TTC #1, 35 year old, starting CD 1, 3rd cycle - Would love a buddy?

I didnt have actually the HSG, where they use the dye to see if your tubes are open, I did a Saline Sonogram... where they fill your uterus with Saline, that as well they can see if your tubes are open.... similar but not exactly the same as HSG. I heard with the HSG the dye somehow provides a nice environment for implantation, and helps the tubes to want to push the eggy along. But the Saline one, has never been "talked" about to improve anything :(

you know what, I sooooo often think of the seemingly "ungrateful" and "unworthy" or "unfit" people that fall pregnant so easily or by mistake, and that is what makes this all seems so unfair, when you have women (like me...and you) that want it soooooo bad and its not happening :(

so some good news, I did get the Nurses from the Cleveland Clinic to call me (after I made 3 calls to the office, saying I sent my chart up already with a letter for them to review) they got the Dr to look at my records and they called me yesterday to say "The Dr does not find a reason why you would not be a good canidate for IVF definately keep your appointment with him" so yep I was happy to hear that. Now that appt is April 7th.

but ya know what I am really getting worried about this month Monique, remember how I told ya I was worried that 4 months of fertility meds may mess up my "perfect" cycles... and I started to feel ok this month cause my CBFM started me at low then went to high, so I thought that OK maybe my cycle is going to go as it always has....well here I am Day 15 and I have not got a +opk or a peak on my CBFM. I normally get my 1st +Opk anywhere from CD11-CD14.... I dont know what is going on!!!!! obviously I havent gone in for my IUI... and I dont even know if I will... I can tell ya what I have used 12 smiley sticks so far in the last 5 days... and damn a box of 20 of those from CVS (local drug store) cost me $50. I didnt have time to wait to get them from Amazon which is usually only $25. Man I am getting pissed!! that I messed up my cycle now and they may never return to normal. CRAP!!!!

No I havent tried accup... I have heard wonderful things bout it, but to be honest around here I havent heard of any accu places, I guess I am sure they exist but I dont know 1 person personally who has gone to one? and I am a little leary to be honest as I dont know how I would like being litterally poked with needles !! YIKES!!!
Hey Renee,

You're too funny, I was thinking to myself, I just tried to convince Renee to do accupunture but I don't think I'd even do it myself. The thought of it accupuncture actually freaks me out... yuck!

Anyhow, gosh, I hope you get a +OPK later today. I thought that maybe you would have ovulated earlier with the left over meds in your system. As long as it's before the weekend, then I think you should be ok, right?

So, by time I get back from my vacation I expect a full report from your visit to the Cleveland clinic. This is very exciting!!
haha ya... me thinking to my self... do I really want to PAY someone to STICK me with pins... ummm NOOOOO !! HAHA... although ya I do "get it" people say it is therapeutic...but for the life of me I cant image how!!

ok so I was just thinking bout your trip to Miami... and I am getting more and more jealous... especially since we just got a ince of snow this morning!!! come on already... I want to see the SUN!!!!

OK SO UPDATE ON ME... DAMN IT still no +opk or a peak on my CBFM. And I would not be so worried if I was actually on some type of hormones or Clomid or anything this month that would give me a reason for the O to be late, but Im not taking anything this month at all, and that was my worry, that after a year of “normal” cycles that perhaps now my cycle would be “messed” up after taking hormones for a few cycles. Appears that may be the case. Well hopefully I go see this FS tomorrow and he lets me do IVF starting in April. Also he from what I understand also does bloods and ultrasounds… so perhaps he even will be able to “tell” whats going on and why my O is so late this month… maybe aI have a hormone out of balance or such ? we shall see….. I am so excited to meet this Dr I have heard such great things about him, apparently he is a very positive guy.... will be a total switch from the witch/nurse at my current FS office.
Oh and by the way I called in to my FS office and talked to that witch, to just give them a "heads up" that I didnt seem to surge yet cause my OPKs arent going positive, her response " may be done Ovulating Renee" I said what do you mean Permanently? she said "Yes" I was like "ummm how is that possible" she said well we have been forcing you to O the last 2 months because of injection, maybe your body just wont do it on its own any more" I was like "well I have had normal cycles for years" she said well perpahsp not any more and your Pre-metoposal" I wanted to tell her she is full of HORSE SHIT!!!... she honestly does not know what she is talking about. I feel like I know more than her seriously. Just because I didnt get a positive OPK yet how can she really tell me she thinks I may never O again... Really a-hole... umm opks just tell you when your LH is rising anyway... it means your LH is rising which will signal your body to Ovulate in 24-36 hours, and it doesnt even mean you will Ovulate or not....just a signal that you "should" be soon. So see what I mean she has no freaking idea what she is talking about, and I think I really HATE her. UGHHHH
Hi Monique hope your having a fun weekend.... wanted to check in AND I see your temps are nice and high.. and ya you did O pretty early this month... lucky girl!!!

ok I was so excited to give ya my update...

Got my +opk and Peak on my CBFM Friday AM.... which is CD19 for me which means my peak came super late, it have always gotten a positive as early as day 11 and no later than day 14 ! so pretty late but Im just happy I got it, and it was a STRONG surge... When I first got up to use my CBFM it was too early cause I got up at 4:30 am since I had an early flyt out, and when I hit the CBFM it was still on the day before and wasnt asking for a stick I thought darn thats gonna mess up my whole cycle on that thing anyway... I still wanted to pee on something ... So I used a Smiley Digital one and got a Definate Poistiive. Then right before I walked out of the house for my flight at 6:15 AM the CBFM was now ok with me giving it a stick... I litterally only put like 3 drops on the thing and it still gave me my Peak, this is after 2 glasses of water and already going to the bathroom 3 times... haha... so yep a strong surge thats for sure...

anyway... so my new FS... LOVE LOVE him... gosh what a positive man. And apparently very well known and writes a lot of medical papers. Anyway long story short, he definately thinks he can help me get preggers.... said I have a lot going for me...only down fall is my age of course and it is just natural we at this age would take longer to get pregnant. Said sure my FSH is a "little" elevated but he doesnt go strickly by that at all. (very different story from my FS here in Pittsburgh where that damn nurse said... well theres always miracles BUT I have NEVER seen anyone get pregnant with a FSH like yours) ugghhh

He is ok with me starting in April YAYAYA!! he did ultrasounds and cultures while I was there. He did see I had 1 follicle at 22mm so told me to get home and get busy with husband. (VERY normal to only see 1 follicle on an unmedicated cycle) He did say he didnt believe I needed to go for an IUI at my current FS (which I was planning on doing this am...since I already had that planned out) but he said that we had just as good a chance to accomplish it all ourselves. He litterally said to me.. "how much does your current Dr charge for IUI... I said $300 then he said well how much does your husband charge you intercourse... and I laughed of course... then he said I would go with which ever one is cheaper" because he was very confident that my CM was not a problem because LISTEN TO THIS ONE.... he asked me the last time we had intercourse and I told him Wed night... which was 36 hours before, he said well let me try a post colitial test on you to see if we can see how good your CM is and see if we find any sperm and if they are alive. Well he took a culture and put it on a slide with a computer monitor and the COOOLIEST THING ever, there were little sperms in my CM. I know this is what is suppose to happen, but to actually see it up on the computer screen, and know that hubby and I sex a whole day and a half before... it certainly blew my mind to see those little things swimming around... it was just sooooo cool.

Anyway I am over the moon optimistic about this guy. He is going to do on me what is called a low stim protocol. and what it entails is "older womens eggs" tend to not respond so well to high dosages of injectables... so instead they use miniumn stimmulation with medication. When trying to use high dosages of FSH on "older" women most dont even produce a lot of eggs, and if they do you they more than likely are not great quality, so this low still protocol is use less injectiables and you would still prroduce multiple eggs (but they are not going for 20) they would be happy with 2-6 follicles and what they are going for is quality over quality. So yep thats what I am doing...on and it is 1/2 price of normal IVF so only appx $4K. His normal full stim is only appx $7k. Obviously I am going to get busy as much as possible since I just got my +opk, but if we are not sucessfull we have a definate plan laid out for 2 weeks from now !! ya So exicted ... I truly now (if not before) know the meaning of an emotional roller coaster, as I am on IT!!!!
Hey Girl,

Sorry, I didn't respond right away, I was in a 2 day training course and then today I was over at my mom's house so I've been checking in but haven't had a chance to respond.

Talk about freaking awesome. I so happy that this FS is totally better than that other place. He sounds really great and seeing your cm with the spermies is totally awesome. I haven't had a chance to do that test yet, but I'm looking forward to it probably this next cycle.

Do you know if the FS is doing the AMH test? Also that follicle at 22mm is optimal so you definitely ovulate on your own with no problem at all. I'm also really happy that the FS isn't forcing you to do IUI or basically spending money as soon as you got there. This dude sounds like a winner! I'm really happy you found him.

The funniest thing this cycle is that I'm totally early and you're late. What a crazy cycle! And listen to this, I'm not feeling preggers or that I'm going to get a BFP this cycle, but I'm ok with that since I'm going to get buck wild in Miami. anyhow, I had the worse pain in my boobs last night I couldn't sleep at all. At one point I thought I was having a heart attack cause I almost couldn't breathe, but then I thought that the pain was coming from the sides of my boobs and armpits. I guess that's a symptom but still don't think I'm preggers. Whatever!!

I'm just glad that we are both happier for seeing our new FS. I know for sure we're going to get our BFPs. Yippee!!!
Hey Renee,

It looks like my hubby finally knocked me up.

Went to FS this morning to take a blood test, I should know officially by 5pm today.

I'm super nervous!!!

How are you doing?


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wow AND your only on CD25 you must be REALLY PREGNANT HUH???

Gosh I am soooooo happpppppppppyyyyyyy for you!!!

so happy I jumped on here this morning.... and I will jump back on this evening to check in on ya....

yayayaya CONGRATS!!!!
Dude, I'm totally excited too. I'll post again when I find out officially.

My hubby and I only BD'd twice this cycle. I ovulated on CD 13 and we BD on CD 11 and CD 12. Who knew???

Anyhow, I hope you don't dump me too. I was talking to this other girl on this site and she totally told me this morning that she didn't want to talk to me anymore. I thought that was kind of mean.

Ah well, I promise not to talk about baby stuff and pregnancy unless you ask me okie dokie. I like talking to you a lot and I hope we can continue to chat. :cry:
what!!! dont be silly!!!!!

I would never give you the boot.

But I can tell ya, I know what ya mean... I am on another thread with a few other started out with 5 of us..... then when one got pregnant one of the other girls had a hard time with it, and really opened up on the thread and "more or less" said she couldnt be around other girls that got their BFP, and since it was a TTC thread that the BFP girl should go to the 1st tri thread. This was when she was like 1 week pregnant... anyway sad thing is I ended up checking in on the girl and she ended up Misscarrying and she never joined our thread back... I felt really really bad... I kinda saw her point (the girl that didnt have the bfp) that it was hurtful to be around others (as I have said numerous times...I am tired of seeing all these pregnant people) but on the other hand the girl that got their BFP I think got hurt when asked to not come back to the thread...I felt so bad... THEN she ended up miscarrying I felt even worse. ... ends up...there was only 4 of us on the thread... and GUESS the 3 girls I am left on the thread with all just got their BFPs, one last month, and 2 just got them in the last few weeks...! ironic huh?
HEY!!! I just noticed your new tickers!!!! how awesome is that !!!!! isnt it strange they say your 3 weeks pregnant ? I can never quite get that? they count back to when the first day of your period was right? I find that crazy what that is the "norm" for counting the weeks dont you? as we know when we ovulate, then we also know that it takes a few days for the embro to implant after ovulation...still boggles me why they count all the way back to when you had your period.
Hey Renee,

Wow, that's crazy about those other girls. Hmm... I know for sure that you're going to get your BFP with this new FS. It's going to happen this year. You know I have this girlfriend that has been trying for 3 years now and nothing. I don't even know how to tell her that I'm pregnant. I totally feel for her and I tell you if that 30 year old at work got pregnant this cycle, and I didn't, I would have been pissed off and extremely jealous.

My hubby also told me that we were invited to his friend's house for dinner. They have a new born and they were going to invite another couple with a 16 month old. I told Rob that I didn't want to go cause the whole evening would have been talking about babies. Not something I would want to even do if I weren't trying to have a baby.

i really don't want to be one of those people that talks about their kids all the time or talks about being pregnant all the time. I think it's really inconsiderate.

Anyhow, enough about that stuff... how are you feeling now? Any early symptoms??
OK SOOOOOOO... whats the next Drs appointment wise... do you go for more blood tests? or whens your first ultrasound? tell me..tell me...tell me ! I am super exicted for you, and you have to be jumping out of your skin excited right ??? so MIami is any day now? or maybe you left already ?
Hey Girl,

How's it going? So, my HCG levels seem to be rising pretty well, at 12dpo it was 58 and at 14 dpo it was 188. It's still very surreal to me, I totally don't feel pregnant at all. I don't have any cramps or anything. My nipples are slowly getting sore, but that's it. Oh yeah, I guess I'm more tired now but that's kinda normal for me anyhow. tee hee.

So, I'm off to Miami on Monday morning so I told my dr and he said that he'd see me when I get back. So, next Saturday, when I'm back, I'm going to go for another blood test to see where my HCG levels are and then they'll book me for an ultrasound when they call me with the results.

I told my parents and sister and they are very thrilled for me, but we haven't told my inlaws. My hubby doesn't want to tell them anything until end of May. I should be 12 weeks by then.

How are you doing? Your temp is looking really good, very high and stable. Not like other months.

Thanks for being supportive and not abandoning me. What are your next steps? Do you have any symptoms yet?
Renee, my dear! I just got back from Miami and was checking the site to see how things are coming along and I just noticed your chart and it's looking really good. Have you done a test yet!!! I'm totally freaking out right now!!
hey!!!! YOUR BACK!!!! did ya have an awesome trip... how was the weather... nice for ya I hope... did hubby get all his polo stuff? hope you had an awesome relaxing time, babys first trip haha!!

ok so ya my temps do seem pretty high huh? but ya know what I am of course staying optimistic (as I do every month until AF comes) but actually I dont know if my temps are high because, I have been working different hours this week, I am working nights.. its a drag but I am on IT Support this week... I get to work from home but get woken in the middle of the night, when people are having "computer issues" anyway... most of the nights I dont go to be until 4am is, and get up around 11am. They say when your temping your suppose to do it around the same time every day... so that may be one reason why my temps are high... or also maybe because of these suppositories I am on. I dont know if I told ya but I am on 3 progestrone vaginal suppositories a day.. yes a day!! so that may be what is keeping my temps up too. This last FS I went to he said he likes to see women on them every month even if they are not doing IUI or IVF. Helps ladies to build up their lining etc. Another thing these suppositories do are they are known to delay your period until you stop taking them, so the idea is for me to take them for 2 weeks then if I dont get a period I go for a blood pregnancy test, if it is negative I go off the suppositoires so my period comes. Well in reallity AF is due tomorrow for me, but I will go for a blood HCG test on Saturday, and my Dr should get the results Monday. Then if the test is negative Monday Ill stop these suppositories and my period is suppose to come 2-3 days after that. OBVIOUSLY I hope I am pregnant, but I really dont think so. I may take a home pregnancy test on Sunday... that is my birthday!! although I dont like to celebrate my birthday... as I HATE THE IDEA OF GETTING OLDER, I think if by some slim chance I am pregnant, that would be the BEST GIFT EVER. So thats what I am going to do. Wish me luck....

so tell me any symptoms popping up at all ? ok so you go in for another blood test saturday too right? when will they call ya with the results, hopefully you dont have to wait all weekend, and they are able to tell you that day ? I certainly hope they are super high results for ya!!!

See now you can be my teacher you go through all the early pregnancy tests, symptoms, etc... then you can fill me in WHEN I get preggers!!! hey P.S. I see your EDD... that is my Sisters Bday!!!
Yes, I'm back and it was a very nice vacation. The sucky thing was that i couldn't drink any alcohol, but I did have a lot of frozen virgin drinks. It was tons of fun. I was soooo tired all the time though, we even went to see a basketball game with the Miami Heat, but I fell asleep like twice. Isn't that horrible? My hubby was laughing at me cause he said that it was so bloody noisy that he couldn't understand how I fell asleep. Whatever!!

The weather was so nice, it was a very comfortable temperature. Usually it can get way too hot and then my boobs start sweating, but they didn't sweat so that means it was a good temperature. tee hee!! :)

So, my hubby did go to Polo and he bought some stuff but not as much as I thought he would, he still spent about $250 there so that was good. I bought a lot of stuff too, which is very strange for me cause I'm not one to shop unless it's online. Anyhow, I had to be careful what to buy cause most of the stuff was summer stuff and I may have a tiny bump by summer. So, a lot of the tops I got were those blouson tops, you know, the tops where there's like an elastic at the bottom of the top. Not sure if I'm explaining myself properly, but anyhow, the tops would be good to wear if I'm showing so that was good.

OMG, ok so Renee, I swear to all things in heaven that your temp looks almost like my temp from my last and final cycle. I know about the whole 4 hour sleep and every day at the same time, but that's just a bunch of bologne. I always get up during the night and still my temps are the same. I also can take my temp within a 2 hour window and it's still the same. The only things that make my temp change is the temp in the bedroom or if I don't sleep at all. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you hun. I'm so excited.

So, if you are preggers how long do you have to take the suppositories? Every once in a while I'll take my temp again to make sure it's still high, but it seems to be very consisitent. Also, I have like 20 ICs, so I take them every once in a while too to make sure it's getting darker. I'm going to buy another digi with conception indicator to make sure my hcg levels are getting higher. I was suppose to go to get a blood test tomorrow morning, but it all depends on how I feel in the morning. I can wait till Monday when I go to work since it's across the street and I wouldn't have to make a trip downtown tomorrow. I did a digi before I went on my trip and it said "2-3" so that makes me about 4-5 weeks pregnant, which is right on the dot. I guess by next week I may be "3+" if all is going well.

Well my dear I completely forgot that your birthday was in the same month as mine. I'll have to send you some birthday wishes tomorrow. Wouldn't that be completely awesome to get your BFP tomorrow? Man, I've got some serious praying to do today. My birthday is on April 26th, so I did get a nice little gift as well.

So yeah, not many symptoms for me except the fatigue. I don't have any cramps either. My boobs are huge and painful too. I think I'm still early to get any morning sickness, let's just hope they aren't too bad.

Yeah, I'm actually happy to be pregnant right before xmas cause I love being off from work around that time, so that works out really well. I know so many people's birthdays around that time too. My mom's birthday is on the 13th. So, that should be interesting!! :)

Listen, I have to admit something.... I'm totally paranoid about miscarrying or a blighted ovum. It's totally freaking me out. My sister had a blighted ovum and I'm freaking out everyday. It's not really good for my stress level, but I just want everything to be ok, you know. It's funny cause I had told myself that if I ever got pregnant it would be smooth sailing, I just can relax and enjoy it, well, my dear, hell no. Now, I'm telling myself that I'll be fine at 12 weeks, but I have a feeling that won't be true either. Man, I seriously need to find a way to relax.

Oh yeah, and my hubby almost lost it at the airport yesterday. There's this new scanner thingy that I don't think we have in Canada yet, but it was at the Miami airport. You stand in this scanner thingy with your hands over your head and your feet apart and then 5 seconds later you walk out and they say you're ok. Well, I thought it was a new metal detector and then as I was walking to my gate I thought about it and realized that it was probably an xray machine. Well, I asked my hubby if that was an xray machine and he said yeah. Well, I told him that I'm not suppose to get xrayed or at least they're suppose to protect my uterus or something cause I'm pregnant. Well, he was not impressed, he said are you serious? I'm like yeah I think so. Anyhow, he said well shouldn't they have asked you if you were pregnant. I'm like usually when you do an xray they ask all women. Anyhow, he was pissed off (not at me) and so he went on the internet to find out and he found that these new scanners are safe on pregnant ladies. Gosh, what a relief! I don't think I'm going to be flying anywhere for a while now but it's good to know these things. Sheesh!!

Anyhow, you better post asap tomorrow if you get your bfp!!! I need to know pronto! Okie dokie!! Good luck my dear and I'm thinking of you!! :)
ahhh your trip sounds like it was GREAT.....those nice virgin drinks can be delicious!!! and you got some Maternity clothes too it seems!!! ya!!!

That is sooo funny you fell asleep AT A BASKETBALL GAME!!! thats a hoot !!! gosh girl you must be exhausted!! haha

oh well and that xray machine thingy... When I was reading it I first thought... GIRL.. those are ok!!! (I travel a lot) but it was kinda endearing on how hubby was sooo concerned...Well as he should be I guess...until he found out.. ya know!! concerned Daddy already!!

hey what are those sticks your peeing on that show you how many weeks preggers you are? never heard of those in the US ? Ill have to get some of that info from ya once I become preggers :) Notice how positive I am ? :)

as for these progestrone suppositories my FS as I said likes women to be on it for every single TWW either on natural cycles or IUI or IVF, if it ends up your preggers they say you should stay on them for quite a few weeks into pregnancy some women all the way to like 3 months sometimes? so basically staying on the progestrone for about 12weeks. After this time the placenta will then take over producing the hormones. And I think my FS is a big Progestrone guy. apparently it is a really good blood test to get done during the few months of pregnancy as this is VERY maybe this is something you can run past your obgyn ? ask them their thoughts on progestrone supplements during your first tri... or at least testing to make sure all is okey dokey?

ok so as for my temps... sounds like yours are way more consistant than mine. Ok so yesterday my temp was 98.62 thought that seemed kinda high... but again I didnt go to bed til really really late and took my temp at 10am and it was that high....

ok so give me your thought on this then...for my temps this am... ok I went to bed at 2am...I woke up at 8:30 am just reached over and took my temp it was 98.33 rolled over went back to sleep..woke again at 10:30 and my temp was 98.86 super high in jsut 2 hours... since it seemed so high I took it 5 mins later (still didnt get out of bed) and it was 98.54... ok so what temp would you use for today... I am thinking I have to go with the very first one with is 98.33 right... (which means I took a dip since yesterday...not a good sign) I am just really convinced temping is just not for me...

oh and p.s.... this is the longest cycle I have had that I can ever remember!!!... since I ovulated SOOOOO darn late this month at CD20ish and my AF will prob be delayed until I stop these suppositories...ughhh... I want to hurry up and get this cycle over with so we can start our IVF!! OBVIOUSLY I pray that I am pregnant, but if not I just really want this cycle over with already!!!
Hey Renee,

Sorry I didn't reply yesterday, I had to go over to my inlaw's place for a horrible dinner. I swear that woman can't cook to save her life. Whatever!!

Anyhow my dear, I agree with you, the first temp is what you should use, but I have to tell you that you did take your temp yesterday 1.5 hours sooner than the previous day so yes it will be lower if you take it earlier. I actually think the second one you took at 10:30 was probably the most accurate. But I guess we'll see how today and tomorrow's temp looks like as well.

Are you taking your temp orally or vaginally?

So, here's a link to the hpt with indicator:

This is the canadian site, but I'm sure they have it in the US. A little pricey but so worth it.

Yeah, your cycle is the longest one you've had since you've been trying, huh? It's funny cause my last cycle was the shortest one I've ever had. Gosh, I sure hope you end up preggers or or at least AF shows up soon. Once you start IVF, it'll be very exciting.

So, I'm off to my sister's house today to celebrate two things, first my pregnancy and secondly, my dad finally got a job!! Yippee!! He's working at Sears Canada head office as a Business Process Manager. I'm so freaking happy cause it's a very high paying job and its not an entry level job like we thought he may have to settle with. And guess what we found out about his job and my bfp on the same day. It was crazy. So, my dear I'm hopping you get your BFP tomorrow on your birthday cause it'll be a very wonderful day for you!!

How's everything else going for you? How's the hubby? Doggies? etc...
Hello! You ladies seem to have formed a very tight bond but if you're interested in another buddy, I would like to join the party! I am a Toronto girl to, but currently living in the U.S., and of course TTC over the age of 35, so I feel like we have some things in common! Anyways, Monique congrats on your BFP, and Renee, good luck this cycle!
Hi Anabella,

Thanks for the congrats! So, how long have you've been ttcing? Where in the US do you live now?

Yeah, Renee and I have been chatting for a while now and trying to support each other. I did finally get my bfp last cycle and I'm hoping that Renee will be getting her bfp soon as well.

How's everything with you? What CD are you on? Fill us in!! :)

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