TTC #1, 35 year old, starting CD 1, 3rd cycle - Would love a buddy?

Hi Monique and Renee!
I currently live in North Carolina but I sure do miss home! I'm on my 3rd cycle ttc, and I know it sounds incredibly naive but I really thought I would get pregnant on my first try...I just never realized how hard it is to get pregnant! You spend decades trying not to get pregnant, and then when you're finally ready mother nature starts dragging her feet! Oh well, after obsessing, crying, and basically driving myself crazy over the last couple of months I've decided to leave this cycle in God's hands! I like to think that the reason I haven't gotten my BFP yet is because God is brewing up the perfect gene pool mix for my little one! Also I've been trying to look at the positives in being childfree e.g. Having extra money, and keeping my figure, lol!

In previous months I used OPKs and temped, but found the daily temping made me a little too obsessive, so skipped it this cycle and went mostly by CF. Since I was taking the laid back approach this month I don't even know what cycle day I'm on! I think I'm about 13 dpo. Also, I only squeezed in 1 BD during my fertile window so I'm hoping it was enough!

Good to meet you both!
The strangest thing just happened... After posting I started feeling AF cramps, and decided to take a test I had left over from last cycle. I just wanted to get the BFN over with, but guess what? I definitely saw 2 lines! I'm going to test again with a digi tomorrow if I can hold out that long!
Hey Annabella,

Are you kidding me? That's crazy! You totally have to tell me tomorrow what the digi says. I actually may do the digi with conception indicator again tomorrow to see if I'm at "3+" yet. I have a feeling I may not be there yet but i'd like to know before I get another HCG test on Monday.

I was totally like you as well and thought I'd get pregnant on my honeymoon, but nada. But it's so funny the month when I only get to BD twice is the cycle that I get knocked up. Imagine if your preggers this cycle too, and you only did it once. How crazy is that?

Gosh, I hope that Renee has the same luck.
OMG, I am pregnant! I took a FRER, a Clearblue Easy digital, an EPT digital, and a dollar store test and all of them were positive!!! I couldn’t find the digi with conception indicator at Walmart though. I wonder if they’re available here. By my calculation I’m 4 weeks pregnant! Since I only had one BD it’s pretty easy to narrow it down! I’m shocked beyond all belief that it worked this month! This was the one month since December that I didn’t take prenatals, didn’t temp, drank alcohol and basically did all the things you’re not supposed to do while ttc! I also got up right after BD’ing. I was scared I had lost all the swimmers so I definitely was not expecting a BFP today! Strangely enough though, I woke up about a week ago from a deep sleep with an overwhelming, all consuming feeling of pregnancy. Weird how women’s intuition works! Anyways, thanks for listening Monique, and Renee, I hope you get lucky this month to!

P.S. Monique, how do I make a ticker? I've tried, but it's not working, probably because I'm in shock and not thinking straight! I have lost my cell phone twice since getting my test results!
congrats getting to the dr soon to check those levels? keep us posted.

Monique--hey girl thanks for the extra special bday message... not such great news to report... I actually tested a day early as to not "ruin" my birthday... so I tested Saturday instead and it was negative... oh well... as I said I had a feeling it was... I am ok thou (natrually I wish it was a BFP) to IVF it seems...

I knew those damn temps were staying high from this progestrone... gosh kinda tricky huh haha...I think while I am doing this IVF I should prob not even temp huh? causes the injections will be controlling my cycle and when I O etc... so really no need to temp...or maybe I will so I dont get out of the habit... so how ya feeling today girl... whens the next stop at the dr's ?
Hey Girl,

How’s it going? Did you stop taking the progesterone yet, cause your temps are still high? Well, I’m very excited that your excited about the IVF. What’s the protocol or process that you have to follow? I read somewhere that they put you on birth control for a month to build your uterine lining or something like that and then they pump you full of drugs. Not sure how accurate that is….

As for temping, I guess you wouldn’t need to temp, but let me tell you, I still check my temp every two days or so to make sure it’s still high. I know if it starts to drop, I need to get to my FS asap.

For me, I’m beginning to feel like crap now. I’m so freaking sleepy but just can’t seem to sleep at nights. It’s so bizarre. I’m also feeling sick in the mornings, not like really sick, just not good. If you know what I mean. Anyhow, I went for a blood test again to check my hcg levels and at 25 dpo, my levels are 6979. Not sure if that’s good or not, but the nurse did say it was great so I’ll take her word for it.

They’ve scheduled me in for a 6 week scan on Monday, April 18th, I’ll be 6+2 by then I think so hopefully I’ll see something on the ultrasound. At that point in time, I’ll see my doctor and he’ll give me instructions and give me my due date. My husband wants me to give birth at his hospital which is closer to our condo, but I think my FS is with a hospital near the clinic which is across the street from me. So, I’m not sure what will happen with that. Plus, I’m not sure how much longer my FS will continue to see me. I’d like to be able to continue to see him till I reach the 12 week mark, but who knows.

Anyhow, when do you go see your FS? How’s your hubby doing?
Hi ladies,

Renee, it's so good to finally meet you! Although we hadn't yet met, I've been sending you tons of baby dust and hoping that your prayers get answered.

Monique, sorry I've been out of touch. I started a new career as a nurse this week and have been too exhausted when I get home to do anything but find my bed. I work 10.5 to 12.5 hour days, and have been totally overwhelmed, both physically and mentally, so I haven't even been to a doctor yet. Since it was my first week on the job I was definitely uncomfortable asking for a day off, so I have to wait until next week, which is when I'll have my first day off. I'll let you guys know how it goes. Take care.
hey Anabella... good luck with the new job... so many new begginings for you all at the same time huh! good luck with seeing your dr next week, hope all checks out ok.

hey there!!! looks like your numbers are good right..!!! great news!!! and I certainly have my fingers crossed for ya awesome will that be if you get to see the heart beat already!!! yayaya!!

sorry your starting to feel poppy...hopefully it gets better instead of worse if ya know what I mean :)

So yep I stopped taking the suppositories, I actually stopped taking them on Monday... even before they called me to tell me my beta blood was a negative. I KNEW I wasnt pregnant. I usually get AF at 12dpo and I took pregnancy tests 14,15&16 DPO if a pregnancy test wasnt coming up positiive by then I knew I wasnt pregnant, and I just wanted to stop taking these suppositories so AF would come already... as it was due damn last FRIDAY and this month has been soooo long for me....I just really wanted this AF to come so I could move on with this darn IVF. So yep I took myself off them...I will for sure not do that next month!! as using those suppositories during IVF is VERY important. They say because they are taking the eggs out of you then returning them in 3 days your body doesnt know to make the progestrone itself because it doenst sense the egg in there.. (or something like that) so I WONT take myself off them early next month.

Oh and by the way that protocol you mention I have heard of that one, but they are not doing that for me... well at least this time. That one I heard they use to try to tame down the ovaries so that you dont get any lead follicles (or something like that) not some thing I guess they feel they have to do with me... but they do say each cycle is a learning experience, so perhaps if this first month doesnt work they very well may switch things up a bit.

Soooo I started spotting early this evening and as of 11pm tonight I got AF full fledge, I probally wont count CD1 until tomorrow though. So I am off on to my IVF cycle... go for baseline blood work and ultrasound on Friday... hoping my FSH value is low this month (would maybe mean I would produce some nice quality ya know it is never great to get a high FSH) and that my ultrasound looks nice and clear so I can start my injections... they say 8-10 days of injections then Im off for Philly for egg retrival, then I leave the little buggers behind and hope I get some good eggs and they fertilize nicely and then I return 3 days later for them to transfer them back.... thats my story for the next several weeks... I am so excited !!! I really hope this works!! Staying optimistic, If we dont get it right the first time, hubby is on board for trying again next month... BUT OBVIOUSLY we both hope it works right the first time !!!

OH AND MONIQUE... how bout the next day after I quite the progestrone suppositories...did you see how my temp took a nose dive? so those darn things were messing with my temps as well as delaying my AF... so ya really no sense to temp next month really... but i still may?
Hey Renee,

So, how did the bloodwork and ultrasound go today? Are you really excited now? I guess you won't get your levels till Monday??

I guess the reaons for the suppositories is to lengthen your luteal phase right, or just increase your uterine lining. Well, at least you know it work, right. This will be a very exciting month for you and the ivf procedure will only put the best quality eggs in your uterus so the chances of it work are seriously high. Tee hee, I'm totally excited for you too.

How everything else going? So are you taking time off work to do this ivf stuff? Does your work know what you're doing? I told my boss a month ago that I had some health issues that required me to do a number of tests. tee hee. Wait till the end of May and I tell them that I'm pregnant. My boss will be like "was that your health issue?" Whatever!! :)

So, let me tell you on Wednesday night I got a little scared cause I had some yellow mixed with brown cm. What was bizarre is that I normally get that kind of cm/spotting when I'm about to ovulate. So, I usually classify it as my ovulation spotting and the totally weird thing is that I'm right around the time that I would normally ovulate if I wasn't pregnant. Anyhow, I got a little scared about it and emailed my clinic the next day to ask what I should do. They said that I could come in on Friday (this morning) and get my ultrasound done before Monday. So, I did and thank the lord, the little one was in the right spot and had a heartbeat. It looks like the heart just started and was registering at 98 bpm. My HCG levels are now 16,240 as well. So, I have to go back on Good Friday to do another ultrasound and the heartbeat should be beating faster by then. Let's pray and hope that it does!

Renee, let me tell you, when you get knocked up this cycle, you won't believe it. Trust me! You'll be like, am I really pregnant, are you sure? I don't feel pregnant. It's totally bizarre and I know it's going to happen to you soon.... real soon.

I'm really glad that your hubby is going to do 2 IVFs sessions. Does that mean you're going to try your own eggs for both if you really need both, but I have a feeling that the first one will take!! :winkwink:

Let me tell ya everytime I come on here and see your little ticker I am sooooo happy for ya!!!!

Sorry for your little scare... I cant even imagine what a worry wart I will be !!!! But obviously I am happy it all turned out well for ya... so going back this friday for another scan right!!! thats exciting... I guess they are looking for the heartbeat to be even stronger right? will ya get more blood work as well ? so ya said...ya dont even feel pregnant hmmm... has that changed yet? getting some morning sickness yet there girl?!?!?! So did ya break the news to the whole fam yet (in laws)... I think ya said you wouldnt tell them til 3 months ? thinking you guys may all be together for Easter...ya thinking on telling them then ?

So as for those progestrone supposotiries... from what I understand they are really meant to stregthen and nurious your lining... but yes they also do extend your LP so I dont know perhaps some dr's do prescribe it for that purpose as well maybe?

As for telling people at work... I did tell my Boss only (he is a guy, but I always tell him he is 1/2 woman haha) He is a GREAT BOSS and I actually consider him a friend. I told him a few months ago, because I had to leave the office for the blood work ultrasounds I have been going through. He is very understanding as his wife was unable to have children as she had some ovary damange as a young girl. They did go to some FS visits just to confirm but then adopted (that was 10 years ago) and they adopted twins!!! So he is very empathic to my "situation" and he lets me come and go as I please... I am very very fortunate to have him as my boss or I probally wouldnt be able to do all this (testing etc) without him being on board...

Soooo.... Went for Baseline Blood and Ultrasound on Friday… everything looked GREAT… had the BEST CD3 levels ever!!! My FSH was only 5.8 !!!!!! which is SOOOOOO AWESOME!!! Obviously no matter what it was I was continuing with IVF this cycle… but if it was high, as we know that is not a good sign, and they would have put me on a different type of protocol also probably. But it was NICE AND LOW… I was so happy, just makes me feel really confident, that I may be able to produce some quality eggs this month!!! Yayaya!! So anyway I started the injections on Friday, and went for another scan yesterday (Monday) and so far I have 6 growing follicles…and my lining is already up to a 7!!!! And it is triangular already too!! All GREAT NEWS!!! I continue the meds and will return for another scan on Thursday AM….I am hoping I have developed a couple more to work with. As I told ya, my protocol I am on they are not looking for me to produce a ton of follicles, they are going for “quality over quantity”, but I cant help to keep thinking a little that I would like a couple to work with, as I hear horror stories that although a lot of follicles are retrieved, some are empty or never fertilized that some girls don’t even make it to transfer them back in… that happens a lot … I will be heart broken if that happens. So that’s the low down for me.
Ok, Renee, I have to tell you morning sickness sucks the big one. Holy crap, talk about feeling like crap all the time. So, I stayed home today cause I was sick to my stomach last night and haven't slept a wink plus as I got up to go to work, I was dry heaving. I feel so nauseous all the time. Right now it's 8:30pm and I feel really good, no dry heaving, no nauseousness, not sure how long this will last, but I thought I'd better post something back.

I have to tell my boss tomorrow or next week cause I think it's affect my work now. the fact that I had to stay home for morning sickness sucks cause I have no idea how long this will last, plus when I get to work all I want to do is throw up. I have to concentrate so hard not to throw up and I barely do any work anymore. It's rough, but you know what it's going to be so worth it in the end.

Anyhow, I go back on Friday to make sure the little one's heart is going faster, let's pray that it does. I also think I may tell my inlaws this weekend cause I have to go over there for dinner on Good Friday and if I'm still feeling sick, I really just want to lie down and I don't want anyone to talk to me, so I may have to tell them.

I'm so happy that your boss understands and is supportive, my boss is totally weird. I think he'd be completely awkward when I tell him. He's the kind of guy that doesn't want anyone to take sick days so me being pregnant and being sick all the time will make him feel weird. Its times like this when I wish my boss was a woman.

OK, so can I just tell you that your FSH is totally awesome, that's even better than mine, which was 6. That's so insane. That will mean that they will have some seriously good eggs to use for your IVF. They may be able to get 3 really good ones to put inside you. Man, imagine you had twins or triplets. That would be the best ever!! I think your protocol is a really good one, I believe in quality over quantity as well. So, when exactly would you go for the transfer, in about a week or so?

Oh I have to tell you this as well, are you still going to DTD with your hubby? Do they remove all your eggs or do they leave some in there to ovulate. Sorry, not too familiar with this. Anyhow, the reason why I'm asking is that the cycle that we conceived, I didn't use my Preseed at all. It was au naturale. I was going to suggest to you not to use your lubricant anymore as I think it doesn't work well for everyone. Imagine, I used Preseed for 4 months straight and then the month I stopped using it, I get knocked up. It funny cause I think my hubby may have been slightly allergic to it cause he did get that yeast infection that one time. Its so bizarre.

So, this is going to be one of the best cycles for you cause your chances of getting preggers this cycle is so bloody high. I can't wait to see what happens. :hugs:
oh NOOOOOO Monique!!! gosh I am sooooo sorry you are feeling so shitty!!! man!!! how did yesterday go? where ya able to make it to work ? I feel bad for you that you dont have the work environment I do....crap

thinking of ya this morning and hoping that heartbeat gets stronger today!!!!!!

yes I am so stinkin happy bout my FSH being so low... YA!!! looks like I am responding fairly good... my blood values look good, and I have a total of 6 follicles, 2 of them are probally going to be too little to use, so looks like I will problaly only have 4 to use. Have to say that makes me feel a little nervous though. I know they only wanted a few I get that, but the more I read about IVF and other girls, theres a good chance that not all 4 of them are even of good quality, so what if I only have 1 to transfer... alot of girls would cancel their cycle for that... gosh I dont know..

heres another thing!!! the way I am responding they want to do the transfer on EASTER SUNDAY!! I have to go for another ultrasound and blood work today to see how far we can stretch this. When they called me yesterday to give me instructions on what injections to say, I asked...ok is there any indication when retrival will be yet, and she said wellll we are thinking you will trigger friday and come for retrival on Sunday.... I was like EASTER?!?!? She said have an 18mm and 17mm follicle which is perfect size to start to trigger, and if you wait to long they may disinegrate

if the transfer is on Easter Day, it is a 6 hour drive so we would leave Saturday Night, do the procedure then come home right after the procedure Sunday. Which gets us prob home around 7pm is. So I thought this through real quick and said to the girl... what if we do the transfer on Monday instead, she said wellll we could but the Dr thinks thats stretching it a bit. So I ran this past my husband, thinking we could go over his Parents on Easter like at Noon to atleast 4pm then leave straight for Philly, and do the transfer Monday. SO EITHER way it has us involved in "ruining" Easter.. we are either driving back from Philly on Easter or driving too Philly on Easter.

Now me... I could CARE LESS when it would be, BUT MY HUSBAND!! IS GOING WACKY!!! This is SOOOO IMPORTANT TO ME THAT I WOULD GO ON EVERY SINGLE HOLIDAY. Sure I get it its an inconvience!! OK here is our plans for Easter... we are simply going over to him Parents thats it. And all of his sisters will show up with their family. Sure I get it family time is great.... Its not like we dont/cant see them any day of the week!! they all live within 30 mins of us. But he is like well I wanted to spend time with my family!! If we have to do this thing on Easter we are going STRAIGHT TO MY PARENTS... I said well we may not get there until 7-8pm depending on when they schedule the procedure that AM. We had a huge fight today... him telling me "ITS ALL ABOUT YOU RENEE" enough that I told him I would just cancel the whole thing... He has such a shitty attitutude about all of this... Sure I get it,he is not real big on the whole damn idea on this whole IVF thing to begin with, now he acts as though I made it happen on purpose on a very important HOLIDAY!!! Easter!! are you kiddin me (which is no big freaking HOLIDAY) WHATEVER.. oh and PS we saw his entire family last week at his neices 5 year birthday party. and MONIQUE THEY ARE NO FUN AT ALL....!! I couldnt WAIT TO LEAVE!!! uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
OMG, Renee, are you freaking serious? Who gives a rat's a$$ about Easter!! Doing the IVF is sooooo much more important than spending a few hours with the family that he's already seen last weekend. I think if they knew that you had to do your IVF on Easter Sunday they would be understanding. Well, I hope they would be. What the hell, man!!!

So, is the compromise to go in for the transfer on the Monday instead of completely missing out on Sunday??? Is your hubby thinking that your selfish for wanting a child? If that's the case, then I think every single woman on the planet may be selfish too... No, it's not all about you, it's all about your baby. It's really hard to get men to understand this, isn't it!! Drives me crazy sometimes. They can be so insensitive.

You know this cycle may be the best chance that you will ever have to have a baby especially since your FSH is so bloody low. Gosh, what a freaking mess. So, listen, I hope they're able to use all 4 eggs or at a minimum 2 eggs. Are you considering cancelling the whole procedure if they only have 1 egg for you to transfer? Gosh, these are really difficult decisions. I guess your hubby hasn't provided you with any advice on that matter, huh? Well, my dear, I really hope everything works out and your hubby stops thinking that your selfish. I'm sorry sweetheart. We just have to think happy thoughts, right!!

So, I went to the dr today and well, everything turned out good. The little one's heartbeat is much faster, it's at 134bpm. Yeah, and OMG, it grew so much, since last Friday. It's insane. I had the same ultrasound lady and she even noticed how much bigger it was. The doctor even changed my due date to Dec 8th now. I'm pretty happy, I was so freaking nervous all week thinking that the heartbeat wasn't going to be any faster or that it wouldn't grow much at all, but now my mind is at ease. Thank the lord!!

Anyhow, the dr asked me about my morning sickness and I told him it was bad, well, he said that it's only going to get worse and then he told me that he'd give me some meds. So, he gave me some Diclectin to help. I talked to my hubby about it and we decided that I'm only going to use it if it gets so bad that I start getting dehydrated. I'm trying really hard not to take any meds at all, but if push comes to shove then I'll just have to do, right?

Whatever, I'm just happy that baby is ok and I'm thrilled that you're doing the IVF in the next couple of days. I can't wait for you to tell me how it went. You have to give me all the details. And you need to give your hubby a little slap on the cheek and tell him to snap out of it!! :hugs:
wow your scan was GREAT!!!! GOSH and that little bugger is growing SOOOO fast tooooo? that is so awesome Monique!!! hmmm so the Morning Sickness will only get worse...yikes... well lets just hope for the best... and girl if ya need those meds to help ya out...just take them right? or why you thinking you shouldnt? I am sure they would have to be safe for the babe right? or dr wouldnt have prescribed it right ? And hey congrats on telling the family today, that is probally going to be a GREAT moment for you!!!

haha!! Monique you are SOOOOO right... and funny... who the hell cares about Easter. Well yes of course that is truly the day that Jesus rose again!! and I am in no way "downplaying" that... AT ALL... but hey it is not my fault that it ends up that we have to travel on that day... geeze louise!!!!

So heres the plan, we are going to hubbys parents for a few hours 2-5 then getting right on the road for Philly which is like 6 hours... we should arrive at Midnight(ish) and I have to be at the drs at 8:45 then the retrival is at 10am!!! said we should be back on the road by noon to head back home. Then I go back over Wed night (my friend is going with me) stay over night at hotel Wed night, do transfer back on Thrusday AM then Thursday pm, we will be staying at my friends house in Harrisburg... which is 2 1/2 hours from Philly, then Friday AM I will drive home from Harrisburg which is 2 1/2 hour drive... then I wait for 12 days for a Beta.

My last ultrasound and blood work WAS GREAT!!! Said I now have 8 follicles, 4 really good ones, and 3 of which may be able to grow enough by tomorrow to be "useable" so thats what I am hoping for.

I needed to jump on here real quick and give ya the low-down haha :) so I am off to get ready for this little trip, and I'll check back in as soon as I can !!

HAPPY EASTER... I hope you have a great day!!!!
Hey Sweetheart, Gosh, I hope everything is going well and hope that the transfer goes well on Thursday. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. You have a really good plan and let's hope that your hubby is being very supportive.

Also 8 follicles is a great number, oh man, your tww is going to drive me insane!!!

Good luck Renee, and please let me know how it went. Okie dokie!!:hugs:
Hi There!!! ok so Egg Retrival (ER as the veteran IVFers call it) went well!!! They actually retrived 7 follicles. My hubby was so great on the ride up and the ride home. I was a little out of it on the ride home because of the anethesia...he was such a little trooper!!

ok so I got a call this am from the Embrologist (lab techs who watch the embroys) and of the 7 follicles they retrieved 5 of them were mature (large enough to fertilize) and of the 5 mature ones.. ALL 5 OF THEM FERTILIZED!!! yAYAYAYAYAYA... SO yep they stuck in hubbys sperm and it did the trick, fertlized all 5... so thats a big hurdle to get over.

now tomorrow am they will call me again to let me know what time my ET (Egg Transfer) is on Thurdsay am, and they will also tell me how the embies are doing. The ferlitzation part is only part of it, what they are expecting is for them to grow into more cells. So they will call me in AM with that report. Hoping that all 5 of them are growing nice and strong!! I do know that chances are that all 5 of them wont make it until Thursday so I know that going into to it... but NATURALLY I am hoping all are ok..then again they have one more day to get stronger before the transfer on Thursday... oh gosh today has been sooooo stressfulll... all I can think of is my little embroys trying to grow!! GROW LITTLE EMBIES GROW!!!!

They did say on Thursday they would transfer a max of 3 embies back into me!! Also something to note they said everything looks great!! but to keep in mind even though they were able to be fertilized and they will transfer them back in... that certainly doesnt guarantee %100 that I will be pregnant, as they can not tell the quality of the embie naturally until I become pregnant with them and not miscarry. If for some reason I dont become pregnant or if I miscarry they will blame it on the "quality" of the egg... same as a naturally pregnancy... just have to wait out the TWW... then carry to term.... but ya know what Monique this is the best shot I have had yet... I dont even know if I have been able to get a embie fertlized to begin with... so this is soooooo exciting..!!! I will be leaving for Philly tomorrow afternoon, staying over night at my Friends in Harrisburg on Thursday.. I will be on bed rest so I will try to jump on here and let ya know how many of those little buggers made it and how the transfer was... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SAY PRAYERS FOR ME AND MY EMBIES!!!!
OMG, I totally hope they have 3 eggs for you to transfer. That would be totally awesome. Imagine if all 3 took as well, you'd have triplets. Wow, crazy huh! Well, I am praying to got that at least 1 sticks. I'm so excited for you that your eggs were able to fertilize, and why shouldn't they? Your FSH was amazing this cycle.

So are you going to be on best rest for the whole tww? I've heard that a lot of women take vacation during that time to help. Renee, I know this has to work for you this time. It's going to work.

I'm also thrilled that hubby has been supportive and did his "job". Yeah for hubby!!

OMG, so I'm totally totally excited for you right now and this TWW is going to be insane for me as well. I can't wait for you to get preggers. It's going to be so much fun, well not the morning sickness but who cares about that if you're preggers, right!! Yippee!!

Good luck sweetie!!:hugs:
Hello there!!!! just wanted to check in real quick with ya.... SOOOOO here I am in my TWW.... they transfered 3 beutiful little embies back to me on Thursday. (the other 2 just didnt make it:( So the 3 we got...they were good quality from what I understand but they were actually a little smallish... they like them all to be appx 8 cells each to give better chance of implantation. But my 3 were a 6 cell and two 4 cells... so yep a little tiny...but they said they have seen embies at this size still implant beautifully. So we shall see. This is litteraly going to be the LONGEST two weeks ever. Well actually I guess it isnt even really 2 weeks because I go for Beta test next Monday... I may very well take a HPT next Sat or Sun though : )

as for taking time off work....after IVF Transfer they really do not prescribe you to be on extended rest, just the 1st two days they like you to rest and stay off your feet a bit....but other than that you then just return to "normal" activities, but just no lifting anything over 15 lbs, no sex, no crazy exercising... thats about it... Fortunately for me I was actually on Night Support all last week... when I do that I actually can work from home, so I dont go into the office at all. So the timing work out perfect for me....I didnt have to take any days off at all... cause we drove over to philly during the day, and the procedures were all done during the day of course, and I was on call at yep no wasting any vacation days !!

so tell me how ya feeling girl!!! and ok from your signature thinging shows your going for your 3rd scan on Friday ? soooo what are they looking for there... just for the heartbeat to get stronger ? anything else they like to see ?
Dude, I’m going to freaking check on Saturday and Sunday to see what your results are. I’m so glad that they were able to get 3 eggs transferred. I don’t think the 6 cell eggs are a problem either. I totally forgot that they eggs are already 5 days old??? Or 3 days old??? Anyhow, yeah, it really isn’t a tww. This is so very exciting. :hugs:

You have to tell me right away what your HPT gives you. Yikes!!!

Wow, I’m glad you didn’t have to take off any vacation days, that really works out well for you. Usually in my TWW, I don’t do a damn thing, I actually have done a damn things since I got my BFP. My hubby has been really really terrific about it.

So, I feel like crap all day and all night. I’ve been so sick too, I missed 2 days of work last week. It’s really bad. Morning sickness sucks the big one. It’s not fun at all. I hope you don’t get it too bad, but my doctor keeps telling me, “I’m glad your having it!!” I guess it just means that the pregnancy is going well. Whatever. I know people that don’t have it so bad and they have perfectly healthy babies. Anyhow, now my back has started to hurt but that could be from the constipation. Man, let me tell you about constipation. I’ve started to eat prunes cause I am plugged up like you wouldn’t believe. Gosh, I shouldn’t complain cause I’d do anything for the little one.

As for my next scan, my dr just wants to check me out every 2 weeks. I think it’s routine for the fertility clinics cause most of the women that get pregnant while on treatment need to be monitored real closely. So my dr told me that I can come see him every 2 weeks to make sure that everything’s ok. He also told me that if anything weird happens in between the 2 weeks, that I can come by and get checked out. Remember, it’s free in Canada to have all these blood tests and ultrasounds, right, so you can go everyday if you wanted to. The dr said as long as the baby’s heart rate is between 110-160 then we’re good. I heard a wives tale that if the heart rate is in the lower part of the range, then it’s a boy and if it’s higher than it’s a girl. So, about a week ago it was 135bpm so we’ll see if it’s gotten any faster, but I’m not too concerned about that. I’m just still scared about a missed miscarriage. I mean the fact that I’m having morning sickness should be a good thing, but there’s that one or two hours during the day where I don’t feel sick and that’s when I worry and think that something is wrong if I’m not sick to my stomach.

Yeah, these are the wonderful things you’ll be thinking about next week when you get your BFP. First you freak out cause you’re not getting pregnant fast enough, then you freak out about miscarrying, I think my next freak out will start when they start doing the tests for like downs syndrome. I need to calm my a$$ down.

Anyhow, my waistline is getting bigger and my pants are getting tight around my wait. I also feel very uncomfortable wearing bikini underwear, so I’ve resorted to the old a$$ granny underwear. It’s so sad!! :(
hey there Monique good luck with your scan tomorrow!!! hope that little bean is doing GREAT!!!

that is awesome, it seems they will be watching you so closely... I know some of my friends would have LOVED to get scanns every week when they were preggers.... I know they had to wait months between scanns!! and yours are also all paid for !! thats a double bonus!!!

gosh I am feeling so bad for your horrible morning sickness.. if its this bad is it only gonna get worse? or when can ya expect it to let up? have you given in and started takin the meds the dr gave ya ?

and your sooooo right..... I know once I become pregnant... that that will NOT be the end of the stress/worrying... I know myself that every single day I will worry about miscarrying... damn my chance of miss carrying is higher than my chance of getting pregnant in the first place... life just doesnt seem fair!!!

ok as for me... this TWW is really the worst EVER...not too many symptoms to even mention to be honest... I am on 3 progestrone vag-suppositories a day, which are known to give ya some pretty severe AF/Pregnancy type symptoms... so I yep I am feeling little cramps and twinges here and there...... but these are the same "things" I have felt the last several months I was taking these not feeling any thing different this month really....I am staying Positive though!! and really hoping and praying each night that this is my month!!! my Beta blood test is next Tuesday...but I may go in on Monday instead. Because I just cant wait any longer hehehe!!! I may do a home pregnancy test this weekend at some point...maybe on Sunday (mothers day...that would be a nice day to test huh?)

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