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TTC #1 After An Early MC...Buddies Needed

I really wish I hadn't waited. I didn't necessarily follow Doctors orders but we weren't actively trying either. This will be out 2nd cycle of actally trying since the m/c and I hope we get lucky.

I really hope you get your :bfp: soon. It is so hard losing a baby, wanting one so bad, and then patiently waiting on another pos hpt. I know it took me 5 months to talk my hubby into having a baby and then in Feb got my pos hpt only to lose it 6 days later. This pregnancy has not been easy as far as my nerves go. Until yesterday I was constantly wiping checking for any signs of pale pink or blood. The ultrasound showed a good heartbeat at 179 and everything looked good. I had good hcg levels 3 weeks ago but even that didn't put me completely at ease. Now lets just make it to the 12 week mark so I am not a nut case :dohh: Sending lots of :dust: to you and praying that you get your pos :bfp: :hugs::hugs:

It took my hubby and I 4 months to get our BFP only to lose it 6 days later as well....so im in the same boat as you Mrs.Clark and now that I got a BFP right away after the MC, i am SO scared and i and terrified to go to the bathroom everytime as well. What did u do to try and make the worry less stressful? I also wanted to see if my Dr. would check my HCG levels to make sure they double but im afraid they wont allow me bc they told me with my first MC they usually dont check until later in the pregnancy.... knowing my levels are doubling would reassure me this round should go better, but honestly i wont be less stressed until after i see my little ones heartbeat, so for sure I wanna ask if I can do an early scan at about 6 or 6.5 weeks just so i can sleep better at night and not worry about every twinge...or the lack there of sometimes... andall i hear from the Dr. usually is.... test in a another week to make sure you still are etc. so annoying!

I stayed nervous till the ultrasound (im still nervous lol) but I demanded a hcg blood quant to check my levels and make sure they were doubling - the doc agreed when I was 5 1/2 weeks. So that did help some. My doctor would not do an ultrasound till 8 weeks because there is a chance sometimes at 6 weeks they can't see a whole lot and in a way im thankful for that. lord knows if I had went in and they couldn't see anything it would have made everything 10x worse for me. Until I had my quants drawn I poas every day and when i ran out of those i used my leftover opk's just to make sure they were positive everyday :dohh: what I keep trying to think of is if i worry i wont get to enjoy the pregnancy and that helps a little. Def check on getting the quants done :hugs:
How's everyone doing today? I finished my last clomid pill last night and I am feeling very positive about this month. Come to think of it, i feel positive about EVERY month, lol....then i get slapped with reality when i get my bfn. :wacko:

You have to stay positive and remember it aint over till the witch comes. Hopefully this will be your month :hugs::hugs::hugs:
[positive opk again last night...?
was positive thur/fri/sat AM, lighter on Sun PM (so I assumed neg) and didn't test but tested last nigth (wed) and got strong positive again?

very possible I would get to bd'ing again. I have actually seen this several times in the forums.
So i had AF-like cramps today and its not even due until Saturday. All i want is my BFP, is it too much to want a baby so bad:cry:
My SIL gave birth to her 4th baby 2days ago, she didnt even know shes pregnant till much later into d pregnancy. She didnt want d baby at all, y must i dat wants one so much suffer like dis:cry:
So sorry for ranting on u ladies.

Hopefully the cramps are from implantation - I had period like cramps before my pos hpt. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I felt the same way because it was on the tv right after i mc'd about a mom killing her 7 day old baby and I had the exact same thoughts. I am praying and keeping my fingers crossed for your :bfp: every one on this forum deserves it :hugs: I think of each of you all the time and when I am logging in I pray I see a :bfp: on here
I really wish I hadn't waited. I didn't necessarily follow Doctors orders but we weren't actively trying either. This will be out 2nd cycle of actally trying since the m/c and I hope we get lucky.

I really hope you get your :bfp: soon. It is so hard losing a baby, wanting one so bad, and then patiently waiting on another pos hpt. I know it took me 5 months to talk my hubby into having a baby and then in Feb got my pos hpt only to lose it 6 days later. This pregnancy has not been easy as far as my nerves go. Until yesterday I was constantly wiping checking for any signs of pale pink or blood. The ultrasound showed a good heartbeat at 179 and everything looked good. I had good hcg levels 3 weeks ago but even that didn't put me completely at ease. Now lets just make it to the 12 week mark so I am not a nut case :dohh: Sending lots of :dust: to you and praying that you get your pos :bfp: :hugs::hugs:

It took my hubby and I 4 months to get our BFP only to lose it 6 days later as well....so im in the same boat as you Mrs.Clark and now that I got a BFP right away after the MC, i am SO scared and i and terrified to go to the bathroom everytime as well. What did u do to try and make the worry less stressful? I also wanted to see if my Dr. would check my HCG levels to make sure they double but im afraid they wont allow me bc they told me with my first MC they usually dont check until later in the pregnancy.... knowing my levels are doubling would reassure me this round should go better, but honestly i wont be less stressed until after i see my little ones heartbeat, so for sure I wanna ask if I can do an early scan at about 6 or 6.5 weeks just so i can sleep better at night and not worry about every twinge...or the lack there of sometimes... andall i hear from the Dr. usually is.... test in a another week to make sure you still are etc. so annoying!

I stayed nervous till the ultrasound (im still nervous lol) but I demanded a hcg blood quant to check my levels and make sure they were doubling - the doc agreed when I was 5 1/2 weeks. So that did help some. My doctor would not do an ultrasound till 8 weeks because there is a chance sometimes at 6 weeks they can't see a whole lot and in a way im thankful for that. lord knows if I had went in and they couldn't see anything it would have made everything 10x worse for me. Until I had my quants drawn I poas every day and when i ran out of those i used my leftover opk's just to make sure they were positive everyday :dohh: what I keep trying to think of is if i worry i wont get to enjoy the pregnancy and that helps a little. Def check on getting the quants done :hugs:

They wont let me get my HCG levels checked....they only do that if i am bleeding or have severe cramps. They assume its a healthy pregnancy otherwise (unless those things happens) i BEGGED but they wont budge....and they wont let me speak directly with the Dr. they are making me follow strict protocol.....so i have to wait til tuesday next week to test AGAIN with a HPT to make sure im still BFP and then make an apt for May. GRRR:growlmad: i just wanna make sure everything is going well....
Hopefully the cramps are from implantation - I had period like cramps before my pos hpt. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I felt the same way because it was on the tv right after i mc'd about a mom killing her 7 day old baby and I had the exact same thoughts. I am praying and keeping my fingers crossed for your :bfp: every one on this forum deserves it :hugs: I think of each of you all the time and when I am logging in I pray I see a :bfp: on here
Thanks so much,how are u?
They are really strict with getting your HCG levels checked here in the UK :( I confirmed it with my Doctor, well the receptionist, that I was pregnant, she put me straight on the waiting list for a Midwife Appointment, no need for confirmation or anything.. :growlmad: I'm just hoping my Midwife refers me for an early scan after having our MC in January :(
Hey ex u shud get an early scan I got told next time il get a 8 week scan to make sure everything is ok..x
Hey ex u shud get an early scan I got told next time il get a 8 week scan to make sure everything is ok..x

Really hun? Fingers crossed they offer me an early scan then. I had a phonecall from the Midwife today, got my first appointment on 25th April :happydance: Soooo happy! :yipee: Just a brief appointment and then they will book me in for a longer appointment where they will sort me a scan out etc :happydance: x
Sorry to hear about AF! :hugs:

Starting to think I should be waiting on AF...stark white negatives on IC and FRER at 11dpo today. :0(
hi ladies, im back (i never really left i always kept an eye to see how u were doing)

I got my blood drawn yesterday to see if there was progress and today is started bleeding heavily.... my Dr. told me today my HCG levels were low...and i was MC....AGAIN

I didnt bleed this bad with my first MC. I am so heartbroken.... and scared that i can never carry a baby full term :cry:

My Dr. had me take blood again today to see what blood type i am and to see if i am RH- or RH+. If i am RH- that means my body is treating my baby as a forgeign object and rejecting it.... so if thats the case they can put me on meds to have my body make antiodies to prevent this, im so nervous.....:nope::cry:
hi ladies, im back (i never really left i always kept an eye to see how u were doing)

I got my blood drawn yesterday to see if there was progress and today is started bleeding heavily.... my Dr. told me today my HCG levels were low...and i was MC....AGAIN

I didnt bleed this bad with my first MC. I am so heartbroken.... and scared that i can never carry a baby full term :cry:

My Dr. had me take blood again today to see what blood type i am and to see if i am RH- or RH+. If i am RH- that means my body is treating my baby as a forgeign object and rejecting it.... so if thats the case they can put me on meds to have my body make antiodies to prevent this, im so nervous.....:nope::cry:

RH is a protein on the red blood cells.... i am not exactly sure which way i want the results to go... bc i can get medication and fix the problem if that in fact is the problem... but if its not, theres so rhyme or reason why i keep MC then.... :nope:

back to the drawing board:cry:

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