont know if things work in Canada like here in the US. But if you have a script (from your dr) for blood work you can just walk in any blood lab, give them the script and they will take the blood and return the results to the Dr. So you will need to go on CD3 then again on CD21, once you get to that point I have a couple good links for you to evaulate your results.

Yes lets pray for some great news to share with our families... I of course would luv a litte bean before Christmas... but am going to be patient until then... !! after that me and hubby have some serious talking to do!!
so, your husband isn't really on board to get tested, huh. I think men seem to forget that when they get older their fertility goes down the drain too. So, the sooner older couples find out if their both fine, the better.

I'm sure you'll get pregnant even before you have to have "the talk" with DH. How are you feeling today? Any new symptoms?
well he HATES going to the Dr... and hes is a super private person... so I dont know how keen he would be on going to an actually Fertility Specialist...

as for the TTC stuff too...he is not a real big talker when it comes to "women" stuff as it is. So I have to approach all this TTC stuff very delicately with him... example... If I say ahhh I got I got my period I have cramps...hes like ok ok TMI... i'm like whats wrong with you... hes just like ewww dont feel like talking bout your ummm Thing!!! and forget it I ask him to pick up tampons... it will never happen...he just straight up says !! NOPE thats your job...haha!! so when trying to tell him about BD on the right days... hes like cant i get ya next week... I was like no!! he just doesnt get anything... hes slowly learning tho

but as a side note He is going to the regular Dr for his yearly check-up in 2 I asked him to let the Dr now he was just married and starting to TTC and ask any type of preliminary tests...Im hoping the dr prescribes a Sperm Analysis. Kinda like I did when I went to my regular Dr asked for that blood work. Just give us both a piece of mind... as you said good idea to find out now if we have any problems instead of trying for the standard 6-12 months only to find out there is an underlying prob... ya know !!
oh you also asked, any symptoms... na... AF due next Tues/Wed for some reason I dont feel too optimisc? not sure why...

Ive been reading alot of these post since I jioned, and it seems like perhaps I have been missing my O the last few months... a lot of the girls on here using the CBFM are saying that OV day is usually on the 2nd peak of the monitor... I usually have my guy worn out by then, cause I try to BD every other day on the highs, and we usually only get the 1st peak day in...

if AF comes... I am going to be sure from now on we do both peak days now
Oh I totally understand what you mean about missing the peak days. So, I read somewhere that if you know that you're fertility is good, then you should BD as soon as you get a high on your OPK that night and for three consecutive nights, then skip a night and try one more time.

I think the plan is called "Sperm Meets Egg Plan". So, I'm going to try this plan this month. Although, I'm not sure if my DH will be able to do it for three nigths straight especially after he gets home from a busy day, he's usually tired. So I guess we'll see what happens, but the plan sounds pretty good, you should definitely catch the egg with that method. I know for sure last month, we definitely missed the egg cause DH wasn't able to do it on the first peak on the CBFM and on the second peak we did it late at night, so we probably missed the egg completely.

Also, I hear that you normally have your LH surge during the day, so I'm wondering if the same thing happens with the egg it pops out during the day, so basically DTD during the evening of the second peak wouldn't do much. Who knows??? I feel like this is a science project or something. sheesh!
yes you are right Science Project pretty much sums this all up hahaha

I did hear about the SMEP.. and ideally that is what I was aiming for...but your right..come the end of a fertile week.. my poor husband thinks I am "using" him...
we are both so pooped out... my plan is if AF gets me next week... then I am on a major mission with SMEP.. look out HUBBY!!!!

but you do bring up a good point. what if the egg pops in the middle of the day like the LH surge? then the 2nd peak night just may be too late..HMMMM

our typical BD schedule is always in the evenig (during the week..because we both work days) and so far I havent hit a peak on the weekend so that so far has counted out any afternoon noogie!!

so I just realized I grabbed ya as a buddy.. I was so exicted to join the site and said ya I'll be your buddy... but I am learning now that I really am not even close to your CD and that is what girls are looking for.. cause on another post a girl stopped in said Hi.. but I canT be your buddy cause I am CD4 then I though gosh.. I totally hijacked so_anxious thread AND I wasnt even close to her CD.. dahhh on my part... but we can still be buddies though right ?? haha
of course we can be buddies. It doesn't matter to me at what point my buddy is at in her cycle. I'm just glad I have someone to share experiences with and for some support.

So, I got a BBT on Tuesday and have started to use it. I'm not sure if there's anything to it except for taking my temp as soon as I wake up. I have it right beside my bed, so as soon as the alarm goes off, I reach over and stick it in my mouth. I guess only time will tell if I'm doing it right.

Man, today I haev such a headache and I have some online training in 45 minutes that I totally don't want to do. Ah well, can't wait for the weekend, I get "so anxious" when I have to start poas (hence the name):winkwink:
bad news.. got hit by AF on Saturday Afternoon : (

but moving on to next month... I have just started temping as well... decided that this week, but darn I didnt pick up a bbt I have just read up on the importance of it being a bbt instead of a regular therm so I will be purchasing that today to get some good readings... I understand too that you just take your temp before you even get out of bed... so I will have it sitting right at my alarm to pop in my mouth before my feet even hit the floor... then I will track it on FF.

how you holding up anything new with you?
you know it's funny, I was using a normal thermometer as well last month, just every once and again to see what my temp was but you do have to use a BBT cause you need to record the .01 degree as well. I'm sorry that you got AF again, but at least you know now and you can start a brand new month, right?

I went to my doctor on Friday and well, she didn't order any tests for me. She said that I shouldn't worry about anything till February, which will be 6 months of ttc. She did give me a flu shot that was killing my arm so much that I couldn't sleep. It now has the H1N1 in it so maybe that's why it hurt so much, who knows.

So, guess what, I think FF may be helpful after all. I'm on CD 10 and last month I got a high on my CBFM on CD 12, anyhow I was thinking the same thing was going to happen this month, but this morning to my surprise I got a high on my CBFM, that's 2 days before I thought it would and FF told me that I would be fertile as of today, so maybe its worth purchasing a VIP plan on that site. Hmm... still contemplating if I should. I've already spent so much money on all these conception devices. I also have some very mild cramping right now, so I'm sure I'm going to ovulate within the next couple of days or so.

I wish my DH and I could just stay home from work the week that I'm ovulating so that we can BD everyday and not be so tired like when we come home after work. :winkwink:
ill be your bud too i am too on cd 1 cycle 11 if you dont mind xx
Hey emmaforster,

Sure, join the club. What's new and exciting with you? Is that link with your chart, cause I clicked on it and it brought up mine? Totally bizarre.
Hey ttc1st_at_40,

how are your temps? Mine are kinda steady, some flutuating. I think I'm going to ovulate on Thursday, making that CD 13, which is earlier than last cycle. I think I'd rather ovulate earlier than later???
didnt grab a bbt yet...maybe tonight, as I have some errands to run... but they actually have been dipping the last few days... is that normal ? I have zero idea.

so you think you you'll O on thursday right? so does that mean you are at a high today? and will peak tomorrow ?

with me I think this is what happens... i get 2-3 highs.. (on the CBFM )then I start using OPKs in the afternoons/evenings to see if I high a + when I do usually the next day I get my peak (eggie) on the CBFM... and think I then O on the 2nd peak day. So basically I have "pretty" good ideh when my LH surges...but I still cant exactly pinpoint when I O... most are saying it is your 2nd peak day... and alot of people get EWCM... but I never have any to mention...I dont get pains either... so I really dont know... I think with starting temping though I may be able to get a good idea this month.

BUT I have been chronically missing BDing on the 2nd peak day... I looked back at my charts and I am hitting the high right before Peak, then the 1st peak... missing the 2nd peak this month I am making sure (at least I hope) that we can do 3 days in a row.. high, peak, peak FX of course !!

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