TTC #1, 35 year old, starting CD 1, 3rd cycle - Would love a buddy?

I have no idea when I'm going to ovulate anymore.

I got another high today on my CBFM, I thought I was going to get a peak cause I took an OPK last night and it was getting darker like almost a positive.

Anyhow, I woke up at around 3:30am and had to go to the washroom so badly that I decided to pee in a cup for the very first time. Then around 5:45am when the alarm went off I got up and then dipped my CBFM test stick and an OPK into the pee. To my surprise the OPK came back negative and the CBFM still said high. I'm hoping I didn't mess up the damn test by dipping, which I've never done before. Ah well, I'll take another OPK when I get home tonight and see what that says.

I normally don't have much CM either, so I started to use Pre-seed, but to my surprise again last night, I had very noticable EWCM. I'm so confused right now. I actually think my I may be getting the same thing that you have. 2-3 days of high, then I'll take an OPK and if it's positive I'll get a peak the next morning. So, we'll see what the OPK says tonight when I get home.

last month the husband completely messed up our BD'ing. I BD'd on a low the day before my high and then on the first high. Then we tried on the second high, but my DH didn't finish (if you know what I mean). So we tried the next morning (we usually BD in the evening) which was my first peak, but he was way too tired to finish again. So, we BD'd on the second peak, but in the evening again, which I believe we had already missed the egg.

Gosh, this is so freaking stressful. My BBT just went down again today, so I'm hoping shoots right up tomorrow for me. I think that your BBT dips a little just before you ovulate and then it goes really high. I have no idea too. I use FF to help me out.
ok checking in... did ya get that peak on the monitor yet? I have never done the pee in a cup thing either... I did hear it is ok to do it and then use your stick in your "Window" but I would be thinking just like you "did I mess this one up"...

and whatcha think of the PreSeed? I am starting Conceive Plus this month...

I did start a thread about temping , and it appears that most of the time you get a little dip right before O but then definately a spike up the day after you O... so basically it appears you can tell what day you did O (the spike up is because your body starts to produce progestrone to "sustain" the pregnancy...) and they say if your temps stay up all the way past AF day that means theres a good chance your pregnant...but if they start to drop again, this means no bean stuck...

another thing someone noted is that around day 7-11 dpo if you are already high and get another upward spike that could mean Inplantantion Day ??

gosh who knows I cant wait to see what my chart looks like this month...

but really weird I am only 7 DPO and I got a major spike... was 97 yesterday this morning 98.3 but I had a terrible headache... I dont think it has anything to do with my women parts...just that I have a sinus headache
yeah, finally. I got a postive OPK last night and then I got my peak this morning. Somehow I thought it was going to come early, but it basically happend the same time as my last cycle. I'm like freaking clockwork. I have a 28 day cycle, and I ovulate on cd 15. Totally weird. Anyhow, my DH and I have been BDing 2 days in a row then 1 day off. Who knows if that'll work!

That's great information about the temp. So, I guess my temp will probably shoot up on Sunday if I ovulate tomorrow.

Well that spike you had sounds very good. I hope you get a bfp this month.
YEP just like me then, get a high opk in evening...then next day I get my peak on the monitor... so you need to get bding today and tomorrow!! (cause as they say once you get the positive opk that means lh has risen and O should happen with in 12-36 hours, then of course they "say" also the eggie can live up to 24 hours)

then yep when your temp spikes you know the day before was when you O'd...

oh and Im an idiot..I typed wrong I am not 7 dpo I am on cd7 (so that spike was simply nothing..I think Im comin down with a cold actually) woke up with a splitting headache!!

ok so as of Sunday you'll be in the TWW period.. how exciting!!! and next week I'll be doing my SMEP I'm gonna have a sit down with my hubby and lay out the plan for him, and hope we have enought energy to really get some good bding mext week.

and if my AF comes like planned I think next month I am going to try Soy.. .have you been reading on here anything about it ? sounds like its like a natural version of clomid...make you have strong eggies ?? I think its worth a shot... I so bad would love to be preggers by christmas... and my FX for you too!!!
So, I started a new thread cause I was talking to this one girl and then she stopped talking to me althogether and I think it was because I told her that I was using OPKs and a CBFM and her response was, well I just BD every other day and that was it. End of discussion. So, I figured that she was busy or something anyhow, I noticed that she made another post to some other thread and kinda made fun of women who use a few different conception devices. What the heck is that all about?

Like seriously, why would someone be so insensitive. It's hard enough for us to go through this crap and not have someone made fun of our methods of conception. I found it really sad and was not impressed. Whatever! I have better things to do than think about her.

Anyhow, as for Soy, I haven't heard too much or read about it. So, it makes your eggs stronger, huh? I say go for it, any little help is good.

I'm with you girl, I would love for us to get pregnant for christmas that would be a terrific gift. So, yeah, I'm going to BD tonight and tomorrow and then it's the tww for me. I was so bloody anxious last cycle that I decided to get a book and read it everytime I think about searching for symptoms. I'm also going to try really hard to wait till my AF is due to test. Yikes... it's going to be difficult but I'm willing to try.

So, you're waiting to ovulate too, right? Ah man, I'm totally praying for us to get it right this cycle!! :hugs:
as for the "rude poster" what the heck is that all about!!! and your right... dont spend 1 sec concerning yourself with rude people... geeeeezz what the heck is she doing on a TTC forum anyway if she doesnt think it involves listening to other peoples "stories" instead "she makes fun of them" ridiculous!!

Also a little bit of good news... Hubbys yearly Drs appt is next get his regular physical/blood pressure, check his choloestrol etc... soooo I just had a talk with him and let him know to PLEASE talk to the dr let her know we are ttc and ask for some extra blood work and a Sperm Analysis, so we can see how things are on his side. He agreed YAYAYA!! I told him he may need to "tell a little white lie" and tell the Dr we have been trying for over a year... (but its only been 4 months really) so that she doesnt give the regular statement "try for a year then come see me" hopefully he goes along with the white lie and we get some test prescribed to him.

I figured hey lets get him tested now... see if there problems...why wait another 6 months then have him make an appointment ya know... so this yearly visit is perfect timing. and another thing if a regular dr prescribes these tests it is covered with our insurance...but if we go to a Fertility soon as any tests or blood work etc would be presribed by them (which to start the FS would probally prescribe the exact same blood work and Sperm Analysis) then we would have to pay for it in FULL coming from a FS type dr.

then if everything looks good with his tests, my plan is to continue trying then in a few months if we arent preggers we would need to dish out some major $$$ for some fertility specialist vists. But we would already have under our belt some test results to turn over to them... and all my charting etc... so we will be well prepared for a FS visit.

Lets hope though that 1st he asks for these tests, then gets good results, then we get preggers on our own, then we wont have to go to the FS !!! thats my master plan !!

So hopefully you got some good bding in last night, and can get that man of yours into bed again tonight!! then off to your TWW period.

Today I am CD7 on my monitor... and it asked me for a stick already... I think it was kinda early...but hey I POAS anyway... and got a low.. (I expected a low anyway)

so if this month doesnt work for us... we got at least really 1 more cycle to try before christmas!! fingers crossed for both of us!!! ya... I love christmas, and I would love to have the best christmas ever with a little bean.

have a great weekend!!!
So, I totally should have told my doctor the same thing. I should have told her that I've been trying for at least 6 months, that way I could get tested sooner. Ah well, you live and you learn. Your a smart cookie! :winkwink:

On another note, I'm a little concerned right now. I've been getting a + OPK for 60 hours now, i didn't test on CD 14, but I assume it would have been positive since it was positive on CD 15.

Here are the details:

CD 10 - CBFM=high, -OPK
CD 11 - CBFM=high, -OPK
CD 12 - CBFM=high, -OPK
CD 13 - CBFM=high, +OPK (5pm)
CD 14 - CBFM=peak, (didn't test OPK)\
CD 15 - CBFM=peak, +OPK (6am)
CD 16 - CBFM=high, +OPK (6am)

It is possible to have a +OPK for 4 days straight? Also, my temp hasn't risen either, it's still the same. I'm so bloodly confused right now. I'm going to test again tomorrow morning (i've only got 2 more OPK strips) and hopefully my temp rises tomorrow as well.

Any advice?
Ok this is a long one…. If I lose ya feel free to ignore me… : )

well I am certainly no expert at all...


1- I know your LH starts going up before you O, (and this can be 12-36 hours ahead of time, most sites say 48 hours though) and I believe LH also continues to stay elevated right through the whole time you are Ovulating(this I am just guessing on).... and your egg can stay alive for 2-24 hours

2- Also another thing I am pretty sure about is...temp "rises after O"... reason for this is your body starts to produce progesterone after O'ing... and this production of progesterone rises your temperature.

now I guess what we would need defined is the phrase is when temp " rises AFTER Oing" and what Oing is actually defined as... is Ovulating the very second your egg pops out... or is Oing the 2-24 hour life span of the Egg?

1- Do you start to produce progesterone (and temps rise) as soon as the Egg pops out or
2-Does it mean (since you can O for 24 hours) the progesterone (and temps rise) once the egg has finished it journey either meeting up with some sperm or just sitting there doing nothing?

Each month my self I try to figure out the shortest and longest possibility of my Oing as to the soonest I should BD and the last day I may still have a chance…

Shortest would be using all Minimum Values… so say I caught my LH at the very beginning of the surge… I count the min 12 hours later I will O, and the Egg could stay alive for min 2 hours…So I HAVE to BD by next AM to catch the egg after my first LH surge


Longest would be using all Maximum Values… so as soon as I see the LH sure I count 48 hours before my O could happen, and the Egg stays alive for a max of 24 hours…So I would have potentially up to 3 days after first LH surge to catch the egg too

Sound right??

so your LH surged on the evening of CD13 and lets just say you hypothetically caught it at the very beginning of the surge…and are going to use all the longest values… that means you perhaps could O as late CD15 AM (36 hours) or CD15 pm (48 hours) and if LH stays positive while you are Oing.. it could cause you to stay + on OPK into CD16 as well right ??? so I am expecting that tomorrow for you your temps will rise (starting to produce progesterone) and your opk will be negative

again I am going on an educated guess here….

Can you tell I am a Software Analyst!! Hahaha again if I confused you please ignore me..
You're so funny! Your logic seems sound and I totally understand it. At first, when I started to read your post, I thought, wow this girl has some kind of mathematical/logic background and then you mentioned you were a software analyst and it all made sense to me.

So, your explanation was really great and because I have a computer science background as well, I totally understood it. I probably wouldn't have if it was defined any other way.

Well, I have to tell you that so far your educated guess is partially correct. I got my temp spike this morning. it went up from 97.4 to 98.2. So, you were right with that part. Now for the next part, I took another OPK test this morning and it was positive again. So, I guess the LH is still in my urine or something. The test line is darker than the reference line, so I know that's a positive, right?

Anyhow, I'm just glad that I got my temp spike, so that at least means that I ovulated right? Or is it possible to not ovulated and still have a temperature rise??

So, thanks for your explanation again, I have to tell you that when I woke up yesterday to take my BBT and OPK test, I couldn't go back to bed cause I thought that something was wrong with me, but I felt soooo much better after I read your post. I was so bloody happy. Thank you so much for your support.:hugs:

Enough about me, how are you doing now? You about ready to ovulate too, right? Anything else happening on your side?
well I am happy I was able to calm ya a bit... and that you also understood my rambling...and didnt scare ya off at the same time hahaha!!!

but ya the still high OPK hmmmm? they do say that some womens LH level is high throughout their whole cycle... and also that some women actually use OPKs kinda like HPTs as well becasue they could go positive if the HCG level is present in your urine... but being only 1dpo for ya I dont think you'd have any HCG yet right?

I dont use the type of OPK you refer to... I just use the digital :) face ones, because to be honest I can never really tell too much of a difference on those other ones, with comparing the lines to the test line... and I want to be sure so use the :) face ones...

perhaps you just still have some lh and your OPK is still picking up some...perhaps tomorrow it will be back down right ?

as for me it is my CD10... and Im steady POAS and just on my Lows... expect to go high tomorrow or the next day...and started my SMEP (yesterday) with my new Conceive Plus.

So how bout the BBT... I went to 3 different stores and no one has a darn BBT type Thermometer... So I had to order one off ebay last night... wont get here until like Wed/Thrs... I am not quite sure I like temping to much... remember that spike up I told ya I got, cause I woke with a major sinus headace... well I ended up having another so I jumped from 97.0 one night to 98.3 the next... thats pretty major.. thinking I may not be able to rely on temping too much.

as for your question about ovulating... I have read that the "only" way to tell if you did actually ovulate is DO temp ... because they say almost all women will turn positive to high on the cbfm (meaning your producing estrogen) and then again most women will also get the LH surge (peak on cbfm/positive opk) but the only way to tell if you actually O'd is if you know you are producing progestrone (which is when your temp rises) so they say the only "home way" is temping, to tell if you really did O... OR you would have to get your progestrone measured (thats the 21 day blood test I told ya about)
holy crap, you have a high temp. Are you feeling ok? Do you think you may have a slight fever from the sinus headache?

Well, I got a negative OPK yesterday afternoon, so it looks like it just took a while to get out of my system. My temp is still high. I think I'll use the smiley face OPK next cycle as that seems to be better than the 2 lines. Suppose to get AF on the 11th or 12th, so it's just the waiting game again. I think I have a better sense of my cycle now so I should have a better BD plan for next cycle.

Did you get your high today?
ok so you finally got that lh out of your system.. haha... so maybe the temps will go up for ya tomorrow then huh ? gotta tell ya though....Im not so sure how I personally am gonna feel about using my temps as a guage, I'll give it a try a couple months, but so far I am not real confident with it

ya you are certainly right on... I also do feel like I know my body/cycle a whole hell of a lot more now with all this monitoring temping vitamins etc... hahaha

and yep I did get my first high today (tried a smiley opk this afternoon, but got a negative)... I expect another high tomorrow, and prob a positive OPK tomorrow afternoon... and so far I am rigth on with the BDing on the SMEP... how do you think your BDing week went feeling pretty confident for the 11th/12th?
so, my temp went down a bit yesterday but still over the coverline and then my temp went way up this morning, so I have no idea what that means and I'll just leave it like that.

Did you get your peak yet? I was hoping to do the SMEP this cycle, but I'm not sure if I'll ever get to. My DH is not one to BD every day for a few days straight. So, it looks like it may be an every other day plan for us. That's why I don't think I'm preggers this cycle.

I also have no symptoms whatsoever. Usually my boobs hurt but nada. I'm super sleepy and I have no appetite which is somewhate unusual for who knows what the hell that means. I could just be super stressed out, which I kinda am because the people at work are driving me bonkers. Whatever.

So, how are your temps?
well again I am no expert on charting temps... just started temping myself at the end of my last cycle...and as ya know I have the occasional spikes WAY up Like 10 degrees (faherheit) up when I have a silly headache... actually i get headaches quite frequently... always have... anyway so I am not sure temping will ever really work for me..since i get these spikes because of my headaches

but by looking at some other girls charts over the last few weeks... to me it appears that your temps rise maybe starting the 2nd day after ovulation and I think I read if it stays kinda highish for 3 consecutive days... thats means your body is producing progestrone now( which means you did O ) I really think the temps start rising a day or even 2 days after... so it sounds kinda like thats what your doing perhaps ?

as of this morning I am CD 13 and am still on High... the darn CBFM had me start testing at day 7 that darn thing... I am expecting (hopefully) to get a positive : ) opk this evening...then perhaps my Peak Tomorrow (at least I better...that will be CD14 for me and so far I havent ever had my later than CD14...

so...ya this will be my first months attempt at the SMEP ... I really hope we can stick to it, afraid though we may end up like you guys... really wanting to stick to it but 3 days in a row.. not sure if I can make that happen... so far we've been good with the every other day... did tell hubby this morning....tho... "hey save up your energy... may need to "get it on" for the next 3 days" he was like YA SURE WHATEVER !! but I hope I can convince him... crossing my fingers for a positive OPK this afternoon/evening... Ill keep ya posted !!

oh also as a side note... called my ob/gyn to go in for an appointment to talk about TTC... my appointment is tomorrow, and from what the receptionist said... is there are a lot of things the Dr may be able to "try" with me before even going to a FS. So I am anxious to see what they have to say tomorrow. I also asked if I could get them to give me a script for a Semen Analysis for my husband and they said yep, and they wont even have to see him, will just give me the container... sounded strange to me.. but hey I'll take it. I'll give you the update on that as well.

so hoping your day is well

no I have not r
So did you get a positive OPK yet? All this waiting is so bloody annoying. I bought a book the other day and decided that if I ever start thinking about pregnancy symptoms that I'll just start reading. It's a murder mystery so that will definitely keep my mind off stuff.

You know I'm really happy for you that your doctor can do a lot of testing before you even need to see s specialist. Like seriously, I have a few friends that are going through IVF and they've spent $10K each time and they're still not pregnant. It's insane how much it costs. I believe our Government is trying to see if they can pay for fertility costs, cause right now Quebec pays for it, but I live in Ontario and they don't pay for it yet. It would be nice if they did. I guess only time will tell.

So, do you think you're DH will do the semen analysis?
GOSH if I took your approach and read a book everytime I thought about pregnancy symptoms I would be through the bible a few times by now !!! hahaha... now that we "started" trying that is really all I think about all day and all night !! constantly on the internet looking up stuff...

and gosh NO I did not get my PEAK, yet ????? and still no positive OPK either... (just took one, and will take another in like 4 hours or so) its quite confusing and irritating... !!! ughhh... especially since this is the only way I can tell when I am getting close to Oing...

so Drs visit today... He gave me scripts to get my CD3 tests run again (which are the FSH/LH levels) and he gave me a script for my hubby to get his SA. (which he did say he would go and do !!! yeahhhhh!!) and he also gave me a script for Clomid to try for 3 months. He also said a good thing to do is on CD9 (or like 3 days after period is done) to do a homeade baking soda douche (teaspoon of baking soda/warm water) . He said to try this Clomid for just 3 months, and if it doesnt work, I should not delay and go see a FS...which is NOT CHEAP !!! I think my insurance may cover perhaps some small % of testing but not much at all. Definately like you no IVF or IUI are covered in my State... (my friend lives in Massachusetts and her State/Insurance covers the majority of her Fertility testing and the entire IVF/IUI procedures....simply no fair !!!

but I am super excited about the Clomid script... one of my really good friends who has been on the fertility rollercoaster for the last 2 years also recommended that... and there is a ton of girls on here who have takin it...

now just a new subject for me to research on...

so this cycle is confusing me... hopefully I get my peak tomorrow (which would be my latest so far cd 15 ??) and if not... I got a new plan (Clomid) for next month I guess
Good Morning Anxious.... thinking bout ya today... so you spotting any symptoms at all ? is your temp staying up ?

I finally got my BBT in the mail... so started on that thing..

also last night I still had a negative OPK and this AM (CD15) I finally hit my Peak on my CBFM... kinda not how its usually been going for me... i usually end up finding my surge in the PM then get the Peak the next day... I am going to also use an OPK this afternoon to see if my OPK picks up a positive....And this is the LATEST so far I have gotten my peak…

AND gosh and my poor hubby... I thought I was going to hit my +OPK on thurs even, so I told him thrs am the plan was to BD 3 days in a row starting thrs... so we started on that and BD thrs,fri, but now that I only hit my peak today (saturday) we have to go 3 days in a row from today... yikes... so now that has us going every night thrs-mon... he is not happy now... and I doubt he will keep to the plan that would make 5 days in a row… I know I am asking too much..and I am tiring him out... yikes...

I just dont want this "baby making sex" to get monotonous ya know... Its almost not even intimate any more... just get in there get it done..I am starting to feel bad ya know? and we are newlyweds but it feels more like a job than fun we are having... you ever feel that?
OMG, I totally feel the same way. It never feels intimate anymore, it feels like work and I hate that it's only been 3 cycles now and it already feels this way.

I did the same thing on the 2nd cycle, I had my DH start way before I got even a high on my CBFM or a positive OPK. I guess I was anxious (hence my handle "so_anxious"). Anyhow, the DH got tired after the 3rd time in a row and then we basically didn't do anything during my peak.

So, my temp is still up, it shot up high yesterday am and today it's down a bit but it's still up there. I still don't have any symptoms or any that I would consider early pregnancy symptoms. I have cramps, and fatigue, but that happens to me every cycle, so I have no idea if I'm knocked up or not.

That baking soda douche sounds like something I've heard about before. Did he say the purpose of the douche, is it simply to clean yourself out? And I keep hearing about Clomid, but really what is that used for?

Well, I'm happy that you got your BBT and your peak this am. Now, try to convince your DH to BD, maybe you'll need to do something fun, like role playing or wear something naughty. LOL. I should take my own advice. :winkwink:
lets hope those temps have stayed up all weekend, Im anxious to see what you have to report.. also feeling anything ?

so far that hubby of mine has been a trooper!!! god bless him, for really being supportive..poor guy gets sex 5 days in a row!! (no but really I am pooping him out)

weird thing here... so my monitor didnt Peak until Sat AM, then I also got a Positive Opk Sat am as it is Sun at 4pm I got a Negative OPK already ( again I use the smiley ones) sooooo hmmmm does that mean... my Oing is over and I dont have to "force my hubby into BDing tonight and tomorrow? Lord knows we got enough in already this week.. hmmm... I will make sure we still do tonight, but not sure if tomorrow is necessary...

heres me my OPK goes negative after like 30 hours... yours is high for 4 days in a row ? see all girls are different I guess ??
So, my temp shot up the highest it's been this morning. I still have no idea what that means and I really don't want to get my hopes up. The only other symptom I have is sore breasts, but I get that every cycle, so nothing new.

So, you had a 30 hour LH surge, huh? I think that's normal, unlike the marathon one. It's very bizzare, and I'm pretty sure I read the test sticks right, there's a clear difference between a positive and negative. Ah well, I bought some digital ones like yours (the smiley faces) for next time, that way I'll know for sure, right? They are a bit pricer, but I don't mind.

I'm really proud of your DH for sticking to the plan. You have a good man there!! I think you should follow your CBFM and BD on both peaks and the high after, even if your OPK turns negative. Anyhow, that's how I interpret it, but that's only if your DH is cooperative. My DH has a mind of his own and well, the top part of his body is saying "sure we can do it", but the bottom part of his body is saying "I'm tired, give me a couple of days to rest up". I can't believe it's come to this. :dohh:

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