TTC #1, CD 4 -- Who's with me?

:haha: BFP ftw indeed!!

How funny~~ Me too!! I always try to minimize movement/getting up afterward to avoid those little guys sliding out too! :haha:

I hope you're a stomach sleeper then if you have to lay flat on your belly with a pillow prob under your hip. :thumbup: I shall see a July BFP from you~

I'm feeling okay. Stomach cramps every now and then. Sleepiness. Sore bbs. Blood-taste in my mouth a couple times and that's pretty much it. Not much cravings... just craving for food in general! I woke up yesterday morning .. starving!! And have decided to keep some bread by my nightstand! :haha:

Yep... we actually discussed about names a few months ago and pretty set on the name if it's a girl... have 2 candidates for boy names~~

when do you actually starts moving? do you have a lot of things to pack up?
How's life on "the other side"? (the pregnancy forums)

LOL @ "keep bread by the nightstand"! Awesome! baby's growing like a weed, huh? He/she's already the size of a pea ;)
That's not too bad then, for symptoms. I hope you never get morning sickness -- I hear it's quite rough.

Actually, I am a stomach sleeper so this position won't feel as unnatural as lying on my back. I'm always tempted to roll over while I'm waiting, giving the spermies a chance!

That's great that you and your DH agree on some names; DH and I don't agree very often on names, but we did find one boy name we both like and one girl name, so that's a start lol. Are you going with an OB or a midwife?

As for the move, we will have movers come and pack up all our stuff so we don't have to do much at all, which i like lol. We don't have nearly as much stuff as our weight limit allows, so it should be a quick pack up and load. We'll be moving in about 3 weeks, so I'm super excited about that!! Can't wait to live in our new house! My favourite part is that it will be at least 50 years newer than our current place! Yay! :happydance:
hehe.. haven't been much over to the pregnancy forums. Still here in the ttc/journals sites to cheer everyone. :)

Yep, I am very thankful for such minor symptoms. I sometimes worry because of the lack of morning sickness... but I understand that is different for everyone. And maybe I'm still too early. And I'm definitely not complaining! I am enjoying my food as much as I can... :haha:

I'm going with an OB. I haven't done much research in OB or midwife. The OB is someone my sis recommended. So I've decided to go with that. How about you? Would you go with OB or midwife? Not sure what's the pro/con of one over the other.

that's nice that you'll have movers. I HATE moving! with all the packing/unpacking! Oh... 3 weeks is not too far away~~ Sounds exciting!!!

New house.. new environment... and most importantly.. new ADDITION soon!! FX for you hun :hugs:
Lxb Lxb!! I was out of town last week and when I got back on Tuesday I knew I was in my fertile week so I took an OPK and it was positive! At midnight! It was unmistakeably positive; the test line was like 3x darker than the control line (never had that before), so I must have caught my surge right at the peak! Of course, I couldn't wait to jump on DH, and haven't left him for the past 36 hours, if ya know what I mean ;) haha And I lay on my stomach and everything. I'm so excited! :D I also had an internal and external u/s and i saw that my cervix was open. Just to make sure though, I checked at home in the shower, and it was just as open as it showed on the u/s! How cool is that? I asked the tech if she could tell if I ovulated or will ovulate soon, but she said she couldn't 'cause it's hard to see on some people. But she did confirm my tilted uterus. Thanks for the fx :hugs:

I plan to go with an OB too. I looked up the pros and cons before and, to make it simple, OB and midwives do pretty much the same thing except midwives can't authorize medical treatments or procedures. If you're at the hospital, they have to call in a doctor to do that. If you're at home with a midwife, you'll have to go to a hospital. Also, midwives have a more natural approach compared to the scientific approach that OBs use. I personally feel more comfortable with medicine and science for a condition such as pregnancy and labor though lol. Another pro for midwives is that the appointments you schedule with them are usually much longer than your OB ones; the midwives answer more of your questions and take the time to assess you and such.

I'm excited for all that "newness" you mentioned there ;) I truly believe we'll have an American baby <3 and that means I'll be pregs this year! yay!!! Only two more weeks now!! :D
:haha: :haha: Great move on jumping on DH!! I'm soooo excited for you too!!! Here's to your BFP to come!! :drunk:

Ah.. good info on OBs vs. Midwives. Yeah, I also see that midwives approach things on a more natural ways as opposed to scientific approach. Yeah, like you, I think I would feel more comfortable with OB.

Yay for american baby!!!!!!!!! :dance: 2 more wks 'til your BFP! :hugs:
:happydance: for :baby: :hugs:
I don't think we've dtd this much lol -- not since honey moon anyway haha! I'm pretty sure DH's "reserves" are all dried out :p

Have you started window shopping for baby?
Love the icon :baby:

:haha: @ DH's dried out reserves~ Better get back to DTD tonight again! :dance:

Window shopping?? I've always done that before my BFP! :haha: Last week I've actually got some newborn baby clothing!!!! AHHhh... they're sooo cute! They're neutral color. Who doesn't love the little duckies/elephants/giraffe?!?! Will definitely make a list of all the necessarily things and avoid over spending~~

12 more days until the first ultrasound~~ :dance:

I'm a little worry though as I've read some ladies saw they have empty sac on their ultrasound. :cry: Having not much symptoms... I couldn't help but to think what if that's me. Not much I can do right now except to be healthy and wait for the appointment to come by.

How long will you guys be in OKC?
12 Days!!! How exciting!! You'll get to see your little bean growing <3

Uh oh, lxb! Don't think like this! You're going to have a great u/s appointment, and shed a tear of *happiness* none other...But I know what you're saying. I've heard horror stories about first u/s before. I'll be praying for ya!

LOVE the cute animals on baby clothes! I have to resist now and I'm not even pregnant! We've already purchased a big book of bedtime stores, some bibs with cute baby animals and the days of the week, and about 4 colourful rubber ducks for the bath <3 Now we have to steer clear of the baby section in department stores because we'll buy more, and we don't want to get too crazy yet! lol

We;ll be in OKC for a 4-year military posting, so WHEN we have our baby there, he/she'll be about 3 when we leave :D
Oh also, I can't dtd tonight :cry: I think I have "honeymoon cystitis" from all the sex! My bladder took too many hits I suppose...and I just got back from the bathroom where it hurt to pee :( Whyyyyyy!!!! This happened before tho, when we "chain-banged"....The doc gave me pills to take for 2 weeks instead of 3 because we were ttc.
thanks rcafwife :hugs:

9 more days 'til the scan!!! :dance: Hoping that I'll see the little bean... hoping that I'll hear the heartbeats~~

Oh... nice. 4 years is not a short/long time. Hope you'll like your new environment! & hopefully a new addition to keep you busy busy!! :haha:

:haha: looks like you've worked SUPER hard!!! :haha: Don't worry too much about it... relax... and take it easy on your honeymoon BD :haha: it's not good for baby making if you feel sore down there. Besides, you only really need one :spermy: for your bfp~ :hugs:

I went to the doctor today and he said that i have all the symptoms of a UTI but the bacteria test he did on the urine was he said it could just be symptoms of an "irritated bladder". However, he's gonna send it to a lab to double check and call me if they find anything. I just got pills for pain relief. I think I am 4 dpo today so still a while before testing!

Those days will go by SO quickly! Even though it might not seem that way to you ;) Aww heartbeats :)

I'm hoping all that BD'ing paid off, despite all the would be really bad to go through that and not have a BFP, but I'll stay positive until further notice haha.

How are you feeling? Any new symptoms?
How are you feeling today? Any result from the lab yet?

I'm hoping this is it for you hun! :hugs:

I'm feeling okay.... still cramps every now and then. Sore BBs!!! Found myself snacking constantly! Then felt a little sick afterward (At first I thought it was because I ate too much, but maybe it's just a symptom). And the famous sleepiness. 7 more days 'til scan! It's coming.. slowly... :)
6 days til scan!! Yay! Ouch for the sore BBs! Is it so bad that you can't rest on them while in bed,for example?

The doc's office called and said the urine was positive for the bacteria...but that was 3 days ago that they sent it in to the lab. I was hoping that I wouldn't need antibiotics, so I was just chugging cranberry juice and other liquids to flush it out, just in case there was a little bundle inside, ya know? I haven't had the UTI symptoms for the past 2 days, and I told the receptionist this when she called. I'm now waiting to hear what the docs think i should do.

At my other doc's appointment lol I found out that at the time of my ultrasound last week, I had multiple follicles and 1 big one in the left ovary measuring 9mm! So that means I was about to ovulate and we bd the right times then! :D But she kinda made it seem like having multiple follicles in each ovary was bad...but I thought that each cycle, quite a few cells started to mature and whichever one grew the largest was the one to be ovulated. The pain i was having during bd was to the left side so the doc thought that it was because my left ovary was tender from being so close to ovulation...or that it could be a sign of endo! I hope not. So many theories! I'll follow up in OKC with a gyno when I get there tho, just to make sure.

I have just been so tired this past week, from around O time til now. I partly blame it on the moving tasks, but I'm not doing that much work to warrant this intense fatigue. I'm really hoping it's a good sign because it's bordering on narcolepsy haha!!

I'm SO EXCITED FOR MOVING!!!!! DH and I went to visit some cousins of his and they had a rug in their dining room that I absolutely fell in love with and had to get it for our new house lol. It's from IKEA and it's made of sisla fibres which is kinda neat :) And I would LOVE to be bringing home a beautiful bundle next spring to help me enjoy the rug ;P LOL now I'm being silly.

I hope you're having a great day, and send your DH out to get more snacks for you and that growing blueberry <3
Hehe.. I think my sore BBs are much better than what other women are experiencing. Some women said theirs hurt just by putting on or taking off their bra! I find mine hurt more when I first woke up in the morning, I felt the pain when I walked to the restroom to go pee! I'm a stomach/side sleeper... I'm still able to lay on them~ so it's not that bad~ :thumbup: I have a small little pillow that I sleep with... one morning.. as DH leave for work.. the pillow is on the other side of the bed. So DH took and and did a light toss to my chest... and I went.. "Oouch!!" So now he would rest it gently on my side! :haha:

Glad to hear not much UTI symptoms for the past 2 days!

Yay for BD at the right time!!! Feeling very optimistic for you this cycle~~ :dance: Hope it' s not endo~ and just plain tenderness from ovulation~

I hate moving! I can imagine it would be so tiring from all the moving! Remember to take it easy on moving the heavy stuff~ we don't want you disturbing the little bean inside of you~

mm.. IKEA.. which reminded me I haven't been to IKEA for a while. I remember I told DH that our kids will be IKEA kids! They have some cut looking kids furnitures~~ and I loooveee their ice cream!!!!!! And I would LOVE for you to bring home a bundle of joy to enjoy your rug with you~~~

I've been SO hungry lately! I would drink some milk & eat some cookies before dinner. Then would be all full from dinner... and 1 hour later... I would be eating milk + cereal! :haha:
LMAO @ DH laying the pillow gently on your side!

Doc called and said he won't prescribe antibiotics since I'm not symptomatic.

IKEA has some really neat baby high chairs and stuffed toys <3 so cute! Are you near an IKEA?

I read on the internet that when you're pregnant you're supposed to try to eat small frequent meals to help with maintaining a healthy blood sugar level and also to help combat morning sickness (which, thank goodness, you don't have!) But I dunno how easy that would be unless you just only eat half of your meals every couple hours...LOL! But mmmm for milk and cookies <3

I'm gonna go take a nap now 'cause my eyes are starting to water lol
That's good that you won't need antibiotics! How are you feeling?

Oh yes, I live VERY close to IKEA! ~5 minutes away drive?? :haha:

I think they suggested that if you have MS. Saltine crackers and ginger ale will certainly help. Maybe that's why I've been crazing ginger-type stuff lately?? And maybe that helps with MS?

Drank some chocolate milk this morning.. and din't feel too good afterward. Think the little bean doesn't like chocolate milk! So it's either milk or hot cocoa! :haha:
lol picky, picky about the type of milk, huh! LOL

I started getting cramps last night, and that pain through my vj so I think I maybe be out...but my temp this am was 98.0 F so....guess it's not today. I hope it doesn't come tho :( we will see.

Yep - typical MS treatment - saltines and ginger ale or soda water ;) aww I'm so glad you get to experience pregnancy! SUPER happy for you and your DH!!
:dance: Yep~~ Yay for u/s & packing day!!

Yesterday DH asked if I have a baby bump yet... I lifted up my shirt and said.. "I'm not sure if this is a baby bump or fat! :haha:"

high temp is definitely a good sign. And remember... cramps are cramps.. they could be af or bfp~ when is AF supposedly due? I hope she's a no show! :gun: :gun:

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