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TTC #1 After An Early MC...Buddies Needed

Hi girls, i hope you dont mind me joining!

had a mc on friday the 13th, bled from 12th - 16th, passed (what the hosp thinks) was the placenta on Friday, passed another on Sunday so a possibility of twins, HCG on Friday was 641 HCG sunday was 114 HCG Tuesday was 40, have to go back on Tuesday for another test, been getting twinges on my left side so not sure if im OV now, i dont use anything to tell when im ovulating, we just baby dance 3/4 times a week, legs up after it and it worked for us last time haha FX'd it will happen again............soon :) xxx

You girls don't know how bad I feel for each of you :cry: It breaks my heart to see my buddies ttc, sweet & beautiful women mc'ing. It just makes me want to cry when I think about it. Im not saying this because I am a hormonal trainwreck either :wacko: Generally Cath you won't ovulate until your hcg levels return to 0 or less than 5. I would begin using OPK's as soon as the bleeding stops even if you aren't going to try this month, it will help you determine how it affects your cycle. My cycle after my mc on 2/11 went back to normal but I did spot/bleed for 9 days, but I o'd right on time :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you and I hope you get your sticky bean
hi ladies, im back (i never really left i always kept an eye to see how u were doing)

I got my blood drawn yesterday to see if there was progress and today is started bleeding heavily.... my Dr. told me today my HCG levels were low...and i was MC....AGAIN

I didnt bleed this bad with my first MC. I am so heartbroken.... and scared that i can never carry a baby full term :cry:

My Dr. had me take blood again today to see what blood type i am and to see if i am RH- or RH+. If i am RH- that means my body is treating my baby as a forgeign object and rejecting it.... so if thats the case they can put me on meds to have my body make antiodies to prevent this, im so nervous.....:nope::cry:

So sorry for your loss :cry: I am rh- and I had to have the rhogam shot after my mc and I will have to have one at 28 weeks, and after delivery. (plus if at any time I spot or bleed I have to have it as well). If you are - they will give you a shot within 72 hours of the start of bleeding. Other than the rhogam shot I'm not sure what kind of meds they can give you. :wacko: I am so so so so so sorry sweetheart. Hang in there you will get your sticky bean.

Rhogam is what the nurse had mentioned....i just figured it was a med. in pill form. Wow, i didnt realize how many times you would need the shot for that.... kinda scary! How did you figure out u were RH-? or needed the shot? is this your first pregnancy after finding out u were RH-?

Be glad you are not rh - - those shots SUCK!!!!! it feels like someone is giving you a shot of jello in your thigh lol. This isn't my first pregnancy but I knew because of bloodwork from when I was a teenager. Of course those blood suckers insisted on drawing more to double check :haha: I wish it was in a pill form lol
I hope you ladies don't mind my joining!

I went in for an appointment yesterday and we found there was no heartbeat. The baby stopped growing around week 9-10, should have been 11wks 2 days yesterday. I had a D&C today as the doctor said it could take several weeks and would be very painful since the baby was further along. I felt it was the right choice for me and my family. I have an 11 month old daughter and have been a wreck since hearing the news, but having my daughter has made it easier she has made me laugh when all I have done is cry. I can't wait to start trying again, which may sound crazy to some people but makes sense to me. Thanks for letting me spill it all on here! I am so sorry for all your losses and congrats to everyone who has already gotten their bfp :dust: to the rest of us
So sorry J. :hugs:

Hey xopiinkiieox how is everything going with you? I hope the witch stayed away!

Thanks! Have been getting stark white negatives for a few days, including today. I'm 13dpo today, and have noticed my BBs are more sore, and I've had spotting when I wipe...but, no cramping, which I always have with AF.

I'm 99% sure I'm out, and AF is coming...my body is probably acting wonky since this is my first cycle after my MC bleed.

I am also looking for Buddies! I had an early miscarriage in December. I tested on Monday and got a positive on a pregnancy test. I am currently 13 DPO and worried that the same this will happen again! My husband and I are not telling anyone until 2nd trimester so I have no female friends to talk to. The hubbs tries but he just doesn't understand. I am driving myself crazy.
So sorry for your losses, cathgibbs and bama! :hugs:

And congrats kimchs, fx for you this time!
Thank you MrsClark, i will be investing in some OPKs soon i think!

I have another question tho :) im full of questions lol! on Friday 13th my HCG were at 641 Sunday 15th they were at 114 and Tuesday 17th they were at 40 today (20th) i done a cheapy test to make sure it has all left my system and i have a very faint line, do you think this could be leftover HCG? xxx
Thank you MrsClark, i will be investing in some OPKs soon i think!

I have another question tho :) im full of questions lol! on Friday 13th my HCG were at 641 Sunday 15th they were at 114 and Tuesday 17th they were at 40 today (20th) i done a cheapy test to make sure it has all left my system and i have a very faint line, do you think this could be leftover HCG? xxx
So sorry for ur loss dear, d faint + might be from d left-over HCG.
I am also looking for Buddies! I had an early miscarriage in December. I tested on Monday and got a positive on a pregnancy test. I am currently 13 DPO and worried that the same this will happen again! My husband and I are not telling anyone until 2nd trimester so I have no female friends to talk to. The hubbs tries but he just doesn't understand. I am driving myself crazy.
Congratulations!! *happydance* don't get worked up, a lot of women went on to have healthy babies after a MC. Wishing u a H&H 9mnths.
I hope you ladies don't mind my joining!

I went in for an appointment yesterday and we found there was no heartbeat. The baby stopped growing around week 9-10, should have been 11wks 2 days yesterday. I had a D&C today as the doctor said it could take several weeks and would be very painful since the baby was further along. I felt it was the right choice for me and my family. I have an 11 month old daughter and have been a wreck since hearing the news, but having my daughter has made it easier she has made me laugh when all I have done is cry. I can't wait to start trying again, which may sound crazy to some people but makes sense to me. Thanks for letting me spill it all on here! I am so sorry for all your losses and congrats to everyone who has already gotten their bfp :dust: to the rest of us
Am so sorry for ur loss, hoping u get a sticky bean very soon **hugs**
Thank you MrsClark, i will be investing in some OPKs soon i think!

I have another question tho :) im full of questions lol! on Friday 13th my HCG were at 641 Sunday 15th they were at 114 and Tuesday 17th they were at 40 today (20th) i done a cheapy test to make sure it has all left my system and i have a very faint line, do you think this could be leftover HCG? xxx
So sorry for ur loss dear, d faint + might be from d left-over HCG.

Thats what im thinking hun, im not getting my hopes up cause its very obvious i cant be pregnant as its way too soon, i was just hoping all my HCG would be gone by now seems as it dropped by 527 from the friday - sunday and then dropped by 74 from the sunday - tuesday, i think i may be OV right now tho as my CM is getting quite thick and i had one sided pains xxx
Thats what im thinking hun, im not getting my hopes up cause its very obvious i cant be pregnant as its way too soon, i was just hoping all my HCG would be gone by now seems as it dropped by 527 from the friday - sunday and then dropped by 74 from the sunday - tuesday, i think i may be OV right now tho as my CM is getting quite thick and i had one sided pains xxx
Keep ur hopes up lady...hoping u get ur BFP very soon.
Hi girls, i hope you dont mind me joining!

had a mc on friday the 13th, bled from 12th - 16th, passed (what the hosp thinks) was the placenta on Friday, passed another on Sunday so a possibility of twins, HCG on Friday was 641 HCG sunday was 114 HCG Tuesday was 40, have to go back on Tuesday for another test, been getting twinges on my left side so not sure if im OV now, i dont use anything to tell when im ovulating, we just baby dance 3/4 times a week, legs up after it and it worked for us last time haha FX'd it will happen again............soon :) xxx

sorry for your loss, your in good hands here with us ladies :thumbup:
Thank you MrsClark, i will be investing in some OPKs soon i think!

I have another question tho :) im full of questions lol! on Friday 13th my HCG were at 641 Sunday 15th they were at 114 and Tuesday 17th they were at 40 today (20th) i done a cheapy test to make sure it has all left my system and i have a very faint line, do you think this could be leftover HCG? xxx

Yes 40 is enough to result in a pos hpt. Sounds like the hcg levels are dropping quickly so that is a good thing. The doctors should continue to draw your blood until your hcg levels reach pre pregnancy state. I would say within the next 5 days you will be back to normal. :hugs:
I hope you ladies don't mind my joining!

I went in for an appointment yesterday and we found there was no heartbeat. The baby stopped growing around week 9-10, should have been 11wks 2 days yesterday. I had a D&C today as the doctor said it could take several weeks and would be very painful since the baby was further along. I felt it was the right choice for me and my family. I have an 11 month old daughter and have been a wreck since hearing the news, but having my daughter has made it easier she has made me laugh when all I have done is cry. I can't wait to start trying again, which may sound crazy to some people but makes sense to me. Thanks for letting me spill it all on here! I am so sorry for all your losses and congrats to everyone who has already gotten their bfp :dust: to the rest of us

sorry for your loss :hugs: I know we will all get our very sticky bean soon and it will make that bond with our baby that much more special :hugs:
I hope you ladies don't mind my joining!

I went in for an appointment yesterday and we found there was no heartbeat. The baby stopped growing around week 9-10, should have been 11wks 2 days yesterday. I had a D&C today as the doctor said it could take several weeks and would be very painful since the baby was further along. I felt it was the right choice for me and my family. I have an 11 month old daughter and have been a wreck since hearing the news, but having my daughter has made it easier she has made me laugh when all I have done is cry. I can't wait to start trying again, which may sound crazy to some people but makes sense to me. Thanks for letting me spill it all on here! I am so sorry for all your losses and congrats to everyone who has already gotten their bfp :dust: to the rest of us

Wanting to try again asap is not crazy at all. :hugs: It really sucks that you went through that. Did you lose any pregnancy symptoms before they discovered no heartbeat?
I am also looking for Buddies! I had an early miscarriage in December. I tested on Monday and got a positive on a pregnancy test. I am currently 13 DPO and worried that the same this will happen again! My husband and I are not telling anyone until 2nd trimester so I have no female friends to talk to. The hubbs tries but he just doesn't understand. I am driving myself crazy.

I was in the same boat as you recently. I had come to realize that if the worst was going to happen, it was going to happen and theres nothing you can do about it. All you can do is take each day with what you know and that is your pregnant. Enjoy it! (easier said than done i know...) But stressing over the little things or being terrified of loseing it only makes you stress and makes for a long 8 weeks until a scan.

Dont be afraid, you have hubby and us ladies to help support you if somthing were to happen, and you can always know that there is a sticky bean in the future to come. There is one for all of us! :hugs:
I am also looking for Buddies! I had an early miscarriage in December. I tested on Monday and got a positive on a pregnancy test. I am currently 13 DPO and worried that the same this will happen again! My husband and I are not telling anyone until 2nd trimester so I have no female friends to talk to. The hubbs tries but he just doesn't understand. I am driving myself crazy.

I know all about being nervous. I should have a degree in it by now. Most men don't understand bless their hearts. Even when they try to help you can tell they are lost. :hugs:

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