TTC #1, 35 year old, starting CD 1, 3rd cycle - Would love a buddy?

i think that it is good that your temp keeps rising... meaning your producing progestrone, which means you really did Ovulate (guess some girls dont Ovulate at all...even though they get a +OPK) and they dont even know this unless they temp... I guess I will find out for sure this cycle this is my first month temping..

yes in deed those smiley ones are quite expensive... and I am obsseive (prob too much so) I start using them as soon as I hit my high days... and test at appx 4pm and then again at 9pm.... I guess a good idea may be to use start off with the cheapie ones because I think they gradually get darker correct? then once you are pretty sure you are surging back it up with a smiley one ? sounds like a good idea, maybe I should do that next cycle (if there is one haha...wishful thinking)

yes and I am SOOOO proud of my DH toooooo. You dont even understand !!! I am shocked he kept up!! for real... It kinda just warms my heart too, cause that just solidifies that he really does want children as much as I do... even if he doesnt actually "say" it.. ya know... kinda like action speaks louder than words type of deal..

also he did ask me this AM... do we have to do tonight to... but I said na, we didnt have to.. (tonight is the high..after the 2 peaks) but to be honestly I think we got enough in, and I really think I O'd on Saturday PM... obviously I am just guessing but I am pretty sure that is when I did.

so... looking at your ticker... 4 days till testing!!! whatcha thinking... gonna test ??
Your DH is cute!!

So, I feel like absolute crap today. I'm super nauseous this morning and I feel sick with a cold or something, but I still don't think I'm preggers. I mean I've felt nauseous before my period and well, I think I have a cold so that can mean anything. I'm at work right now and I should have stayed home, I'm having hot flashes too. I think I'm coming down with something. It's going around at work.

So I won't be testing till Saturday if AF doesn't show up by Friday. I"m trying to control myself as much as possible, also I may not even test if my temp drops dramatically. I heard that happens the day AF arrives, so I'll know before hand.

I was also thinking about those OPK internet cheapies. I use First Response OPKs, they seem easy enough but are expensive too.

So what about you? Are you going to test next week?
oh darn, sorry your feeling so crappy!!! BUT hopefully they are all silly baby symptoms right!!! that would be awesome...

well Saturday is not too far away, I can tell ya though my girlfriend that was just in town this weekend is 4 months pregnant, she said the week before her period she got all the typical AF symptoms bloated, cramping, then she started spotting for 2 days... took a HPT was a BPN...thought for sure AF was comin on strong... then on the evening of the 2nd day of spotting, the spotting then stopped for a few hours, so she took a test and was BFP!!

so that is definately something to keep in mind, that it is not officialy AF til its full fledge flow I guess..

so Saturday is not that far off for you!! gosh my fingers are crossed for ya...

I will not test either until after AF is due, I am expecting that, like next Thrs... so if she doesnt show up I may test next Friday... promising myself I wont do it earlier... although I already have a box of tests just calling my name (well obviously not yet...but I hope I dont give in like next Monday or something haha)
that would be awesome, but I'm so bloody doubtful right now. The reason I don't think I'll get a bfp is cause I've got no cm whatsoever. I'm super dry. I don't think that's normal if you're preggers, so I'm simply waiting for AF to show up tomorrow or Friday. It would be pure luck if AF doesn't show her face. I'm feeling much better today. Not nauseous at all but my boobs are killing me, but like I said, that's normal too.

As for your friend's spotting, I haven't had any since ovulation. I normally get ovulation spotting which happens like a day or two before ovulation, but I don't think I've had any during my tww.

You getting any signs yet. Is it too early? I guess they say that you probably won't get any signs until implantation so if you do get them before it's probably PMS or something, right?

I think as soon as you see some kind of sign like spotting, you should definitely test before AF. That to me is a good sign, so that box of test strips should come in handy.

So, I have tomorrow off cause I work for the Government and its our "Remembrance Day". It's a day we reflect on the fallen soldiers in the War. So no work! Yippee... the only thing is that I have to come back to work on the Friday... blah! Ah well, at least I can sleep in!

Hey, are you using your BBT now or are you waiting till next cycle, if there's a next cycle. It sounds like you covered all your bases this cycle, I would be surprised if you didn't get your bfp.
hey....not giving you wishful thinking tips or anything... but one of the side tidbits on FF that I just read was that CM after ovulation has no indication if your Preggers or Not... just thought I'd let ya know

have a good day off tomorrow, ya you Canadians get all kinds of extra holidays huh ? well actually our Government workers get more than the average amount of Holidays as well.. the typicals are Thanksgiving Christmas 4th of July, Labor Day and Memorial Day....thats it for us... but our Gov't workers and Bankers etc have off Like Columbus Day and some other random holidays too... so hope you do something nice and relaxing.

so I called my Dr back and asked him for when I start the Clomid next month if he would prescribe me blood tests again. So, so far he agreed to do the FSH/LH tests again (my last set was 5 months ago) that is done at CD3 to gauge the "quality" of your eggs, then I start on Clomid days 3-7 then take the same FSH/LH tests again on CD10 to check what my eggs do on the Clomid (this is all called "The Clomid Challange" I googled it to find out more info)

anyway I am excited that I was able to talk him into these tests... he is also giving me the 21 day blood tests (which measures your tell if you have Ovulated, or how well you Ovulated) I pick up the scripts tomorrow, and will actually go get 1 blood test done next week (to see what my progestrone levels are this tell how good my O was without taking Clomid, then I will take them the next two months on Clomid to see how my O was then as well)

and pretty much this is the extent that my OB/GYN can do on the fertility side of things, everything else I would have to go see a Fertility Specialist. But if I have to go, at least I will have some preliminary testing already done, so dont have to waste time. I am very scared that my hubby just wont go to a FS at all... I know it is SUPER SUPER expensive... and to me you can put a price on a family...I would pay the money...but dont think he will... So I hope this happens for me naturally (well naturally with some Clomid would be fine as well) .

oh ya... yep got my BB so am using that... so far my temps have been up the last 4 mornings... hoping they stay that way... and nope no symptoms at all... I may have a few twinges in my belly here and there but I think its my imagination. I never get any type of bleeding/spotting during O... so the second I do see anything (Before my AF date that is) that would be a good sign, cause I never have that typically...So your probally right then...those tests would come in that would be the only case where I will test before hand.... what about ya feel any symptoms today...besides the sore boobies? I usually get those every period as well...but I dont have that yet..prob in a few days

well here I go with another long post... gosh you probally HATE me !!! haha ...

so just think if we get our BFP this month... we really can share the news with our families at Christmas... right??? may be a little early because I have always said I would never announce it to everyone until after 3 months...but hey its Christmas... and from what I have been told, the month you get pregnant, they actually count back to the 1st day of your Cycle to count that as Day 1 of your pregnancy...really I dont understand why...because we know exactly when we conceived...but like this month AF came on Oct 23, so if I got pregnant this month (all though I know when I BD) they would still count back to Oct 23... so that would mean at Christmas I would be 8 weeks... and you would be 9 right ?? Ya I know I am getting a little to carried away here... but hey POSITIVE THINKING !!!
I'm so happy that I've met you and that we keep in touch pretty much every day. You are so funny and I always enjoy reading your posts. No, I don't hate you, I 'm glad that you're chatting with me and that we can support one another.

So, yeah, I'm off today and so is my husband. It's funny cause he works for the bank and gets the same holidays that I get. Yeah, the government and bank get way more holidays then most other jobs. That and the benefits are the only good things about working for the government. It's difficult for me since I've always works in the private sector and to move into the public sector where everything and everyone works in slow mode and has no real sense what actually happens in the real world can be frustrating. Anyhow, enough of that. :nope:

I'm glad that your family doctor can perform at least some preliminary tests before you have to go to a FS. At least if you ever have to go, you will have all that information, but I think you'll get knocked up by the end of the year. :winkwink: I really hope you don't have to go to a FS, especially if your DH isn't interested in that route. I think my DH is willing to do anything to have kids, but within reason. I'm not sure he'd spend a whole lot when he could just adopt. Although, that can be just as expensive and a very lenghty process..

As for symptoms, well, I had some crazy groin pain on the left side yesterday afternoon, I thought I pulled something and I still have it today. It was totally bizarre. I'm still dry as a bone, boobs still tender, slight cramping and temps still high. The weird thing is that the temps have been the same number for 3 days in a row, usually it fluatuates by .01 or .02 but it's the exact same for 3 days. I thought something was wrong with the BBT so I tried it again after I got up and walked around for a bit and it moved so I guess it's working. You know I would really like to believe that these are all great signs that I'm pregnant, but I'm so doubtful these days, I'm glad that your positivity is helpful for me. :hugs: Anyhow, we'll see if AF shows up tomorrow and if not, then I test on Saturday morning. Don't worry, I'll email you right away to let you know. :)

So, I have 2 more periods before xmas. If I did get preggers this cycle by xmas I would be 10 weeks. I would so tell everyone at xmas. I think I would even give my in-laws and parents a gift like a picture frame or something that said "grandma & grandpa" or something like that. tee hee, that would be a nice gift wouldn't it.
picture frame idea, litterally almost made me teary!! how simply wonderful would that be huh!!!

hope you and hubby had a great day off today, hows the weather ? we are having a some nice fall weather.. little chilly in am but come afternoon it is sunny and 50-60 degrees

and I am hoping all your signs are geared towards a "bun in the oven" lets just keep our fingers crossed and our prayers in check that you can skip right over tomorrow then test on Saturday!!! wooo hooo... but hey if this is not our month... we move on to next month with our heads held High... because we are on a Mission and we will PREVAIL !!! OK how'd ya like that for my pump of the day haha!!

I told my self I was going to be nice and short with you to not bore ya !! haha...

I will be "anxiously" waiting to check this thread of ours the next few days to see what ya got to report... and I hope it is all good news !!! oh and it sounds really promising that your temps are staying up too.. right... cause right before AF I think they start dipping... ok dont want to jinx ya...

have a nice day (off) and tons and tons of that baby dust to you!!
so, I didn't do a damn thing yesterday except lie on the couch and watch tv. I had such terrible groin pains, which are still continuing today. My hubby was really good and went out to buy me some dinner, but I think he just really wanted to go out to buy some new video game. He's such a kid!! :) Our weather was about 9 degrees so I think that's like around 50 degrees for you. We probably get similiar weather.

Anyhow, my temp dropped a bit this morning, so it's not looking too good. I'm pretty sure AF is just around the corner, I have that pre-AF feeling. This sucks a$$. Whatever. I wish she would hurry up and come so I can start a new cycle.

Enough about that, so are you feeling? Any new symptoms? Now, it's my turn to get all excited for you. I have a feeling this is your cycle.... I'm super excited. How's your DH doing? Does he ask you if you feel pregnant yet? My DH asks me that sometimes, I'm like "uh, I don't know?" He can be cute sometimes.

So, do you like xmas? I love xmas, I'm one of those weirdos that loves to shop early for xmas. I usually send an email out to my family and ask them to give me a list of several things that they want so I can pick something from the list to buy them. That's easier for me then guessing and then they don't like it. I usually devote 1 full day to go to a really large mall and just shop all day with my xmas list. I'm not a fan of shopping cause I don't like large crowds and I don't like sales people harrassing me. If I could I'd do all my shopping online. Yeah, I'm a weirdo!! :)

Anyhow, baby dust to you too!!! i'll let you know if AF does show up today, okie dokie.
WOW.. groin pains gosh that does bite!! do you think you pulled it somehow ? well at least ya got dinner out of the deal... my silly husband wont cook a darn thing, if I dont make a meal he eats a whole bag of chips and salsa. then it makes me feel bad that gosh I fed my husband a bag of chips for dinner haha... but hey... I dont feel like cooking all the time !!

Well hopin I get some good news from ya tomorrow...

me.... well nope I dont feel much of anything... I still have a couple little things like twangs and pulls going on down in the belly area...prob nothing though, if anything its my imagination I am sure.. but other than that.. seems my temps are still high..which means my body is producing progestrone...but still no sore boobies..thought by now I usually get those with normal cycles...hmmm... but Monday I go for my blood draw to see what my progestrone level is this month... kinda looking foward to seeing what my levels are... I am hoping for over a 15 (according to my google research) so keeping my fingers crossed for that.

oh and PS.... I LOVE CHRISTMAS !!!! but this year may be a little downer for us... I just lost my Dad on August 30th of this year. (Cancer) so this Holiday I am sure will just not be the same without him. (actually every day is not the same without him) .. Actually I lost my mother 5 1/2 years ago to Cancer as well... so yep although I love holidays....really I do..I just cant help to be blue ever since my Mom died, and now this year... Its gonna be even harder, ya know..

I am happy your super confident for me this month... I am pretty optimistic as well!!! but I can tell ya if I get AF (this advise is for you too) I really am not going to let it get me down... I will just move on to my next cycle. (NOW see me a year from now and I am still on this thread talking about my CM and very well may not get the same advise from me ) hahahaha!!!

baby dust to you... hope to hear from ya tomorrow with some good news... and I am going away for the night...(tomorrow) Flying to Boston for my friends surprise 40th bday... should be alot of fun!! So If ya dont hear back from me right away.. dont think we broke up or anything !! haha
Good Morning Anxious (would you mind if I knew your real name ? ) Mine is Renee.

anyway thinking bout ya this AM, wanted to check in before I got on my flight to Boston... will be back tomorrow night....hoping AF didnt get ya and you are able to take a HPT today!!

baby dust!!!
Hey Renee,

That's a lovely name, my name is Monique. Thanks for checking in on me, but I have bad news. AF hit me real hard this morning. I was thinking that it may have been my month cause AF didn't show her face on Thursday or yesterday, but what a surprise I got this morning. It came on full force. It's so much that I even have a headache now.

Anyhow, I'm not too upset, I had a feeling that I would get it, so I had low expectations. Now, I start with CD 1 on my CBFM, it was actually good timing cause even though I normally get AF on the Friday, it usually starts after my 6 hour CBFM period so I have to make Saturday CD1, this time it started within the period so I'm good.

How are you doing? It sounds like you’re off on a nice little trip to visit your friend.

I'm really sorry to hear about your mom and dad. If you don't mind me asking what kind of cancer did they both have. It's really tough losing your parents and that's pretty close together. Christmas is such a special time to spend with the people we love, I know it's going to be difficult for you. Is there anything that makes you feel better? Do you have any siblings? If so, how are they holding up? Does your DH help? If you ever want to talk about it, please don't hesitate to share how you feel or vent to me about anything. I know that sometimes its good to just write all your feeling out, kinda therapeutic. Both of my parents are still alive, but I can only imagine how awful it would be if one of them passed away much less both of them. I'm here for ya if you need me. :hugs:

So, the groin pain finally passed, I guess it was just my period gearing up or something, very bizarre though, I hope it's not something serious. I guess I'll see if it happens again next time and if it does then I'll have to go get that checked out.

I started to laugh so hard when I read about your DH eating a bag of chips for dinner. That's so funny. My DH would eat a bowl of cereal if I don't make dinner. I don't think I even cooked at all this week, I can't even remember. I wasn't feeling too great this week so I think I get a pass for not making dinner!! :)

Well, miss thang, I've got my fingers crossed for you and I'm hoping that you get your BFP this coming week. All I'm hoping for right now is to get rid of my headache, it's like a loss of blood headache or something. :nope: Yeah i know, that was gross, but hey man, I can't think straight anymore with this pain in my noggin!! :)

Hope you have a fun time in Boston and a safe trip back!
AHHH Crap Monique... Im sorry... damn... and ya she even had to trick ya a little and show up a day or so late...ughhh!!..

I dont know bout you but I know in my younger days...I would hope and pray AF WOULD show up some months (just so I know me and my bf didnt make a mistake )...not that I got around alot, but ya know what I mean... but NOW look at us... hoping and praying just the opposite!!

I did have a nice trip, it was a a quick trip, but a good time...always nice to be back home though.

Unfortunately looks like Cancer has gotten a lot of my relavies... My mother had throat cancer, and her parents also died of cancer, her Mom bone marrow and her dad lung. My father actually battled cancer for the last 3 years... started in his prostate..moved to lung, then it traveled all through his blood. He fought it hard for 3 years. but it took him quick in the end. My Gram on my Dads side also had Ovarian Cancer, she is still alive though, and had a large tumor removed several years ago. Its sad stuff that cancer shit. A friend of mine just lost her brother to cancer, and she is getting these braclets that say "FUCK Cancer" kinda funny/profound... and I may feel the same way... but I personally dont curse like that so wont be gettin the bracelet... now I am not a prude or anything... I just dont prefer to use the F work and speak luck a trucker either !! hahaha

anyway hope your AF headaches have left ya by now...question for ya too... this may be my imagination, but ever since I have been TTC, which this is only my 4th month... it seems like my damn AF is way more severe? I think to myself, maybe each month theres a little eggy in there trying to hold on, and thats why AF is so bad, having to work harder to wash it away....again I am a little looney...but that has crossed my mind more than once.

I go for my progestrone blood test tomorrow... so hoping it comes out good which, and would mean my Oing seems to be ok. Other than that not too many other things to report on me.....I started with the sore boobies today... but I get them during every cycle. and my temps took another little dip this am....Im not gonna get too worked up about that though... I will continue to temp... just to really see if I can pinpoint if I O'd but as I said before I think my temps fluctuate and have nothing to do with the reproductive organs at all...I just get weird headaches... and another thing people say they temp within the same hour window? do you? I dont... when ever the alarm goes off I stick the thermometer in my mouth.....but I dont time it in any maybe I am not doing it right... but I am not too concerned bout it..

Ok so I decided that if AF doesnt get me I will test on Saturday. I kinda O'd a little late this month (day 15,16) and my typical luteal phase has been 11/12 days so that brings me to Saturday at the long range... but my DPO last month was really short only 9-10 days.. which may cause me some alarm if it happens to be short again this if I get it anytime before Saturday I will be upset...Of course if I get it on Saturday I wont be happy regardless...but if it is before Saturday that means I have to start to worry about my Luteal Phase a little. so yep its official Saturdays the testing date... and I am telling my self I will not test any sooner... lets hope I can keep promises to myself!!

hope you had a nice weekend and chat wit cha soon!!
I totally think the same way, Renee!! My AF is heavier now that I've been TTC and I'm think that there really is a fertilized egg but somehow it's not sticking. I also have some clots this time (sorry, TMI), but I rarely if ever get that, so I was wondering the same thing. That's so bizarre that you're thinking the same thing. It's also kinda funny too!! :)

My headaches are gone now, thank the Lord. I do suffer from anemia, so I'm thinking that this loss of blood is why I'm getting my headaches and so tired too. I think I'll have a steak for dinner tonight... tee hee..

I got so angry at my DH this weekend that I stormed out of the house and left for like 5 hours and didn't answer any of his calls. I swear men can be such idiots sometimes. My DH's best friend got married last year September and they got pregnant the first time they tried. His wife is five years younger than me, so I guess that helps. Anyhow, since we came back from our honeymoon, my DH's friend keeps asking him if I'm pregnant yet. I told my DH that he shouldn't be asking that, cause it's quite personal and just because his wife got pregnant right away it doesn't mean the same thing will happen to me.

Anyhow, my DH got all defensive and told me to stop over analyzing everything and basically wasn't very empathetic. I was also very emotional cause I got my AF that same morning. So, I haven't talked to him very much and he keeps asking me what he did wrong, but I tell him that I don't want to talk about it. He should bloody know why I'm upset. Whatever!! He can be a dork sometimes. Anyhow, I guess I'll start talking to him again, since he's so adorable and I can't be angry with him for very long. :nope:

As for temping, I only temp when the alarms wakes me up and then I reach over and stick the BBT in my mouth without moving too much. I've never temp within the same hour. Am I suppose to? It seems to be working so far. My temp dropped big time this morning, but I think it's because of the heavy AF, hence the steak for dinner.

Ok, this cancer thing is really bothering me now. I can't believe that your entire family suffers from it. Have you gotten checked up? That's really messed up. My brother-in-law has it in his family too. He had 4 sisters, and 1 died of cancer like 8 years ago, then his dad died of cancer 2 years ago, so now him and his 3 sisters have to go get checked like every year.

I've never heard of the "F... Cancer" bracelet. Its a really good idea, but notice I didn't even spell it out, cause I don't swear at all, unless I'm really really really angry and that takes a lot to make me that angry.

Hey are you tracking your temps on anything like Fertility Friend, cause I thought I ovulated on day 15/16 and then Fertility Friend told me that I ovulated on day 17. Not sure how true that is because, remember last cycle, I had that 4 day LH surge (which now I believe I may have released 2 eggs during that time). But I remember you said that sometimes it take a day or two for your temp to rise. Well, my CBFM told me that I got my first peak on CD 14, so I have no idea how that works really, but I'm just going to do the every other day routine now from CD 8 to CD 21, and that's my plan this cycle. My DH can't handle the every day for 4 days thing. So, I'll try it that way for now. Well, my point is that the good thing about Fertility Friend is that you can keep track of your temps and it will show you when you approximately ovulated and if you will get your period. Well, I guess it will work for me, but as your temps fluctuate it may not work for you too well. Not sure!! Maybe it's worth a try!

So, if you do test before Saturday, let me know how that turns out. Also, if you do have a short luteal phase, then the dr can help you out with that right. Don't they prescribe you some progestrone or something? I'm sure that's an easy fix.

Gosh, i'm rambling on and I don't even know what I"m talking about anymore. Anyhow, let's hope we have an easy week at work. :)
hey I had a steak for dinner tonight, in your honor!! haha

and ya know what... guys just simply dont get it I think... my hubby definately wants kids...but I dont think there is any man capable of wanting children as much as women do...ya know ? he sometimes makes insenstive comments to like example... ok I have 3 dogs 2 of which are mastiffs and he LOVES LOVES LOVES them. last month when I got my period I said to him, "gosh I sure hope we dont have any problems getting pregnant, I am just starting to get worried"...he was like "ahh its only been a couple months". And hes right....ya know... BUT then he said... "if not we can raise Mastiffs".. I was like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!... he was like "well ummm no not really, you love your dogs... if we cant have kids we can just have a bunch of dogs..."

I wanted to strangle him!! I did get quite upset. Now dont get me dogs are my life and they have it better than most people I know haha... but honestly that comment just seemed so insensitve to me...and I didnt talk to him for a few hours too.. and just like you he is just so darn cute and a funny funny guy that I couldnt stay mad for long.

as for the cancer... I did mention it last to Dr last time I went for a whole physical, and quite honestly there is not any kind of like "over all test" they can necessarily do ya know... I guess if I have some type of certain symptoms some time down the road... then my family history will then definately come into play ya know.

And yep I am still using Fertility Friend to input my temps...Actually if you click on my ticker the one from Fertility Friend, it links ya right to my chart. You can do that too if ya want... you go to the main menu on Fertility Friend and pick ticker and do the configuring. and yep...Im still not to sure how I feel bout FF with my flucating temps...but I will continue to plug my temps in there I guess....and your right that little chart really helps me to know that I did actually O then since my temps are higher than then are in the begining of my cycle, and is only actually clear when ya see it illistrated on a chart... so I'll stick with it I guess for now...

and so far yep... I am waiting til Saturday to test... that is the latest possible day I would expect AF.... I may give in though... its only Monday !!! gosh does not the TWW go sooooooooooooooo Slow man!!!
Wow, your temps do fluctuate, I just had a look at your chart. Well, at least you can see that your ovulated though. I fixed my signature too, so now my first ticker is from FF. Thanks for the info!

So, how are you feeling so far? I think AF is slowing down now and will be gone by tomorrow or Thursday. Thank heavens... what a bad one this time?

So, I feel comfortable with you now to let you know that I have a blood disorder called Sickle Cell. I only have the trait and not the disease but I do suffer from some problems. Here's some info on Sickle Cell trait:

There's all different kinds of sickle cell, some people don't experience any problems at all, whilst others can die from it. Anyhow, I do have some problems mostly with dehydration, heat exhaustion and joint pain. All these problems happen mostly when there's a lack of oxygen to the blood, but there are triggers like cold weather, extreme exercise, stress, etc...

So, last Tuesday, I had what we call a sickle cell crisis, basically that means I had a pain episode. I had it in my right arm and it was so bad that I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. So, that's why I was sick last week and felt nauseous. I had taken some pain killers to ease the pain, but now looking back I'm wondering if I messed up any implantation that may have occurred. Who knows? I was thinking of that because my period just seemed so heavy this time, it kind of weirded me out. I've been doing some research to see if I can find any information about that, but I really couldn't find anything. I did see that people with the full blown disease have a rough time with pregnancy and can miscarry too. Hopefully, I don't have that issue.

Anyhow, that's my big long story for today.

So, how long have you had your dogs for and what are their names? My DH wants a dog so badly but we live in a Condo and we barely have enough room for both of us to live there. I actually own a house in the suburbs which my parents rent from me, but his Condo is closer to my work which is why we live there. We'd like to keep both my house and his condo and rent them out and buy another house for us to live in but we have to save for a down payment, so we won't buy it till early 2012. Anyhow, for now I told my DH that we'll have to wait till we move into our new house to get a dog. I'd rather have more room for the dog.

I actually have 2 friends that can't have kids and have tried everything so they got a dog instead. The dogs really do seem to cheer them up a bit, but I think it would be nice to have a little child as well. Plus, I think it may be a tad easier to have friends babysit your child than babsit your dog. Hmm... that's a tricky one. :)
GOSH wow!! Monique... thank you for sharing that very personal info with me, and I will take it to the grave I swear !!! I did some reading on the sickle cell...from your link, and did a little more on my own.. haha.. I am a research geek!!! wow pretty tricky disease there huh, and your the first person I know that has it. Now do ya have constant episodes or just occasionally like last week ? and ya know what... I wish there was just one website that would let ya us what is good and what is bad to take while TTC or pregnant... gosh how do ya know what pain relievers to take ? aspring, ibprofen, tylonel, script pain killers etc... who knows..

now how long have you been diagnosed with the trait then ?? and will it always be that you'll just have the trait ? or is it possible that you could move to the whole disease? gosh I certainly hope not. Now when you have your episodes, are you able to work ? does your employeer know ? thank god it sounds like you have such a supportive husband to be by your side !!! gosh I am saying prayers for you right now... that you dont have any more of those pain episodes soon...
oh gosh as for my dogs!!! they are truly part of my family!! my oldest dog is a 13 year old chocolate lab.. yep 13... very old for lab!! love him to pieces... my other 2 dogs are a French Mastiff and a Itilaian Mastiff they are 3 1/2 years old and 2 1/2 years old they are about 160 lbs each... so need less to say I already have a house full of family members!!! haha... just looking for 2 legged ones now!!
tee hee... 160lbs each is insane. Can you ride them like a horse?? I'm kidding, of course.. :) Wow, that's huge. That's nice that you have them, I think dogs are great companions and your chocolate lab sounds adorable too.

As for the sickle cell, I get a crisis about once a month, but they are usually mild and I can just take tylenol or use a heating pad to help with the pain. Last week, I had it so bad that I took some percocet which helps but it bothers my stomach, which is why I felt nauseous. I had another mild crisis last night and took some tylenol. My DH is extremely understanding and always helps me get the heating pad cause I don't like moving when I have pain.

So, I was diagnosed when I was a baby and my parents told me when I was about 6 or 7, cause that was the first time I had a major crisis and was in so much pain, I didn't know what was wrong with me, so my parents told me that I had the trait. Now many doctors believe that just having the trait doesn't come with any symptoms, but I don't think there are many doctors that trully understand the trait. You can have many different types of the disease/trait. My dad has the trait too and he has it worse than me. He's been hospitalized a few times now and has surgery on his eyes too. They say you can't move into the disease, but who knows really. It seems to get worse as you get older so not sure what that's all about.

If I'm starting a new job, usually after the initial probation period, I tell my boss or HR that I have this disorder, because I normally miss work when I have pain. Typically I'm sick for 1 day a month, so that's 12 sicks days a year that I need. That doesn't include the fact that it's quite harsh on my immune system too so I normally pick up a lot of viruses, like strep throat. I normally get strep throat like 3 times a year. It's funny, just before my wedding I actually got scarlet fever cause I had strep throat and didn't treat it. I had a horrible rash all over my body, it was pretty gross, plus I had a pretty high fever.

Anyhow, enough about that. Thanks for your prayers, that's very sweet of you. I'm hoping that this disorder doesn't affect my fertility, I don't think so, I think it's just going to make me a high risk pregnancy if I ever get knocked up. I just have to be careful.

How are you doing? Did you test yet? Man, I've got my fingers crossed for you, girl.

Hey did you ever try that baking soda douche?
WOW... just so ya know, ya got another person praying for you that that sickle cell does not turn into the full blown disease, and that your pain is as min as possible, gosh I feel for ya... and here I am complaining bout my sinus headaches!! geeze!! and you have been having episodes since you were born. Wow... I guess at this point, it is really just something you have had to accept huh? and again it is awesome you have a supportive husband as well. That is key!!!

So not too many more symptoms at all for me... boobies still sore... and temps appear to be staying up ? and still NO AF which of course is a good sign!!!!! if AF is going to come I am atleast happy I am at day 11 DPO right now... was starting to get a little worried that my LP was going to be a problem... typically its 11-12 days... but last month it was only 9 yikes.

Anyway... I am going to test tomorrow, my friend that I went to visit in Boston is also TTC, and ironically we are on the exact same cycle this month. so we agree to "test" together tomorrow morning... keep your fingers crossed for me !!!

So I am guessing your CBFM hasnt started asking ya for any sticks yet huh? maybe tomorrow ?

oh and the Baking soda deal... according to my Dr, he wants me to try that is 3 days before expected Ovulation... so will try that this next month. (if I have to that is !!! hehe)
OMG, I think you're pregnant... like seriously. You're temp is still up and still no AF.... I'm totally rooting for you Renee!!!

You have to tell me if you get your BFP tomorrow. I'm sending you lots of baby dust and my fingers are crossed for ya. OMG, I'd be so bloody happy for you if you get your BFP and then you can tell me all the symptoms you start getting and it would be so wonderful.

Gosh, I think I'm more excited for you than I would be for me!! :)

Ok, so let me know asap. okie dokie.

BTW, I've started to drink grapefruit juice, I heard it helps with CM. I don't get much CM and I love grapefruite juice (I know, I'm weird), so I figured we'd see how it works out this cycle.


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