TTC #1, 35 year old, starting CD 1, 3rd cycle - Would love a buddy?

your soooo cute Monique!! thanks for the very inspiring words!!!

first of all working dif shift this week, so been on this computer randomly...

but wanted to let ya know... still no real AF yet this am so thats kinda a good sign....but...temps dippped a bit down, and a Negative on the HPT. Just one little tiny smear of light brown(sorry if tmi). But its only 9am... really thinking AF will come by this afternoon. oh darn...

hey but thats ok... if she doesnt come full force by tomorrow I will test again and if for some reason I dont get my BFP...I really am not going to let it get me down... really... I have that script of Clomid to take next month, (well for 3 cycles actually) and there are major sucess rates with I am not giving up on this TTC journey just yet... I really dont want to let it bring me down...I have to stay positive and I keep telling myself will happen, it will happen!!

I know I said this before too...but ever since TTC and also this month... It really really feels like there is a bunch of stuff going on down there... like I said before my periods are alot weirder/stronger, but specifically this month ever since I O'd I just feel a ton of twangs & pulls in the belly area... I really dont know if I am just really looking for signs but I can tell ya I never never remember having all these pulls etc during my cycles... kinda like my body is messing with me.

Also now hubby giving me a "hard" time about the Semen Analysis, I called and there are like 3 places within 20 mins of us we can take the sample to to get done. But they are all morning hours drop offs. And you have to have an appt to let them know you are dropping off the a little bit of planning needs to take place... and we can do the sample at home then have to get it to them in 30 mins. I get it his thing is always evening BDing... and he just doesnt "feel" like having to do the sample in the AM. ughhhh... hes like "ill get to it, i'll get to it" well here it is the end of the week and he DIDNT. So tomorrow there is one place that takes them but we have to get it there by 10:30... so I made an appt... So crossing my fingers that tomorrow AM we get a sample to them.
Hey Renee,

Gosh, I hope that AF hasn't showed her ugly face yet, but I'm really happy that you're keeping positive and even if AF does show up, it won't kill your spirit. I'm still crossing my fingers for ya though!! :)

Hmm... about the DH situation, it sure sounds like you're in a pickle. Are you allowed to actually "release" the semen on location? If so, would they allow you to do it in the evening? I have a feeling that your DH would not be comfortable with "releasing" himself anywhere other than his own home. My DH is only an evening guy too unless it's the weekend and then he'll do it at anytime, so maybe your DH will be in the mood in the morning. Do you know if he's annoyed with the whole TTC process? Maybe you should tell him that if you find out about his semen and if there's any issues with that then it may make this whole process faster? I don't know, I'm really reaching for straws here. Let me know how it turns out.

I also totally feel the same way that you do. I've been noticing more symptoms now during and after ovulation that I've never noticed before. I guess I'm really in tuned with my body now.

So, my CBFM asked me to test today so it was obvioulsy a low reading, but I've started again with the POAS routine. The DH and I have to BD tomorrow night and then every other night until I get a positive OPK and then we'll try to SMEP. Not sure if my DH will be up to it, but we'll give it a try.

I had a huge presentation today at work and it went really well, but I've been working on it for 2 weeks now and it's drained me completely. So, I'm off to bed now and I'm looking forward to your post about if AF arrived or if you get a BFP. I'm hoping for the latter! :winkwink:
ok well got a lot more spotting today... I guess I would consider it Day 1 to be honest...little more than spotting, so basically my first light day.... : ( so I am officially out this cycle. Oh and my darn temps... they actually went up... I know I am not going to really be able to count on them.

Thats ok though.. well not really : ( but I am practising Mind over Matter haha...

but dont worry bout me cause...I really am excited for my next month on Clomid. Suppose to give me really really strong ovulation, it is typically prescribed to women whom dont ovulate, but since I do...I will I guess get multiple folicles...and hopefully this month I will actually be able to "feel" my ovulation since it is suppose to make a stronger O for me.

just one concern I have though... I O'd kinda late this month... according to FF it was on CD16... hopefully this Clomid does not make it any longer because... CD 16 this next month for me would end up being Sunday Dec 5th... and I leave for a Florida on that Wednesday.(for Christmas visit with family) .. so hoping it doesnt delay O and I am in Florida during my most fertile time... gosh I will be soooooo upset.

Hubby didnt go get his SA done yet... had him set up for this morning... but he was "toooooooo tired" so he is set up to do it next Wednesday AM, keeping my fingers crossed he keeps that appointment. The way we can do it is he can actually go to a hospital or a lab and "do it there" in one of their bathrooms... not fun... or do it at home, but keep it at body temperature, and then get it to the lab within 30 mins. So that doesnt seem too violating to me. He did joke that he would go up to the lab office, only if I am allowed to come in the bathroom with him... I said I dont think they would allow that haha!!

I am not quite sure if he is getting aggrevated with the whole TTC process.... I do know last month I tired him out quite a bit, and hes made joking comments etc... but hes being a good sport... actually I am still quite shocked he agreed to the SA so thats why I dont want to pressure him that he HAS to do it when I say...I'll just let him do it when he "feels" like it ya know ?

so your all ready poas... love when that part of the months comes huh? seems to move along faster... actually way darn faster than the darn TWW huh? geez..

so your work presentation must have been a huge release to get over with since you've been working on it for 2 weeks... wow... gosh I hate giving presentation... thankfully I dont have to do it often
Ah crap, thought for sure you'd get your BFP. Ah well, I know how you feel, it's disappointing but you can't let you get you down, right? It's hard not too, but we have to try.

So, you have to tell me how you feel on Clomid when you start using it. I did hear that you can have multiples while on Clomid, plus you're over 35 so the chances are even higher for multiples, right? Just think of it, if you have 2, you'll get it over with in 1 shot. :)

I have a high chance of multiples too, cause my Aunts are twins and I'm 35 and well, I know it runs on the the woman's side but my DH's father is an identical twin too, so it would be super if I can just have 2 at the same time, but then it would be super expensive for daycare. :)

Luckily, my sister has given me her hand-me downs and her sister-in-law's have given her their hand-me downs. So, I have storage unit full of baby stuff. Like 6 car seats, 5 strollers, 2 cribs, tons of clothes... I actually think I'd be in good shape if I have multiples. The problem would be being able to handle 2 babies at the same time. Ah well, I'm getting ahead of myself again. :)

So, you're going to Florida for xmas? That would be nice. Where in Florida? I really hope that your fertile period doesn't collide with your trip. I have a similar issue, the next cycle after this one is right around xmas, so I'll need to sneak away from my family and get busy with the DH if I don't get knocked up this cycle.

You know when you started telling me about the semen analysis and your DH, I started to do some of my own investigating around here. It looks like if my DH has to provide a sample we'd have to make sure that we get it to the lab within 1 hour. So, I'm looking for a place in the area that we can go to and I found a place that's about 15 minutes away, so when the time comes, I think I have a plan. I always wondered if you can go help your DH out if he has to provide a sample at the clinic itself. I guess not???

I don't know about you but till xmas is going to be a hectic time for us, we have so many birthdays and outings that are going on between now and xmas, I'm hoping that it actually distracts me a bit from the 2ww. I just finished reading a book and I'm onto another one. It kind of helps with distracting me, I think I'll continue with it. I'm not big on reading... but I guess it's good for me... blah.

So, I'm on CD9 and the CBFM still has a low reading, I got a high at CD10 last month, but since I was a day late for AF this past cycle, I'm not entirely sure when I'll get a high. Anyhow, I told my DH about SMEP and he said he'll give it a try. I guess only time will tell. tee hee..
yes your right Monique disappointing YEPPERS....but I try to do mental blocking all the time... that I really try not to let things get me down. It works most of the time.. ie. work, hubby, friends.. now TTC... I just try to block out bad/negative/sad feelings... sure it is ok to cry and be upset and I do that sometimes (havent yet with TTC) BUT I really do try to get over things fast. and try to have the attitude.. well I got AF theres nothing I can do about it, need to move on.. i.e. My friend was suppose to be in my wedding.. decided she didnt want to.. (whatever) theres nothing I could do about it so I moved on and didnt let me get upset...

I really do think that the idea of me going on this Clomid has had a major effect on helping me move on ok to the next few months ya know.I have really high hopes. So I start that tomorrow !! I also go for my blood work to test my FSH/LH and Estridol... (thats the egg quality tests) and I am hoping for some good numbers!! fingers crossed please... wont get results til prob end of week though.

AND I would be simply ESTATIC!!! if I am blessed with TWINS!!! gosh I wouldnt care if I had triplets!! haha!! My husbands Grand father was a twin, so dont think we would get the gene passed.. haha.. thats me reaching for twins in the family. Hey but it certainly does sound like you have a good chance!! oh that would be so dreamy huh ? Wow and your all set for twins or triplets too!! haha with all those things in storage!! your a lucky girl there!!

Yes me tooooo hoping I am not in Florida while I am ovulating!! oh gosh I will be so darn upset. I should be safe...but I am potentially cutting it pretty close...cause I typically ovulate on the CD13th, but this month was CD16th and if Clomid delays me even more ugggh!I leave on this month on CD18... !!! but on the other hand if I make it, then I will be well distracted for the first part of my TWW ya!!!

Florida (Sarasota) is my christmas visit with friends and family down there. I soooo cant wait, While I am there I stay with my friends...and she has 3 kids!! Two of which are my God Children they are 10 and 5 and her youngest just turned 1. We have plans to go out and do a bunch of Christmas Stuff....They have a Santa Boat Cruise, a Winter Wonderland train ride etc.. it should be great. My father use to live there, and this is the first time I will not be going to see him... for obvious reasons : ( so that will be a little rough : ( (well a lot rough)

And yes every weekend in December we have something going on...My husband has 2 Work Christmas Parties, and we have like 3 other parties to go to. Well actually next week (Thursday) is our Thanksgiving...and we always have friends that come in from out of town to visit family, and usually meet up with them on that Friday... then Saturday is my Husbands 20 year Class reunion. Which should be fun, becaues he is still friends with his friends from High School, and I know them too and their wifes (3 of them were in our Wedding) so next week starts the busy holiday season for us I guess.

oh no just realized, here I go with a MEGA long post to you hahahha!!

Ya the SA doesnt seem as bad as I had thought... it is really nice they can do it at home, as long as you can get it into the lab within the hour. I just always invisioned a very sterile type bathroom, that my poor man has to get all romantic with him self in hahah!!.. oh and really I dont know if we would be in allowed to help...I just assumed no...haha.. hey but I guess its worth asking right ?

hope that darn CBFM gives ya your high you can get the "show on the road" good luck with the SMEP this month... gosh I think ya remembered I totally mis calculated when I was going to get my Peak and really tired out my man at the end doing 4 days in a row yikes!! we plan on doing SMEP again this month as well.
So, you started Clomid today, huh? You have to tell me how you feel and if you have any side effects?

Gosh, I guess the holiday season is a pretty busy time for most people.

My CBFM had a low reading again today, so I think I may ovulate on Sunday or Monday according to my calculations... I guess we'll see what happens. Not sure if the DH can keep up with the SMEP cause after the 2nd day in a row, he usually gets to tired and we're back to every other day. Anyhow, he still hasn't gone for his blood test that the doctor gave him like 2 months ago. He can be super lazy when he wants to be.

Anyhow, the trip to Florida sounds terrific. I have some time off around xmas and would love to go out and do things, but my DH doesn't have any time off since he only started at the Bank in July and was given 2 weeks off for our honeymoon so he doesn't get anymore vacation days until January. boo!!

OMG, so my crazy sister-in-law came over with her husband (my DH's brother) and little daughter. She's 40 and just had a baby last February. Anyhow, I'm not fond of my sister-in-law at all. When I met her for the first time, she kept asking me what I saw in my DH and how we're two complete opposites. She even told me that I can do so much better. Who the hell says that? Really? I mean this is her husband's brother. Anyhow, on Saturday she came over and when I had left the room to get something, I heard her ask my DH if we meet online. I walked by in the room and noticed that my DH just ignored her and his brother (her husband) changed the subject. Like seriously, I had already told her that we met real briefly in a Second Cup (coffee shop) and he was meeting someone and I was meeting someone. Then he kept staring at me and then finally walked by me and gave me some paper. When I opened up the paper he had his name and email address on it. I thought it was kinda cute, he wasn't really my type, but at that time I didn't care. I was seriously trying to get over my failed engagement. Anyhow, I emailed him and we talked via email for a while before I finally called him and the rest is history. Anyhow, I'm not sure what her problem is. My DH hates the story of how we met, so he told me that I should never really tell the details of how we met to anyone. But this woman is so freaking insistant that at my engagement party she asked every one in my family. And I had warned them about her and they refused to tell her anything and told her if you want to know, ask Monique or Rob.

The thing is that I had already told her the story, and even during dinner time when we had like 20 people around the table, she just blurts out, so tell us how you met. So, I looked at her, and said "No" and then I made up some story about how I met him at a strip club. I was trying to be funny!!

Anyhow, I'm so annoyed with her right now. My poor DH is all upset and keeps telling me, well am i that gross or ugly that I can't be with you. I feel so badly when he says that or thinks that. I think he's adorable and I love him to death. I told my family and they're so pissed off with her. They told met that the love my DH too. I don't know what her problem is. She needs to get some help.

Well, wow, there's my novel for today. Stay tuned for tomorrow's edition. :)
what a darn witch!! seriously does she 1st of all not have anything else to worry about ? and SOOOO what even if you did meet on-line... why the hell does she care so really?

and actually I think the way you met is quite cute to be honest. Why is she not happy with your true story of "you met in a coffee shop" is that not good enough? and then keep asking you and also your family... ahhhh those type of people are so irratating.

And secondly are you serious she actually asked "what you see in him" ? thats absurd.

heres something I do a lot to people that ask me stupid questions, or questions they are just trying to be nosey etc... No matter what they ask I always answer them with "Why?"

example.. nosey guy at work wants to know "why you leaving early today?" now quite honestly he is just being nosey, and there is really no reason for him to know.. .I dont report to him and there is really absoltely no reason why I should tell him... So when he asks I just answered him with "Why?" ... kinda catches people off guard too...

works in all kinds of situations... haha ... Sister in law... how did you 2 meet again... you answer "why" cause you know you already told her!! and so does she!!

Also another scenerio... my husband is out late some nights because he is a Beer Salesman.. and works late some nights, because he has to hit the "bar crowd"...sometimes I dont know exactly where he is or exactly what time he will be home... now this has been this way since I have been dating him for almost 10 years... anyway one of my friends thinks it is crazy that I at some times have no idea where he is... now I dont even think twice about it (dont get me wrong if he is really late some nights I am pissed) but as a general rule I really dont know where he is neither do I care. But she always says.. "wheres Steve" I'm like "Im not sure", "well what time will he be home"... Im like "I'm not sure" ... so this happens soooo often with her... because she continues with "I can not believe you have no idea where he is that is just so odd...I know where my husband is at all times" soooooo.. this last time I was in a bad mood, and didnt want to hear her....and she asked "where is Steve" and I said "no idea...WHY?" because she is simply just being nosey... and her answer was "just wondering"

see it works in tons of situations... tons!!

that darn CBFM... hmm on low again...that would be nice if ya hit your peak on the weekend... I always like when that happens... it seems like more relaxing for BD on the weekend, instead of during the week... both having to work, and tired from work etc.. and ya have to fit in some BDing as well

wow you got a 2 week honeymoon NOW thats awesome. too bad your guy doesnt have any more vacation time... but if it renews in January...thats not to long to wait right ?
That has to be the best reply ever. "Why?" I actually think I did ask her once and she told me cause she can't believe that I'm with him. I swear there's something wrong with this woman, but enough about her.

And what's up with your friend? I just don't understand why people have to be all in your business. Like seriously, do you have to know where you DH is all the time? I don't think that's possible, unless you have some kind of tracking system inserted into his body. And why would she bring that up all the time, it's like she wants you to be self-conscious or something. Who knows??? So bizarre!!

Did I tell you that my DH didn't introduce me to his family including sister-in-law till 2 years after we met and were unofficially engaged? He thinks his entire family is super annoying and extremely nosey, and well, he's right.

Anyhow, I finally got my high on my CBFM. It's actually right on target. I got my first high on CD 11 last cycle, so I should definitey hit my peak on Saturday and Sunday, which is really good cause I think my DH can handle the SMEP during the weekend. :)

As for vacation, yeah we had a nice 2 week honeymoon, and come January he'll get 4 weeks for the year, so that would be nice too. I also get 4 weeks off so we're going to go away late April, not sure where, but somewhere nice.

How are you doing today? Has AF left yet?
GOSH super annoying and nosey inlaws!! ohhhh mmmy see what ya got to look forward to the rest of your life hahaha!!

my in laws are decent... my husband has 4 sisters, and they are all "ok" they are all nosey though... and they are the type of people that share EVERYTHING with and my hubby we are ALOT more private (except on here of course where I talk about my sex life with complete strangers !!! hahaha) anyway... his family is nice and all but a little kind of negative so to speak.. its a little weird... I am a super positive person, and they are all kinda like "downers"... and some of the siters dont talk to the other... so they are all gossipy, and I nor my husband never participate when they are "talking bout eachother" but they are all "ok",no big complaints but I am not really close with them, kinda strange after knowing them for 10 years ya know... but I think I know why we are complete opposites..

So ya got your high... thats cool... and yep the weekend is best for BD my last cycle ended over the weekend, and it seemed much more relaxed..

AF still here...thinking this may be the last day... hoping... and took my first Clomid pill last night... so far no weird symptoms (only been 12 hours though) haha!!

So I get to make the desert and green bean casserole for Thanksgiving... (going to the in laws for Turkey dinner) I love to cook... but happy I dont have to make the whole dinner!! haha...
So you love to cook too... that's another thing we have in common. I love to cook especially on the holidays. This xmas, my sister is actually going to make the xmas dinner... that should be interesting. She can't really cook that well. I'm thinking that I'll help her out a bit. I guess it's the thought that counts... :)

So, are you going shopping on Friday? I hear that's the best day to shop for good sales. It's probably the worst shopping day too, isn't it? I don't think I've ever made a bean casserole before, but I've had it, and it was good. What are you making for dessert?

My sister put me in charge of dessert, so I think I'm going to make a rum and raisin cake and something else, not sure... make a cheesecake. I don't know I'll have to think about that one.

So, you're not close with the sisters huh? I don't think there's anything wrong with that. In fact, my DH and I are very private as well, and we don't talk to much to his family cause they always ask really personal questions, so we just avoid them as much as possible, then they get mad at us for not calling them. Why would I?

My family on the other hand is pretty normal and not intrusive at all, which I love. Since, they're not intrusive, I feel more inclined to tell some private stuff. You know what I mean?

Anyhow, got another high on my CBFM, I swear I think it's going to be the same as last cycle, so I'm going to test with an OPK starting tomorrow and see what happens... I'm wondering if I'm going to get a positive for 4-5 days straight again. Ah well...

Did you go take your CD 3 blood test already? I can't remember, if you did, when do you get the results?
yes definately love to cook... I am not a good baker though... not really a desert maker...I do love deserts though!! haha... I just usually make meals... soups... apps... never was any good at deserts...

yes Friday is huge shopping day here... but i NEVER go out on that Friday... hate the crouds... its really crazy !!!

I cant wait to start peeing on a damn stick haha!! obviously my fertility monitor is not even askign for sticks yet though...

So yes I did go for my CD3 blood tests on Monday... and results come back next week...

great news toooooo... Hubby turned his SA in today!!! yayayayayayay!!! I am so damn proud of him... really I am... and sooooo anxious to get the results back... gosh I hope there is not going to be anything wrong there !! Results for that will prob be back next week as well.

I could prob call on Friday to get results for my blood tests and his SA but I have decided I will wait to Monday, if the results are bad there is no reason to ruin a weekend over it... We have a lot going on this weekend... Out with Friends Friday, Hubbys 20 year class
Reunion Saturday.. Steeler Foot Ball Game on Sunday... so my idea is if the results are bad then there is nothing I can do about immediately. so they can wait until Monday for me to find out... as to maybe not bring me down... since I got alot going on this weekend.
Renee, I'm so freaking happy that your DH took his sample in. I'm actually really proud of him too. I agree with you, it can wait till Monday, no need to think about it till then.

So, when does your CBFM ask you to POAS? Mine asks me on CD 7, but I'm really hoping that I peak on Saturday, cause if I don't then the CBFM may ask me for more than 10 sticks, which means, I'll have to buy more.

Anyhow, I'm going to start using an OPK after work today (the smiley face one) to see how long my LH surge lasts this time.

I'm not a fan of large crowds either... I'd rather shop online, but I'm going to one of our larger malls on Saturday morning (really early) to do my 1 day xmas shopping. I'm hoping to get everything, I have my list all ready, wish me luck.

I also have to see my MIL for her 70th birthday party, that should be boring and not fun at all, but hopefully I don't have to see her again till xmas. tee hee... I"m mean!!

Ah well, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a very nice weekend. Is your DH a huge football fan? My DH is all about football, he usually kicks me out of the family room cause he watches football all day Sunday, so I get to either go visit my parents or hang out in the bedroom all day. :)

yes I know its not Thanksgiving for you... but I have been getting so many texts and emails this morning saying Happy Thanksgiving, and your my friend so I wanted to say it to you too!! haha..

also how cute when I got up this morning, my hubby had a post-it note on my phone that said "I AM THANKFUL THAT YOU ARE MY WIFE" Gosh I love that man!!!

Ya my CBFM usually asks me to start testing on day 7 too BUT this month... I purposely started it later.. so right now the CBFM thinks is only CD 4 for me but it is truly my CD6 Reason being is I will be taking my Clomid on CD 3-7 and if the CBFM always starts asking me for sticks starting on the 7th and I have Clomid in my system it will probally give me a high on my first day I pee on a stick.

So now if CBFM still asks me for my first stick on CD7 it will really be my true CD9 and my Clomid should be "out of my system" so wont give me an automatic high...see what I mean ? well I'll let ya know if my theory works out or not haha!!

so your almost out of sticks ? last time I got mine on Amazon and that seems to be the cheapest place. Oh and really the instructions on the CBFM said that you have to use all the sticks from the same box... thats rubbish... really it is.

oh and haha I get to see the in laws today (cause its Thanksgiving) and I am hoping I dont have to visit again til Christmas too!! haha... so we are both mean !!!
Your DH is such a sweet guy, isn't he? I love to hear the special things our husband's do for us. That's just so bloody sweet!! :)

Your theory with the CBFM sounds good to me. I think it should work. I still only got a high today, but something weird happened. You know usually you see the blue dye move across the screen and then you get those lines, right? Well, my blue dye only went quarter of the way of the screen and didn't move again. I was thinking that it didn't work, but I still put it into the monitor cause I didn't have anymore urine in me (tmi) and I wasn't about to try to test at work. Anyhow, I still got a high which is norm for me, so I think it worked still. So bizarre. I also tested with an OPK last night and got a negative, so I'm thinking I may get a positive tonight and a peak tomorrow morning. I guess we'll see.

Those CBFM sticks are quite expensive, I'll have to do some research and see if I can buy them online too. I don't think ships to Canada so I'll check out, but we don't usually have the same products as the US.

How was your Thanksgiving? Happy Thanksgiving to you to!! Did the inlaws test your patience? I'm so dreading seeing my inlaws tomorrow, especially the SIL, although they all torment me.

I'm feeling like I may be coming down with something. My throat is a little sore and I kinda just have the feeling of blah. My temp was normal so I don't have a fever or anything, but just that feeling of malaise. Ah well, that won't stop me from DTD with my DH tonight until Monday/Tuesday. Even if I just have to lie there, he has a job to do!! :winkwink:
hey there... thinking you got your high by now right ? and maybe your + OPK as well ?? so that thing ya saw with it looking like it only went a quarter of the way across the screen? did maybe you not get it wet enough? and yes those darn sticks are expensive... but for me Amazon was the cheapest I could find. Actually those smiley OPKs are quite expensive if you get them at the local store... for me its $29.00 for 7 of them, and I found them on email for $25.00 for 20 of them, which I think I may order today.

So as for my thanksgiving dinner contribution... first of all I "bought" the apple pie.. as I do not make desserts... and you who would of that that that was such a horrible thing to do, when I got there.. they were like you "BOUGHT" a pie... meaning... why didnt I make a desert!!! oh and they said it was awful too!! WHATEVER !!!...anyway it gets better.... I burnt the darn green been casserole... ugghhhhhh!! It was going so good... not sure if you've had them or not, but you use like these fried onion things on top... well I made the whole casserole and it was tasting great put these fried onions on top, and I wanted to crisp them a little, so threw it under the broiler... well 1 min later the whole top was burnt charchoal !!! and the whole casserol now tasted burnt and smokey!!! its funny now that I look back... perhaps I wont be asked to bring anything any more... which is FINE BY ME !!!! HAHA!!

OK so got hubbys 20 year reunion tonight... need to look my best he said haha !!

I gave hubby the "low-down" for next week... actually told him starting tomorrow is "Marathon week for us". I explained to him the details... that tomorrow starts the every other day BDing then when I get that smiley we do 3 days in a row. So far he is "okay" with the plan... gosh dont want to do what I did to him last month... cause I didnt really tell him about the smiley..I just "assumed" Id get it on a thursday.. but I didnt and we ended up BDing 4 days in a row... this time he knows the deal... every other day until smiley then 3 in a row... but SMEP says to then skip a day and do it one last time huh? perhaps well do that... but after 3 in a row... thats doubtful huh?

hope you are having a great weekend and getting to stick to that SMEP let me know how thats going....
Hey Renee,

I know you're busy this weekend, but just wanted to let you know that as predicted I got a smiley face on my OPK yesterday evening and a peak on my CBFM this morning, so I'm going to test again with the OPK tonight to see if I still have a surge.

Hope you're having a terrific weekend. Talk to you soon.
woooooo thats spoky!!! we just sent our posts at the exact SAME TIME!!!! you see that above there ?

good to hear your on your peak days !!! awesome... now you got all weekend to get some nice BDing in... thats PERFECT to get the "weekend peaks" go getem girl !!!! oh and hope that darn lh doesnt surge for 4 days straight again...
That was so freaky, I can't believe we posted at the same time... too funny.

Anyhow, what's wrong with a store bought pie? Some of those pies are damn good. I can't believe they actually told you that it was horrible. Whos says that? Also, don't worry about the casserole. I agree, they may not ask you ever again to bring something, so that's even better, right.

I just got back from lunch with the inlaws and I'm hoping I don't see them again till xmas. My DH's brother who I normally like, really pissed me off today. He's like, Monique you always laugh at everything, then she starting to mock me and pretend he was laughing like me. I was not amused. I was ready to kick him in the face, but since it was my MIL birthday, I decided not to drop kick him in the face and save it for later. What a dumb ass!

So, we BD'd last night and I've got 2 more nights (tonight and tomorrow and then I think I'll wait one day and then BD again on Tuesday. Not sure if it'll actually work, but hey it's worth a try, right???

Oh I almost forgot to tell you, that whole grapefruit theory, is working for me. I don't normally have much EWCM, so that's why I'm using pre-seed, but my DH says he doesn't care for it much, so I've been drinking tons of grapefruit juice to see if it would help. Well, my dear, it actually worked for me, I've never had so much EWCM, it's insane. Luckily I actually like grapefruit juice so that helps. I was so excited last night when I didn't have to use the pre-seed. Yippee...

So, have fun tonight and let me know how it goes. BTW, I got a negative OPK tonight, so I'm either ovulating or have ovulated already.... I'm so happy I got a negative, last cycle that was really worrying me. I was seriously scared, I wonder if the grapefruit juiced helped with that... I dont' think so! :)
OH Monique... you are so funny.... drop kicking your inlaws!!! hahahahahaha now that would have been a good one to see... and gosh... poor you, they are so cruel... ewhhhh. All my inlaws they just never think before they talk EVER!! none of them,it seems!!!

so the reunion was fun... as I think I mentioned couple of the guys in our Wedding my hubby has been friends with since high school and his cousin also graduted with him, so I knew plenty of people at his reunion...while he went around and remininsed with old class mates.... ended up being a fun night... I did have a few drinks though... I am certain that is not a wise thing to do while TTC but hey.. oh well right ?

oh man and Monique GRAPEFRUIT JUICE!!! I did hear about how good that is for CM. and girl I am so happy it works for happy... BUT I HATE HATE HATE Grapefruits... and ya I do think your weird that you like it!! haha... just kidding of course... I know I would never be able to get down 1/2 a glass...perhaps I can take the pill form...dont they have it in pill right ? cause that would be the only way I would get it down.

ok so really cool you only had 1 day of +opk this month...perfect... I could see why if it happened to you again this month, it would start you to worry...I would be the same. And sounds like you definately were able to keep SMEP thats awesome... got good vibes for ya this month.

so as for me...CBFM... thinks its my CD7 so it asked me for stick... BUT I got a high, my last Clomid pill was 36 hours ago... so I dont KNOW.. I really think I shouldnt be on high yet... but thats what I got... again Clomid raises your estrogen I believe, so that is why the CBFM picks it up, and why I wanted to wait a few days after my last pill to start peeing for the CBFM... oh darn it I dont know... looks like this month I'll be peeing on a lot of those smiley opks (wish they grew on trees). I am a little compuslvie I start using 2 smileys a day... one at like 2pm and then another at 9pm... perhaps I should also get some cheapie internet ones, and watch if the lines get darker from day to day... then move to the smileys...

so looks like I O'd last month on CD16 and if I do so again on CD16 this month that would be next Sunday... so I would be so excited to get my peaks going into next I told ya I love peaks on the weekend!!! ya... but then again... as you also better not be late, because I leave for Florida the following Tuesday!! I was reading some of the girls posts, that claim Clomid delayed their O by 3-4 days...ughhhh please please please dont happen to me!!!

OH AND P.S.... Tomorrow I will be calling the Doc to get my results from my CD3 blood work... and also the results from hubbys SA!!!! OH GOSH I AM SO ANXIOUS!!! (so anxious...get it :) )
ok so internet cheapies... perhaps you can offer me your advise... you have used these right...I have as well several months ago but think I may try them again... YES in addition to the CBFM and my smileys...(haha can you say POAS ADDICT?? )

I actually put a post out there a few weeks ago and didnt get much of a response... I was basically looking for a brand of the internet cheapies that people used, not just the generic term "internet cheapie" my idea now is I really think I should purchase a batch of those cheapies... then go to the smileys when I really think its almost my surge time.

Now some of the girls said they got a bag of cheapies, and once you open the bag you have to use all the sticks in it or they expire within the month?

so obviously I would want to get ones that are indivdually wrapped so they dont expire quickly after opening the pack.

also I guess I would like the ones that you can compare next to each from day to day to see if I can spot the progression of the line...

does this sound like the ones you used before if so do you know what the brand of them were?

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