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TTC #1 After An Early MC...Buddies Needed

I wonder if my Dr. will get mad bc i didnt listen to her.... hope she doesnt take it personal, and i really hope they will let me do a scan before 8 weeks. I wont be able to relax until i see that little heartbeat
I am a bit confused!!

I miscarried on 24th March and my hcg was 60. Two days later on mon 26th it was 24. On Mon 2nd April it was >5.

I thought I would be ovulating this thurs/fri at the very soonest but I ovulated yesterday morning - I get really bad ovulation pain on day 13 each month so i can only assume my hcg dropped to under 5 really rapidly after 26th March. I stopped bleeding on the 27th so maybe this is the case?

The pregnancy support place told me to wait for one cycle to help dating a pregnancy but we didn't really expect to ovulate so soon! Once I knew I had I couldn't help but have a wee cheeky babydance with hubby last night.

Will be due my period 23rd April so really hoping it doesn't show but still really nervous at the same time!

Good luck to allx

My Dr. told me the same about waitining the one cycle.....but i didnt listen as i figured, if it will be, it will be....I was only 5 weeks when I MC and my body took care of it naturally and the bleeding was that of my normal AF. I did notice i O'd a week later than in normally would have if my cycle was normal....hence this is why its taking a week longer to realized my BFP today, which means this saturday i should have gotten my AF and i hope it doesnt for 9 months! I have read that some ppl either O right away after their MC when their levels are low enough or they O a little later. Lucky for u its good bc then u wont have to wait as long as others for the sticky bean! Hope the little mean find your eggo no problems!!:happydance:

I was the same. 5w+1 when I MC, so it was like a heavier AF. I got a positive OPK on CD15, which is a couple days later than usual. So...we BDed. No one told us not to (though I honestly didn't ask). I'm now 4dpo, and waiting to test with FX.

Yay for BFPs and H&H 9 months this go round!!
good luck XOpiink! hope theres a baby brewing in there!!
OMG.... i was feeling dizzy again today (like yesterday) and just did a FRER and it was a faint positive! Im really scared.....this is the exact same time i took a FRER last month before my early MC and it was the same exact faint line.... :/ I am happy that it able to happen again so quickly but now im terrified the result is going to end the same. its like Dejavue :/ I want to tell hubby but i dont want to be in the same boat as last time and MC. what do i do?! i know every pregnancy is different , im jsut scared.....help!

I know exactly how you feel! I had a mc and then got pregnant immediately after. Im over 8 weeks and so far so good. Keeping my fingers crossed for you :hugs:
I am a bit confused!!

I miscarried on 24th March and my hcg was 60. Two days later on mon 26th it was 24. On Mon 2nd April it was >5.

I thought I would be ovulating this thurs/fri at the very soonest but I ovulated yesterday morning - I get really bad ovulation pain on day 13 each month so i can only assume my hcg dropped to under 5 really rapidly after 26th March. I stopped bleeding on the 27th so maybe this is the case?

The pregnancy support place told me to wait for one cycle to help dating a pregnancy but we didn't really expect to ovulate so soon! Once I knew I had I couldn't help but have a wee cheeky babydance with hubby last night.

Will be due my period 23rd April so really hoping it doesn't show but still really nervous at the same time!

Good luck to allx

I didn't wait. If it was medically necessary I would have but there is no way I was waiting just for dating purposes. It can cause you to O early, late, or right on time. Hoping for a :bfp: for you :hugs:
Update on me:

Had my 8 week scan today. Everything looks good, I could see the baby wiggling and a strong heartbeat of 179. Now to get past that 12 week mark :dohh: I do feel more relaxed now. Keeping my fingers crossed for more :bfp: on here :hugs:
I really wish I hadn't waited. I didn't necessarily follow Doctors orders but we weren't actively trying either. This will be out 2nd cycle of actally trying since the m/c and I hope we get lucky.
Glad to hear things are going well, Mrs. Clark!

AF came for me today. I really thought this would be my month, so I'm having a really hard time. And I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow.
Update on me:

Had my 8 week scan today. Everything looks good, I could see the baby wiggling and a strong heartbeat of 179. Now to get past that 12 week mark :dohh: I do feel more relaxed now. Keeping my fingers crossed for more :bfp: on here :hugs:
Good to hear that, H&H 9mnths for u
Glad to hear things are going well, Mrs. Clark!

AF came for me today. I really thought this would be my month, so I'm having a really hard time. And I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow.
So sorry to hear that....*hugs*.
I really wish I hadn't waited. I didn't necessarily follow Doctors orders but we weren't actively trying either. This will be out 2nd cycle of actally trying since the m/c and I hope we get lucky.

I really hope you get your :bfp: soon. It is so hard losing a baby, wanting one so bad, and then patiently waiting on another pos hpt. I know it took me 5 months to talk my hubby into having a baby and then in Feb got my pos hpt only to lose it 6 days later. This pregnancy has not been easy as far as my nerves go. Until yesterday I was constantly wiping checking for any signs of pale pink or blood. The ultrasound showed a good heartbeat at 179 and everything looked good. I had good hcg levels 3 weeks ago but even that didn't put me completely at ease. Now lets just make it to the 12 week mark so I am not a nut case :dohh: Sending lots of :dust: to you and praying that you get your pos :bfp: :hugs::hugs:
Glad to hear things are going well, Mrs. Clark!

AF came for me today. I really thought this would be my month, so I'm having a really hard time. And I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow.

I am so sorry :( You have every one of us gals on this forum rooting for you and you know we are always here for you. I am praying you get your :bfp: soon along with the rest of my girls on here. I know going to a baby shower when you want one of your own is very hard. Everytime I went out after my mc it seemed as though all I saw was pregnant women and it made me want to cry, all I could think about was that should be me. Keep your head up - you will get your :bfp: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I really wish I hadn't waited. I didn't necessarily follow Doctors orders but we weren't actively trying either. This will be out 2nd cycle of actally trying since the m/c and I hope we get lucky.

I really hope you get your :bfp: soon. It is so hard losing a baby, wanting one so bad, and then patiently waiting on another pos hpt. I know it took me 5 months to talk my hubby into having a baby and then in Feb got my pos hpt only to lose it 6 days later. This pregnancy has not been easy as far as my nerves go. Until yesterday I was constantly wiping checking for any signs of pale pink or blood. The ultrasound showed a good heartbeat at 179 and everything looked good. I had good hcg levels 3 weeks ago but even that didn't put me completely at ease. Now lets just make it to the 12 week mark so I am not a nut case :dohh: Sending lots of :dust: to you and praying that you get your pos :bfp: :hugs::hugs:

It took my hubby and I 4 months to get our BFP only to lose it 6 days later as well....so im in the same boat as you Mrs.Clark and now that I got a BFP right away after the MC, i am SO scared and i and terrified to go to the bathroom everytime as well. What did u do to try and make the worry less stressful? I also wanted to see if my Dr. would check my HCG levels to make sure they double but im afraid they wont allow me bc they told me with my first MC they usually dont check until later in the pregnancy.... knowing my levels are doubling would reassure me this round should go better, but honestly i wont be less stressed until after i see my little ones heartbeat, so for sure I wanna ask if I can do an early scan at about 6 or 6.5 weeks just so i can sleep better at night and not worry about every twinge...or the lack there of sometimes... andall i hear from the Dr. usually is.... test in a another week to make sure you still are etc. so annoying!
How's everyone doing today? I finished my last clomid pill last night and I am feeling very positive about this month. Come to think of it, i feel positive about EVERY month, lol....then i get slapped with reality when i get my bfn. :wacko:
Glad to hear things are going well, Mrs. Clark!

AF came for me today. I really thought this would be my month, so I'm having a really hard time. And I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow.

I am so sorry :( You have every one of us gals on this forum rooting for you and you know we are always here for you. I am praying you get your :bfp: soon along with the rest of my girls on here. I know going to a baby shower when you want one of your own is very hard. Everytime I went out after my mc it seemed as though all I saw was pregnant women and it made me want to cry, all I could think about was that should be me. Keep your head up - you will get your :bfp: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thank you! I'm so grateful for you ladies, I don't know how I'd stay sane otherwise. I made it through the baby shower with a smile... But I did cry most of the way home.
Glad to hear things are going well, Mrs. Clark!

AF came for me today. I really thought this would be my month, so I'm having a really hard time. And I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow.

I am so sorry :( You have every one of us gals on this forum rooting for you and you know we are always here for you. I am praying you get your :bfp: soon along with the rest of my girls on here. I know going to a baby shower when you want one of your own is very hard. Everytime I went out after my mc it seemed as though all I saw was pregnant women and it made me want to cry, all I could think about was that should be me. Keep your head up - you will get your :bfp: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thank you! I'm so grateful for you ladies, I don't know how I'd stay sane otherwise. I made it through the baby shower with a smile... But I did cry most of the way home.

but jsut think, your a good person for going......that type of a situation only makes you stronger, promise :hugs:
[positive opk again last night...?
was positive thur/fri/sat AM, lighter on Sun PM (so I assumed neg) and didn't test but tested last nigth (wed) and got strong positive again?
Thank you! I'm so grateful for you ladies, I don't know how I'd stay sane otherwise. I made it through the baby shower with a smile... But I did cry most of the way home.[/QUOTE]

I can imagine how you feel. My cousin and I found out we were pregnant within a week of each other and we are best friends as well. For a while after my m/c she would not even mention her pregnancy to me and I feel bad about that because its not her fault or anything so I started asking her about it and so on and shes asked me to be Godmother to her baby girl. I am honored but it is not easy. She and her mother are planning her baby shower now and almost everyday she sends me pictures of little things shes bought and her growing belly and so on. It is just so hard pretending to be okay when you are not. I guess a lot of us would make good actors. I am dreading the baby shower.
So i had AF-like cramps today and its not even due until Saturday. All i want is my BFP, is it too much to want a baby so bad:cry:
My SIL gave birth to her 4th baby 2days ago, she didnt even know shes pregnant till much later into d pregnancy. She didnt want d baby at all, y must i dat wants one so much suffer like dis:cry:
So sorry for ranting on u ladies.

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